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The Last Supper

I. Opening Prayer Leader: We adore you O Christ

and we bless You
All: +In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen! All: Because by your Holy Cross
You have redeemed the world.
Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, as we gather here to meditate on
your Paschal Mystery, grant us all the grace to detest sin as you A. Reading
did, and to spend our life for our neighbor as you taught us The Lord Jesus on the night in which he was betrayed took
through your example. Thus, shall we be able to share not only bread, and after he had given thanks, broke it and said, “This is
in your sufferings but also in your resurrection. You who live my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In
and reign for ever and ever. the same way, after the supper, he took the cup saying, “This
cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, whenever you
All: Amen! drink it, in remembrance of me.” Every time, then, you eat this
bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord
until he comes! (1 Cor 11:23:26)

B. Reflection
Value of Generosity
The reality we live in today in this liturgy is the Lord wants to
remain with us in the Eucharist. And we always become
tabernacles of the Lord. We bear the Lord with us to the point
that he tells us that if we do not eat his body and drink his blood,
we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the mystery
of the bread and wine of the Lord with us, in us, within us.

C. Prayer
Lord Jesus, at the last supper, you offered your body and blood
to your disciples. From then on, you remain in the Eucharist to
continue giving yourself to us as our spiritual food and drink that
allow us to gain eternal life. Help us, we pray, that we may
always value the virtue of generosity whenever trying
circumstances call us to give what we can to those who need our
help most. Amen!
The Second Station The Third Station
The Agony in Gethsemani Jesus Before The Sanhedrin

Leader: We adore you O Christ Leader: We adore you O Christ

and we bless You and we bless You

All: Because by your Holy Cross All: Because by your Holy Cross
You have redeemed the world. You have redeemed the world.

A. Reading A. Reading
Jesus went out and made his way, as was his custom, to the Mount The high priest stood up before the court and interrogated Jesus:
of Olives. His disciples accompanied him. On reaching the place “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Then Jesus
he said to them, “Pray that you may not be out to the test.” He answered: “I am. And you will see the Son of Man seated at the
withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, then went down on right hand of the Almighty and coming with the clouds of
his knees and prayed in these words: “Father, if it is your will, take heaven.” At that the high priest tore his robes and said: “What
this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done.” In his further need do we have of witnesses? You have heard the
anguish he prayed with even greater intensity, and his sweat blasphemy. What is your verdict?” They all concurred in the
became like drops of blood falling to the ground. Then he rose verdict “guilty,” with its sentence of death. As soon as it was
from prayer and came to his disciples, only to find them asleep, daybreak the chief priests, with the elders and scribes bound Jesus,
exhausted with grief. (Lk 22:39-42.44-45) led him away, and handed him over to Pilate. (Mk 14:60-64.15:1)

B. Reflection B. Reflection
Value of Spiritual Discernment The Value of Solidarity
Dear brothers and sisters, what can we do before God who has May the joint commitment against the pandemic lead everyone to
served us to the point of experiencing betrayal and desertion? We recognize our need to strengthen fraternal ties as members of a
cannot betray what we were created for, we cannot turn our back single family. In particular, a renewed commitment to overcoming
to what matters. We are in the world to love Him and others. rivalries is being renewed in the leaders of nations and other
Everything else passes away. This remains. The tragedy we are stakeholders. It is necessary to overcome antagonisms and
going through at the moment leads us to take seriously what is contrasts through dialogue and a constructive search for peace.
serious, not to get lost in small things; to rediscover that life is no
use if you don’t use it to do good. Because life is measured by love. C. Prayer
Lord Jesus, you were a victim of a collective decision that was
C. Prayer motivated by selfishness and arrogance. You accepted to be
Lord Jesus, in Gethsemani, you experienced being betrayed, judged by biased judges and endured an unfair condemnation.
abandoned, and arrested. Your only strength was your
determination to do the Father’s will at all cost. Help us to remain Guide our policy makers especially when they have to make
strong amidst all the fears and the uncertainties caused by the important decisions, that they may aim at the common good and
present difficulties. When situations do not seem to be in our promote real solidarity, rather than their self-interests. May their
favor, help us to put our trust in the will of the Father as you have collective decisions be fruits of reflections and processes that are
shown us during your great agony in the garden of Gethsemani. enlightened by your Spirit. Amen!
The Fourth Station The Fifth Station
The Scourging and Crowning with Thorns Jesus Receives the Cross

