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Experiment 2: KIRCHHOFF’S LAW


Kirchhoff's law is a fundamental principle in electrical circuit analysis that describes the
behavior of the electrical current and voltages in a circuit.

The experiment of Kirchhoff's law involves the application of Kirchhoff's two circuit laws,
namely the Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) to a s+ NN imple
circuit with resistors and batteries. To set up the experiment, we need a breadboard, resistors
(with known resistance values), batteries, a voltmeter, ammeter, and connecting wires. The
resistors and batteries must be arranged on the breadboard in a specific arrangement to form the

First, the circuit's resistors must be connected in series or parallel configurations. The voltage
readings across each resistor are taken with a voltmeter while the current flowing through each
resistor is measured with an ammeter. These measurements are used to verify the Kirchhoff's
laws in the circuit.

For Kirchhoff's current law (KCL), we must ensure that the sum of the currents entering a node
is equal to the sum of the currents exiting the node. By applying KCL to each node in the circuit,
this law can be verified.

For Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL), we must ensure that the sum of the voltage drops around any
closed loop in the circuit must equal zero. The total voltage drop for the loop should equal zero if
KVL is valid.

The results obtained from the experiment can be compared with the theoretical predictions, based
on Kirchhoff's laws, to identify any discrepancies and make corrections, as required. The
experiment can be repeated with different arrangements of resistors and batteries to further verify
the Kirchhoff's laws and gain a deeper understanding of circuit analysis.

To verify Kirchhoff’s law by comparing voltages obtained from a real circuit to those predicted
by Kirchhoff’s law


o Proto-board
o Five resistors box: (R1=10Ω, R2=10Ω, R3=100Ω, R4=100Ω, R5 =10Ω)
o Digital multi-meter
o Variable power supply
o Wire leads and alligator clips


 Kirchhoff's laws are primarily used in electrical circuit analysis to determine unknown
voltages, currents, and resistances of a circuit. They are essential in the design and
analysis of electrical circuits, as it allows calculating and predicting the behavior of

 Kirchhoff's laws are widely used in various fields of electrical engineering, including
power systems, electronics, and telecommunications.

 The experimental and theoretical voltages can then be compared by means of % error.

 Kirchhoff's laws are fundamental principles in electrical circuit analysis named after the
German physicist Gustav Kirchhoff. There are two laws that are collectively known as
Kirchhoff's laws:

1. Kirchhoff’s current law (junction law)

2. Kirchhoff’s voltage law (loop law)

1. Kirchhoff’s current law (junction law)

 This law states that at any junction point or node in an electrical circuit, the total current
flowing into the junction is equal to the total current flowing out of the junction. In other
words, the sum of all currents entering a node must equal the sum of all currents exiting
the node.

∑junction I=0 ................Kirchoff's junction

2. Kirchhoff’s voltage law (loop law):

 This law states that the sum of all voltages around any closed loop in an electrical circuit
must equal zero. That means, the algebraic sum of voltage drops and gains in a closed
loop must be equal to zero.

 At any closed loop of an electric circuit the sum of the voltage (potential difference) is

∑loop v =0 ........................Kirchhoff's loop rul

Diagrams :
The circuit of this experiment can be drawn as follow :

From Kirchhoff's current law:

 At node b:
I1=I2+I3 .................................. .
 At node b/n d and e: I5=I2 +I4......... .............. (**)
The above circuit system is complex and it consists of two loops. These loops are shown below:
From loop one:
Vs - R1I1 - R2I2 - R5I5

From loop two

R2I2 - R3I3 - R4I4= 0

The experiment for Kirchhoff's law was conducted by first arranging a circuit with multiple
resistors (5 resistors) and a power source. The resistors were then connected in a series and
parallel combination.

Then the voltage across each resistor was measured using a voltmeter, after the resisters are
connected in parallel and the values obtained for the voltages were recorded.

Ammeter was placed in series with the circuit to measure the current flowing through the
resistors and the values obtained for the currents were recorded.

Using the voltage and current readings, the values for the resistor's resistance were calculated
using Ohm's Law and recorded.

The circuit was then modified by adding an additional resistor and repeating the measurements
for the voltage and current. The resistance value for the new resistor was then calculated.

