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Automotive Functional Safety = Safety + Security

Simon Burton Jürgen Likkei1 Marko Wolf

ETAS GmbH Priyamvadha Vembar2 ESCRYPT GmbH
Atlas House Robert Bosch GmbH, Leopoldstraße 244,
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1 +49 711 811 34530
ABSTRACT by the standard helps to develop systems that are protected against
Standard approaches to functional safety as described in the hazards arising from random hardware failures or systematic
automotive functional safety standard ISO 26262 are focused on failures in the design (e.g. software bugs), the potential for the
reducing the risk of hazards due to random hardware faults or safety of the system to be compromised by deliberate
systematic failures during design (e.g. software bugs). However, manipulation is currently considered outside the scope of the
as vehicle systems become increasingly complex and ever more standard. In other words, additional measures are required to
connected to the internet of things, a third source of hazard must prevent hazards occurring either deliberately as a malicious attack
be considered, that of intentional manipulation of the or unintentionally as a side effect of manipulations performed
electrical/electronic control systems either via direct physical with other motivations in mind (e.g. “chip tuning” to improve
contact or via the systems’ open interfaces. This article describes engine performance).
how the process prescribed by the ISO 26262 can be extended
with methods from the domain of embedded security to protect
the systems against this third source of hazard.

General Terms
Management, Design, Reliability, Security, Standardization.

Automotive Functional Safety, ISO 26262, Embedded Security,
Common Criteria

During the last 25 years, the automotive industry has seen an
exponential rise in the number of safety-relevant
electrical/electronic (E/E) enabled vehicle functions [1]. These
functions are not only increasing in number, but also in Figure 1: Lane departure system architecture with potential
complexity, authority over the control of the vehicle and the level points of attack
of interaction between them. Consider for example, a lane assist That this threat is real, and that it can cause considerable damage,
function, variants of which are already available in a number of is evidenced by a number of successful attacks – although at this
vehicles currently in series production. This function uses visual point most of them were instigated by research teams. In 2010, for
inputs correlated with a number of other vehicle parameters to example, a production vehicle in the U.S. was subject to
determine whether an unwanted change of lane is being successful manipulations of the vehicle electronics that included
performed. The system then warns the driver and corrects the individually braking the wheels and even disabling the brakes
direction of the vehicle, e.g. through applying force on the altogether. [3]. As the vehicle functions become ever more
steering column. To perform this function safely, the system complex and the market pressure to integrate the vehicle into a
depends heavily on the reliability of inputs from a diverse set of modern “internet of things” increases, so do the potential attack
sources, the timely and correct activation of actuators to perform vectors. These include direct physical access to vehicle networks,
the corrective and warning actions and the coordinated interaction for example via the On Board Diagnostics connector under the
with other systems. The safety implications associated with this dash or a CAN (Controller Area Network) network routed through
type of function are obvious, with the risk of hazards such as the external mirrors. It is also increasingly possible to gain access
unwanted steering, suppression of evasive maneuvers and over- to the vehicle systems without physical access, whether using
steering associated with failures in the components or the design. software installed onto smart-phones, Bluetooth-enabled hands-
The introduction of the ISO 26262 [2] international standard for free telephone functions, wireless tire pressure sensors, direct
functional safety in passenger vehicles has greatly increased the internet access through the infotainment systems and in future
awareness within the industry for the issues involved in functional vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure systems. Figure 1
safety and has driven significant improvements in the describes a typical vehicle network architecture with the set of
development practices accordingly. While the process prescribed ECUs (Electronic Control Units) involved in coordinating a lane

