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Region Subregion Country Year of estimate Number males

Africa East Africa Burundi 2013

Africa East Africa Kenya 2020 22672

Africa East Africa Mauritius 2020 5500

Africa West and Central Africa Togo 2017 728

Americas Caribbean Haiti 2018

AMERICA North America USA 2018 2594000

AMERICA North America Mexico 2016 97991

Americas South America Uruguay 2018 2902

Asia Central Asia and Transcaucasia Kazakhstan 2021 10201

Asia Central Asia and Transcaucasia Tajikistan 2020 2782
Asia East and South-East Asia China, Hong Kong SAR 2021 727
Asia East and South-East Asia China, Macao SAR 2021 20
Asia Near and Middle East/ South-WeLebanon 2020 49
Asia South Asia Sri Lanka 2018 716
Europe South-Eastern Europe Montenegro 2020 989

Europe South-Eastern Europe Romania 2020 5848

Europe Western and Central Europe France 2020 86037

Europe Western and Central Europe Greece 2020 2192

Europe Western and Central Europe Malta 2020 652

Europe Western and Central Europe Portugal 2021 12466

Europe Western and Central Europe Slovenia 2021 70

Prevalence males Number females Prevalence females

0.8 0.9

0.1 4001 0.02

1.2 1000 0.2

0.02 95 0.001

2.7 2.2
2.1 1097600 0.84

1.5 11088 0.6

0.3 1827 0.2

0.19 1301 0.02

0.06 53 0.03
0.02 72 0
90.9 2 9.1
0.01 5 0.00
0.47 131 0.06

0.75 1159 0.14

0.43 20820 0.1

0.07 297 0.01

0.45 153 0.11

0.4 498 0.02

5.394179718755 0.76719103791157

Source Notes
PWID for the past 12 months
A total of 65 municipalities (13 from Bujumbura, 20
Burundi PLACE Report Priorities for other urban areas and 32 rural municipalities) were
Local AIDS Control Efforts selected for this study.
NASCOP key population mapping data was used to
ARQ/NASCOP Key Population size provide numerators while KNBS 2019 census data was
estimation 2020 used to provide denominators.

Respondent Driven Sampling; Indirect prevalence

estimation methods (e.g., capture-recapture technique,
ARQ network scale-up method or multiplier methods)
Age group:Nacional de Psiquiatría “Ramón de la Fuente
12-65 ans
Muñiz”, Instituto Nacional
Household/general population de Salud
estimation) Nacional contra las Adicciones y Secretaría
ARQ/Central Registry of Drug Abuse de Salud (2017). Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de
Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco 2016-2017 (ENCODAT).
Bradley, H., Hall, E., Asher, A., Furukawa, N
Reporte defrom journal
drogas. article de
ARQ/Encuesta de hogares. programas/encuesta-nacional-de-consumo-de-drogas-

Household/general population survey (direct

ARQ/Encuesta sobre consumo de drogas Encuesta probabilística, diseño complejo.
en Población General- Observatorio Utilización de ponderadores para realizar la
Uruguayo de Drogas estimación.
ARQ/Integrated Biobehavioral
Surveillance 2020 Injecting drug use at least once in the past 12 months.
ARQ Prevalence less than 0.005% is considered as invalid entry in DXP. It is therefore reported as 0%
Central Registry of Drug Abuse/ARQ The age range for A03.05.1 and A03.05.2 is 15-64. For other entries, the figures are for all ages.
ARQ/中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区政府社会工作局戒毒康复处 Treatment or other registries of users
IBBS among injecting drug users in
data from 4 NGOs and treatment centers 15-64 years old
Podgorica, based on Respondent Driven
ARQ 2020(RDS)
Sampling data methodology.
ARQ Indirect estimate (multiplier)
TDI 2020 Indirect prevalence estimation methods (e.g., capture-
BSS 2020 recapture technique, network scale-up method or
ARQ multiplier methods)

