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group#4 - day 1

what is climate change ?

diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming

natural causes of climate change

human-made causes
of climate change

effects of climate change

what is climate change ?

Climate change describes a change in the

average conditions — such as temperature
and rainfall — in a region over a long period
of time. For example, 20,000 years ago, much
of the United States was covered in glaciers.
In the United States today, we have a warmer
climate and fewer glaciers.
what is climate change ?

Global climate change refers to the average

long-term changes over the entire Earth.
These include warming temperatures and
changes in precipitation, as well as the
effects of Earth’s warming.
diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming


•It is what you experience when you step outside on any

given day. In other words, it is the state of the
atmosphere at a particular location over the short term.
•Weather can change quicly, from one moment to the next
and over short distances.
diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming


•It is the average of the weather

patterns in a location over a long period
of time, usually 30 years or more.
• Climate change, on the other hand,
change slowly.
diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming

• The terms ‘global warming’ and

‘climate change’ are often used
interchangeably. But though they
share many similarities, they are
slightly different things
diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming


• The term ‘global warming’ refers directly to the

process of the Earth’s average surface
temperature rising.The temperature of the Earth’s
climate has always changed slightly, but in the
past 50 years, and particularly the last 30, these
changes have accelerated rapidly.
diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming

diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming

• Because it’s down to changes in a

process commonly known as the
greenhouse effect
diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming


• Certain gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, such as

carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat from the Sun,
making our home planet a comfortable place to live.
But when excess amounts of these greenhouse gases
enter the atmosphere, temperatures begin to shift.
diffirences between climate change,
weather, and global warming


•Is the result of global warming. It refers to

significant changes in the Earth’s climate system
which can lead to extreme weather patterns, causing
wildfires, desert expansions and rising sea levels.
natural causes of climate change

Natural causes of climate change:

1. Orbital Changes: Long-term variations

in the Earth's orbit around the Sun,
known as Milankovitch cycles, can
influence climate patterns over
thousands of years.
natural causes of climate change

2. Volcanic Eruptions: Emissions from

volcanic eruptions, including gases, ash,
and particles, can temporarily cool the
Earth's climate by blocking sunlight.
natural causes of climate change

3. Movement of Crustal Plates: Natural

movements of the Earth's crust, such
as plate tectonics, can impact climate
patterns regionally and globally.
natural causes of climate change

4. Variation in Solar Radiation: Natural

fluctuations in the Sun's energy output
can cause changes in the amount of
solar radiation reaching the Earth,
affecting temperature patterns.
natural causes of climate change

5. El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO):

Natural climate variations in the Pacific
Ocean, known as El Niño and La Niña, can
influence weather patterns globally.
human-made causes of
climate change

Human made causes of Climate Change

As greenhouse gas emissions blanket the

Earth, they trap the sun’s heat. This
leads to global warming and climate
change. The world is now warming faster
than at any point in recorded history.
human-made causes of
climate change

• Generating power

Generating electricity and heat by burning

fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas
causes a large chunk of global emissions.
Most electricity is still produced from fossil
fuels; only about a quarter comes from wind,
solar and other renewable sources.
human-made causes of
climate change

• Manufacturing goods

Manufacturing and industry produce emissions,

mostly from burning fossil fuels to produce
energy for making things like cement, iron,
steel, electronics, plastics, clothes and other
goods. Mining and other industrial processes
also release gases.
human-made causes of
climate change
• Cutting down forests

Cutting down forests to create farms or

pastures, or for other reasons, causes
emissions, since trees, when they are cut,
release the carbon they have been storing.
Since forests absorb carbon dioxide, destroying
them also limits nature’s ability to keep
emissions out of the atmosphere.
human-made causes of
climate change

• Using transportation

Most cars, lorries, ships and planes run on fossil

fuels. That makes transportation a major contributor
of greenhouse gases, especially carbon-dioxide
emissions. Road vehicles account for the largest part,
but emissions from ships and planes continue to grow.
human-made causes of
climate change