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SecurIT’12, August 17-19, 2012, Kollam, Kerala, India
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departure function and potential points of security attacks (not all discuss another significant area of the safety process where an
electronic control units are shown for brevity, a typical modern integrated approach to security is required, that of the safety case.
vehicle will have between 60 and 100.) The paper concludes with a summary of the main findings and
recommendations of the paper.
The security evaluation methodology ISO 14508 (Common
Criteria) [4] defines a set of criteria for evaluating and certifying
security-critical applications. These criteria consist of a catalogue 2. OVERVIEW OF THE ISO 26262
of pre-defined security functional requirements that the evaluation METHODOLGY
target claims to fulfill as well as pre-defined levels of assurance The approach to functional safety as described in ISO 26262 can
that give insight on how deep the evaluation of this claim has be broadly summarised as a risk-oriented one. During the concept
been done. The evaluation is carried out by an evaluation phase of the development of the item, hazard analysis techniques
laboratory and supervised by a governmental institution. As such, are used to assess the safety risk associated with failures of the
evaluations up to a certain evaluation assurance level (EAL) are system. Based on these hazard scenarios, safety goals with an
internationally accepted [5]. The criteria are accompanied by the associated target ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity Level) are
Common Methodology for Information Technology Security derived and used to drive the development of a system safety
Evaluation [6] describing the methodology behind a CC security concept that includes measures for mitigating against the risk of
evaluation. failures causing hazards (e.g. use of redundancy or monitoring
The authors believe that the ISO 26262 framework can be mechanisms). The ASIL level can range from “QM” meaning no
extended, inspired by guidelines such as Common Criteria, to additional measures above and beyond standard quality
provide a solid basis for protecting against functional safety management techniques are required through to “ASIL A”, the
hazards that are not only caused by random hardware failures or lowest safety-relevant level and “ASIL D”, the highest. This
systematic failures in the design, but also as a result of direct system safety concept is in turn used to iteratively derive more
attacks on the system. The paper will describe an integrated, detailed system, hardware and software technical requirements
holistic approach to integrating security techniques into the safety supported by the application of analysis techniques such as
process. FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) and FTA (Fault Tree
Analysis). These analysis techniques are used to analyse the
To clarify our aims, we distinguish between several primary effects of faults in the system (either inductively or deductively
motivations for engineering secure systems. On the one hand the respectively) and are used to identify additional safety measures
customer requires the security features for a product (motivated and confirm the robustness of the design. The development
for example by privacy, anti-counterfeiting, theft-protection lifecycle as described by ISO 26262 can be summarised as shown
market/regulatory requirements, etc.). The Common Criteria in Figure 2.
represent a framework for determining whether and how far a
product’s security goals have been met by design and
implementation. In a broadly accepted taxonomy given in [7],
security and dependability are considered as properties of a
computing system, with safety classified as an attribute of
dependability. On the other hand, the security features could be
motivated primarily by safety needs. The ISO 26262 definition of
functional safety as “absence of unreasonable risk due to hazards
caused by malfunctioning behaviour of E/E systems” [2] could be
extended to define hazards also as “potential sources of harm
deliberately caused through intentional manipulation of system
behaviour with respect to its design intent”. Security would then
be considered as a measure for achieving these extended goals. In
this paper, we will be focusing on this second objective as a Figure 2: An overview of the functional safety development
means of integrating security approaches into the (automotive) process
safety process. The resulting approach is a rigorous safety analysis
including consideration of security threats in the safety concept. The measures described in ISO 26262 are targeted towards
The proposed security analysis, of course, could be extended to reducing the risk of hazards caused by random hardware faults
protect against non-safety relevant security threats such as loss of and systematic failures. The scope and strength of these measures
privacy, circumvention of legally mandated restrictions, etc. to is dependent on the ASIL derived from the hazard assessment and
derive a general security concept for the system with a wider risk analysis. These measures can be categorized into product and
scope than just safety relevant threats. process measures. Examples of process measures for protecting
against random hardware failures are the use of qualified
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 begins with an
overview of the process and methodology described by the ISO
26262 safety standard. The following section summarises the
adaptations to the process that are required to additionally prevent
hazards occurring from direct manipulation (the embedded
security cases) and discusses several of the extensions to the
process in more detail, focusing on the analysis methods, giving
examples of how techniques from the security domain can be
integrated into the safety process. Section 4 then goes on to

