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World Class Marketing Assessment


1. Schedule a meeting with your marketing leaders to perform this assessment. Ranking Scale

1 - Strongly Disagree
2. In the "Assessment" tab, rank your organization on a scale of 1-5 based on the importance and your competency for each 'best practice'.
2 - Disagree
3. Check the "Results" tab to identify your GAPs and average scores for each category.
3 - Moderately Agree
4. View the "Recommendations" tab for actionable advice and downloadable resources to help you improve your competencies.
4 - Agree

5 - Strongly Agree
World Class Marketing Assessment

Rank the following best practices based on their importance and your level of competency with the drop-down menus provided.

Strategy & Measurement

Description of Best Practices Importance Competency Notes/Comments

Marketing Plans - we have documented marketing strategy and product marketing plans. 4 5

Marketing Budgets - we utilize a zero-based budgeting approach in our marketing planning process, and are inline with
industry benchmarks for revenue/marketing spend ratios. 4 5

Brand Strategy - we have a specific strategy for our brand(s) with objectives, initiatives, targets, and metrics. 4 5

Dashboards, Scorecards, & Metrics - we have defined metrics and targets for our programs (scorecards), and a process
to collect and report on our metrics with a dashboard. 1 2

Analytics - we have analytics software, data warehouses,reporting capabilities, and the skills required to make forward-
looking decisions (such as revenue prediction) based on our business data. 5 3

Prioritization - we have a process and an analytical tool for logically prioritizing all requests for marketing projects. 5 3

Process Documentation - we have documented and standardized all of our key marketing processes such as product
development, strategic planning, campaign execution, program measurement, purchasing, contracting, etc. 5 3

Aligning Marketing & Sales – we have a process for aligning sales and marketing around common business objectives
that yields dramatic improvements in marketing ROI and sales productivity. 4 4

Operational vs. Strategic - Marketing has a seat at the boardroom table, provides proactive & strategic leadership and
does more than just complete operational requests for marketing services & support to the business. 3 1
Operational vs. Strategic - Marketing has a seat at the boardroom table, provides proactive & strategic leadership and
does more than just complete operational requests for marketing services & support to the business. 3 1

Strategic Communications
Description of Best Practices Importance Competency Notes/Comments

Social Media - we are leveraging social media channels effectively to communicate with our customers. 5 2

Mobile Marketing - we have a defined mobile marketing plan that includes a mobile website, applications, etc. 4 4

Public & Analyst Relations - we are happy with the coverage we receive in the media and by analyst firms. 1 2

Marketing Communications Plan - we have a documented marketing communications plan that includes strategies for
enaging all of our key stakeholders both inside and outside of the organization. 3 5

Video - we are using video effectively in our communications and can produce videos in-house if necessary. 5 1

Content Marketing - we have a content production engine that is driving awareness, affinity and new business and we use
both traditional forms such as case studies and whitepapers and modern forms such as infographics. 2 3

Website, SEO & Blogs - we have a great website/blog that has been SEO optimized and receives adequate traffic. 3 4

Product Management
Description of Best Practices Importance Competency Notes/Comments

Product Development Process - we have a standardized process for developing and launching new products. 5 1

Positioning Statement - we understand and have crafted and refined our positioning statement & value proposition. 5 2
Positioning Statement - we understand and have crafted and refined our positioning statement & value proposition. 5 2

Competitive Analysis - we have a defined process for competitive analysis (e.g. SWOT) for strategic review. 3 4

Market Research - we do secondary research and/or hire market research firms to conduct primary research such as
surveys and focus groups to better understand market conditions. 3 3

Market Requirements - our Marketing Plans are based on information gleaned from real market insight and data such as
formal Market Requirements Documents prepared by our Product Marketing & Brand Managers. 1 2

Market Analysis - we do market sizing analysis, segmentation, and segment prioritization regularly. 3 5

Industry Analysis - we regularly perform a PEST industry analysis to explore the implications of Political, Economic,
Social and Technological conditions in our market. 4 4

