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College of Education


Prepared By:
Alvarina, Rhyan
Corder, Caitin Aiah
Prudente, Kennedy
Jaradal, Christine Joy
Betuin, Rica Joy A.
Nunez, Gerald S.
Agosto, Starlet
Quebec, Shailene
Calceta, Ariel Aldaya

Mr. Leonard Picao
The interaction between teacher and learner always reflects a particular teaching
behaviour, a particular learning behaviour, and particular sets of objectives that are
reached. The bond among teaching behaviour (T), learning behaviour (L), and
objectives (O) is inextricable. The T-L-O always exists as a unit. Since each style is
defined by the particular behavior of the teacher (the decisions made by the
teacher), the particular behaviour of the learner (the decisions made by the learner),
and the objectives that the relationship reaches, each style has its own distinct T-L-

Description – Students reproduce a specific set of

outcomes on cue. The teacher makes the
pre-impact, impact, and post-impact
decisions. There is also a direct and
immediate relationship between the
teacher’s stimulus and the learner’s

When used – This teaching style will be used when a

specific set of outcomes is desired. Within
this squash unit, the command style will be
used when introducing rules and safety

Reason for using this style – This style will be used within this unit because there is
only one set of rules and safety precautions for the
students to follow, therefore there it is not necessary for
the students to discover these concepts on their own.

Strength – One of the strengths of using this style of teaching is that it is a quick and
efficient way to get through a certain task.

Weakness – A weakness when using this teaching style is that all of the students
must do a task at the same proficiency level. Also the teacher is tied up
and not available to give personal feedback.


Description – The teacher demonstrates a

specific task and the students
practice on their own time
while making nine specific decisions. The decisions are: Location, order
of tasks, starting time per task, pace and rhythm, stopping time per task,
interval, initiating questions for clarification, attire and appearance and
posture. The teacher then makes direct and individual feedback.

When used – This teaching style will be used when a certain task must be performed
according to a specific model, which also involves the students need for
direct feedback. This teaching style will also be used when the
students are able to perform the task, however at various levels. Within
this squash unit, the practice style will be used when the students are
working on the forehand and backhand strokes.

Reason for using this style – This style will be used to introduce the forehand and
backhand strokes because it aids in the development of
precision and accuracy.

Strength – The strength of this style of teaching is that it allows students to work at
their own proficiency level. This style also allows for individual feedback
from the teacher.

Weakness – A weakness of the practice style is that the students must be able to do
a specific task on their own without being guided. Also, the students may
not be challenged with the task at hand and the students may not
independently challenge themselves.


Description – A pair of students are

given a task card
describing the progression of the skill. While the doer is performing the
skill, the observer is providing immediate, constructive and positive
feedback. The teacher is available to answer the observer’s questions
and provides the observer with feedback. This style is good for both
doer and observer, for as the doer is receiving constant feedback, the
observer is learning through observation.

When used – This style is used when it is important to have immediate feedback
through social interaction. Within this unit, the reciprocal style will be
used when introducing the grip, the ready position, and the spin.

Reason for using this style – This style will be used because it allows more time for
the teacher to circulate around the gymnasium and
provide further feedback to the observer. This teaching
style is also used because the tasks are quite simple;
therefore, the feedback is most likely to be correct.
Strengths – One of the strengths of the reciprocal style is that it allows for continuous
feedback. Also, the students who are observing will be able to learn from
watching and correcting their partner’s mistakes. Social skills are also
greatly enhanced by the interaction between the students.

Weakness – One of the weaknesses that occur in this teaching style is that the
feedback offered to the students may not always be accurate.


Description – A student is
given a criteria
sheet in order to
independently on performing a task. The students also engage in self-
assessment. The teacher is available to answer questions posed by the

When used – This style will be used when the student has a basic proficiency in a
skill. It will also be used when the skill can be broken down into
subsequent parts. Within this squash unit, the self-check style will be
used when learning the lob serve.

Reason for using this style – This style will be used because it allows the students a
chance to evaluate their own performance which helps
them to remember the single actions in a whole

Strength – One of the strengths of this teaching style is that it helps students retain
cues through self-diagnosis. Also the students will be able to engage in
independent practice.

Weakness – In order to use this teaching style, the students must have a basic
proficiency of the skill. Also, the skill must be able to be broken down into
subsequent parts.


Description – Students are given a task card with various levels of difficulty within a
single task. The learners decide their personal entry level on the sheet
and how fast they choose to progress through the levels. Once the
learner has completed a task, they mark it down on the sheet and
progress to the next level of choice.

When used – This style will be used when there is a widespread capability among
the students within a class. Within this squash unit, the inclusion style
will be used to develop the forehand and backhand shot.

Reason for using this style – This style will be used because it will accommodate and
include the many proficiency levels of the skill within the
class. Since the students are ranging from beginner to
very experienced, this style is necessary.