Table 1: Excerpt of an example hazard analysis and risk assessment according to ISO 26262: 3-7
Hazard Situation Severity (S) Exposure (E) Controllability ASIL Safety Goal
Hazard 1: Inadvertent Motorway S3: Loss of E4: Very C3: Difficult to D Safety Goal 1: The counter
activation of counter Speed>120 control of typical driving control or steering shall only activate if
steering km/h vehicle could scenario (e.g. uncontrollable a significant risk of straying
Heavy traffic lead to fatal daily commute) from lane has been
injuries confirmed and traffic
conditions imply this was
Safety Goal 2: On detecting
an incorrect behaviour, the
lane assist function shall be
immediately deactivated.
Hazard 2: Motorway S3: Loss of E4: Very C3: Difficult to D Safety Goal 3: The amount
Overreaction of the Speed>120 control of typical driving control or of counter steering that can
lane assist function km/h vehicle could scenario (e.g. uncontrollable be applied shall be limited to
(too much counter Heavy traffic lead to fatal daily commute) a maximum of 5 degrees
steering) injuries from the current position.
… … … … … … …

hardware components with a known failure rate, application of derive additional security goals focused on preventing and
redundancy in the design, diagnostics (e.g. short cut detection) detecting such attacks. These security goals are then used to
and self-test. Examples of product measures for protecting against derive a combined system safety and security concept. This in turn
system failures are the use of modular designs, programming leads to a number of technical security measures that are mapped
guidelines and defensive programming techniques. Additional at the system, hardware and software level. More detailed safety
process measures further reduce the risk of systematic failures analyses performed at the technical system, hardware and software
being introduced into the product as well as ensuring that all due level are then equally extended with a security perspective to
diligence is taken when applying the safety measures. ISO 26262 derive further detailed technical security requirements and
also defines the concept of a safety case for the system as an validate the system design. These extensions are summarised in
argument built upon evidence created by the development process Figure 3.
that all safety goals of the system have been sufficiently met.
The following sections illustrate these extensions with some
examples based on the lane departure system introduced in
Section 1.

3.1 Combined safety and security goals

ISO 26262 requires a hazard analysis and risk assessment to be
performed during the system concept phase. The purpose of this
analysis is to “identify and categorise the hazards that
malfunctions in the item can trigger and to formulate safety goals
related to the prevention or mitigation of the hazardous events, in
order to avoid unreasonable risk” [2]. The analysis method has
its focus on the intended function of the system rather than its
technical implementation and it is typically performed by
Figure 3: Safety process extended with security activities combining hazardous events with a situation analysis of when
these hazardous events can occur. Depending on the risk
3. A COMBINED SAFETY AND SECURITY associated with the combination of hazard severity (S), probability
ANALYSIS of exposure to the situation (E) and likelihood of the situation
The integrated approach to safety and security described here being controlled in a manner to avoid the hazard (C), an
closely follows the risk-oriented process already defined by the Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) is assigned. Safety
ISO 26262 as described above. The possibility of hazards goals are then derived to prevent or reduce the risks associated
occurring as a result of direct attacks or manipulation of the with the hazard. This analysis is often performed in a series of
system is considered during the hazard analysis phase and used to moderated workshops with attendance from a broad range of
system and safety experts. The results are typically recorded in
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
tabular form. An example excerpt of a hazard analysis and risk
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that assessment for a lane assist function is shown in Table 1.
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy The hazard analysis and risk assessment method does not lead
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, directly to the identification of specific security goals for the
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
Conference’10, Month 1–2, 2010, City, State, Country.
Copyright 2010 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0010…$10.00.

