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PV-Battery-Diesel Microgrid Layout Design

Based on Stochastic Optimization

M. Hijjo*, F. Felgner*, and G. Frey*

* Saarland University, Chair of Automation and Energy Systems, D-66123 Saarbrücken (Germany)
E-mails: {mohammed.hijjo, felix.felgner, georg.frey}

Abstract—This work presents a layout design method for various degrees of power lack [3]. Nevertheless, the
a grid-connected PV-Battery-Diesel microgrid considering situation becomes even more complicated when
the effect of the applied power management strategy among considering the expected extra cost of fuel transportation
the system’s components. The proposed microgrid is
or a breakdown of the supply chain, which may seriously
dedicated to those areas in the world which suffer from
prolonged grid outages and depend mainly on diesel affect people’s life [4].
generators to cover the periods of power deficit. From this perspective, the deployment of renewable
Conventionally, such hybrid microgrids are designed energy resources (RES) is expected to be a good
assuming two prime impractical hypotheses: namely, a full alternative of energy at the long term. Moreover, the
utilization of the generated power from renewable cooperation between RES and diesel generators can lead
resources, and no losses due to power conversion among
to significant synergies compared with systems
DC/AC buses; both hypotheses lead to specifically optimistic
and encouraging results from an economic point of view. In depending only on diesel fuel in case of outages. The
addition, many approaches do not include the energy most appropriate hybrid system for such situations is PV-
management scheme during optimization. By contrast, the Battery-Diesel, especially where the grid cannot meet the
layout herein is optimized taking into account a developed load demand at every time.
rule-based energy management (EM) scheme and realistic A huge work has been done in this field of research,
power conversion efficiencies, which together play the key
starting from arbitrarily choosing the system components
role in determining the realistic percentage of utilized
renewable energy. The optimization algorithm employs a in case of small loads up to optimizing the needed
Genetic Algorithm (GA), which is one of the metaheuristic capacity of each component according to specific and
stochastic optimization techniques that can provide a predetermined operation strategy of the system [5]-[7].
solution to an optimization problem with less computational Furthermore, the energy management scheme regarding
effort than iterative ones. The simulations are carried out battery operation is often not considered in optimization
using a typical load profile of a hospital in Gaza Strip over a
[5], [9], [10].
one-year period.
This work represents an easy-to-implement method to
Index Terms—PV-Battery-Diesel, Microgrid, Energy design medium-scale, scalable, and self-sufficient
Management, Layout Design, Genetic Algorithms (GAs). microgrids which are ready to be interconnected with the
national grid aiming at healing the weakened grid as far
I. INTRODUCTION as possible. The main contribution of this work is the fact
The technological revolution in the renewable energy that the decision parameters are not only defining the size
sector has led the world to look for new opportunities to of PV generation, battery bank and diesel generator but
handle wide aspects of energy supply—especially also the switching criteria between battery and diesel
offering efficient and affordable solutions—in different generator in case of insufficient PV generation: namely,
societies around the world. An innovative concept which the limits of the state of charge (SoC) at which the battery
utilizes a cluster of loads and micro power sources is and diesel generator are switched on/off. Besides that, we
called microgrid [1]. It is formally defined by the U.S. consider the losses of power conversion and the real
Department of Energy as “a group of interconnected utilization factor of RES after performing the control
loads and distributed energy resources (DERs) with strategy.
clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes
controllable entity with respect to the grid and can the applied microgrid topology referring to the most
connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to common operational constraints or/and hypotheses. In
section III, we describe the main power management
operate in both grid-connected or island modes” [2].
strategy which is developed to dispatch the power
This concept is promising, especially to the regions
efficiently among the components of the system and the
around the world which have an inadequate grid load as well. Section IV presents the optimization
infrastructure or/and an intermittent power from the main framework to select the most appropriate components in
grid and mainly depend on backup diesel generators to correspondence to the optimization goal. Section V
supply their essential demand. Such examples are widely demonstrates a case study of a hospital complex in Gaza
spread in the Middle East, in Africa and in India with

978-1-5090-4682-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 30

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Strip and the corresponding results. Finally, a discussion τ
and a conclusion are provided in Section VI. EB τ
EB 0  PB (t )dt