Leader: We adore you O Christ Leader: We adore you O Christ

and we bless You and we bless You

All: Because by your Holy Cross All: Because by your Holy Cross
You have redeemed the world. You have redeemed the world.

A. Reading A. Reading
Pilate asked the crowd: “What am I to do with Jesus, the so- When they had finished mocking Jesus, they stripped him of
called Messiah?” They all shouted, “Crucify him!” He said, the cloak, dressed him in his own clothes, and led him off to
“Why, what crime has he committed?” But they shouted louder, crucify Him. (Mt 27:31)
“Crucify him!” After having Jesus scourged, Pilate delivered
him to be crucified. Then the soldiers, weaving a crown out of B. Reflection
thorns, fixed it on his head, and stuck a reed in his right hand. The Value of Commitment to Life
Then they began to mock him by dropping to their knees before We say to the leaders of the States: let us work together on a new
him, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” (Mt 27:22-20) architecture of peace. Let us join forces for life, health,
education, peace. The time has come to use the resources used
B. Reflection to produce increasingly destructive, death-making weapons to
The Value of Empathy choose life, to care for humanity and our common home. Let's
We have realized that we are in the same boat, all fragile and not waste time! Let's start with achievable goals: we are already
disoriented, but at the same time important and necessary. All achieving efforts to contain the spread of the virus until we have
of us are called to row together. All of us need to comfort one a vaccine that is suitable and accessible to all. This pandemic is
another. We are all in this boat together. reminding us that we are sisters and brothers of blood.

C. Prayer C. Prayer
Lord Jesus, while you were being scourged and crowned with Lord Jesus, when you began carrying the heavy cross, you
thorns, you silently bore the excruciating pains as your way of carried with it the weight of commitment you gave to your
sharing in the pains of your people who were victims of the sins Father to be the Redeemer of all. You have transformed the tool
of injustice and many other forms of exploitation and of death into one that will bring about redemption and life.
indifference. Help us, Lord Jesus, to learn the value of empathy Guide all our world leaders in valuing the life of every person in
in the present difficulties by bearing silently the many using all the resources available for the health benefits and social
inconveniences that hurt us, aware that other people are
welfare of all. As they carry the heavy burden of being public
suffering more than we are. Amen!
servants, may they be guided by your commitment to life.
The Sixth Station The Seventh Station
Jesus Falls under the weight of the Cross Simon of Cyrene carries the Cross of Jesus

Leader: We adore you O Christ Leader: We adore you O Christ

and we bless You and we bless You

All: Because by your Holy Cross All: Because by your Holy Cross
You have redeemed the world. You have redeemed the world.