• Producing food

Producing food requires energy to run farm equipment

or fishing boats, usually with fossil fuels. Growing
crops can also cause emissions, like when using
fertilisers and manure. Cattle produce methane, a
powerful greenhouse gas. And emissions also come
from packaging and distributing food.
human-made causes of
climate change

• Powering buildings

Globally, residential and commercial buildings

consume over half of all electricity. As they
continue to draw on coal, oil and natural gas
for heating and cooling, they emit significant
quantities of greenhouse gas emissions
human-made causes of
climate change

• Consuming too much

Your home and use of power, how you move

around, what you eat and how much you throw
away all contribute to greenhouse gas
emissions. So does the consumption of goods
such as clothing, electronics and plastics.
effects of climate change

As greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth,

they trap the sun’s heat. This leads to global
warming and climate change. The world is now
warming faster than at any point in recorded
history. Warmer temperatures over time are
changing weather patterns and disrupting the
usual balance of nature. This poses many risks
to human beings and all other forms of life on
What is climate change? (n.d.). NASA Climate Kids.
• What’s the difference between climate and weather? (n.d.). National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

• Plc, U. (2023, September 7). What’s the difference between global warming and climate change? Unilever.

Climate Science Investigations South Florida - Causes of climate change. (n.d.).

United Nations. (n.d.-f). Generating power | United Nations.

What are the effects of climate change? (2022, October 24).
group#4 - day 2
Problems of Climate Change in
human lives and the world

Solutions to Climate Change

Why Climate Change

discussed in this subject?

Importance of knowing Climate Change

Solutions to Climate Change

Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way

we travel, to the electricity we use and the food we
eat, we can make a difference. Start with these ten
actions to help tackle the climate crisis.
Solutions to Climate Change

• Save energy at home

Much of our electricity and heat is powered by coal, oil

and gas. Use less energy by lowering your heating and
cooling, switching to LED light bulbs and energy-
efficient electric appliances, washing your laundry with
cold water or hanging things to dry instead of using a
Solutions to Climate Change

• Walk, cycle or take public transport

The world’s roads are clogged with vehicles,
most of them burning diesel or petrol. Walking
or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce
greenhouse gas emissions – and help your
health and fitness. For longer distances,
consider taking a train or bus. And carpool
whenever possible.
Solutions to Climate Change
• Eat more vegetables

Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains,

legumes, nuts and seeds, and less meat and
dairy, can significantly lower your
environmental impact. Producing plant-based
foods generally results in fewer greenhouse
gas emissions and requires less energy, land and
Solutions to Climate Change
• Consider your travel

Aeroplanes burn large amounts of fossil fuels,

producing significant greenhouse gas emissions.
That makes taking fewer flights one of the
fastest ways to reduce your environmental
impact. When you can, meet virtually, take a
train or skip that long-distance trip
Solutions to Climate Change

• Throw away less food

When you throw food away, you're also wasting

the resources and energy that were used to
grow, produce, package and transport it. And
when food rots in a landfill, it produces
methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. So use
what you buy and compost any leftovers.
Solutions to Climate Change
• Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle

Electronics, clothes and other items we buy

cause carbon emissions at each point in
production, from the extraction of raw
materials to manufacturing and transporting
goods to market. To protect our climate, buy
fewer things, shop second-hand, repair what you
can and recycle.
Solutions to Climate Change

• Change your home's source of energy

Ask your utility company if your home energy

comes from oil, coal or gas. If possible, see if
you can switch to renewable sources such as
wind or solar. Or install solar panels on your
roof to generate energy for your home.
Solutions to Climate Change
• Switch to an electric vehicle

If you plan to buy a car, consider going electric,

with more and cheaper models coming on the
market. Even if they still run on electricity
produced from fossil fuels, electric cars help
reduce air pollution and cause significantly
fewer greenhouse gas emissions than petrol or
diesel-powered vehicles.
Why Climate Change
discussed in this subject?