II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION where PB is the battery power rate (positive in charging
A simple microgrid system is assumed to carry out and negative in discharging), PBmax is the maximum limit
this work. It incorporates PV array, generic electric of the battery power, SoC is the actual battery state of
storage system (ESS) and a diesel generator set (GenSet), charge, EB is the actual energy stored in battery, CB is the
all together representing the proposed backup supply for nominal capacity of the battery.
the critical load, which all are connected to the main grid
D. Diesel Generator:
through the point of common coupling (PCC) as depicted
in Figure 1. The diesel generator is modeled as a linear or quadratic
function which fits the fuel consumption chart given by
EMS the manufacturers [12]. The total fuel cost results from
the integration of the fuel consumption over the time.
PCC AC Equation (6) and (7) represent the total fuel cost (Fc) and
the generation limits of the generator set.
Main Grid PL PD PB PPV

³ aP
Fc ( P)  bP  c dt (6)
Critical Diesel Battery PV
Loads GenSet Storage Array min max
PGen d PGen d PGen (7)
AC zoneG(Grid/Diesel) DC zoneG(PV/Battery) Observably, the power generation efficiency of the diesel
generator is affected by its loading factor (i.e., generated
Fig. 1. Grid-connected PV-Battery-Diesel microgrid (EMS: energy power w.r.t nominal capacity). A typical efficiency chart
management system). for 250 kW diesel asset is illustrated in Figure 2, where
electrical energy produced per liter (kWh/L) is
Following is an abstract model of each system’s
proportionally increased with the loading factor.
component and/or its main operational constraints.
A. Main Grid:
The main grid can have two states: ON (available) and
OFF (unavailable) and can supply the load adequately
whenever it is in ON state. However, a frequent
interruption is imposed because of insufficient national
energy resources or/and restriction on the logistics, which
requires another standby supply. The grid outages can be
planned in advance or take place unexpectedly due to
unpredictable faults.
B. PV Array:
The output power of the photovoltaic array is the total Fig. 2. Diesel generator efficiency characteristics.
sum of the generated power of each panel at standard test
conditions considering the actual irradiance in the field Notably, the diesel price per energy unit is getting
and ambient temperature as well. The applied model for cheaper at higher generation levels. However, it is
each PV panel adopts equation (1) as follows: recommended to leave a safety margin before the highest
GC possible generation limit PGen as a compromise of
PPV PSTC >1  k Tc  TSTC @ (1)
GSTC lifetime and instantaneous efficiency, here it’s chosen at
Further details of the applied model can be found in [11]. Best
85% loading factor and denoted by PGen .
C. Battery Bank: E. Bi-Directional Power Inverter:
The battery bank is also composed of a group of A bi-directional power inverter is required to convert
smaller storage units to give the desired need of energy the power form between AC and DC buses. It is modeled
capacity (kWh). Equations (2) to (5) describe the
considering a constant efficiency factor K C as in Equ. (8)
operational constraints of each single battery (A single
time-slot is considered here as ' 10 min.) Pout Kc Pin (8)
PB d PBmax (2)
EB τ
SoC τ (3) The energy management system (EMS) is the core
controller which routes the power from different
SoCmin d SoC τ d SoCmax (4) resources to supply the load in an efficient manner.

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Therefore, an instantaneous power balance must be allowable SoCstp) is more than the residual of diesel
achieved as depicted in equation (9): generator. An example of the interactions among the
microgrid components according to the applied rule-
based operation policy is explicitly illustrated in Figure 4.
where NPV and NB are the total number of photovoltaic
panels and storage units, respectively, PD is the generated
power by the diesel generator, PG is the power drawn
from the grid utility, PL is the instantaneous load demand
and PLoss is the total unused power, i.e., the lost power
due to power conversion, plus the unutilized solar power.
A flow chart diagram of the developed operation policy
in this work is shown in Figure 3.
SoC ≤ SoCmin

Diesel GenSET
Battery Bank Master Source
Master Source
PL ≤ [0.85×PD (max) = PD(Best)]
Diesel GenSet (OFF) Use the residual capacity up to
PD(Best) to charge the battery
(PL ≥ η.PPV) Discharging
(PL < η.PPV) Charging Keep (PD) as close as
possible to PD(Best)

SoC ≥ SoCstp

Grid is (OFF) Grid is (ON)

Fig. 4. Illustration of a one-day operation of the microgrid.

