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Your Grace, if you'd like to sit, I'm sure that. 陛下 您乐意坐坐的话 我确信
We've been here since midday. Game.Of.Thrones.S04E06
Easterners have a difference sense of time, I've 我经常发现东方人的时间观念与我
often found. 们不同
Once, I was waiting for Salladhor Saan here in 有次 我在布拉佛斯等萨拉多 ·桑
Braavos. 恩
Together, we were going to run three shiploads of 我们要一起运送三船上好的
the finest.
Welcome to the Iron Bank. 欢迎来到铁金库
Please, sit. 请坐
What can we do for you, Lord Stannis? 有什么可以效劳的 史坦尼斯大人
This is Stannis of the House Baratheon, 你们面前的是拜拉席恩家族的史坦
King of the Andals and the First Men, 安达尔人和先民的国王
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the 七国的统治者暨全境守护
The Iron Throne is currently occupied 现今占据铁王座的
by Tommen of the House Baratheon, 是拜拉席恩家族的托曼
King of the Andals and the First Men, 安达尔人和先民的国王
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the 七国的统治者暨全境守护
He shares no blood with me. 他不是我的血亲
He is a bastard born of incest. 他是乱伦所生的孽种
As was his brother before him. 和他死去的哥哥一样
Yes, we have heard this story. 是的 我们听过这个故事
It's not a story. It's the truth. 这不是故事 这是事实
The king's grandfather tells a different story. 国王的外祖父有不同的故事
A story about a jealous uncle 讲的是嫉妒心作祟的叔父
whose attempts to usurp the throne from the 企图篡夺合法国王的王座
rightful king
cost the Seven Kingdoms dearly in blood and gold. 使得七大王国付出了无数鲜血和金

Gold you loaned him. 你借给他的金子
And you feel your blood gives you a claim on our 而你认为血统给了你向我们讨金子
gold? 的资格
More than any man living. 世上没人比我更有资格
Across the Narrow Sea, your books are filled 狭海对岸 你们的书中充斥着
with words like "usurper" and "madman" "篡夺者" "疯子" "血统继承"
and "blood right." 这些字眼
Here, our books are filled with numbers. 在这里 我们的书里满是数字
We prefer the stories they tell. 我们更喜欢用数字讲述的故事
More plain. 更直白
Less open to interpretation. 更难曲解
How many fighting men remain loyal to you? 你麾下还有多少兵士
And how many ships do you have? 你有多少艘船
The ones still afloat, Ser Davos, 还浮在水上的 戴佛斯爵士
not at the bottom of Blackwater Bay. 不是沉在黑水湾底的
And how much wheat and barley and beef 你们龙石岛上出产多少
and pork do you produce on Dragonstone 小麦 大麦 牛肉 猪肉
to feed your 4,000 men on your 32 ships? 养活这四千人和三十二艘船
None. 没有
You can see why these numbers seem unlikely to add 你也看得出为何在我们看来
to a happy ending from our perspective. 这些数字预示不出美好的结局
I'm afraid we must respectfully decline your 恐怕我们只好婉拒你的请求
But we thank you for paying us the honor of your 但是还要多谢你亲自光临
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My lord. 大人
I'm not a lord, Ser Davos Seaworth. 我不是大人 戴佛斯·席渥斯爵士
You would not be either here. 你在这儿也当不了爵爷
In Braavos, 在布拉佛斯

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