Table 2: Example attack scenarios and associated risk excerpt from the misuse case analysis used to derive the safety-
assessments relevant security goals of the system.
Attack Impact ASIL Security Goal There are a number of mutual effects between the two types of
Scenario/Misuse cases on analysis techniques described above that are of benefit to the
safety overall integrity of the system. Both methods rely on an
goal(s) understanding of the function from a total systems point of view,
including all interfaces to external systems as well as assumptions
Maliciously control Safety D Security Goal 1:
about the behaviour of all actors in the system, e.g. reaction of the
steering through Goal 1 The Lane
driver in critical situations, ease of access to the system by non-
manipulation of the Departure
expert attackers, etc. By explicitly documenting these assumptions
Lane Assist Function System shall
during the analysis, targeted tests can be performed to validate
that the assumptions hold in the target environment and can
therefore be used as a valuable input into the test and quality
hidden function
planning phase. In addition, applying these two differing
approaches to system analysis at this phase increases the chances
Inadvertently cause Safety D Security Goal 2:
of critical risks being identified as the security threat analysis may
oversteer through Goal 3 Prevent
lead to hazards being identified that were not yet discovered
manipulation of system tampering with
during the hazard and risk analysis. However, the analyses may
(e.g. installation of or installation of
also lead to conflicting requirements. Examples of potential
counterfeit parts) counterfeit parts
conflicts are the trade-off between performance overheads for
associated with
process security functions vs. hard real-time safety requirements
the lane assist
to respond to hazards within a fixed period of time or the conflict
between “fail safe” and “fail secure” states.
… … … …
From this point onwards in the process the set of combined safety
system. However, when designing the system concept it is and security goals can be treated in the same way in terms of the
important to take both the safety and the security goals into level of rigour in documenting and tracing the goals as they are
account. Therefore, we recommend extending the hazard analysis iteratively refined and validated throughout the process. The
and risk assessment phase with a security threat analysis. From a associated ASILs of the goals determine which additional process
functional safety perspective the security analysis must only be measures as defined by the ISO 26262 should be applied when
performed if the hazard analysis has identified safety goals and the implementing and testing the gaols and their derived
system has the potential for security threats that may violate these requirements.
goals, i.e. it is not a closed system (has communication interfaces, Obviously there may be other motivating factors (economic,
update possibilities etc.). reputation, privacy, etc.) apart from safety why a security threat
The purpose of the security threat analysis is to identify the analysis may be prudent at this phase. Automotive misuse cases
security goals used to derive the security requirements on system heavily depend on the actual application analysed and the
design, implementation, and evaluation. A typical approach to corresponding attacker model (e.g., vehicle owner vs. competing
performing security threat analysis is to first determine the manufacturer). Next to potential encroachments on safety-relevant
attacker model in terms of primary motivation, skill level, possible functionality, automotive security misuse cases can be, for
access to the system, and equipment available. The next step is to instance, circumvention or manipulation of warranty or legal-
determine the attacker’s goals based on the target of the attack, the driven protection functionality such as installing counterfeits, chip
motivation and goal attractiveness. Typical attacker models in the tuning, or mileage adaptations. Other misuse cases are related to
automotive domain can be for example, criminals with the intent unauthorized access to protected information such as IP theft by
to bypass theft prevention systems or with the aim of blackmailing competitors, theft of infotainment data by the vehicle owner or
a premium OEM with the leverage of loss of reputation, potential privacy intrusions by a third party (e.g., stealing address books).
liability suits, etc., or highly skilled experts from the academic Attack scenarios could also be derived from existing security
community with the goal of achieving prestige and reputation for policies, legal requirements, related business cases, or historical
novel security research. The application of Misuse Cases [8] is a security issues. These motivations however are out of scope of
common technique for identifying and analysing such attack this paper.
scenarios based on an actor-based model of the system. A Misuse
Case for the lane assist function “Activate Lane Assist Function” 3.2 Functional Safety (and Security) Concept
may be for example, “Maliciously control steering through The next step in the ISO 26262 methodology is to iteratively and
manipulation of the Lane Assist Function”. After the misuse cases in a traceable manner refine the safety goals into a detailed system
have been identified, they are analysed to determine whether they design and a set of technical requirements on the individual
pose a potential safety risk. This is performed by determining the system components. The purpose of the functional safety concept
safety goals that may be violated as a result of the attack. A result is to derive the functional safety requirements on the item from
of this analysis may also be that additional hazards and associated the safety goals and allocate these requirements to architectural
safety goals are identified that were not yet considered in the elements in the system. It is at this level that the safety measures
hazard analysis and risk assessment. For those misuse cases and integrity requirements of the system are defined and mapped
identified with a safety risk, a security goal is defined and to components. These measures could include, for example,
assigned the ASIL of the associated safety goal. Table 2 shows an redundancy and diagnostics. It is in this phase of design also, that
the safe states of the system are defined. That is, the state which

