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Baluyut, Angel Aliyah A

Dimla, Princess Nicolyn

Francia, John Owen S.

Jingco, Phea Blairre V.

Pacuribot, Al Louie C.

12 – STEM 2

Chapter 1



Plants vary from one to another according to their species, type, preferences, and

responses to diversified light spectrums. Color emerges as a characteristic of light,

stemming from the selective absorption and reflection of particular wavelengths.

Sunlight, characterized by white light, encompasses a spectrum of wavelengths

perceptible to human vision known as the visible spectrum. Upon refraction through a

prism, white light undergoes separation into a spectrum of color rays spanning from red

to violet, forming a rainbow-like display. For instance, carrots demonstrate enhanced

growth when subjected to concentrated green light, while other vegetables thrive under

red and blue light as. This research focuses on the efficiency of utilizing light emitting

diode on behalf of natural sunlight as a medium of growing Solanum Iycopersicum

(Tomato) in a mediated and controlled environment.

Moreover, plants assimilate diverse wavelengths of light based on their specific

requirements for growth. Additionally, the interaction between microscopic pigments

within plants and light sources contributes to their coloration. Scientist and researchers

have conducted studies, investigations and experiments to collect accurate and numerical

data to establish a body of knowledge regarding the efficiency of the manipulating light

according to what a chosen specimen necessitates. According to Nishio (2000),

photosynthetic pigments exhibit stronger absorption of red and blue light compared to

green light. These wavelengths are primarily absorbed within the top layers of cells,

whereas green light has the ability to penetrate deeper into leaf tissues, potentially

stimulating photosystems in underlying cell layers. This uniform distribution of green

light across the leaf may optimize leaf photosynthesis. Chloroplasts located near the

upper surface of the leaf may dissipate excess excitation energy through heat, while

chloroplasts in deeper layers receive less excitation energy.

On the contrary, researchers are tasked with examining potential fluctuations in

statistical data concerning the consistent positive impacts of light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

on plants. This inquiry encompasses assessing whether these effects are uniform across

various plant species and elucidating how distinct factors such as light color, distance,

and wattage influence the physiological response of plant specimens. On the opposing

facet of the subject, researchers are mandated to scrutinize the impact of LED lighting on

a particular species of plant, concurrently integrating natural sunlight in alternating

phases to discern whether plants exhibit congruous or disparate responses under varying

conditions. On the other side of the topic, the researchers are ought to investigate the

effects of LED to a specific plant specie while incorporating natural sunlight alternately

to compare effects if plants would react similarly or contradict each other

Certain plants inhabit environments where certain requirements are unmet due to

uncontrollable internal and external factors acting as constraints to the cultivation of

domesticated vegetation. This study aims to offer practical implications for the use of

light-emitting diodes as an alternative method for growing plants and crops.


The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effects of different colors

of light and their respective intensities on the process of photosynthesis in plants.

Specifically, the study aims to:

1.2.1. Determine how different colors of light influence the rate of

photosynthesis in plant species. Red Blue

1.2.2. To find significant differences between the various lights' effects on

photosynthesis in terms of: Leaf Nodes Height Leaf Characteristics Fruit Bearing

1.2.3. Provide implications of practical applications of LED lighting as an

alternative to natural light.


H01: There are no significant differences in the photosynthetic rates of plants

exposed to different colors of light in terms of plant growth.


Ha1: There are significant differences in the photosynthetic rates of plants exposed

to different colors of light in terms of plant growth.


The result of this study will be useful for the following:

Students. Studying the effects of different colors of light on photosynthesis can

provide students with a deeper understanding of the biology of plants and the role of light

in photosynthesis. This knowledge can help students to better appreciate the complex

interactions between light, water, and plant cells, and how these interactions support life

on Earth.

Teachers. Teachers can use the study of the effects of different colors of light on

photosynthesis as a tool for teaching concepts in biology, ecology, and environmental

science. By engaging students in hands-on experiments and projects, teachers can help

students develop a deeper understanding of the natural world and the importance of

photosynthesis in supporting life on Earth.

Administration. The study of the effects of different colors of light on

photosynthesis can have important implications for administration policies and decisions

related to agriculture, energy, and environmental management. By understanding how

different colors of light affect photosynthesis, policymakers can develop more effective

strategies for optimizing crop yields, reducing energy consumption, and mitigating the

impacts of climate change.

Agricultural Practices. The findings of this research can have practical

applications in agriculture. Identifying the most effective colors of light for

photosynthesis can help optimize lighting conditions in controlled environments such as

greenhouses and indoor farms. This optimization can lead to increased crop yields,

reduced energy consumption, and improved sustainability.

Future Researchers. Understanding the effects of different colors of light on

photosynthesis can help researchers develop new technologies for improving crop yields,

increasing the efficiency of solar energy conversion, and mitigating the impacts of

climate change. By studying the interactions between light, water, and plant cells,

researchers can identify new ways to optimize photosynthesis and improve the

productivity of agricultural systems.


The study will focus on the effects of different colors of LED lights on the

photosynthesis process of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) at different developmental

stages. The study will use artificially colored LED lights (red and blue) to mimic natural

light conditions. The study will not cover the effects of other factors such as temperature,

humidity, soil type, and nutrient availability on the photosynthesis process of tomatoes.

