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“The Heavens Are Declaring the Glory of God”

This image reminds us of how we sometimes gaze at Jehovah’s

How often he must have gazed up into the vastness of the starry
heavens in the stillness of the night while watching over his father’s
flocks in those lonely sheep pastures! No doubt, such vivid
impressions sprang to his mind when, inspired by God’s holy spirit, he
composed and sang the beautiful words of the 19th Psalm.
Let’s read the first verse [after]
Without speech, without words, without voice, Jehovah’s awesome
created heavens declare his glory, day after day, night after night.
Creation never ceases to declare God’s glory, and it is humbling to
contemplate this silent testimony going into “all the earth” for all its
inhabitants to see.
Talking about the things in the heavens, let’s consider the sun.
Read with me please at Psalm 19:4-6.
"Onyankopɔn asi ntamadan ama owia wɔ ɔsoro"
Bere a saa nsoromma kɛse no kɔtɔ asase ano sɛnea nnipa hu no no, ɛte
sɛ nea ɔrekɔda ne “ntamadan” mu.
"Ɛte sɛ ayeforokunu a ofi n’ayeforo dan mu repue"
"Ɔkaa sɛnea na owia no bɔ ma ne ho bae no na ɛma ɛhɔnom asase no
so yɛ hyew ntɛm ara no ho asɛm. Ɛda adi sɛ na owia no mmrɛe wɔ
n’akwantu a efi epuei kɔ atɔe no mu, na mmom na ɛte sɛ “ɔbran” a
wayɛ krado sɛ ɔbɛsan atoa “n’akwantu” so".
And with this brothers we ought to learn something from it.
Jesus Christ urged us to do just that. Let us take a look at how he said
that. Read with me please at Matthew 6:28 [after]
The beauty of an insignificant wildflower can serve to remind us that
God is not indifferent to the needs of the human family.
Deepening our appreciation for the artistry in nature can help us get to
know our Creator, whose handiwork surrounds us.
Observe creation, and then discuss what it teaches us about Jehovah.
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