Pricing - Marketing does formal pricing analysis to evaluate variables such as price elasticity of demand. 4 3

Description of Best Practices Importance Competency Notes/Comments

Customer Satisfaction - we measure Net Promoter Score to gauge customer satisfaction levels. 5 3

Online Community - we have an engaged online customer community that we use for support and idea validation. 4 1

Customer-Centric - our business is market focused and customer-centric rather than product-focused. 3 1

Customer Metrics - we track retention rate, customer lifetime value (CLV) and cost of acquisition metrics. 3 4
Customer Metrics - we track retention rate, customer lifetime value (CLV) and cost of acquisition metrics. 3 4

Customer Loyalty - we have programs in place to measure and optimize customer retention and loyalty. 4 4

Customer Support - we have service level agreements (SLAs) to set expectations with our customers in terms of support
provides and response times. 5 2

Customer Referral Program - we have a formal customer referral program that brings us lots of new business. 4 1

Lead Generation
Description of Best Practices Importance Competency Notes/Comments

Advertising & Sponsorships - we have a process to assess the effectiveness of our advertisements and sponsorships and
are satisfied with the amount of leads we can generate through our campaigns. 3 1

Tradeshows & Events - we know the ROI for each tradeshow we attend, and plan/manage our events efficiently. 4 1

Webinars - we have a successful webinar program in place. We often get over 200 people to attend our webinars. 2 2

Inside Sales - our inside sales team is measured for productivity and keeps our pipeline full of qualified opportunities. 5 2

Direct Marketing - we are competent with email and direct mail marketing and achieve open and click-through rates
above industry averages. 5 2

Marketing Automation - we have automated lead scoring and lead nurturing programs in place. 4 2

Sales Enablement & Support

Description of Best Practices Importance Competency Notes/Comments
Marketing Collateral - all of our collateral and marketing materials are up to date and accurate. 5 4

Sales Enablement - we have an online sales portal that contains all of our sales support materials and has analytics to tell
us which content items are being downloaded, viewed, etc. by our sales team and channel partners. 4 1

Sales Training - our sales training programs are up-to-date and follow best practices methodologies. 4 3

Sales Tools - we regularly develop sales tools such as playbooks, competition references, proposals, scripts, etc. 5 2

Sales Process - we have a defined sales process that aligns to the buying process for our industry. 5 4

Partnerships - we effectively manage our channel partners and have visibility into their pipeline of new business. 5 4
World Class Marketing Assessment

Average Average
Assessment Criteria Importance Competency GAPS Marketing Effectiveness Index & GAPs

Lead Generation 3.8 1.7 2.2

Customer-Centricity 4.0 2.3 1.7

Sales Enablement & Support 4.7 3.0 1.7

Lead Generation
Systems & Technology 4.7 3.2 1.5 Strategic Communications


Staffing & Management 4.0 3.0 1.0 Strategy & Measurement 0.0 Sales Enablement & Support

Product Management Systems & Technology

Product Management 3.5 3.0 0.5 Staffing & Management

Strategy & Measurement 3.9 3.4 0.4

Strategic Communications 3.3 3.0 0.3

Average Totals 4.0 2.8 1.2

World Class Marketi

Effectiveness Drivers Competency Proposed Action Items Training Practical Resou

Strategy & Measurement

Marketing Plans 5 Use a methodology to document marketing strategy and product marketing plans. Developing Marketing Strategy
Strategy Plan Methodology

Marketing Budgets 5 Use a Marketing Budget Template to develop a zero-based marketing budget. Marketing Budget

Use a Brand Assessment Tool to identify areas to improve your brand and document your
Brand Strategy 5 branding strategy with a Brand Strategy Scorecard.
Brand Identity Workshop Brand Assessment Tool