Table 3: Excerpt from the functional safety concept
Safety Goal ASIL Safe state Functional Safety Requirement Allocated to
Safety Goal 1: The counter D Lane departure FSR 1: The lane assist function shall Driver assistance ECU
steering shall only activate if system is inactive. only activate after travelling at > 100
a significant risk of straying km/h for 3 minutes without a change of
from lane has been confirmed lane.
and traffic conditions imply FSR 2: The lane departure recognition Driver assistance ECU
this was unintentional. shall be implemented using two
distinct, separately developed
algorithms. The function is only
activated if both algorithms agree.
FSR 3: Counter steering shall only be Steering Column ECU
applied while no other steering force is
being applied by the driver. If steering
force is applied by the driver after
counter-steering has been activated,
then the counter-steering shall be
cancelled with 0,1 seconds
… … … … …

The system shall maintain to prevent hazards from occurring or The security system assets of the Lane Assist function are as
the state that should be transitioned to if a potentially dangerous follows:
failure is detected. Table 3 shows an excerpt from the functional  Firmware: Executable functional code and configuration
safety concept for the lane assist function based on a derivation of (calibration) parameters
the functional safety requirements and safe states based on the
safety goals. Model-based approaches to modelling and analysing  Communication messages to and from neighbouring
safety and security concepts based on models of the functional functions and between sub- functions
system architecture and technical system architecture [11]  Hardware resources for executing of the function
demonstrate much potential for supporting automated analysis and
validation of the safety and security concepts.  Network resource (delay, bandwith) for communication
between the components involved in the function.
The authors suggest deriving a combined safety and security
concept to ensure a consistent implementation of the safety and
security goals, resolving potential conflicts in the design. The
extensions to the safety process described here involve analysing
the security goals in more detail to identify the potential attack
paths through the system. These are then in turn analysed
according to their attack potential (the amount of effort required
to successfully mount the attack). The attack potential is then used
as the measure of the level of additional security measures
required to protect the system against these potentially hazardous
attacks. While refining the safety and security goals into technical
requirements at the system design level, additional hazards and
threats can also often be identified and fed back into the hazard
and security threat analysis phase.

To derive the system security concept from the security goals, the Figure 4: Analysis of system structure of the Lane Assist
system structure is first analysed to define the trust boundaries, Function.
identify the system security assets and system entry points so that
the threats on the system security assets can be identified and the Attack Trees [9] are a useful method for finding the particular
attack scenarios/misuse cases mapped accordingly. Figure 4 paths of attack for certain security assets and thereby derive the
shows a system structure analysis for the lane assist function for attack potential and functional requirements on the security
the misuse case “Maliciously activate the Lane Assist Function concept required for protecting against these attacks. Figure 5
under hazardous conditions”. As shown in the diagram, for this shows an (incomplete) attack tree for compromising the Security
example, the assumption has been made that the sub-networks for Goal “Prevent activation of the steering function through
chassis control and driver assistance, powertrain and body malicious manipulation.”. The attack tree analyses the system in
functions are trusted, that is, no threats are anticipated from within terms of its security assets, trust boundaries and access points to
these boundaries. These assumptions can be made, for instance, identify possible chains of events that can lead to security
by excluding certain attacker models (e.g., internal attacker) or by breaches. This analysis is then used to identify the attack potential
referring to other independent protection measures (e.g., physical for each attack path, i.e. the effort required to successfully
protection). complete the attacks.

Figure 5: Attack tree for Security Goal 1 of the Lane Assist function

Table 4: Analysis of the attack potential for Security Goal 1 based on the common criteria evaluation
Security Goal Safe state ASIL Attack Path Common Criteria Evaluation Attack
(CEM, B.4.2.3) Potential
Security Goal 1: Prevent Lane Assist D Remote manipulation, Elapsed time: Weeks (3) 12
activation of the steering system is  Manipulated Specialist expertise: Expert (6)
function through malicious inactive. communication, Knowledge of target: Restricted
manipulation.  Additional messages, Information (3)
 Manipulation of SW Access: Unlimited, App download (0)
functions of other Equipment: Standard (0)
Physical manipulation, Elapsed time: Days (1) 22
Software update through Specialist expertise: Expert (6)
debug pin before Knowledge of target: Sensitive
execution such that Information (7)
functional behaviour Access: Moderate (4)
violates safety goal Equipment: Specialized (4)
… … …