Indirect prevalence estimation methods (e.g., capture-

ARQ/All clients serviced in treatment recapture technique, network scale-up method or
centres, aged 15-64, in metropolitan France multiplier methods)
having stated they had injected any Single source capture-recapture using a national
Indirect prevalence estimation methods (e.g., capture-
substance during the past 12 months. compendium of treatment centres data
recapture technique, network scale-up method or
multiplier methods)
ARQ/The data sources come from drug We include the entire population recorded by the TDI,
treatment services, that include Opioid subject to the age being 15-64 years, who have
Substitution Units, Drug Free Programs, injected in the last month independently of substance.
Low Threshold Agencies and Prisons. Age group is 15-64 years old
ARQ/The estimates for PWID are derived
from the data on the total number of
individuals receiving treatment in the year
2020. The data provided refer to the actual
number of individual who have injected
drugs in their lifetime and/or still injected
drugs. Data are provided by all drug
agencies and services in Malta. All ages, including over 64 years

Indirect prevalence estimation methods (e.g., capture-

recapture technique, network scale-up method or
multiplier methods)
Cature-recapture with 3 data sources from Treatment:
ARQ/National registries of public Outpatient (1st semester), Outpatient (2nd semester),
outpatient treatment and public/licenced Inpatient, with generalised linear models (95%
inpatient treatment confidence)

Numbers from drug users who were in treatment for

ARQ/Treatment or other registries of users first time or re-entering treatment and injected drugs
. It is therefore reported as 0%.
es, the figures are for all ages.
Prevalence of HIV among people who inject d
Region Subregion Country Year of estimate
Africa East Africa Mauritius 2021

Africa East Africa Rwanda 2019-2020

Africa East and Southern Africa Seychelles 2019
Africa South Africa South Africa 2018
Africa West Africa Nigeria 2020
Africa West Africa Benin 2017
Africa North Africa Algeria 2018

Africa North Africa Morocco 2017

Africa West and Central Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo 2019
America North America Canada 2019

America North America Mexico 2020

America North America United States of America 2018
Americas Latin America Brazil 2021
Americas Latin America Nicaragua 2020
Asia Eastern Europe and Central Asia Kazakhstan 2020
Asia Asia and Pacific Mongolia 2019
Asia Eastern Europe and Central Asia Tajikistan 2018
Asia East and South-East Asia China 2021
Asia East and South-East Asia China, Hong Kong SAR 2021
Asia East and South-East Asia China, Macao SAR 2021
Asia East and South-East Asia Indonesia 2019
Asia East and South-East Asia Malaysia 2017
Asia East and South-East Asia Myanmar 2018
Asia East and South-East Asia Philippines 2015
Asia East and South-East Asia Thailand 2020
Asia Asia and Pacific Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2019

Asia Near and Middle East/ South-West Asia Iraq 2020

Asia Near and Middle East/ South-West Asia Israel 2020
Asia Near and Middle East/ South-West Asia Oman 2021
Asia South-West Asia Afghanistan 2012
Asia South-West Asia Pakistan 2016
Asia South Asia Bangladesh 2021
Asia South Asia Nepal 2020
Asia South Asia India 2014-2015
Europe Eastern Europe Belarus 2020
Europe Central Asia and Transcaucasia Armenia 2021
Europe Eastern Europe Republic of Moldova 2020
Asia Central Asia and Transcaucasia Azerbaijan 2020
Asia Central Asia and Transcaucasia Georgia 2017
Asia Central Asia and Transcaucasia Kyrgyzstan 2017
Asia Central Asia and Transcaucasia Uzbekistan 2015
Europe Eastern Europe Ukraine 2020
Europe Eastern Europe Montenegro 2020
Europe Western and Central Europe and North ACzechia 2018
Europe Western and Central Europe and North AEstonia 2018
Europe South-Eastern Europe Bulgaria 2016