A. Reading A. Reading
As he staggered along the road to Calvary, Jesus felt crushed by A man named Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and
the cross he was carrying on his shoulders. Much more, perhaps, Rufus, was coming in from the fields. The soldiers pressed him
he felt overwhelmed by the savage jeering of the mob that kept into service to carry the cross of Jesus. (Mk 15:21)
insulting him as if he were a criminal… Exhausted by the
sleepless night and the tortures he had already endured, Jesus B. Reflection
fell to the ground under the weight of the cross and the moral The Value of Gratuitous Service
tortures he is still enduring. Ged continues to sow seeds of good in humanity. The recent
pandemic has allowed us to recover and appreciate many
B. Reflection companions and fellow travelers who, in fear, have reacted by
The Value of Resiliency donating their lives. We have been able to recognize that our
Some people are now beginning to think about what will happen lives are intertwined and supported by ordinary people who,
after the pandemic. To all the problems that will come: problems without a doubt, have written the decisive events of our shared
of poverty, work, hunger. Let us pray for all the people who help history: doctors, nurses, pharmacists, supermarket workers,
today, but also think of tomorrow, to help us all. cleaning staff, carers, transporters, men and women working to
provide essential services and security, volunteers, priests,
C. Prayer religious... They understood that no one saves himself/herself
Lord Jesus, you kept on standing up every time you fell under alone.
the weight of the cross. You did not give up. No amount of pain
and fatigue made you remain fallen. Giving up was never an C. Prayer
option. You only have one thing in mind to stand up each time Lord Jesus, during these months of deep crises, you have
you fell and to complete the journey to Calvary one step at a allowed us to witness many "Simon of Cyrene" who were ready
time. Help us, Lord Jesus, whenever we feel tired and frustrated to give a hand to people who were burdened what this crisis
as we deal with the present difficulties. May we never give up brought with it: sickness, isolation, mobility, and even death.
when situations seem not becoming better. May we rise above Lord, may their heroic examples inspire us to do our share when
the situation with courage and resiliency, always ready to take called by the occasion to lend a hand to people in need without
another proactive step in achieving our goals. Amen! counting the cost, without expecting anything in return. Amen!
The Eighth Station The Ninth Station
Jesus Meets the Pious Women of Jerusalem Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

Leader: We adore you O Christ Leader: We adore you O Christ

and we bless You and we bless You

All: Because by your Holy Cross All: Because by your Holy Cross
You have redeemed the world. You have redeemed the world.

A. Reading A. Reading
A great crowd of people followed Jesus, including some women who When they came to the place called “the Skull,” they crucified
beat their breasts and lamented over him. Jesus turned to them and Jesus there together with the two criminals. Jesus said, “Father,
said: “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me. Weep for forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.” The
yourselves and for your children. The days are coming when they will people stood there watching and the leaders kept jeering at him,
say, ‘Happy are the sterile, the wombs that never bore and the breasts
saying, “He saved others, let him save himself if he is the
that never nursed.’ Then they will begin saying to the mountains, ‘Fall
on us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ If they do these things in the green Messiah of God, the chosen one!” (Lk 23:33-35)
wood, what will happen in the dry?” (Lk 23:27-31)
B. Reflection
B. Reflection The Value of Suffering for a Cause
The Value of Mercy and Compassion The one who cried one day for Lazarus' death cries today for the
This pandemic came suddenly and caught us unprepared, leaving a scourge that has fallen on humanity. Yes, God "suffers", like
great sense of disorientation and helplessness. The hand outstretched every father and every mother. When we will find out this one
towards the poor, however, did not come suddenly. Rather, it testifies day, we will be ashamed of all the accusations we made against
how one prepares to recognize the poor to sustain them in the time of him in life, God participates in our pain to overcome it. "Being
necessity. You don't improvise tools of mercy. We need a daily supremely good, God would not allow any evil in his works
workout which starts from the awareness of how much we first need
unless, in his omnipotence and goodness, he can bring forth
a hand stretched towards us.
good out of evil."
C. Prayer
Lord Jesus, even while suffering under the weight of the cross, you did C. Prayer
not hesitate to stop and talk o the weeping women of Jerusalem just Lord Jesus, when you stretched out your arms and hands to be
to let them feel that you appreciated their compassion for him. We nailed to the cross, you made a powerful sign that you were
believe that you make all things new even in circumstances, such as really suffering for a cause: our salvation! Despite our
suffering, that are not seemingly favorable. Teach us, Lord, to see that unworthiness, your love has no boundaries. May we likewise
there is value in what we suffer. In all difficult situations, may we seek stretch out our arms and hands to all those who are considered
consolation and enlightenment from you. May the pain we endure the least, the last, and the lost, especially during times of crisis,
with you help us purify our hearts and seek the things that truly matter.
through charitable programs organized by our respective parish
communities. Amen!
The Tenth Station The Eleventh Station
The Repentant Thief Mary and John at the Foot of the Cross

Leader: We adore you O Christ Leader: We adore you O Christ

and we bless You and we bless You

All: Because by your Holy Cross All: Because by your Holy Cross
You have redeemed the world. You have redeemed the world.