Grid (ON)
[ Supply unmet load ]
[ Diesel GenSet OFF ] The top figure shows the load profile (blue), available PV
[ Charge the battery by the residual - up to SoCstp ] generation (green), and the available power from grid
(yallow), where these signals represent the main inputs of
Fig. 3. Rule-based operation policy for the proposed microgrid. the EMS to direct the power to the load in an efficient
way. The next figure shows the power extracted/injected
This operation policy adopts a master/slave operation to the battery (green) and the residual amount of PV
based on a pre-defined priority, i.e., the highest priority is generation which could not be utilized neither to supply
given to the renewable energy, then to the grid utility, the load nor to charge the battery (red). The third figure
next to the battery storage system and, finally, to the shows the time-slots in which diesel generator is called to
diesel generator. Besides, discharging process of the supply the load and how much power it supplies (in total)
battery cannot occur with the operation of diesel to cover the unmet demand and charge the battery as
generator concurrently. On the other hand, the charging well. Obviously, it operates almost always on its best rate
process of the battery can occur at times while the diesel ஻௘௦௧
(ܲீ௘௡ ) except in the last period of operation where the
generator is ON. total charge needed to reach SoCstp is less than the
As described in Figure 3, PPV has the highest priority ஻௘௦௧
residual of its generation capacity up to ܲீ௘௡ . The third
to supply the load; if it is insufficient, the grid takes the
figure presents also the power supplied from the grid at
responsibility to supply the residual if the grid state is
times when it is available. Lastly, the bottom figure
ON. In case of insufficient renewable supply and power
illustrates the SoC and how it varies according to the
outage, the battery is imposed to supply the residual load
interactions among the load and the power resources. The
as long as its SoC is above a certain threshold SoCmin.
simulation of this day uses SoCstp = 90% and SoCmin =
Finally, the diesel generator is operated to supply the
40%, and it can be seen that these limits are not violated
unmet load in case that SoC is less than SoCmin. To keep a
while the grid and the diesel asset are ON. However, the
higher fuel efficiency of the diesel generator, its residual
small margin up SoC = 100% is reserved to be covered
power charges the battery up to a certain limit SoCstp if its
in the time of plenty PV generation, hence, SoC can reach
loading factor is less than PGen . Such a criterion can be its maximum limit (100%) and the unutilized power can
met by solving equation (10): be minimized.
PD τ
­ Best
min ®PGen , netD τ 
> ½
¯ ¿
where netD τ is the instantaneous unmet load by PV Basically, it is crucial to find a cheaper and cleaner
supply than diesel in order to cover the essential load of a
generation, i.e., NPVPPV . Hence, the output power of the
facility at a cheaper price of energy over a long term.
diesel generator is kept at its best rate as long as the
Besides, a compromise should be found between the
remaining charge of the battery (to reach its maximum
running cost and the investment capital.