Europe South-Eastern Europe Romania 2020

Europe South-Eastern Europe Türkiye 2021

Europe Western and Central Europe Austria 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Cyprus 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe France 2013
Europe Western and Central Europe Finland 2014-2019

Europe Western and Central Europe Germany 2011-2014

Europe Western and Central Europe Greece 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Hungary 2014

Europe Western and Central Europe Italy 2021
Europe Western and Central Europe Latvia 2020
Europe Western and Central Europe Malta 2013
Europe Western and Central Europe Portugal 2021

Europe Western and Central Europe Slovenia 2020

Western and Central Europe Serbia 2021

Europe Western and Central Europe Spain 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Switzerland 2019

Europe Western and Central Europe United Kingdom 2019

Oceania Australia and New Zealand Australia 2021

HIV among people who inject drugs
Male Female Source
18.4 31.5 IBBS Survey 2020/ARQ

Twahirwa Rwema, J. O., Nizeyimana, V., Prata, N.

M., Okonkwo, N. E., Mazzei, A. A., Muhirwa,
S., ... & Kagaba, A. (2021). Injection drug use
practices and HIV infection among people who
inject drugs in Kigali, Rwanda: a cross-sectional
8.4 14.3 study. Harm reduction journal, 18(1), 1-11.
26.6 4.2 Source: National programme data, 2019
16.3 24.3 Source: Sentinel surveillance, 2018
10.1 15.7 Source: BSS, 2020
1.7 16.7 Behavioural Surveillance, UNAIDS GAP
0.9 Source: Rapport des Centres de Dépistage (CD) 2018

7.1 4.13 Enquête intégrée bio comportementale IBBS 2017

8.4 12.9 Source: Tracks Survey of people who inject drugs in Canada, Phase 4, 2017-2019

0.01 0.01 Registro de casos de infección por el VIH, VHC y

7 8 Centre for Disease Control, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
1.3 1.1 At Sinan (Notifiable Diseases Information System)
Source: Behavioral surveillance survey, 2020
7.9 8.5 Integrated Biobehavioral Surveillance 2020
Source: Rapid Assessment and Response, 2020
11.4 24.1 Biobehavioural surveillance
4.2 5.4 data hub for asia Pacific
1.35 0.61 Hong Kong Special Administrative
Drug Rehabilitation Division, SocialRegion/ARQ
Welfare Bureau, Macao Special Administrativ
0 0
13.6 15 data hub for asia Pacific
13.5 data hub for asia Pacific
19.2 7.7 data hub for asia Pacific
22.8 25.2 data hub for asia Pacific
2.5 2.5 NAP web report, NSHO 2020/ARQ
3.6 2.2 Source:Behavioral Surveillance Survey, 2018
Study titled 'narcotics types and addiction in Iraq'
0.6 0 ARQ
4.4 data hub for asia Pacific
20.9 26.1 data hub for asia Pacific
2.3 6.3 data hub for asia Pacific
2.8 2 data hub for asia Pacific data hub for asia Pacific
21.1 26.4 Source: Behavioral surveillance survey, 2020
3.1 2.6 Source: BSS, 2021
10 17.3 Source: Behavioral surveillance survey, 2020
6.1 0.001 Source: BSS, 2020
2.1 5.1 IBBS 2017
15.2 9.2 IBBS 2017 UNAIDS
5.3 10.5 Biobehavioral surveillance UNAIDS
18.6 30.3 Biobehavioral
IBBS "Survey surveys amongrisk
on HIV/AIDS keybehavior,
populations 2020,
HIV, HBV and HCV seroprevalence am
0.6 ARQ
0.1 Source: Diagnostic screening among low-threshold programmes clients, rapid tests
47.9 61.5 Source: Vorobjov S, Salekešin M. HIV levimuse ja riskikäitumise uuring Narva na
2 0 Biobehavioral surveillance UNAIDS