Strength – The strengths of the inclusion style is that it allows for mass participation,
maximum improvement and the learner is allowed their own skill level

Weakness – One of the weaknesses of this style is that the students may not have
the ability to properly assess their own skill level. Peer pressure may also
play a role in the student’s decision on their entry point. As well, safety
may become an issue if the students do not properly assess their ability.


Description – The teacher develops a series of logically designed questions to give
to the learner. The learner works through the questions in sequence,
and each answer leads to the next question. Eventually, the student will
come to realize a predetermined concept. The teacher acknowledges
when the correct concepts are discovered.

When used – This style will be used when it is necessary for the students to realize
the rational behind choosing one particular body position or a
positioning requirement in an activity over another. Within this unit,
guided discovery will be used when introducing the volley.

Reason for using this style – This style will be used because it is a quick and efficient
way to get students motivated. Also, deciding when it is
appropriate to perform a volley makes more sense to
students when they have solved the problem on their own.

Strength – One of the strengths of this teaching style is that is forces the students to
problem solve. Independent problem solving will more likely lead the
learners to remember particular aspects of a skill.

Weakness – One of the weaknesses of guided discovery is that not all of the
students may engage in the problem solving process. Students may wait
until their peers answer the questions.


Description – In the Convergent Discovery Style, the teacher selects a new and
unfamiliar subject matter that invites the learners to apply their
reasoning skills to ask questions that logically and sequentially lead to
the discovery of the single correct anticipated response.

When used – This style will be used if the teacher invites the learners to apply their
reasoning skills to ask questions that logically and sequentially lead to
the discovery of the single correct anticipated response

Reason for using this style – Convergent Discovery is prevalent in society. Its ease
in preparing. Its satisfaction when positively participating;
and its convenience in assessing make this T-L interaction
desirable to implement.

Strength – Promotes the use of critical thinking skills; Good for working on social

Weakness – Students need to be self – motivated.


Description – The teacher develops a single question for all of the students to
answer. The question has multiple responses and it is up to the
students to discover multiple solutions. The role of the teacher (T) is to
only make decisions about the specific subject matter problem, question
or situation not the specific response and the learner (L) is to produce
multiple discovered solutions/responses to a specific problem or
question and to engage in self – assessment of the responses.

When used –This teaching will be used when it is possible to expand on the
alternative possibilities of a given task. Within the squash unit, divergent
discovery will be used when introducing various strategies and tactics
involved in a squash match.

Reason for using this style –This style will be used because it involves designing
many movement combinations. Many tactics and
strategies exist within a squash match and the students
can discover what works best for them.
Strength – The strength of this teaching style is that it gives the students confidence
and motivation because the solutions they come up are never totally

Weakness – The weakness of this style of teaching is that the students will require a
lot of time to discover their ideas.


Description – The teacher designs a general question and then shifts the design of
the program to the learner to make decisions about how to investigate
the general subject matter topic: to produce questions that lead to a
specific focus within the general topic; to produce questions that result
in assessing and identifying the process and procedures; to discover the
solutions/movements; and to designate the performance criteria.

When used – The teaching style will be used if the learners will discover the solution
to a subject matter problem that has multiple functions and parts.

Reason for using this style – Learners experience the volume of decisions that re
required when designing complex programs.

Strength – It leads the learner to design, develop, and present a series of tasks that
are organized into a personal program.

Weakness – Learner motivation can be hard to maintain. The trainer’s role needs to


Description – In the Learner – Initiated Style, the role of the learner (L) is to
independently initiate this style’s behaviour and make all the decisions
in the pre – impact, including which teaching – learning behaviours will
be used in the impact and create the criteria decisions for the post –
impact assessment of the experience. Provided the teacher is qualified
in the subject matter, the teacher’s (T) role is to accept the learner’s
readiness to make maximum decisions in the learning experience, to be
supportive, and to participate according to the learner’s requests.

When used – The learner – initiated style will be used if an individual initiate and
desires to produce his/her will own learning experience.

Reason for using this style – To acknowledge the needs of the learner to
independently and cognitively initiate a learning

Strength – The style recognizes the willingness of the teacher to adjust with certain
students who need to engage in self – expression. The individual learner
initiates the request to the teacher to be responsible for the production of
his/her own learning experience.

Weakness – The teaching style is not a whole-class exercise.


Description – The defining characteristic of the Self – Teaching Style is the passion,
motivation, and tenacity of an individual to accept the decision – making
roles of both teacher and learner in the pre - impact, impact, post –
impact sets. The content selected is determined by the individual and
the rationale and process used to identify the objectives of the
experience are made by the individual.

When used – This teaching style will be used when a certain task must be performed
in the roles of both teacher and learner.

Reason for using this style – The style will develop the learners in implementing
his/her experience. The success in accomplishing the
intended objectives rely on the tenacity, motivation, and
knowledge of the individual to construct one’s own
learning experience.

Strength – The individual makes the decisions about the overall objectives to be
accomplished in this style.

Weakness – A person who makes all of decisions about everything all of the time
may function well in self – teaching , but not be able to adapt to conditions
and objectives associated with the teaching styles.

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