The risk associated with the security goal is calculated as a amount by which the risk shall be reduced to an acceptable level.
function of attack potential and damage potential. The Common This can be achieved by reducing the attack potential of critical
Criteria can be used to determine the attack potential, i.e. the attack scenarios by defining measures that hinder the attacker,
difficulty of the attack path as described. Wolf and Scheibel [10] prevent the threats altogether or by reducing the severity of the
describe a method for quantifiable the security risk associated attack by redesigning the function to result in a lower ASIL. Table
with such systems as a means for identifying a suitable amount of 4 demonstrates the application of this technique and how it can be
risk reduction measures. In the case that attack scenarios can be used to derive a set of attack potentials for a given security goal.
related to the violation of safety goals, the damage potential of The common criteria are used to assess the attack potential of the
these are directly derived from the ASIL of the associated safety attack scenario and with the attack potential being calculated as
goal. The combination of attack potential and ASIL defines the the sum of the individual criteria factors [10]. Additional security

Table 5: Excerpt from the functional security concept containing security requirements derived from the attack tree analysis
Security Goal Safe state ASIL Functional Security Requirement Allocated to component
Security Goal 1: Prevent Lane departure D FSecR 1: It shall not be possible for Head Unit,
activation of the steering system is untrusted applications to trigger the Phone Interface
function through malicious inactive. transmission of messages over the vehicle
manipulation. bus.
FSecR 2: The lane assist function shall Driver Assistance ECU,
detect if messages are sent from an Steering Column ECU
unauthorised device
FSecR 3: It shall not possible to update Gateway,
the software ECUs associated with the Camera ECU,
lane assist function without the explicit Driver Assistance ECU,
authorisation of a trust center (secure ABS ECU,
software download and activation). Steering Column ECU,
Engine Control ECU
… … … … …

measures are then added to the system design to increase the respect to its robustness with regard to the safety goals. In other
attack potential to a level appropriate with the to the damage words, the ability of the system to maintain a safe state despite the
potential (ASIL). For an ASIL D function as in the example, a presence of hardware faults or systematic design errors. The most
typical target level of attack potential will correspond to a highly popular of these analysis techniques is FMEA (Failure Modes and
skilled attacker, requiring months of effort with specialised Effects Analysis) [12] which is prescribed for all ASIL levels
equipment and “insider” knowledge of the system. from A to D. FMEA is categorised as an inductive analysis
Table 5 shows an excerpt from the functional security concept technique as it analyses effects of failures in a “bottom-up”
detailing how the functional security requirements derived from approach by considering how failures in individual components
the attack tree analysis are traceably refined from the security can propagate through the system to become a hazard. ISO 26262
goals and allocated to system components. As part of the system prescribes the use of inductive safety analysis techniques for all
design, these functional security requirements are further refined ASIL levels during the system design, hardware design and
into detailed technical requirements at the hardware and software software design phases, with the depth of detail in the analysis
level. For example, the functional security requirement: “FSecR being chosen accordingly. Deductive approaches such as Fault
3: It shall not possible to update the software ECUs associated Tree Analysis as a complementary approach are prescribed for
with the lane assist function without the explicit authorisation of systems with an ASIL of C or D. The attack tree approach
a trust center (secure software download and activation).” can be described in Section 3.2 is an example of a deductive analysis
refined into a set of technical requirements on the method of approach and is roughly analogous to fault trees.
encrypting and activating software downloads to the ECU, An FMEA analysis is particular effective at validating the
hardware security modules within the ECU for storing private effectiveness of the technical implementation of safety concept. It
keys as well further requirements on the communication medium achieves this by analysing, for each component in the scope of
used to connect to the ECU and organizational constraints analysis (e.g. system level components such as ECUs, sensors,
including key management during production, workshop actuators, etc. or hardware level components such as memory,
processes etc. Once the functional security concept has been power transistors, microcontrollers, etc.), the set of possible
defined, the analysis can be repeated to validate that an failure modes. For each failure mode, the possible effects and
appropriate level of attack potential has been reached and further associated severity (S) and potential causes are identified as well
enhancements to the concept added if required. as the probability of prevention (P) and detection (D) based on
ISO 26262 places a number of conditions on the way safety existing measures in the system. These criteria are assigned
requirements are documented, traced, maintained and quality numerical values (typically between 1 and 10) based on
assured. These constraints should be directly applied to the predefined criteria such as those defined by the VDA [13]. Each
functional security requirements derived using the method value mode is then assessed according to its Risk Priority Number
described above. In particular, the ISO 26262 demands that all (RPN) calculated by multiplying the severity, prevention
safety-related requirements are clearly identified as such in the probability and detection probability values. If failure modes of
documentation. The method we have described here clearly components are identified that lead to a RPN above a certain
fulfills this constraint. By relating the security goals directly to the threshold (e.g. dependent on the ASIL), then additional measures
impacted safety goals as well as to the derived functional security in the form of further technical requirements, tests etc. are defined
requirements and the allocated system components, these until the analysis leads to an acceptable set of RPNs.
traceability conditions are fully met. Key to a systematic and complete FMEA is the identification of a
suitable set of criteria for identifying failure modes. Standardised
3.3 Analysing the technical safety and hardware component failure modes are defined in Annex D of
security concept Part 5 (Development at the Hardware Level) of ISO 26262. For
system and software level analyses the identification of failure
ISO prescribes the use of safety analysis methods at the system,
modes is typically performed based on a set of keywords.
hardware and software design level. The primary goal of these
Example keywords for identifying functional failures of
analyses is to validate the technical design of the system with
components are: “no output”, “unexpected output”, “course