"Behavioural Surveillance Survey (BSS) among

injecting drug users in Bucharest 2020".
30.6 25.9 ARQ
1.17 7.4 ARQ

2 4 ARQ

5 5 ARQ 2020 data-Data based on treatment demand reg

11 7 Enquête
Data fromCoquelicot 2011 for Health and Welfare.
Finnish Institute
0.8 1.1 ARQ

DRUCK study of the Robert Koch-Institut,

4.4 6.5 ARQ
Routine Diagnosing Testing (DT)
5.7 5.8 ARQ

0.5 0.001 UNAIDS GAP

29.3 28.4 ARQ/Registration or notification of cases of HIV and/or hepatitis C infection
29 24.5 ARQ/Drug users' cohort study
2 1 Data-collected
SIM from the Information
Multidisciplinary SMOPU (whole population
System is under
-Electronic OST)
Clinical Files
7 11 ARQ

2.2 2.3 Source: BSS, 2021

31.6 36.5 ARQ/Indicador de admisiones a tratamiento 2020.

2.6 1.3 Prevalence study based on self-reported cases of HI

Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey of HIV and Hepatitis in People Who Inje
0.98 0.43 ARQ

1.8 0.6 The 2021 ANSPS/ARQ

9.0435 11.2941111111111
Carried out at a number of sites - Curepipe, Mahebourg and Port Louis.

Kigali City

age (CD) 2018

La population cible de l'enquête est localisée au niveau de trois villes du Nord
du Maroc (Tanger -Tetouan - Nador) des deux sexes agée de 18 ou plus ayant
injectée des drogues dans les 6 derniers mois et sont résidants pour au moins
trois mois dans la localisation de l'étude
nject drugs in Canada, Phase 4, 2017-2019
Secretaría de Salud, Dirección General de Epidemiología, Sistema Único de
Información para la Vigilancia Epidemiológica, Sistema de Vigilancia
Epidemiológica de VIH y SIDA (2020).

and Mortality Weekly Report


18 years and older, ARQ

ARQ ages
15-64 years old

People who inject drugs during in 6 month.

15-64 years old

In accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol on the implementation
of bio-behavioral studies among at-risk populations in Montenegro, only an
estimate of the size of the population of people who inject drugs was made. An
estimate of the size of the population of people who inject drugs has been made
is using the multiplier method and the "Successive sampling population size
It is a study (SS-PSE)
estimation" in 8 cities technique.

ow-threshold programmes clients, rapid tests.

V levimuse ja riskikäitumise uuring Narva narkootikume süstivate inimeste seas 2018. Tallinn: Tervise Arengu Instituut? 2019.

Data were collected in October 2020.

The study was a cross-sectional, anonymous study among recent drug users
(who had used in the last 12 months) in Bucharest-Ilfov, recruited using the
respondent-driven sampling (RDS) technique and involved questionnaire-based
behavioural investigation and screening of biological products (whole blood)
for HIV, HBV and HCV.
PWID from the last 30 days
Seroprevalence study
Data from a low-threshold service, diagnostic testing, offered for clients who
want to be tested, in Vienna (Ambulatorium Suchthilfe Wien)
PWID Injecting at least once in a lifetime
ARQ 2021 data is available but male data is not available, as such 2019 data
was selected for both sex

All low threshold health services centres clients

People who had injected drugs within the past 12 months.
8 German cities with a large drug scene
The sample is comprised of people who attend a) the main treatment phases of
drug-free programmes, b) substitution programmes and c) counseling centers.
People who have injected drugs at some point in their life (ever-injectors)

ses of HIV and/or hepatitis C infection

Cohort study
ole population is under OST)
Registration or notification of cases of HIV and/or hepatitis C infection
Data on voluntary confidential diagnostic testing for HIV, HBV, HCV
infections among PWIDs who are treated within the national network of
Centres of Prevention and Treatment of Illicit Drug Addiction.

