Protons Neutrons and Electrons

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Protons, Neutrons, and

Protons, neutrons, and electrons are fundamental particles that make up atoms. Protons carry a positive
charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons carry a negative charge. Understanding these particles is
essential to understanding the behavior of matter at a microscopic level.

by Dana raj
Properties and Characteristics
Protons are relatively heavy and are found in the nucleus of an atom. Neutrons also reside in the nucleus
and are similar in mass to protons but lack an electric charge. Electrons, much lighter than protons and
neutrons, orbit the atomic nucleus in specific energy levels.

The properties and characteristics of these particles contribute to the stability and reactivity of elements,
influencing various chemical and physical properties.

Particle Location Charge

Protons Nucleus Positive

Neutrons Nucleus Neutral

Electrons Orbiting Nucleus Negative

The Role in Atoms and Molecules
Protons determine the identity of an element, as the number of protons in the nucleus is unique to each
element. Neutrons contribute to the stability of the nucleus. Electrons play a crucial role in chemical
bonding and in the formation of molecules by participating in the sharing or transfer of electrons between

1 Identity Determination
Number of protons defines the element.

Nuclear Stability 2
Neutrons add stability to the atomic
3 Chemical Bonding
Electrons participate in bond formation.

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