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92213 73 96 8 / 98198 60 60 4
STD: X Level II MARKS: 40

Q.1.A) Choose the correct alternatives: [4]

1) For√ x2 – 5x + √ = 0 find the value of the discriminant.
(A) -5 (B) 17 (C) √ (D) 2√ – 5
2) What is the probability of the event that a number chosen from 1 to 100 is a prime number?
(A) (B) (C) (D)

3) The tax levied by the central government for trading within state is _______.
4) In an A.P. first two terms are -3, 4 then 21st term is _______.
(A) –143 (B) 143 (C) 137 (D) 17

Q.1.B) Solve the following: [4]

1) Find the fourth term from the end in an A.P. -11, -8, -5, ......, 49.
2) Complete the following table of the given equation: x – y = 4
x -1 0
y 0 -4
(x, y) (0, -4)
3) Find the purchase price of a share of FV Rs. 100 if it is at premium of Rs. 30. The brokerage
rate is 0.3%.
4) Basketball players John, Vasim, Akash were practising the ball drop in the basket. The
probabilities of success for John, Vasim and Akash are , 0.83 and 58% respectively. Who
had the greatest probability of success.
Q.2.A) Complete the activity: (Any 2) [4]
1) To solve the simultaneous equations by determinant method, fill in the blanks
y + 2x – 19 = 0 ; 2x – 3y + 3 = 0
Solution : Write the given equations in the form ax + by = c
2x + y = 19
2x – 3y = -3
2) In the adjoining fig.
☐ABCD is a trapezium AB || CD and its area is 33 cm2.
From the information given in the figure find the lengths of
all sides of the ☐ABCD.
Fill in the empty boxes to get the solution.

3) If x = 5 is a root of equation kx2 – 14x – 5 = 0 then find the value of k by completing the
following activity.
Q.2.B) Solve the following: (Any 4) [8]
1) Solve the given simultaneous equations graphically: 5x – 6y + 30 = 0; 5x + 4y – 20 = 0
2) The loans of a bank for construction of farm ponds are shown in the following table. Find the
mean of the loans.
Loan (Thousand Rs.) 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 70 – 80 80 – 90
No. of farm ponds 13 20 24 36 7
3) The distance covered by 250 public transport buses in a day is shown in the following
frequency distribution table. Find the median of the distances.
Distance (km) 200 – 210 210 – 220 220 – 230 230 – 240 240 – 250
No. of buses 40 60 80 50 20
4) The following table shows causes of noise pollution. Show it by a pie diagram.
Construction Traffic Aircraft takeoffs Industry Trains
10% 50% 9% 20% 11%
5) Grouped frequency distribution of supply of milk to hotels and the number of hotels is given in
the following table. Find the mode of the supply of milk.
Milk (Litres) 1–3 3–5 5–7 7–9 9 – 11 11 – 13
No. of hotels 7 5 15 20 35 18

Q.3.A) Complete the activity: (Any 1) [3]

1) Complete the following activity to find the sum of natural numbers from 1 to 140 which are
divisible by 4.

2) Suppose a manufacturer sold a cycle for a taxable value of Rs. 4000 to the wholesaler.
Wholesaler sold it to the retailer for Rs. 4800 (taxable value). Retailer sold it to a customer for
Rs. 5200 (taxable value). Rate of GST is 12%. Complete the following activity to find the
payable CGST and SGST at each stage of trading.
Solution: Trading chain
Q.3.B) Solve the following: (Any 2) [6]
1) A three digit number is equal to 17 times the sum of its digits. If the digits are reversed, the
new number is 198 more than the old number; also the sum of extreme digits is less than the
middle digit by unity. Find the original number.
2) Write sample space ‘S’ and number of sample point n(S) for each of the following
experiments. Also write events A, B, C in the set form and write n(A), n(B), n(C).
Two dice are rolled simultaneously,
Event A: The sum of the digit on the upper face is multiple of 6.
Event B: The sum of the digit on the upper face is minimum 10.
Event C: The same digit on both the upper faces.
3) If two dice are rolled simultaneously, find the probability of the following events.
i) The sum of the digits on the upper faces is at least 10.
ii) The sum of the digits on the upper faces is 33.
iii) The digit on the first die is greater than the digit on second die.
4) If the sum of first p terms of an A.P. is equal to the sum of first q terms then show that the sum
of its first (p + q) terms is zero. (p q)
Q.4. Solve the following: (Any 2) [8]
1) Draw the graphs of the equations x – y + 1 = 0 and 3x + 2y – 12 = 0. Determine the co-
ordinates of the vertices of the triangle formed by these lines and the X-axis, and shade the
triangular region. Also find area of triangle so formed.
2) Calculate the missing frequency from the following distribution, it being given that the median
of the distribution is 24.
Age in years 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50
No. of persons 5 25 ? 18 7
3) If the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + cx + c = 0 are in the ration p : q ‘show that

√ +√ + √ = 0, where a, c are real number, such that a > 0 and c 0.

Q.5. Solve the following: (Any 1) [3]

1) Find the quadratic equation such that its roots are square of sum of the roots and square of
difference of the roots of equation 2x2 + 2(p + q) x + p2 + q2 = 0.
2) Prepare Business to Business (B2B) Tax Invoice as per the details given below.
Supplier - Name, Address, State, GSTIN, Invoice No., Date.
Recipient - Name, Address, State, GSTIN,
Items - i) Pencil boxes 100, HSN - 3924, Rate - Rs 20, GST 12%
ii) Jigsaw puzzles 50, HSN - 9503, Rate - Rs 100, GST 12%


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