Prevalencia de las infecciones entre los consumidores de drogas admitidos a

tratamiento en 2020.
Inyectores: Personas que se han inyectado drogas alguna vez en la vida
Institution monitoring in stationary addiction facilities.
The prevalences are not explicitly in reference to people who inject drugs. Just
to people who are in the monitoring (see specifications above).

This voluntary unlinked anonymous survey recruits people who inject drugs
through specialist agencies within England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Australian Needle Syringe Program Survey (ANSPS) was implemented in

several phases due to the pandemic response. Each jurisdiction completed the
survey over different two-week periods between September and December.
Between June and November 2021 two jurisdictions experienced outbreaks of
community transmission so only a limited number of NSP services could
Prevalence of Hepatitis C (HCV) among people who inject drugs
Region Subregion Country Year of estimate

Africa East Africa Mauritius 2020

Africa East Africa United Republic of Tanzania 2017

Africa North Africa Morocco 2017

AMERICA North America Mexico 2021

Americas South America Brazil 2021

Asia Central Asia and Transcaucasia Kazakhstan 2020

Asia East and South-East Asia China, Macao SAR 2021

Asia Near and Middle East/ South-WeIraq 2020

Asia Near and Middle East/ South-WeIsrael 2020
Asia Near and Middle East/ South-WeOman 2021

Europe Eastern Europe Ukraine 2020

Europe South-Eastern Europe Montenegro 2020

Europe South-Eastern Europe Romania 2020

Europe South-Eastern Europe Türkiye 2021

Europe Western and Central Europe Austria 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Cyprus 2019

Europe Western and Central Europe Czechia 2019

Europe Western and Central Europe Finland 2014-2019

Europe Western and Central Europe Germany 2011-2014

Europe Western and Central Europe Greece 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Italy 2021

Europe Western and Central Europe Latvia 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Portugal 2021

Europe Western and Central Europe Slovenia 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Spain 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Switzerland 2019

Europe Western and Central Europe United Kingdom 2019

Oceania Australia and New Zealand Australia 2021

Male Female Source

89 88 IBBS Survey 2020/ARQ

Leyna, G. H., Makyao, N., Mwijage, A.,

Ramadhan, A., Likindikoki, S., Mizinduko, M.,
... & Mmbaga, E. J. (2019). HIV/HCV co-
infection and associated risk factors among
injecting drug users in Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania: potential for HCV elimination. Harm
15.91 15.15 Reduction Journal, 16(1), 1-10.

Enquête intégrée bio comportementale IBBS

34.8 2.3 2017/ARQ
Registration or notification of cases of HIV
83.4 66.8 and/or hepatitis C infection/ARQ
ARQ/Sinan (Notifiable Diseases Information
8.3 2 System)
55.9 48.9 IBBS 2020

Drug Rehabilitation Division, Social Welfare

Bureau, Macao Special Administrative Region
Government, People's Republic of China
81.8 9.1
Study name 'narcotics types and addiction in
0 0 ARQ
40 ARQ
64.9 25 ARQ

Biobehavioral surveys among key populations

2020, Public Health Center of the Ministry of
IBBS "Survey on HIV/AIDS risk behavior,
HIV, HBV and HCV seroprevalence among
injecting drug users in Podgorica, Montenegro
69.8 62.5 %202020_eng_online.pdf
in 2020
90.7 9.3 ARQ

"Behavioural Surveillance Survey (BSS) among

injecting drug users in Bucharest 2020".
74.2 68.8 ARQ

52.5 42.6 ARQ

61 55 ARQ
ARQ 2020 data-Data based on treatment
54.3 50 demand register

On-line survey in lowthresholdprograms in

19.76 0 reporting their clients tests and results.