Data /Observations
Data sheet 1

Resistance Theoretical Voltage(v) Experimental %error

values(Ω)6 voltage ( v )

R1 = 10 1.16

R2 = 100 7.65

R3 = 100 1.12

R4 = 100 3.81

R5 = 100 1.16

Data sheet 2

Resistance values( Ω) theoretical current ( A Experimental current ( %error

) A)

R1 = 10 0.11

R2 = 10 0.08

R3 = 100 0.04

R4 = 100 0.04

R5 = 10 0.11

Data Analysis of Data sheet One

To find experimental voltage lets show one example as follow.
Given Required Solutions
R1 = 10, I1 =0.11A V1=? V1=I1*R1
=0.11A ×10 Ω
R2=100Ω l2 = 0.08A V2=? V2=I2xR2
=0.08A x 100Ω
R3=100 Ω I3 = 0.04A V3=? V3=I3xR3
=4 v
R4=100 Ω I4 =0.11A V4=? V4=I4xR4
=4 v
R5=100 Ω I5 = 0.04A V5=? V5=I5xR5
=11 v

%error=V(t) – V(ex) / |Vt|*100

% error=1.16- 1.1/1.16*100%=5.17%

V2%= 7.65-8/ 7.65* 100%=-4.58%

V3 %error=1.12 -4 / 1.12*100%=9.7%
V4%error=3.81 - 4 / 3.81*100%=9.3%
V5%error=1.16- 11 / 1.16 *100%=2.87%

Processed data one

Resistance values(Ω) V(theoretical ) V(experimental ) %error

R1 = 10 1.16 1.1 4.9%

R2 = 100 7.65 8 6.7%

R3 = 100 1.12 4 9.7%

R4 = 100 3.81 4 9.3%

R5 = 100 1.16 4 2.9%

Data analysis of data sheet two

As we know the theoretical current can be calculated using Kirchhoff's laws
Given required Solutlions
R1=10 Ω, V1= 1.83v I1=? I1= v1/R1= 1.16V/10 Ω=0.116A
The same calculation was applied for the rest calculation and the processed data as follow.

Resistance I (theoretical I (experimental ) %error


R1= 10 0.1 0.116

R2=100 0.08 0.0765

R3=100 0.04 0.0112

R4=100 0.04 0.0381

R5=100 0.11 0.0116

%error=| It-Ie | /|It|

I1% error=0.284-0.27/2.84 *100%=1.4%
I2%error=0.268-0.25/0.268 *100%=6.7%
I3 %error=0.0135 - 0.01/0.0135*100%=13.6%
I4%error=0.134- 0.01/ 0.134 *100%=13.2%
I5%error=0.278-0.27 / 0.278*100%=2.9%
 From this experiment we can conclude that , Kirchhoff's law is a fundamental principle in
electrical circuit analysis. The law states that the current flowing into any point in a
circuit is equal to the current flowing out of that point. It also states that the total voltage
in a closed circuit is equal to the sum of the voltage drops across each element in the
 The conclusion drawn from the experiment conducted to demonstrate Kirchhoff's law is
that the law is valid and accurate. The data obtained from the experiment showed that the
currents flowing into any point in the circuit were equal to the currents flowing out of that
point, and the total voltage in the circuit was equal to the sum of the voltage drops across
each element in the circuit. The mathematical calculations and analysis of the data
demonstrated that Kirchhoff's law is a reliable principle for understanding and analyzing
electrical circuits.
 In conclusion, Kirchhoff's law is an essential principle in electrical engineering, and an
understanding of this law is crucial for circuit design and analysis. Kirchhoff's law has
proven to be a reliable and accurate principle based on scientific experiment and analysis.

Sources of error

o Due to several errors that might be made by us , the instrument or the environment , the
experimental value differs from the actual value . One common source of error is due to
measurement inaccuracies of current and voltage values using instruments like ammeters
and voltmeters. The instruments may not be calibrated or may have a limited precision,
which can lead to small errors in the measured values.
o Another possible source of error is due to the resistance of the wires and components in
the circuit. Resistance can cause the current to deviate slightly from the theoretical value
calculated by Kirchhoff's law. Moreover, heat generation due to the flow of electrical
current can also cause a change in temperature, which can affect the conductance of the
components and wires.
o We may also made an error during connecting the circuit or invalid connection of
voltmeter and ammeter with the source and the resistors
o Finally, another common source of error that we may made is due to potential external
disturbances, such as electromagnetic interference that can cause the circuit to behave
abnormally. This interference can result from other nearby electrical equipment or even
the presence of magnetic fields from the earth's magnetic field.
o In order to minimize these errors, proper measurement techniques and equipment
calibration should be used. Additionally, it's essential to take the necessary precautions to
minimize the influence of external disturbances, such as keeping the experimental setup
in a shielded or isolated environment if possible.

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