Fundamentals-Of Logistics

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Model Paper

End Semester Examination- December 2021



Faculty Name: T.P. Chopra

Course code: L19C03

Section A

Attempt any four questions 4X5 marks of each=20 Marks


Q1. Define “Logistics”. Write about the various types of Logistics Costs
Q2. Discuss in brief the points to be covered under “Tactical level (SHORT TERM)
optimization” of Logistics.
Q3 Write short notes on any two of the following: (2 x 2.5) marks
i/ Fundamental Principles of logistics
ii/ Logistics costs
Q4. Write in brief on the Indian Logistics Sector
Q5 Explain Why Logistics Efficiency is Important to Manufacturers?

Q6. What is Customer Service? Discuss in brief the Characteristics of Good Customer

Q7. Detail out

i/ Customer Services Employer Responsibilities (2.5 Marks)
ii/ The job skills that the persons working in Customers Service department should
generally possess. (2.5 Marks)

Q8 Write down the Five Critical Elements of Customer Service.

Q9. Define “Customer Retention”. Write down the “Benefits of Customer Retention.”

Q10 Explain what you understand by “Procurement categories”. Explain who are
Procurement services providers.


Q11. Define “Global Supply Chain”. Explain the benefits of Global Supply Chain.
Q12. Briefly explain the Differences between “Global Supply Chain” and “Local Supply
Q13 Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Globally Sourced Goods”.


Q14. Explain what is a “Warehouse”? List out the different Functions of Warehousing?
Q15 Explain the Steps involved in the Registration/De-registration of an Authorized Courier
for Customs Clearance
Q16. Discuss the various benefits of Warehouses?
Q17 What is “Reverse Logistics”? Discuss the Key Elements that are to be taken into account
in Reverse Logistics?
Q18 Discuss the importance of “Reverse Logistics”.


Q19 What is “Multimodal Transportation”? What are its Advantages?

Q20. What is “Customs Clearance”? Why is it necessary and what are the steps involved under
Customs Clearance?
Q21 What do you understand by Transshipment? What are its Advantages and
Q22 What do you understand by “Liquid Logistics”? Discuss some of the major
Characteristics of Liquid Logistics.
Q23. What do you mean by “Freight Forwarder”? What are the Responsibilities of a “Freight
Section B
Attempt any three questions 3X10=30 Marks

Q1 Prepare the five point Action Plan that can be helpful in Optimizing Logistics Costs

Q2 a/ Prepare the list of benefits that an efficient logistics can provide. (5 Marks)
b/ Taking into account the Concept of Logistics, illustrate the five elements of
Logistics (5 Marks)

Q3. Explain “Productivity” in Logistics”? In order to make the Logistics operation more
productive in an organization what vital factors you think can be applied.
Q4 Differentiate between “Strategic Level Optimization” of Logistics and “Operational
Level Optimization” of Logistics.


Q5. Prepare the list of Strategies one should follow for improving Customer Retention.

Q6. By applying the concepts of “Customer Service”, conclude on the Key Components that
we require for providing good Customer service. Also develop a list of skills that will be
required for Customer Service Job Requirements?

Q7. a/ Explain the advantages of outsourcing logistics (5 Marks)

b/ Illustrate the Risks associated in Outsourcing Logistics (5 Marks)


Q8. Analyse the various components of global logistics?

Q9. Compare the different Modes of Transportation used in the Global Supply Chain

Q10/ Differentiate between:

i/ 1PL and 2PL (5 Marks)
ii/ 3PL & 4PL (5 Marks)

Q11 “Warehousing plays a very important role in the development of trade and
commerce”. Comment

Q12 Distinguish between:

i/ Public Warehouse & Private Warehouse (5 Marks)
ii/ Bonded Warehouse and Co-operative Warehouse (5 Marks)

Unit V

Q13 Considering yourself as a Cold Chain Manager, analyse and prepare a list of Cold Chain
Issues which you may have to address for properly managing the Cold Chain System.

Q14 While illustrating the different stages in Freight Forwarding Processes, appraise on the
skills that are required in a Freight Forwarder?

Q 15 “To provide financial support to importers and exporters government has set up the
EXIM Bank.” Apply your knowledge and give your comment on the above statement in
view of the functions of the EXIM Bank

Section C
Answer any one question 1X20 = 20 Marks

Q1. a/ Recommend your suggestions / tips for reducing Logistics costs (7 marks)
b/ Develop the list of Secrets for maximizing the Productivity of Logistics. (6 Marks)
c/ Is Technology changing the Future of Logistics.? Formulate your answer in support
of your view. (7 marks)


Q2 Evaluate “Three Phases of Customer Service”.

Q3. i/ In Indian context recommend the activities that should generally be outsourced in
an organization. While applying the concept of outsourcing evaluate the Roadblocks that
need to be handled carefully. (15 marks)

ii/ Explain how do we measure the Customer Retention Rate. (5 Marks)


Q4 i/ Create a list of Financial Challenges that you feel a Transportation Industry is

currently facing or likely to face in future (7 Marks)
ii/ Evaluate the different Global Logistics Challenges that a company normally face.
(7 Marks)
iii/ According to you what are the forces responsible for Globalization? Organize each
of them in a systematic order. (6 Marks)


Q5. i/ According to me I don’t think there are any disadvantages of ecommerce. Do you
agree or disagree with me. Formulate your answer with reasons. (10 Marks)

ii/ Develop the Steps required to Document (Create) an E-Commerce Marketing Plan.
(10 Marks)

Q6 i/ “Encouraging Reverse Logistics is a mere loss to an organization in the present e-

commerce business scenario”. Evaluate the statement and give reasons in support of your
answer. (10 Marks)

ii/ “ Growth of E-Commerce is a big disaster for the Retail Business World”. Evaluate
the statement and Recommend whether we should go ahead with ecommerce or with
physical store system of business (10 Marks)

Q7 Looking at the present E-Commerce business scenario, what do you predict will be the
future trends in e-commerce business?

Unit V

Q8 Illustrate with the help of Diagram a typical Supply Chain and describe the major
components of Supply Chain. Evaluate the influence of the Critical forces on the efficiency
and effectiveness of the supply chain?

Q9 Evaluate the operation of Cold Chain, Liquid Logistics, and Bulk Load Logistics and
suggest your recommendation for the purpose for which each of the systems should be used
Prepared By: T.P. Chopra

Disclaimer: - This is a Model Question Paper. The Question in End term examination will
differ from the Model Question Paper. This Model Paper is meant for practice only.

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