Table 6: Excerpt from a software level FMEA performed for the Camera ECU
SW Function Failure mode Effect S Potential cause Prevention P Detection D RPN
measures Measures
Calculate lane Lane position Counter-steering 10 Camera ECU Calibration can be 8 No possibility 10 800
position data is plausible is applied as soon  software is performed using to detect
but deliberately as the speed deliberately re- standard incorrectly
incorrect. E.g. threshold for calibrated to workshop calibrated
Offset from activating the give incorrect equipment, no system if
center. (Subtle function is results. encryption of manipulated
wrong) reached. (Safety calibration data. in the field.
Goal 1, Security Masquerading Remote 5 Communicati 2 100
Goal 1). of valid message intervention (e.g. on between
IDs by an via Phone Camera and
“intruding” interface) Driver
ECU. prevented by Assistance
firewall concept ECUs is
between encrypted.
infotainment and
chassis busses
implemented in
the Head Unit and
Gateway ECUs.
intervention still
… … … … … … … … …
Transmit lane Lane position Lane position data 10 Weaknesses in Rigorous review 4 Hardware 2 80
position data is is not the scheduling and schedulability watchdog
transmitted with synchronised with concept of the analysis of SW mechanism
a delay (result other vehicle data SW are used to reset
too late) used by the lane exploited in a ECU if task
assist function to targeted attack misses its
identify a “lane to cause the deadlines.
straying” communication If no camera
situation. task to miss received, the
Counter-steering deadlines. lane assist
is applied when function
not required. deactivates
(Safety Goal 1,
Security Goal 1)
… … … … … … … … … …

wrong”, “subtle wrong”, “result too early” and “result too late”. have been overlooked at the level of the attack tree analysis.
The FMEA approach can be extended to include the validation of
The resulting RPNs of such a security and safety oriented FMEA
the security concept by making two key changes. First of all,
are correlated against the attack potential identified during the
when analysing the effects of failure modes, not only the potential
initial threat analysis. That is, threats that have been identified as
violation of safety goals should be assessed but also the violation
having a low attack potential figure (i.e. can be executed at a low
of the security goals (that may in turn lead to a deliberate or
cost) and nevertheless a high damage potential (ASIL of
unintentional violation of the safety goals). In particular, the
potentially violated safety goals as a result of the attack) should be
analysis should take into account the impact that failures of
counteracted by a particularly robust security concept, which will
hardware components or errors in the software may have on the
be validated by all failure modes in the FMEA relating to the
security concept, in order to identify potential weaknesses in the
security goal having very low RPN numbers. Table 6 shows an
design that may be exploited by targeted attacks. Secondly the set
excerpt of a software level FMEA for the Camera ECU
of keywords used to identify the failures shall be extended and
component with some example failure mode analyses for several
interpreted in the context of security. For example, the keyword
components. As can be seen, the second and third failure
“subtle wrong” often used to indicate faults that lead to plausible
mode/cause pairings lead to a sufficiently low RPN value and
but nevertheless incorrect data can be extended to include
therefore no additional measures are required. For the first failure
deliberately manipulated data. The keyword “unexpected output”
mode/cause pairing a weakness in the security concept has been
can be extended to include data that has been deliberately injected
identified and additional measures, in the form of revised security
into the system (e.g. additional CAN messages). By extending the
requirements are required.
FMEA analysis in this way, additional security threats and
weaknesses in the system can be identified that may otherwise

