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一年 ___班 座號:___ 姓名:__________

一、聽力測驗 20%:( 10 題,每題 2 分 )
(A) (B) (C)

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(A) (B) (C)

(A) (B) (C)

(A) Hey, Jay. Don’t touch the ball.
(B) That’s for sure. Come on, Jay.
(C) Everything is possible in a tennis game.
(A) He shares his early life in Taiwan.
(B) He is looking for a good book for his classmates.
(C) Sure. He can do that. He has lots of great ideas.
(A) Yes, your phone is here.
(B) Yes, you can share it with me.
(C) Sure, it’s on the desk.
(A) They cook dinner together.
(B) They study in the library together.
(C) They play sports together.
(A) The ticket for the soccer game is five hundred dollars.
(B) There is a soccer game this weekend.
(C) The man and the woman will(將會)watch the game at home.
(A) She doesn’t want to wait.
(B) She doesn’t like juice.
(C) She wants some strawberry milk.
(A) He teaches his son and daughter.
(B) He has seven classes.
(C) He makes breakfast.
二、字彙測驗20 %:( 10題,每題 2 分 )
1.幾乎_______ 2.持續_______ 3.選擇 _______ 4.發展_______ 5.想法 t_______
6.________ Ann: Please teach me how to u_____d my film to Youtube. Tim: No problem.
7.________ What does the word really mean? Can you say that a______n?
8.________ I have two t_______ for the badminton game. Let’s go to the game together. It can be fun.
9.________ My parents are j____g in the park now.
10.________ Soccer is a (an) t____m sport. Players must practice and play together every day.
三、文法測驗20 %:( 10題,每題2分)
( ) 1.選一個正確的句子
(A) Mina can play tennis well, but her sister isn’t. (B) A: Can you wait for me? B: No, I don’t. I’m very busy.
(C) Many boys love video games, but Peter and Ted aren’t. (D) My uncle can’t play badminton, and he can’t play tennis.
( ) 2.A: _____ do you do in the library? B: We study for math tests there.
(A) What (B) How (C) Where (D) Who
( ) 3. A:How much is the video game? B: It’s nine_____ dollars .
(A) hundreds (B) hundred (C) hnndreds of (D) hundred of
( ) 4. We have _______.
(A) homeworks today (B) guitar lesson on Tuesday (C) a nice basketball (D) no the school on Sundays
( )5. 選出正確的句子
(A) Those boys play badminton every Mondays.
(B) What can your sister do?
(C) They must studying for the test.
(D) Andy can only study and prepare the English tests on Wednesday.
( )6. _______ you late to school ? Yes, I ____.
(A) Are, am (B) Do, do (C) Are, do (D) Are, does
( )7. I practice ______ every Monday . (A) playing the tennis (B) plays tennis (C) playing tennis (D) playing a tennis
( )8. Who ________ the doors this week? Jane and Mary ________.
(A) close, are (B) closes, does (C) closes, do (D) close, do
( )9. ______ David busy on Monday mornings? (A) Can (B) Is (C) Does (D) Doesn’t
( )10. The old man over there is like Tom. He ______ his father.
(A) can’t be (B) must (C) must be (D) isn’t
四、依上下文選入適當的代號10 %:( 10空格,每格1分)
( A ) How much ( B ) steal ( C ) over ( D ) on ( E ) It’s on me. ( F ) with ( G ) Where
( H ) for ( I ) Give me a break ( J ) I’m not sure.
1. In a volleyball game, players must get the ball __1.____ the net in three touches. .
2. Amy: __2.___ do you play tennis every day? John: In the gym.
3. Every player ___3.___ the team practices basketball __4.____ three hours after school.
4. A: Can you help me clean the bathroom? B:____5.____ ! I’m really busy now.
5. Andy: I don’t have enough (足夠的) money for my lunch. Tim: Don’t worry. ____6.___
6. A: __7._____ is the bag? B: I don’t know.It’s a gift from my aunt.
7. Amy helps ____8.____ my homework every evening.
8. Tony is a good basketball player, he can score and _ __9.____ the ball in the games.
9. Nancy: Where is your brother? Cindy: __10.____. Maybe (也許) he is in the kitchen.
五、閱讀測驗10 %:( 5題,每題2分)
(A) Players Never Give Up
The life of a player is never easy. At the National Sports Training Center, players train for many hours a day, from early
morning to late evening. At the NSTC, players train every day. Some players run, some swim, and others jump rope. Sometimes,
they get hurt during training, but they do not give up. Sometimes, they are sick, but they do not stop. They train again the next
In many sports, people often care about the trophies, but they seldom notice the players’ hard work. There is a lot of effort
behind each story. Let’s cheer for them all.
 never 從不 national 國家的 train 訓練 center 中心 get hurt 受傷 trophy 錦標 effort 努力
( )1. What does the writer want to tell us? mainly 主要地
(A) There is much hard work behind a trophy.
(B) Players train from early morning to late evening.
(C) Players at the NSTC have different kinds of training.