Use a Key Marketing Metrics Dashboard to collect data on key metrics and build a
Dashboards, Scorecards, & Metrics 2 dashboard for all marketing results, and build a marketing funnel to model & forecast.
CEO/CMO Relationship Workshop
Key Marketing Metrics Dashboard

Use a Marketing Measurement Assessment to determine your capabilities to capture and

Analytics 3 analyze critical marketing & business data.
Barriers to Big Data Adoption
Measurement Assessment

Use a Project Prioritization Tool to evaluate your projects based on strategic fit, economic
Prioritization 3 impact and feasibilities and do this prioritization exercise regularly.
Project Management Methodology

Document your key marketing processes for product development, lead acquisition, and
Process Documentation 3 customer buying process.
Product Development Process Diagram

Use a Sales & Marketing Aligment Tool to identify gaps, understand drivers of alignment,
Aligning Marketing & Sales 4 and obtain recommendations for improvement.
Sales & Marketing Alignment
& Marketing Alignment Tool

Use a Marketing & Business Alignment Tool to become a more strategically focused
Operational vs. Strategic 1 Marketing department that delivers on business results.
5 Questions CMO ShouldMarketing
Ask CEO & Workshop
Business Alignment Tool

Strategic Communications
Social Media 2 Use a Social Media Planning methodology to optimize your social media program. Social Media Marketing Course
Social Media Plan Methodology

Mobile Marketing 4 Use a Mobile Marketing methodology to get your mobile program launched. Mobile Marketing TrainingMobile
CourseMarketing Plan Methodology

Public & Analyst Relations 2 Use a Public Relations methodology to improve your PR and analyst relations. PR Plan Training Course Public Relations Plan Methodology

Marketing Communications Plan 5 Use a MarCom methodology to document a marketing communications plan. Marketing Communications

Video 1 Work with your agency or Demand Metric analysts to devise a video strategy. Video Marketing Training Video
CourseMarketing Plan Methodology

Content Marketing 3 Use a Content Marketing methodology to document a content marketing plan. Content Marketing Training
CourseMarketing Plan Methodology

Website, SEO & Blogs 4 Use a Website methodology to improve your website, SEO and blog. Website Redesign Training
CourseRedesign Methodology

Product Management

Product Development Process 1 Use a Product Development methodology to standardize your process. Product Development Training
Development Strategy Methodology

Use a Positioning Statement Worksheet to craft an effective positioning statement that

Positioning Statement 2 speaks to your competitive advantages.
Positioning for Success Workshop
Positioning Statement Worksheet

Use a Competitive Analysis Tool to evaluate competitors on the product level and a
Competitive Analysis 4 Competitor Analysis Tool to evaluate competitors on a company level.
Sizing up the CompetitionCompetitive
Workshop Analysis Tool

Market Research 3 Use a Market Research methodology to improve your research capabilities. Market Research TrainingMarket
CourseResearch Methodology

Market Requirements 2 Use a Market Requirements Document to communicate market needs internally. Product Business Case Building
Market Workshop
Requirements Document

Use a Market Segmentation & Analysis Tool to define your key market segments, identify
Market Analysis 5 market size, and analyze each segment's attractiveness.
Consumer Insights with Facebook
Market Segmentation
Workshop & Analysis Tool
Use a STEP Industry Analysis Tool to document the implications of Social, Technological,
Industry Analysis 4 Economic and Political conditions driving your industry.
STEP Industry Analysis Tool

Use a Break Even Analysis and Pricing Strategy Template to improve your pricing analysis
Pricing 3 and decision-making.
CPQ Solution Study


Use a Customer Satisfaction Survey with the question "on a scale of 1-10, how likely
Customer Satisfaction 3 would you refer a friend" to benchmark your Net Promoter Score regularly.
Marketing with Case Studies
Satisfaction Survey

Online Community 1 Build an online customer community to gain market insights and support customers. Leveraging Public Communities
Online Community Methodology

Use a Customer Profile Template to identify your ideal customer profiles or 'personas'
Customer-Centric 1 and document their behaviors, demographics and psychographics.
CRM Program Training Course
Customer Profile Template