T - Technology is the
modern way to disseminate
factual informations
Why Climate Change
discussed in this subject?

R - Relevant issue to be
discussed on the internet
Why Climate Change
discussed in this subject?

E- Environmental dilemma
studied by the researchers
and experts.
Why Climate Change
discussed in this subject?

N - Not a trend, but a

pressing issue.
Why Climate Change
discussed in this subject?

D - Digital-based of
expounding knowledge and
collecting data.
Why Climate Change
discussed in this subject?

S - Strengthen awareness
and empower human about
climate change.
Problems of Climate Change in
human lives and the world

The effects of climate change include rising sea

levels, altered precipitation patterns, increased
frequency or severity of some extreme weather
events, and warming temperatures. Because of these
effects on the food we eat, the water we drink, the
air we breathe, and the weather we experience, our
health is at risk.
Problems of Climate Change in
human lives and the world

The Effects of Air Quality

The air we breathe, both inside and outside, is

impacted by climate change. Asthma attacks and
other respiratory and cardiovascular health
effects can result from poorer air quality caused
by warmer temperatures and changing weather
patterns.[1] Wildfires, which are predicted to become
more frequent and intense as climate change occurs,
produce smoke and other harmful air pollutants.
Problems of Climate Change in
human lives and the world

Impacts Related to Temperature

Increased heat-related deaths in the United States

are predicted to reach thousands to tens of
thousands of additional deaths annually during the
summer months by the end of the century due to
warmer average temperatures, hotter days, and more
frequent and prolonged heat waves.
Problems of Climate Change in
human lives and the world

Food Protection and Nutrition

Food distribution can be slowed or disrupted by

extreme weather events, and climate change and the
direct effects of increased atmospheric carbon
dioxide concentrations are predicted to have an
impact on food safety and nutrition.
Problems of Climate Change in
human lives and the world

Adverse Reactions to Water

If drinking or recreational water is contaminated,

people can get sick. Because of rising temperatures,
more frequent and intense rains and runoff, and the
effects of storms, climate change raises the risk of
illness. Health effects could include liver and kidney
damage, neurological and respiratory system effects,
or gastrointestinal illnesses like diarrhea.[1]
Problems of Climate Change in
human lives and the world

The effects of severe weather events

The health of people is put at risk both during and

after extreme weather events, such as storms,
flooding, extreme precipitation, and droughts. The
most vulnerable groups are the elderly, young
children, and those with disabilities or medical
Problems of Climate Change in
human lives and the world

Mental Health

A person's mental health can suffer greatly from

any changes to their physical well-being or the
environment in which they live. Extreme weather
events, in particular, can lead to stress and other
negative effects on mental health, especially when
someone loses loved ones or their house.
Importance of knowing Climate Change

Scenes of flooding and storms show us just how

much weather and climate can affect our lives.

Climate affects nearly every aspect of our lives,

from our food sources to our transport
infrastructure, from what clothes we wear, to
where we go on holiday. It has a huge effect on our
livelihoods, our health, and our future.
Importance of knowing Climate Change

Climate is the long-term pattern of weather

conditions in any particular place.

We know that our climate is changing due to humans,

and these changes are already having a big impact on
our lives.
Importance of knowing Climate Change

It’s important that we understand how the climate is

changing, so that we can prepare for the future.

Studying the climate helps us predict how much rain the

next winter might bring, or how far sea levels will rise
due to warmer sea temperatures.

We can also see which regions are most likely to be

affected by extreme weather, or which wildlife species
are threatened by climate change.
Climate impacts on human health | Climate Change impacts | US EPA. (n.d.).

United Nations. (n.d.). Actions for a healthy planet | United Nations.

Sueres, J. (2018, July 9). The impact of digital technologies on the gathering, production and dissemination of news. Medium.

Why is climate important? - NCAS. (n.d.). NCAS.

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