Who Am I.

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Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life, simplifies your life and prepares you for

eternity. The reason why I picked the image above which is pillow because it reminds me of my
life and myself. I can reflect it with who I really am. No matter how much pain and tears that
pillow felt and get, it still gives you a reason to rest and always gives you comfort in whatever
emotion you had. I saw myself being a pillow to someone. I help people out by just listening,
comforting and somehow give them advices if I could. I always wanted to help not to show
sympathy but to simply make them feel that it’s okay and whatever feelings they may feel is valid.
I wanted to make them feel that no matter how hard every situation they may face, they can
always rest and lean on me and afterward give them a reason to fight in every circumstances in
I always remind myself to live this life God has given me with a purpose. A purpose to see the
good in every situation. A purpose to always lend a helping hands and ears to always listen. A
purpose to help other people even though they don’t ask for it. That’s why I’m blessed that God
made me identified myself as a pillow.

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