Data from Finnish Institute for Health and

75.3 68.7 ARQ

ARQ/DRUCK study of the Robert Koch-

66 65 Institut
Routine Diagnosing Testing (DT)
64.4 65.9 ARQ
ARQ/Registration or notification of cases of
60 63.9 HIV and/or hepatitis C infection
86.6 40.6 ARQ/Drug users' cohort study
SIM - Multidisciplinary Information System -
Electronic Clinical Files
79.4 78.6 ARQ

50 0 ARQ

ARQ/Indicador de admisiones a tratamiento

53.7 53.1 2020.
Prevalence study based on self-reported cases
11.9 15.9 of HIV or hepatitis C infection

Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey of

HIV and Hepatitis in People Who Inject Drugs.
Data covers England, Wales and Northern
Ireland, not Scotland
54 55 ARQ
The 2021 ANSPS
38 34 ARQ

Anyone above 16, who has been injecting drug for the past six
months prior to the study dates, residing and working in Mauritius.
It was carried out at a number of sites throughout the country -
Curepipe, Mahebourg and Port Louis.

Study done on PWID in Dar Es Salaam

La population cible de l'enquête est localisée au niveau de trois

villes du Nord du Maroc (Tanger -Tetouan - Nador) des deux
sexes agée de 18 ou plus ayant injectée des drogues dans les 6
derniers mois et sont résidants pour au moins trois mois dans la
localisation de l'étude
Secretaría de Salud, Centro Nacional para la Prevención y el
Control del VIH y el SIDA (CENSIDA)

18 years and older

15-64 years old

15-64 years old

It is a study in 8 cities

Data were collected in October 2020.

PWID from the last 30 days
Seroprevalence study
Data from a low-threshold service, diagnostic testing, offered for
clients who want to be tested, in Vienna (Ambulatorium Suchthilfe
PWID Injecting at least once in a lifetime
ARQ 2021 data is available but male data is not available, as such
2019 data was selected for both sex

PWID: Injecting in the last 12 months

Age: 15+

All LTHSC clients, regardless of their serostatus, were ask to

participate and to fill a short questionnaire and to give a finger
prick blood sample for antibody studies.
An voluntary, anonymous sentinel seroprevalence (antibody
status) surveillance linked to anonymous risk-behavior
questionnaires in low treshold health service centres (needle
exchange). Questionnaires and finger prick blood samples were
connected with a barcode.

Participants were between 17 and 65 years of age, but no age

range was specified beforehand, other than the minimum age of 16
The sample is comprised of users who attend a) the main treatment
phases ofwho had injected
drug-free drugs within
programmes, the past 12programmes
b) substitution months. and
8c)German cities with
counseling centers. a large drug scene
All ages that attend treatment services
People who have injected drugs at some point in their life (ever-

Antigen-based method, e.g., HBsAg (preferred)

Registration or notification of cases of HIV and/or hepatitis C

Data on voluntary confidential diagnostic testing for HIV, HBV,
HCV infections among PWIDs who are treated within the national
network of Centres of Prevention and Treatment of Illicit Drug
Prevalencia de las infecciones entre los consumidores de drogas
admitidos a tratamiento en 2020
Inyectores: Personas que se han inyectado drogas alguna vez en la
Data from the institution monitoring in stationary addiction

This voluntary unlinked anonymous survey recruits people who

inject drugs through specialist agencies within England, Wales and
Northern Ireland. These agencies provide a range of services to
those who inject drugs, from medical treatment to needle and
syringe programmes and outreach work. People using these
services that are either currently injecting drugs or who have done
so previously are asked to take part in the survey by service staff.

