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Similes and Metaphors

Similes and metaphors are really similar and very easy to get muddled up. Similes compare
two similar things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. A metaphor compares two things but
doesn't use ‘like’ or ‘as’ and the comparison is not very literal.
Read the sentences below and decide if they are a simile or a metaphor and write
it underneath.
Example: The sun was as hot as lava.
Answer: Simile.
1. When the woman coughed it sounded like a dog barking.
2. During a wet lunchtime, the students in our classroom turn into zoo animals.
3. The mother smiled and thought her children were angels.
4. When I took my kitten to the vet, she hissed like a snake.
5. My dad likes to stay up really late at night time. He is a night owl.
6. My brother and I went to the pool to go on all the hydroslides. I got scared and my
brother called me a scaredy cat.
7. We played on the monkey bars at morning tea time and when we were on them, we
acted like monkeys.

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8. The dog trainer that comes to teach my dog new tricks has the patience of a saint.
9. Every day when the alarm goes off, my eyelids feel as heavy as concrete and I don't want
to get up.
10. When I train for cross country, I feel like I am as slow as a snail.

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Similes and Metaphors Answers
1. When the woman coughed it sounded like a dog barking.
Answer: Simile
2. During a wet lunchtime, the students in our classroom turn into zoo animals.
Answer: Metaphor
3. The mother smiled and thought her children were angels.
Answer: Metaphor
4. When I took my kitten to the vet, she hissed like a snake.
Answer: Simile
5. My dad likes to stay up really late at night time. He is a night owl.
Answer: Metaphor
6. My brother and I went to the pool to go on all the hydroslides. I got scared and my
brother called me a scaredy cat.
Answer: Metaphor
7. We played on the monkey bars at morning tea time and when we were on them, we
acted like monkeys.
Answer: Simile
8. The dog trainer that comes to teach my dog new tricks has the patience of a saint.
Answer: Metaphor
9. Every day when the alarm goes off, my eyelids feel as heavy as concrete and I don't want
to get up.
Answer: Simile
10. When I train for cross country, I feel like I am as slow as a snail.
Answer: Simile


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