Figure 6: Excerpt of the safety case for Safety Goal 1

during development. In doing so, the safety case “knits together”

4. AN INTEGRATED SAFETY CASE the evidence contained within the development artefacts to
The ISO 26262 defines as an integral part of the safety process the
provide a coherent and defensible argument for functional safety.
creation of a safety case. The standard defines the safety case in
The Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) [15] has been successfully
the glossary as an: “Argument that the safety requirements for an
used in a safety-critical industries number of industries for a
item are complete and satisfied by evidence compiled from work
number of years as a means for visualising and documenting the
products of the safety activities during development.” However,
hierarchical structure of the safety argument and is also attracting
the normative part of the norm is less clear about the requirements
increasing interest at a number of automotive manufacturers and
on the safety case with the requirement that it should
suppliers (e.g. see [16]).
“progressively compile the work products that are generated
during the safety lifecycle” implying that a simple collection of Figure 6 shows an excerpt of a safety case for Safety Goal 1
the relevant project documents is sufficient. Luckily, the described using GSN and how, in addition to the main strands of
guidelines part of the standard offer a more comprehensive argument that HW faults do not lead to hazardous situations and
interpretation, inspired by approaches used for a number of years sufficient measures are taken to avoid systematic faults (both lines
already in mature safety-critical industries such as nuclear and of argument not detailed further in the figure), the risk associated
aerospace [14]. Here, the safety case is defined as follows: “The with intentional manipulation of the system has also been
purpose of the safety case is to provide a clear, comprehensive adequately addressed. Safety goals or derived assertions are
and defensible argument, supported by evidence, that an item is represented in the notation as rectangular boxes. Strategies for
free from unreasonable risk when operated in the intended arguing the goals are described in the trapezoids. Any
context.” assumptions that were made during development that are relevant
We believe that this structured approach to constructing a safety to the validity of the safety case must be documented – see oval
case has the potential for tangible benefits in terms of objects annotated with A. The documentation of these
demonstrating the safety of the system. In this approach, a safety assumptions is critical as unless these assumptions can be
case would be constructed for each system safety goal describing confirmed, the safety case argument does not hold. These
the strategies for meeting the goals and referencing assumptions assumptions therefore form a major contribution to the quality and
and justifications made during the analysis and development in a test plan of the system and direct evidence should be collected
top-down manner. Work products, such as analyses, reviews, test (e.g. targeted tests, analysis of driver behaviour, reviews, field
cases, etc. are referenced to provide the direct evidence that the observations, etc.) and referenced at some point in the safety case.
assertions, justifications and assumptions are valid and to provide Finally, at the “leaves” of the argument tree, direct evidence in the
the traceability in the argument between the strategy for achieving form of work products are referenced (graphically represented as
the safety goals and effectiveness of the actual measures taken circles), in combination are sufficient to confirm the referencing

goal or assertion. The safety case can be hierarchically Version 3.1, Revision 2, September 2007, Part 3: Security
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security related aspects ensures the necessary transparency to [6] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security
allow for independent parties to validate that the system is indeed Evaluation, Version 3.1, Revision 2, September 2007,
adequately safe. It also is an effective means of capturing best Continually maintained as ISO 18045.
practice in the development of such concepts that can be reused as
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show that there are significant similarities between the safety and December 1999.
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approach. [10] Scheibel, M.,Wolf, M., 2009, Security Risk Analysis for
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