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My name 我的名字
is Grey Worm. 是灰虫子 Game.Of.Thrones.S04E04
I come from 我来自
the Summer "Ills." 盛夏群鸟
Isles. 群岛
Summer Isles. 盛夏群岛
Summer Isles. 盛夏群岛
I am from an island called Naath. 我来自纳斯岛
When they took you? 他们什么时候抓你
"When did they take me?" 我是什么时候被抓的
I was five years old. 那年我五岁
You remember your home? 你记得你的家乡吗
I remember when they rowed us away from shore. 我记得被他们抓上船离开海岸
How white the beaches were. 沙滩那么白
How tall the trees. 树那么高
And I remember my village burning. 我记得我的村子燃起大火
Smoke rising into the sky. 烟直冲到天上
Do you remember your home? 你还记得家乡吗
Unsullied. 无垢者
Always Unsullied. 一直都是无垢者
Before Unsullied, nothing. 成为无垢者之前 什么都没有
That's not true. 不是那样的
Perhaps one day you will return to the Summer 或许有一天你会回到盛夏群岛
I don't want return. 我不想回去
Kill the masters. 杀死伟主
Kill the masters. 杀死伟主
How are the lessons coming? 教学顺利吗
Very well, Your Grace. 非常顺利 陛下
Missandei is teacher good, my queen. 弥桑黛是好老师 我的女王
You'll have to continue later. 你们得改天再学
It's time. 时候到了
Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa! 母亲 母亲 母亲
Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa! 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲
Mhysa! Mhysa! 母亲 母亲
Remind me, Ser Jorah, 提醒我一下 乔拉爵士
how many children did the Great Masters nail to 伟主们在路标上钉死了多少儿童
163, Khaleesi. 一百六十三人 卡丽熙
Yes, that was it. 没错 就是这个数
Your Grace, may I have a word? 陛下 我有一言 可讲与否
The city is yours. 这是您的城市了
All these people, they're your subjects now. 这里所有人都是您的臣民
Sometimes it is better to answer injustice 有时用仁慈回应不公
with mercy. 收效更好
I will answer injustice with justice. 我要用正义回应不公
What the hell was that? 这是搞什么
That was me knocking your ass to the dirt 这是我用你自己的手
with your own hand. 打得你嘴啃泥
You're a rare talent. 你倒是天赋奇才
When you're fighting cripples, anyway. 最擅欺负残废
You learned to fight like a good little boy. 你学的是乖娃娃打架
I'll bet that thrust through 我敢打赌 你背后捅疯王那一剑
the Mad King's back was pretty as a picture. 招式也一定美如画
You want to fight pretty or you want to win? 你要打得漂亮还是要赢
You talk to my brother this way? 你跟我弟弟也这样讲话
All the time. 一直这样
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He got used to it. 他早习惯了
Do you think he did it? 你说是他干的吗
No. 不是
Oh, he hated the little twat, sure. 他自然恨那个小变态

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