Creative Writing Reviewer

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Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment

Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022

★ is fiction, poetry, short stories, plays,
★ Poetry
and novels and is most different from
★ Plays
technical writing.
★ Movie and television scripts
★ also known as “the art of making ★ Fiction (novels, novellas, and short
things up,” creative writing is a vital stories)
part of modern society. ★ Songs
★ Speeches
★ though the definition is rather loose,
★ Memoirs
creative writing can for the most part
★ Personal essays
be considered any writing that is
original and self-expressive.

PURPOSE OF CREATIVE WRITING ★ Character development

★ Plot development
★ to both entertain and share human
★ Vivid setting
experience, like love or loss.
★ Underlying theme
★ to get at the truth about humanity ★ Point of view
through poetics and storytelling. ★ Dialogue
★ Anecdotes
★ If you'd like to try your hand at
★ Metaphors and similes
creative writing, just keep in mind
★ Figures of speech
that whether you are trying to
★ Imaginative language
express a feeling or a thought, the
★ Emotional appeal
first step is to use your
★ Heavy description
Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment
Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022
sight sense, is a common feature in
vivid writing.
★ Sensory details help the reader feel
★ The writer's ability to create a
like he or she was there and create a
gripping and memorable story has
more intimate connection to the
much to do with engaging our five
narrator or writer and a greater
understanding of the text.
★ Adjectives help set mood and
★ Sensory details include sight,
tone in the text and help establish
sound, touch, smell, and taste.
a strong voice.
Writers employ the five senses to
engage a reader's interest. If you
want your writing to jump off the
page, then bring your reader into the ★ IMAGERY
world you are creating.
○ It can be defined as a writer or
★ When sensory details are used, your speaker’s use of words or
readers can personally experience figures of speech to create a
whatever you're trying to describe, vivid mental picture or
reminding them of their own physical sensation.
experiences, giving your writing a
○ Imagery is language used
universal feel. A universal quality is
by poets, novelists and
conveyed when a writer is able to
other writers to create
personally connect with the
images in the mind of the
★ There is no one sense that's more
important than another. It all
depends on the scene you're trying
to create. However, imagery, the
Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment
Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022

○ Simile is common in olfactory
imagery, because it allows
○ Refers to sounds. Literary writers to compare a particular
devices such as scent to common smells like
onomatopoeia and alliteration dirt, grass, manure, or roses.
can help create sounds in
○ Refers to what you can
taste. This can include the
○ Refers to what you can see. five basic tastes — sweet,
Physical attributes including salty, bitter, sour, and umami
color, size, shape, lightness — as well as the textures and
and darkness, shadows, and sensations tied to the act of
shade are all part of visual eating.
○ Refers to what you can feel.
○ Refers to what you can This includes textures and the
smell. Scent is one of the many sensations a human
most direct triggers of being experiences when
memory and emotion, but can touching something.
be difficult to write about. Differences in temperature is
Since taste and smell are so also a part of tactile imagery.
closely linked, you’ll
sometimes find the same
words (such as “sweet”) used ○ Refers to the feeling of
to describe both. movement. This can be
similar to tactile imagery but
Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment
Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022
deals more with full-body
sensations, such as those
experienced during exercise. ★ DICTION

★ ORGANIC ○ Diction = word choice

○ Refers to the internal ○ A study of diction is the

sensations. When the writer analysis of how a writer uses
uses concrete description to language for a distinct
show an internal landscape of purpose and effect, including
feelings, pains, emotions, and word choice and figures of
desires, they’re using organic speech.
○ Informal Diction (personal
★ SYMBOLISM writing) e.g. bug, folks, job,
kid, boss, get across
○ Carl Jung defined a symbol as
“a term, a name, or even a ○ Formal Diction (academic or
picture that may be familiar literary writing) e.g. germ,
in daily life, yet that relatives, position, child,
possesses specific superior, communicate
connotations in addition to
its conventional and
obvious meaning.” ★ Colloquial words
○ conversational language
○ Symbols can be based on
○ Is there a dialect?
culture, such as a country’s
★ Slang
flag (stars and stripes = USA),
○ highly informal
or religion (the cross =
★ Jargon
Christianity), or other things.
○ the special language of a
profession or group (lawyer
talk, technical talk)
Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment
Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022
Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment
Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022