Customer Metrics 4 Calculate customer lifetime value and retention rate on a regular basis. CRM Program Training Course
CRM Metrics Dashboard

Customer Loyalty 4 Develop a customer loyalty program to reward loyal customers. Creative Brand Loyalists Workshop
Brand Loyalty Advantage Guide

Use a Service Level Agreement (SLA) template to document your response times and
Customer Support 2 levels of customer support to demonstate your commitment to service.
Leveraging Public Communities
Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Plan and document how your customer referral program is going to work, then roll-
Customer Referral Program 1 out to the organization.

Lead Generation

Use an Advertisement Evaluation Matrix to evaluate ad quality and an Advertising

Advertising & Sponsorships 1 Calendar & Budget and Online Advertising ROI Calculator to organize ad spending.
Lead Generation TrainingUnderstanding
Course Location-Based Adv Guide

Tradeshows & Events 1 Use an Events methodology to improve your tradeshow process. Event Marketing Training Event
CourseMarketing Methodology

Webinars 2 Use a Webinar Program methodology to optimize your webinar program. Webinar Training Course Webinar Program Methodology
Implement a productivity metrics program for your inside sales reps to improve
Inside Sales 2 results.
Secrets to Lead Gen Success
Productivity Metrics (Daily)

Direct Marketing 2 Constantly test and tweak your email marketing campaigns and landing pages. Email Marketing Best Practices
Email Marketing Lists Guide

Marketing Automation 2 Use a lead generation methodology to get a marketing automation system in place. Secrets to Lead Gen Success
Automation Solution Study

Sales Enablement & Support

Use a Marketing Collateral Management Tool to manage and ensure all of your
Marketing Collateral 4 marketing collateral is up-to-date and distributed correctly.
Content for the Buying Process
Collateral Management Tool

Sales Enablement 1 Use a Sales Enablement methodology to implement a sales enablement solution. Sales Enablement Training
Enablement Plan Methodology

Sales Training 3 Use a Sales Training methodology to train your sales reps to hit quota faster. Sales Training Course Sales Training Methodology

Sales Tools 2 Create Sales Playbooks, Scripts and Objection Response tools to equip your reps. Sales Enablement Best Practices
Sales Playbook

Sales Process 4 Document your sales process and align with your CRM system for daily adherence. Content for the Sales Cycle
Consultative Selling Guide

Partnerships 4 Integrate PRM software with your CRM to gain pipeline visibility in the channel. Channel Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation Guide

Staffing & Management

Identify which areas of training you need to improve on, and then find courses/workshops to
Training Program 5 fill gaps.
DM University DM University

Use a Lessons Leaned Knowledge Base to document best practices and a Intranet
Best Practices 2 Optimization Checklist to help you organize an online library of processes/tools.
Intranet Optimization Checklist

Use a Marketing Skills Matrix to identify which skills your require, which skills you have
Skills Inventory 3 on-staff, and what your skill gaps are.
Marketing Skills Matrix
Use an Agency Selection Tool to define a repeatable process for evaluating each agency that
Agency Selection 5 responds to your RFP to determine which is the best overall fit.
Agency Management PlanAgency
Selection Tool

Use a Creative Strategy Survey Tool to communicate with your agency and provide
Creative Strategy 2 background information regarding your company and brands.
Creative Strategy Survey Tool

Use a Creative Brief Template to standardize your creative briefing process and make this
Creative Briefs 1 template available to all marketing project managers.
Creative Brief Template

Use a Performance Review Template to standardize your staff review process based on their
Performance Reviews 2 skills, behaviors, goals accomplished and attitude.
Performance Review Template

Use a Professional Development Plan to encourage your team to grow in their career with
Career Planning 4 annual career planning meetings.
Professional Development Plan