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(D) 以上皆非
( )2. What do we know about the players at the NSTC?
(A) They seldom get hurt.
(B) They only care about trophies..
(C) They work hard and seldom give up.
(D) 以上皆非
Color can change anything. Last September a famous paint company, Pantone, released a new type of red color. This red’s
name was “Period.” Pantone released it so people would think about menstruation.Period is a bright, strong red color. To make it,
Pantone worked with a women’s health company, Intimina. A few years ago, it started a project, Seen + Heard. This project hopes
to make people comfortable when they talk about menstruation. Millions of women and girls experience menstruation. However,
many people treat it as something dirty. In Nepal, some women must sleep outside their homes during menstruation. In the US,
some girls skip school because menstruation embarrasses them. A lot needs to change. With Period, Pantone is telling people to
feel comfortable with menstruation.
 Pantone 彩通,一家專門研究色彩系統的供應商 company 公司 release 公佈 period 月經 menstruation 月經
bright 明亮的 project 計畫 million 百萬 experience 經歷 treat 對待 Nepal 尼泊爾 embarrass 使困窘不安
( ) 3. What is this story mainly about?
(A) Women are angry with the paint company Pantone.
(B) A paint company is using a color to fix a social problem. social 社會的
(C) Pantone discovered a new, cleaner type of paint last year. 
(D) A women’s health company wants to stop the pain of menstruation. pain 痛苦 疼痛
( ) 4. What is true about “Seen + Heard”?
(A) Intimina worked to start this social project.
(B) It is the name of a women’s health company.
(C) Pantone started this project after it made Period.
(D) It is a line of new Pantone colors about social problems.
( ) 5. How do some people treat women badly because of menstruation?
(A) People in Nepal don’t allow women to sleep during menstruation.
(B) Some girls in Nepal are afraid to go to school during menstruation.
(C) In one country, women cannot sleep in their homes during menstruation.
(D) In the US, many girls feel sad to wear red clothes during menstruation
六、依提示作答:12 % (每題 2 分,共 10 分)
1. Does she do her homework at twelve ? (用 5 點鐘詳答)
2. Does your brother have breakfast every morning ? (肯定詳答)
3. Writers develop their ideas into stories. (依畫線部分造原問句)
4. Tom’s father doesn’t like films. (造原問句)
5. He has time for tests, too. (改為否定句)
七、填入適當的動詞形式:10% (每題2分,共10分)
1. My brother ________ ( teach ) in a junior high school near my house now.
2. Lisa is a homeschooler (在家教育者). She _______(study) every day, but she doesn’t study at a school.
3. It’s now 5:45 and my mom _______ (cook) dinner in the kitchen. We can eat dinner soon.
4. Shh… Mom and Dad are sleeping now. Please ________ (be ) quiet.
5. Larry likes animals, and he_______ (have) a puppy in his house.

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