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The optimization algorithm employs a Genetic Here, a weighted sum of the lost or unutilized power is
Algorithm (GA), which is one of the metaheuristic combined with the cost function in order to be
stochastic optimization techniques that can provide a minimized. This adds a new constraint on the problem
solution to an optimization problem with less besides the operational constraints of each component.
computational effort than iterative ones [13]. The final multi-objective penalty function 3 can be
The objective function to be optimized is the total sum formulated as in equation (14).
of the investment and running cost over the annual cost of § ·
the system, where the running cost results mainly from
the purchased energy from the grid and the fuel
3 : Ctot  ¨ w
¨ ¦P ¸
Loss' ¸ (14)
© t ¹
consumption by the diesel generator, and the investment w is a weighting factor that represents the significance of
cost depends mainly on the instalment plan or the this additional constraint. The applied searching method
installation cost of the components (PV panels, Battery is heuristic, however, time-efficient and fully exhaustive
bank, Diesel Generator and the inverter), plus the as the so-called brute-force.
maintenance and replacement cost of some components
The search space of the problem is obviously very large.
such as batteries. Equation (11) represents the
Considering NPV solar panels and NB battery storage units
mathematical formulation of the cost function, equations
with NSoC different levels of SoCmin and SoCstp (which we
(12) and (13) correspond to the detailed mathematical
declared in advance) to choose from, the number of
formulation of the investment and running costs ( Cinv ,
iterations would reach (NPV×NB×NSoC×NSoC) of iterations,
Crun ), respectively. each requiring k evaluations of eq. (1) to (14) if a brute-
Ctot Cinv  Crun (11) force method is chosen to check all possible
Cinv Best
N PV C PV  N B C Bat  PDG C DG (12) combinations (as done, e.g., in [5]); k is the number of
total time slots among the year (here k := 6×8760 =
Crun C f Fc  C g E g (13) 52560). Therefore, the GA is chosen as it enables the
N PV and N B are the total number of PV panels and exploration of a wide range of allotted elements in a
storage units, ܲீ௘௡ is the maximum capacity of diesel much shorter time. In our case, less than 100 generations
generator, ‫ܥ‬௉௏ , ‫ܥ‬஻௔௧ , ‫ܥ‬஽ீ are the prices of a single PV were examined until they converged to a solution (here:
panel, a single storage unit and the corresponding diesel just a few minutes of computation time).
generator, respectively. The parameters Cg, Eg and Cf are
the energy price per kWh from the grid, the total energy V. CASE STUDY
purchased from grid and fuel price per liter considering Al-Shifa’ Hospital in Gaza Strip is taken as a case
transportation and logistics. study where the grid outage is planned in advance [4]. A
A pseudo-code of the applied GA, including a specific fraction of the load profile is chosen as a critical load in
decision on the appropriateness of each candidate 5-tuple the building complex to carry out the simulation where
C of decision variables (Step 4), is depicted in Figure 5. the maximum peak during one year is 71.2 kW and
Each appropriate candidate is evaluated over a one-year minimum load is 25.3 kW with a mean consumption of
load and weather profile to find out the best fitness 42.8 kW and 10.4 kW of standard deviation [8].
function (Equation 14). This statistical information is described by the load
duration curve (LDC) in Figure 6 because it is a powerful
1. Inputs: Weather data, load profile and grid powering states. means to describe a load profile over a relatively long
2. Candidate of decision variables: period.
C := (ܰ௉௏ , ܰ஻ , DG, ܵ‫ܥ݋‬௠௜௡ , ܵ‫ܥ݋‬௦௧௣ )
3. Initialization: randomly seeded possible solutions.
4. Main Control Strategy: Is candidate C appropriate for
energy management scheme? If yes, evaluate the
penalty function. Otherwise, exclude C.
5. Selection: Select the best candidate solution among the
present generation before step in the next generation.
6. Crossover and mutation: The new possible candidate
solution is generated from the parents which survived.
7. Apply the main control strategy again (STEP 4)
8. Termination: after exceeding the time budget or
generation limit or satisfying the minimum criteria. Fig. 6. Load duration curve (LDC) of the load over one year.
9. Output: the values correspond to the best/final solution.
A planned grid outages due to 70% energy deficit in Gaza
Fig. 5. Pseudo-code of the optimization algorithm using GA. Strip is applied [15]. It is scheduled by the distribution
Traditionally, a multi-objective optimization problem company in which the grid is ON for 6 hours and OFF for
is reformulated into a single-objective optimization 12 hours. Generally, the public are notified in advance by
problem using weighted factors and aggregation [14]. such a schedule according to the current deficit and
available supplies.

