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Name: Brent Ken S.

Ruelan____ Date Submitted: 03/10/24

Course and Section: BSIE -1 A_ Score: __________________


Attending the CWTS seminar on effective study habits was a revelation for me

as a student. Delving into the intricacies of learning strategies, I unearthed

invaluable insights that have reshaped my approach to academics. At the heart of

this transformation lies the cultivation of a growth mindset, where challenges are

embraced as stepping stones to success, and setbacks serve as opportunities for


Central to the seminar's teachings was the importance of efficient time

management. Armed with newfound knowledge, I learned to prioritize tasks,

allocate study hours judiciously, and craft a schedule that strikes a balance

between academic obligations and personal pursuits. This disciplined approach has

not only heightened my productivity but has also curtailed procrastination, ensuring

that I make steady strides towards my academic aspirations.

Moreover, the seminar underscored the significance of active learning

techniques and the creation of an optimal study environment. By immersing myself

in the learning process through activities like summarization, concept mapping, and

fostering a distraction-free study space, I've honed my comprehension skills and

bolstered my ability to retain knowledge. With these strategies at my disposal,

coupled with self-care practices and effective note-taking methods, I embark on my

academic journey equipped to conquer challenges and emerge triumphant.

Name: Brent Ken S. Ruelan____ Date Submitted: 03/10/24
Course and Section: BSIE -1 A_ Score: __________________


Encircle the letter that corresponds to what is identified in each item.

1. The task of identifying the community where the trainees will be immersed.
a. pre-immersion phase b. immersion
c.area selection D. none of the above
2. The kind of entering the community that requires almost a complete parade
banner and general assembly of people.
a. ostentatious entry b. banking on people's weakness
c. academic style of entry d. people-centered entry
3. It is a continuous process wherein trainees come into direct contact and become
involved with community people.
a. community immersion b. community integration
c. community needs assessment d. all of the above
4. It is the process wherein problems, issues and concerns of the community are
identified through the use of assessment tools.
a. community needs assessment b. community monitoring
c. community documentation d. none of the above
5. The importance of community needs assessment.
a. gather information about citizen's attitudes and options in order of importance
b. determine how citizens rank issues, problems, goals and priorities
c. evaluate current programs/projects
d. all of the above
6. The areas of focus in identifying needs of the community in general.
a. Geographic b. social, economic and life skills
c. spiritual d. all of the above
7. The people who may be able to give very credible and relevant information
about the community.
a. key formats b. community forum
c. public records d. survey
8. A community needs assessment instrument that involves questionnaires being
floated to respondents or asking individuals about the community.
a. Survey b. public records
c. forum d. assembly
9. The method of processing problem in order not to be left behind on its own.
a. community immersion
b. community integration
c. community needs assessment
d. community empowerment
10. Documented information that, if updated and validated, can provide data for
social and demographic information about a community.
a. survey sheet
b. guide questions
c. public records
d. books
Today, I stand before you to champion the widespread implementation of CTU-
Danao's Flexible Learning System in universities across Cebu. This system
encompasses both online classes and face-to-face instruction, representing a
significant departure from traditional educational approaches and offering a
dynamic method that caters to the diverse needs of students in today's digital era.
With its innovative methods and adaptable structures, CTU-Danao has set a
standard worth emulating and integrating into the broader educational landscape
of our region.
At the heart of the Flexible Learning System lies its capacity to transcend the
limitations of a singular mode of instruction. By seamlessly integrating online and
face-to-face components, students are empowered to engage with educational
materials in a manner that best suits their individual learning styles and
circumstances. This hybrid approach not only enhances accessibility but also fosters
inclusivity by accommodating diverse needs and preferences. As we witness the
positive impact of CTU-Danao's approach on student outcomes and satisfaction, it
becomes evident that this model holds great promise for enhancing education in
In conclusion, the adoption of CTU-Danao's Flexible Learning System, encompassing
both online and face-to-face classes, is not just an option but a necessity for
advancing education in Cebu. By embracing this innovative approach, we can
bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the modern learning
needs, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to excel academically. Let us
collectively embrace progress and pave the way for a brighter future, where
education knows no boundaries and excellence knows no limits. Thank you.

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