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Hansel and Gretel:

A Tale of Bravery and Cunning

In a small village at the edge of a dense and dark
forest, lived two siblings named Hansel and Gretel.
They lived with their father, a woodcutter, and their
stepmother, who was often cruel to them. Times were
hard, and food was scarce.
One day, the stepmother, tired of the children's
presence, convinced their father to take them into the
forest and abandon them there, so they would not be
a burden on the family. Hansel overheard their plan
and collected small white stones, which he dropped
along the path as they walked into the woods, hoping
to nd their way back home.
As night fell, Hansel and Gretel were left alone in the
dark forest. But Hansel's clever plan worked, and
they followed the trail of white stones back home.
Their father was overjoyed to see them, but their
stepmother was furious.
Determined to be rid of the children, the stepmother
convinced their father to take them deeper into the
forest the next day and leave them there again. This
time, Hansel only had breadcrumbs to leave a trail.
However, the breadcrumbs were eaten by birds, and
Hansel and Gretel were lost in the forest. They
wandered for days, hungry and scared, until they
came upon a strange and magical house made
entirely of candy, with windows of sugar and a roof of
Hungry and tempted by the delicious house, Hansel
and Gretel began to eat pieces of it. But the house
belonged to a wicked witch who lured children in with
her sweet home and then captured them, intending to
cook and eat them.
The witch locked Hansel in a cage and put Gretel to
work, feeding Hansel and fattening him up for her
meal. But Gretel, brave and quick-witted, outsmarted
the witch. When the witch asked Gretel to check the
oven, Gretel pretended not to understand and asked
the witch to demonstrate. Seizing the opportunity,
Gretel pushed the witch into the oven and slammed
the door shut, saving herself and her brother.
With the witch defeated, Hansel and Gretel found
their way back home, where they were reunited with
their father. Their stepmother had disappeared, and
they lived happily ever after, grateful for their bravery
and cunning that had saved them from the wicked
witch and the dark forest.

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