Punctuate Direct Speech

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Missing Punctuation

I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has removed all the inverted commas from the extract below. Can you improve it by
adding the correct punctuation?

Use these punctuation marks:

“ ” .

inverted commas full stop

I f y o u c o u l d h a v e a s u p e r p o w e r, w h a t w o u l d i t b e ?

I would definitely choose to fly, suggested someone

I want to freeze time! said another

I’d be invisible so I could spy on people or scare them, laughed Benji

Interesting ideas, Mr Jay smiled, although I’m not sure that’s such a

kind choice, Benji. Perhaps you might think of what good your powers

c o u l d b e u s e d f o r, i n s t e a d o f s p y i n g a n d s c a r i n g p e o p l e

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Missing Punctuation Answers
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has removed all the inverted commas from the extract below. Can you improve it by
adding the correct punctuation?

Use these punctuation marks:

“ ” .

inverted commas full stop

“ I f y o u c o u l d h a v e a s u p e r p o w e r, w h a t w o u l d i t b e ? ”

“I would definitely choose to fly,” suggested someone.

“ I w a n t t o f r e e z e t i m e ! ” s a i d a n o t h e r.

“I’d be invisible so I could spy on people or scare them,” laughed Benji.

“Interesting ideas,” Mr Jay smiled, “although I’m not sure that’s such

a kind choice, Benji. Perhaps you might think of what good your powers

c o u l d b e u s e d f o r, i n s t e a d o f s p y i n g a n d s c a r i n g p e o p l e . ”

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Missing Punctuation
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has removed the speech punctuation from the extract below. Can you improve it by
adding the correct punctuation?

Use these punctuation marks:

? ! , “ ” .
exclamation inverted
question mark comma full stop
mark commas

I f y o u c o u l d h a v e a s u p e r p o w e r, w h a t w o u l d i t b e

I would definitely choose to fly, suggested someone

I want to freeze time said another

I’d be invisible so I could spy on people or scare them, laughed Benji

Interesting ideas, Mr Jay smiled although I’m not sure that’s such a

kind choice, Benji Perhaps you might think of what good your powers

c o u l d b e u s e d f o r, i n s t e a d o f s p y i n g a n d s c a r i n g p e o p l e

visit twinkl.com
Missing Punctuation Answers
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has removed the speech punctuation from the extract below. Can you improve it by
adding the correct punctuation?

Use these punctuation marks:

? ! , “ ” .
exclamation inverted
question mark comma full stop
mark commas

“ I f y o u c o u l d h a v e a s u p e r p o w e r, w h a t w o u l d i t b e ? ”

“I would definitely choose to fly,” suggested someone.

“ I w a n t t o f r e e z e t i m e ! ” s a i d a n o t h e r.

“I’d be invisible so I could spy on people or scare them,” laughed Benji.

“Interesting ideas,” Mr Jay smiled, “although I’m not sure that’s such

a kind choice, Benji. Perhaps you might think of what good your powers

c o u l d b e u s e d f o r, i n s t e a d o f s p y i n g a n d s c a r i n g p e o p l e . ”

visit twinkl.com
Missing Punctuation
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has removed the speech punctuation from the extract below.
Can you improve it by adding the correct punctuation?

Use these punctuation marks:

? ! , “ ” .
exclamation inverted
question mark comma full stop
mark commas

Don’t forget to start a new line for each new speaker! You will need to rewrite the extract.

If you could have a superpower what would it be I would definitely

choose to fly suggested someone I want to freeze time said another

I’d be invisible so I could spy on people or scare them laughed Benji

Interesting ideas Mr Jay smiled although I’m not sure that’s such a

kind choice Benji Perhaps you might think of what good your powers

could be used for instead of spying and scaring people

visit twinkl.com
Missing Punctuation Answers
I can punctuate direct speech.

Someone has removed the speech punctuation from the extract below.
Can you improve it by adding the correct punctuation?

Use these punctuation marks:

? ! , “ ” .
exclamation inverted
question mark comma full stop
mark commas

Don’t forget to start a new line for each new speaker! You will need to rewrite the extract.

“ I f y o u c o u l d h a v e a s u p e r p o w e r, w h a t w o u l d i t b e ? ”

“I would definitely choose to fly,” suggested someone.

“ I w a n t t o f r e e z e t i m e ! ” s a i d a n o t h e r.

“I’d be invisible so I could spy on people or scare them,”

laughed Benji.

“ I n t e re s t i n g i d e a s , ” M r Ja y s m i l e d , “ a l t h o u g h I ’ m n o t s u re t h a t ’s

such a kind choice, Benji. Perhaps you might think of what good your

p o w e r s c o u l d b e u s e d f o r, i n s t e a d o f s p y i n g a n d s c a r i n g p e o p l e . ”

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