Systems & Technology

Use a CRM Program Maturity Assessment to audit your CRM program and identify
CRM/SFA 4 areas for improvement.
CRM Program Training Course
CRM Maturity Assessment

CMS 3 Work with I/T to implement a CMS system that is easy for marketing to update.
Content Management
Website Redesign Training Course
Solution Study

Use a Marketing Automation Maturity Assessment & ROI Calculator to assess your
Marketing Automation 4 program and a Marketing Automation Vendor Evaluation Matrix to evaluate
Secrets to Lead Gen Success
Automation Maturity Assessment

If you don't already have a Marketing Resource Management system, do some further
Campaign Planning 2 research to learn how they can streamline your planning and operations.
Marketing Communications
Planing Course
Impression Calculator

Check out a few project management systems like Huddle or Basecamp to see if they
Project Management 2 can improve communications and facilitate workflows.
Project Management
Training Course
Project Management Methodology

If you have a large amount of creative assets, look into a digital asset management
Digital Asset Management 4 system to warehouse and manage all of your assets.
Digital Marketing Landscape
Resource Management Guide
World Class Marketing Assessment

Practical Resources

Product Marketing Plan Methodology

Product Marketing Plan Training Course

Marketing Communications
Development Budget

Brand Strategy ScorecardBrand Loyalists Workshop

Marketing Funnel Template

Sales & Marketing Executive Dashboard

Value of Using Big Data Guide

Learning to Love Analytics Workshop

Project Management Template

Project Prioritization Tool

Lead Acquisition Model Customer Journey Map

Align Sales & Marketing with

& Marketing
Nurturing Alignment
Guide Benchmark Report

Revenue Marketing Transformation

Content Strategy from Journey Maps Guide
Leveraging Pinterest for Business
Social Media
Capabilities Assessment

Mobile Marketing Readiness

a Mobile Friendly Website Guide

Editorial Calendar Template

Media Relations & PR Audit

Marketing Communications
Mapping Tool

Video Marketing SolutionsCreating

Study Successful Online Videos Guide

Content Management
Content Marketing Maturity Model
Solution Study

SEO Maturity AssessmentSEO Keyword Database

Product Marketing Training

Coursea Product Marketing Plan Workshop

Unique Selling Proposition Worksheet

Competitor Analysis Tool Competitive Product Sales Reference

Market Research Report Template

Conducting Effective Surveys Workshop

Product Feature Competitive

Features Prioritization Tool

Product Development Charter

Pricing Strategy TemplateBreak Even Analysis

Assess Satisfaction to Retain Customers Guide

Online Community Readiness

Online Community Adoption Guide

Are You Customer-CentricCustomer

Guide Profile Management Guide

Brand Loyalty DashboardEngaging Customers with Gamification Guide

Twitter for Business Checklist

Understanding Twitter for Business

Advertising Calendar & Budget

Advertisement Evaluation Matrix

Tradeshow ROI CalculatorTradeshow Evaluation Matrix

Delivering Great Presentations

Plan Template
Sales Productivity MetricsSales
Productivity Metrics (Quarterly)

Effective Email MarketingEmail

GuideMarketing ROI Calculator

Marketing Automation Software

GuideVendor Matrix

Sales Experience Quality Marketing

Report Resource Management Guide

Sales Enablement Maturity

Enablement Solution Study

Enablement KM Solution Study

Sales Communication Tools Solution Study

Sales Script Objection Responses Tool

Key Account Planning Tool

Key Account Analysis

Partnership Marketing Assessment

Partnership Evaluation Matrix

Lessons Leaned Knowledge

Project Evaluation
Agency RFP Template

Agency Performance Review

CRM Vendor Evaluation Matrix

CRM System RFP

Web CMS Vendor Evaluation

ToolMarketing Vendor Matrix

Marketing Automation ROIMarketing

Automation Solution Study

Marketing Resource Management

Improve Campaign
Guide Conversion Guide

Project Management Template

Project Prioritization Tool

Optimizing Asset Management

Practices Report

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