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Mind out. 当心
Move! 快走 Game.Of.Thrones.S08E03
Look, on the west wall! 看 西城墙上
Get down to the crypt! 下墓窖去
Just hold. 等等
We'll take him. 把他交给我们吧
- Come on, help the lads! - Yes, my lady. -快 帮助他们 -是 小姐
Quickly, now! Quickly! Get those in position. 快点 快 把东西搬到位
- Come on. - Close the gate! -快 -关城门
That's it. 好了
Oh, for fuck's sake. You took your time. 老天爷 你可真是不急不慢
Do you speak their tongue? 你说他们的语言吗
Tell them to lift their swords. 叫他们举剑
Valar morghulis. 凡人皆有一死
Valar dohaeris. 凡人必须侍奉
Open the gate! 开城门
Open the gate! 开城门
Open the gate! 开城门
Come. Come on. 来 来
Easy. 没事
There's no need to execute me, Ser Davos. 你不必处死我 戴佛斯爵士
I'll be dead before the dawn. 我会在天明前死去
The Night King is coming. 夜王来了
The dead are already here. 死人军团已经到了
Stand your ground! 守住阵地
Get down to the crypt. 下墓窖去
I'm not abandoning my people. 我不会抛下我的部属
Take this and go. 拿上这个 去吧
I don't know how to use it. 我不会用
Stick them with the pointy end. 用尖的那端去刺敌人
Edd! 艾迪
Edd! 艾迪
Sam, get up! 山姆 起来
Oh, God. Sam. 天呐 山姆
Edd! 艾迪
Fall back! Fall back! 撤退 撤退
Fall back! 撤退
Come on! 快
Open the gate! 开城门
Open the gate! 开城门
Let us in! 让我们进去
Open the gate! 开城门
Open the gate! 开城门
Keep moving! 快走
Come on! 快
- Keep moving, fast. - To your posts. -快走 -守住岗位
- Go! - Keep moving! -快 -快走
Come on, run! 快跑
Keep moving! 快走
Dany! 丹妮
Grab your weapon now! 快拿武器
Guard the barricades! 守住屏障
Through that pass! 过隘口
Close up the gaps! 封上缺口
Go! Hey! Go! Go! 快走 快走
Get in! Get in! 快进去
Get in! Come on! 快进去 快
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Move! 快
- Come on! - Come on! -快 -跟上
-Come on! - Come on! -快 -跟上
Protect the gate! 守住城门

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