A. Reading A. Reading
One of the criminals hanging in crucifixion blasphemed Jesus: Near the cross of Jesus there stood his mother, his mother’s
“Aren’t you the Messiah? Then save yourself and us!” But the sisters, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. Seeing
other one rebuked him: “Have you no fear of God, seeing that his mother there with the disciple whom he loved, Jesus said to
you are under the same sentence? We deserve it, after all. We his mother, “Woman, there is your son.” In turn he said to the
are only paying the price for what we’ve done, but this man has disciple, “There is your mother.” From that hour onward, the
done nothing wrong.” He then said, “Jesus, remember me when disciple took Mary into his care. (Jn 19:25-27)
you enter upon your reign.” And Jesus replied, “I assure you:
this day you will be with me in paradise.” (Lk 23:39-43) B. Reflection
The Value of Our Devotion to Mary
B. Reflection In this time, in which the boat of humanity, shaken by the storm
The Value of Universal Love of crisis, proceeds laboriously in search of a calmer horizon, the
A virus that knows no barriers, borders, or cultural and political rudder of the dignity of the human person and the "compass" of
distinctions must be tackled with a love without barriers, fundamental social principles can allow us to sail with a safe and
borders, or distinctions. This love can generate social structures common route. As Christians, we keep our gaze turned to the
that encourage us to share rather than compete, that allow us to Virgin Mary, Star of the Sea, and Mother of Hope. Together, let
include the most vulnerable and not to discard them, and that us work to advance towards a new horizon of love and peace,
helps us express the best of our human nature and not the worst. fraternity and solidarity, mutual support and acceptance."
True love doesn't know the culture of waste.
C. Prayer
C. Prayer Lord Jesus, while suffering on the cross, you entrusted us (in the
Lord Jesus, while suffering on Calvary, you gave the repentant thief person of John) to the care of your Most Holy Mother, Mary.
simply because he recognized you as the Son of God. You welcomed You have assured us that our Blessed Mother, while present at
him to your kingdom, regardless of his background, because he firmly
your side during our passion and death, will likewise be with us
proclaimed from his heart what he Saw in you. You accepted his
response to your love. Help us, Lord, to realize your daily invitation most especially in times of great difficulty. Help us, Lord, to
of love even amidst the difficulties and anxieties caused by the big deepen our devotion to our Blessed Mother in good and in bad
problems of our daily life. May they allow us to be witnesses of your times. May her re- assuring maternal presence be our source of
universal love and thereby lead others to your kingdom. strength in the way we live our Christian lives while facing the
challenges our time. Amen!
The Twelfth Station The Thirteenth Station
Jesus Dies on the Cross Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

Leader: We adore you O Christ Leader: We adore you O Christ

and we bless You and we bless You

All: Because by your Holy Cross All: Because by your Holy Cross
You have redeemed the world. You have redeemed the world.