The Australian Needle Syringe Program Survey (ANSPS)

Prevalence of Hepatitis B (HBV) among people who inject drugs

Region Subregion Country Year of Estimate

Africa East Africa Mauritius 2020

Americas South America Brazil 2021

Asia East and South-East Asia China, Macao SAR 2021

Asia Near and Middle East/ South-WeIraq 2020

Asia Near and Middle East/ South-WeIsrael 2020
Asia Near and Middle East/ South-WeOman 2021

Europe Eastern Europe Ukraine 2020

Europe South-Eastern Europe Montenegro 2020

Europe South-Eastern Europe Romania 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Cyprus 2019

Europe Western and Central Europe Germany 2011-2014

Europe Western and Central Europe Greece 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Italy 2021

Europe Western and Central Europe Portugal 2021

Europe Western and Central Europe Slovenia 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe Spain 2020

Europe Western and Central Europe United Kingdom 2019

Male Female Source

0.7 IBBS Survey 2020/ARQ

Sinan (Notifiable Diseases
1.5 0.4 Information System)

Drug Rehabilitation Division,

Social Welfare Bureau, Macao
Special Administrative Region
Government, People's Republic of

13.6 0
Study name 'narcotics types and
addiction in Iraq'
0 0 ARQ
25 ARQ
1.9 0 ARQ
IBBS "Survey on HIV/AIDS risk
behavior, HIV, HBV and HCV
Biobehavioral surveys
seroprevalence among key
among injecting
drug users in2020, Public Health
16.2 11.8 Center of theinMinistry
Montenegro 2020 of Health
1.5 0.3 ARQ

"Behavioural Surveillance Survey

(BSS) among injecting drug users
in Bucharest 2020".
6.7 5.4 ARQ

ARQ 2020 data-Data based on

1.1 0 treatment demand register
DRUCK study of the Robert Koch-

26 22

Routine Diagnosing Testing (DT)

1.1 2.5 ARQ
ARQ/Registration or notification
of cases of HIV and/or hepatitis C
2.7 2.1 infection
SIM - Multidisciplinary
Information System -Electronic
Clinical Files
2 1.6 ARQ

0 0 ARQ

ARQ/Indicador de admisiones a
5.2 6 tratamiento 2020.

Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring

Survey of HIV and Hepatitis in
People Who Inject Drugs. Data
covers England, Wales and
Northern Ireland, not Scotland
9.5 9.5 ARQ
Anyone above 16, who has been injecting drug for the past six
months prior to the study dates, residing and working in
It was carried out at a number of sites throughout the country -
Curepipe, Mahebourg and Port Louis.

15-64 years old

In accordance
15-64 years oldwith the recommendations of the Protocol on the
implementation of bio-behavioral studies among at-risk
populations in Montenegro, only an estimate of the size of the
It is a studyofinpeople
population 8 citieswho inject drugs was made. An estimate of
the size of the population of people who inject drugs has been
made is using the multiplier method and the "Successive sampling
population size estimation" (SS-PSE) technique.

Data were collected in October 2020.

The study was a cross-sectional, anonymous study among recent
drug users (who had used in the last 12 months) in Bucharest-
Ilfov, recruited using the respondent-driven sampling (RDS)
PWID Injecting at least once in a lifetime
ARQ 2021 data is available but male data is not available, as such
2019 data was selected for both sex
Participants were between 17 and 65 years of age, but no age
range was specified beforehand, other than the minimum age of
16 years
People who had injected drugs within the past 12 months.
8 German cities with a large drug scene
The sample is comprised of users who attend a) the main
treatment phases of drug-free programmes, b) substitution
programmes and c) counseling centers.
All ages that attend treatment services
People who have injected drugs at some point in their life (ever-

Antigen-based method, e.g., HBsAg (preferred)

Registration or notification of cases of HIV and/or hepatitis C
Data on voluntary confidential diagnostic testing for HIV, HBV,
HCV infections among PWIDs who are treated within the
national network of Centres of Prevention and Treatment of Illicit
Drug Addiction.
Prevalencia de las infecciones entre los consumidores de drogas
admitidos a tratamiento en 2020
Inyectores: Personas que se han inyectado drogas alguna vez en la

This voluntary unlinked anonymous survey recruits people who

inject drugs through specialist agencies within England, Wales
and Northern Ireland.

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