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A deep cycle lead-acid battery is used as storage unit. The resulted optimized components are listed in Table II.
Besides, the yearly PV production of a single 250W p PV
panel is calculated using the weather data from the TABLE II. OPTIMIZED MICROGRID CONFIGURATION
metrological database METEONORM [16]. The used Parameter Nomenclature Value(s)
storage unit is a Trojan battery model IND17-6V adopted ܰ஻‫כ‬ Number of storage units 140 units
from [17]. It has a 5.55 kWh capacity at 20-h discharging ‫כ‬
ܰ௉௏ Number of PV panels 922 panels
rate and a relatively long lifetime under a low SoC, i.e. ୫ୟ୶ሺ‫כ‬ሻ
ܲ஽ீ Diesel generator capacity 100 kW
2200 cycles at 40% SoC with a nominal price of 1400 $. ‫כ‬
ܵ‫ܥ݋‬௠௜௡ Minimum allowable state of charge 40 %
Its maximum (dis)charging is considered 1/5 of the ‫כ‬
ܵ‫ܥ݋‬௦௧௣ Stop charging threshold from GenSet 89 %
capacity within 1 h to keep healthy operating conditions.
Considering one cycle per day, its annual capital cost is: The annual purchased energy and fuel savings in case of
1430 ($) × [365 (cycles/yr) / 2200 (cycles)] = 237 ($/yr). the proposed system over a one year simulation is listed
In addition, a 250Wp PV panel is considered the kernel of below in Table III. The results are compared with the
the PV array which has a price of 1.9$/Wp including the baseline configuration, which depends merely on diesel
installation, corresponding power electronics, and generator as a backup resource in addition to the
converters for voltage regulation and adaption among interrupting grid.
power bus bars. Assuming a 20-years warranty over the
project lifetime, the annual price of each panel is:
[1.9 ($/Wp) × 250 (Wp)] / 20 (yr) = 24 ($/yr). Diesel &
Diesel &
Parameter Grid-Connected
Four diesel generator candidates to choose from are Grid
assumed in this work by fitting their corresponding fuel Purchased energy from grid (MWh) 124,98 116,12
consumption data [12]. All parameters used in simulation Gross purchasing from grid ($×103) 22,45 20,90
with the corresponding nomenclature and values are Total fuel consumption (L×103) 80,98 3,31
listed below in Table I. Operation Hours (Hr) 5840 153
TABLE I. SIMULATION PARAMETERS Total fuel costs ($×103) 149,8 6,12
Parameter Nomenclature Value The supplied energy from each individual resource in
ܰ஻‫כ‬ Number of storage units [0, 600] both configurations is investigated and listed in Table IV.
ܰ௉௏ Number of PV panels [0, 1000] Besides, the annual and utilized energy from all resources
ܵ‫ܥ݋‬௠௜௡ Minimum allowable state of charge [40, 60] % in both configurations is presented as well.
ܵ‫ܥ݋‬௦௧௣ Stop charging threshold from GenSet [70, 90] %
CB Single storage unit capacity 5.55 kWh TABLE IV. ANNUAL PRODUCED AND UTILIZED ENERGY
SoCint Initial state of charge 75 %
Diesel &
SoCmax Stop charging threshold from PV 100 % Diesel &
Annual Energy (MWh) Grid-Connected
ηb (Dis)charging efficiencies 95 % Grid
ηc Inverter efficiency 95 % Gross purchased energy from grid 124,98 116,12
ܲ஻௠௔௫ Battery (dis)charging power limit േ‫ܥ‬஻ ȀሺͷŠሻ Net load supplied from grid 124,98 96,87
ܲீ௘௡ Diesel generator rated power 100 kW Gross produced energy from diesel 249,9 11,50
Cf Diesel fuel cost per liter 1.85 $/L Net load supplied from diesel 249,9 10,225
Cg Utility grid energy price per kWh 0.18 $/kWh Total produced energy from PV – 404,16
DG* Set of available diesel generators 75,100,175,250 kW
Net load supplied from PV – 267,78
ο Time slot (1/6) h Total energy of the load 374,88
(*) parameter to be optimized.
The simulation is carried out using MATLAB Obviously, the gross and net supply either from grid or
optimization toolbox and converged under these diesel in the old configuration are the same. By contrast,
circumstances to a final penalty value around 0.22 as with the microgrid, the net supply from any of the
depicted below in Figure 7. This value expresses mainly resources is less than the gross produced or purchased
the levelized energy price per kWh and the inherent energy in the system. The main reason of that is the lost
increasing due to the non-utilized PV energy as declared energy due to power conversion among the system’s
previously in equation (15). components. In addition to that, some non-utilized energy
is lost in case of the microgrid because the battery is fully
charged and the load is satisfied at the same time.
In addition to the previous indices, the net share of PV is
another important index which accurately indicates the
real benefit of deploying the RES in the system and gives
a better realization of the presented outcomes. It can be
described by two values, the RES utilization factor (UF)
and penetration level (PL) which both are defined in
equations (15) and (16) as follows:
Fig. 7. Convergence of penalty function over GA generations.

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