A. Reading A. Reading
It was now around midday, and darkness came over the whole land When evening fell, a wealthy man – Joseph of Arithmathea, arrived.
until midafternoon with an eclipse of the sun. Jesus said: “I am He was another of Jesus’ disciples, and had gone to request the body
thirsty.” They stuck a sponge soaked in wine on some hyssop and of Jesus. Thereupon Pilate issued an order for its release. Taking the
raised it to his lips. When Jesus took the wine, he said: “Now it is body, Joseph wrapped it in fresh linen, and laid it in his own tomb
finished.” He uttered a loud cry and said, “Father, into your hands I which had been hewn from a formation of rock. Then he rolled a huge
commend my spirit.” After he said this, he died. (Lk 23:44,46; Jn stone across the entrance of the tomb and went away. (Mt 27:57-60)
B. Reflection
B. Reflection The Value of Spiritual Closeness
The Value of Helping Others Rest in Peace In this crisis that we are experiencing we may not be able to approach
"In this time of pandemic those who suffer terribly, also emotionally, one another physically. However, we can awaken in us an attitude of
are the ones who are hospitalized and are not allowed to be visited closeness among us: with prayer, with the help we give, and with so
even by the nearest relatives. And if they die there, they are deprived many ways to feel we are connected. And why do we have to be close
even of their presence. I was struck by the story of an elderly lady in to one another? Because our God is close to us. He wants to
I.C.U., because of the virus, who was able to say her final good- bye accompany us in life. He is the God of proximity. For this reason, we
to her children and grandchildren only by using the cellphone of one are not isolated people: we are close because the legacy we have
of the attending nurses. The pain of the ones who have died without received from the Lord is closeness.
a contact with their dear ones becomes a wound also in the heart of
those who are left behind." C. Prayer
Lord Jesus, when you were laid in the tomb, you snowed us how far
C. Prayer you can prove your love for us. You made us feel how you value your
Lord Jesus, before you commended your Spirit to the Father, you being one with us, our being just like any of us who must surrender
uttered the words: "It is finished." The Father w how you our mortal bodies to the earth, its final resting place. Even in death,
accomplished your mission. The Father was proud of the way you your love is so much alive. With the many ways and means to be
accomplished your mission with total dedication. There were so many connected with others, help us accompany our suffering brothers and
attempts to stop you or to distract you from completing your mission, sisters, most especially those who have lost their loved ones. By giving
but your faithfulness to the Father made you conquer all obstacles. a part of ourselves to them, may we die to ourselves and live for others.
Help us, Lord, not to give up carrying out the mission the Father has Amen
entrusted to us even amidst so many obstacles. Like you, may we
continue to be bearers of the Good News and be the light of the world
that is covered by so many forms of suffering. Amen!
The Fourteenth Station
Jesus Rises from the Death II. Concluding Prayer

Leader: We adore you O Christ Leader: All-powerful and ever-living God, your only Son died
and we bless You for our sins and rose triumphantly from the dead. In your
goodness, raise up your faithful people to be one with him in
All: Because by your Holy Cross the eternal life of heaven, where he lives and reigns with you
You have redeemed the world. and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

A. Reading All: Amen!

After the sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning,
Mary Magdalene came with the other Mary to inspect the tomb. Our Father…
Suddenly there was a mighty earthquake, as the angel of the Hail Mary…
Lord descended from heaven. He came to the stone, rolled it Glory Be…
back, and sat on it. Then the angel spoke, addressing the
women: “Do not be frightened. I know you are looking for Jesus
the crucified. He is not here. He has been raised, exactly as he Leader: Holy Infant Jesus of Prague
promised. Go quickly and tell his disciples, “He has been raised
from the dead.’” (Mt 28:1-2, 5-6) All: Bless and protect us always

B. Reflection Leader: Jesus the Divine Light

The Value of Hope in New Life
Dear brothers and sisters: let us put the Living One at the center All: Shine upon us always
of our lives. Let us ask for the grace not to be carried by the
current, the sea of our problems; the grace not to run aground All: +In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
on the shoals of sin or crash on the reefs of discouragement and Spirit. Amen!
fear. Let us seek him in all things and above all things. With
him, we will rise again."

C. Prayer
Lord Jesus, by your resurrection you have given us the way to a
new life. Your resurrection also proves in advance that we, too,
shall rise. Your resurrection, Lord, is the pattern of our
resurrection even now. It is a challenge to all of us, with the help
of your grace, to rise above any form of crisis. In faith, we
believe that, with you, nothing will shatter our hope for a new
beginning after any trial and difficulty. Indeed, by your
resurrection, we are healed. We have a new life. Amen!

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