★ Using the poetic line rather than the

sentence as the primary unit
★ Poetry
★ Relying more on images than in
○ applied to the many forms in abstractions
which human beings have
★ Cultivating the sound of words
given rhythmic expression to
their intense perceptions of ★ Developing rhythms of language
the world, themselves, and
★ Creating density by implying far
relation of the two.
more than is stated
○ often being reserved for
verses of high merit.
★ Verse (has 2 senses)
○ the metrical line as a basic
★ Theme
unit of poetry
○ the central idea, the thesis,
○ any form of metrical the message a story conveys,
composition or a generalization or an
abstraction from it
○ refers to a metrical
★ Tone
composition, usually one
○ refers to the intellectual and
with a regular rhyme and
emotional attitudes of the poet
rhythm but does not indicate
towards his or her intended
its quality.
Poetry Vs. Prose ★ Mood
○ refers to the emotional and
According to Stephen Minot, there
intellectual attitudes of the
are five fundamental characteristics that
author towards his/her subject
distinguish poetry from prose:
matter in a given literary work
Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment
Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022
★ Atmosphere ○ Traditionally does not have a
○ In arts including literature, the title, since the poem should
term atmosphere denotes the be able to stand on its own.
dominant mood or emotional
★ Diona
tone of a work, be it a
painting, a play, a ballet, a ○ Another indigenous or native
film, a novel, or a poem. Tagalog fixed poetic form. It is
★ Persona composed of three
○ originally refers to the mask octosyllabic lines with
worn by a Greek actor when monorhyme, or three lines
he performs a role in a containing eight syllables
classical tragedy or comedy, each that all rhyme with one
hence the related theatrical another.
term dramatis personae or the
○ It has been labeled by some
list of cast members in a play.
Filipino literary enthusiasts as
B. CONVENTIONAL FORMS the Pinoy haiku.

EASTERN POETIC FORMS ○ as a domestic song could

either be a courting song or
★ Tanaga
a wedding song.
○ An indigenous or native
★ Haiku
Tagalog fixed poetic form. It is
composed of heptasyllabic ○ A traditional Japanese fixed
lines or four lines poetic form composed of
containing seven syllables three unrhymed lines
each. comprising seventeen
syllables. (575 scheme)
○ It is made up of two couplets
that have a rhyme scheme of ○ Topic: Nature
Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment
Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022

○ (short song, as opposed to ★ Sonnet

the chǀka or long song) is a
○ A fixed lyrical form of poetry
Japanese fixed poetic form
composed of fourteen lines
composed of five unrhymed
that follow a certain set
lines comprising thirty-one
pattern or rhyme scheme.
syllables. (57577 scheme)
○ 2 major types:
○ Topic: More often a highly
Italian/Petrarchan sonnet and
personal reflection on love
the English/Shakespearean
and other powerful
○ Topic: The typical subject
★ Renga
matter is love
○ The most popular type of
○ Octave (8 lines), Sestet (6
Japanese collaborative poetry
for almost seven hundred
years. It follows the format ★ Ode
of alternating three and two
○ A lyrical form of poetry that is
lines containing 57577
exalted both in terms of tone
and subject matter. It is
○ In terms of length, the renga characterized by solemnity,
can range from twelve dignity and gallantry, as
stanzas like in the junicho and well as emotional intensity,
the shisan, to fifty stanzas like powerful imagination and
in the gojuin, to one hundred vivid imagery. The main
stanzas like in the hyakuin, intention of the ode is to
and to one thousand stanzas elevate its subject matter,
like in the senku. whether it be a person, an
object or an event.
Reviewer for Quarter 1 Assessment
Creative Writing
HUMSS 12 | Tr. Joann Eslava | SEM 1 2022
○ The Ode has evolved and ○ The first five stanzas are
loosened up not only in terms made up of tercets (or
of its form and structure stanzas of three lines each),
while the final stanza is made
○ The Pindaric ode has 3
up of quatrain (or four lines).
distinctive parts:
○ The rhyme scheme of the
Strophe - the first section
villanelle is aba aba aba aba
Antistrophe - the second aba abaa.
○ The first line of the first stanza
Epode - third section is repeated as the last line of
the second and fourth
★ Elegy
stanzas, while the third line of
○ A lyrical form of poetry that the first stanza is repeated as
laments the demise of a the last line of the third and
person, usually someone fifth stanza.
important, or a
contemplation of the
phenomenon of death itself.

○ It is not a metrical form and

does not follow any required
set pattern or rhyme scheme,
or even a particular cadence
of rhythm.

★ Villanelle

○ A fixed lyrical form of poetry

composed of nineteen lines
that follows a certain set
pattern of rhyme scheme.

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