The study will also not include other plant species aside from Solanum melongena.
The study will be conducted in a controlled environment, specifically in a growth

chamber, to eliminate external factors that may affect the results of the study. The LED

lights (red and blue) utilize 5 watts of power to keep the study manageable. Other colors

of light will not be considered in this study.


The system approach (Input–process–output system) was used in describing the

conceptual framework of the study to provide a structured approach for understanding


- Varying colors of - Subject Solanum - The effects of

LED lights lycopersicum various light colors
specimens to with LED lighting on
- Solanum
illumination by the photosynthesis
diverse colors of process of solanum
(tomato) specimens
LED lights lycopersicum
at different
developmental stages - Observe and record
- Data on the impact growth patterns and
of light quality and physiological
intensity on plant responses of the
growth specimens
- Analyze the impact
of varying light
spectra on Solanum
lycopersicum during
each developmental
- Compare the results
with existing data on
the impact of light
quality and intensity
on plant growth

and analyzing the research process. The conceptual framework for this study is based on

the hypothesis that different colors of LED lights have varying effects on the

photosynthesis process of tomatoes (Solanum melongena).


Chloroplasts. A type of plastid—a round, oval, or disk-shaped body that is

involved in the synthesis and storage of foodstuffs. Chloroplasts are distinguished from

other types of plastids by their green color. (Britannica, 2023)

Colors. The aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, lightness,

and saturation. (Britannica, 2023)

Leaf Area. It is defined as the one-sided green leaf area of a canopy or plant

community per unit ground area. It can be found by harvesting and measuring the area of

every leaf in a canopy covering one unit area of ground. (Meter, n.d.)

LED Lights. A light-emitting diode is a semiconductor device that emits visible

light when an electrical current passes through it. It is essentially the opposite of a

photovoltaic cell (a device that converts visible light into electrical current).

(Stouchlighting, 2017)

Leaf Nodes. The small swelling that is the part of a plant stem from which one or

more leaves emerge. (Vocubolary, n.d.)

Light Intensity. The quality or state of being intense. (Merriem Webster, n.d.)

Morphogenesis. Is the shaping of an organism by embryological processes of

differentiation of cells, tissues, and organs and the development of organ systems

according to the genetic “blueprint” of the potential organism and environmental

conditions. (Britannica, 2021)

Photoinhibition. It is defined as the decrease in photochemical efficiency

experienced in response to intense illumination due to radiation damage. (Science Direct,


Photon Flux Density. Is a measurement of the number of photons passing

through a particular area per second. (Black Dog LED, n.d.)

Photosynthesis. The process by which green plants and some other organisms use

sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. (Oxford Dictionary, n.d.)

Plants. Are the eukaryotes that form the kingdom Plantae; they are predominantly

photosynthetic. This means that they obtain their energy from sunlight, using chloroplasts

derived from endosymbiosis with cyanobacteria to produce sugars from carbon dioxide

and water, using the green pigment chlorophyll. (Wikipedia, 2023)


This section serves as a foundation for understanding and contextualizing the

current study within the existing body of knowledge. It consolidates previous research,

scholarly articles, and findings relevant to the subject matter, offering insights, trends,

gaps, and the evolution of understanding in a particular field.

1.9.1 RELATED LITERATURE Photosynthesis and Pigments

In almost all ecosystems, the primary role of plants is to absorb solar

radiation and transform it into forms that other organisms can use. Substances that

absorb light are called pigments, and they vary in the wavelengths of light they
absorb, reflecting the rest. The most prevalent pigments in plants are called

chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. These pigments absorb violet, blue, and red light

and reflect it in the form of green wavelengths that humans can perceive.

(Triangle Garden, 2020)

Capturing light for energy is not the only way plants use light. Specialized

enzymes have developed to use light as a signal for physiological processes that

influence the behavior of various plant species. One kind of photoreceptor that

reacts to red and far-red light is called a phytochrome. Phytochromes function as a

biological on-off switch by oscillating between active and inactive versions

according to the amount and type of light they receive. Phytochrome is a light-

sensitive protein that becomes active when it comes into contact with red light. It

becomes inactive when it comes into contact with far-red light or no red light.

(Triangle Garden, 2020)

Radiation comes in the form of electromagnetic waves that travel through

vacuums and air and take the form of light. As a result, it may be explained using

the following three physical characteristics: amplitude, frequency, and direction

of vibration (polarization). In addition to giving plants energy for photosynthesis,

light serves as a source of information for them. Different light spectrums provide

information to the plant about its surroundings and, consequently, how it should

live, grow, and procreate. In this way, the kind of light matters just as much as the

overall amount of light required for photosynthesis. A plant has unique pigments

called photoreceptors to absorb information from the light that reaches it. These
photoreceptors can detect several light spectrum wavelengths. (CANNA

Gardening USA, n.d.) Impact of Light on Plant Growth

The spectrum and intensity of light have a significant impact on the

growth and development of plants. By precisely controlling light quality with

LED (light-emitting diode) technology, conditions can be optimized for crops or

research goals in controlled environments like greenhouses or growth chambers.

The sense of plants to light is different from human eyes. Artificial LED lights

simulate natural light to help plants grow better. Light quality is one of the most

critical factors for plants growing in an artificial light environment. (Atop

Lighting, n.d.)

Artificial LED lights are more concentrated on the effects of blue light and

red light. The light quality of these light spectrums has a greater influence on

plant growth with the use of artificial LED light. These will be used by the

researchers to conduct this study as this investigation will focus on utilizing

artificial light with distinct colors to see how plants would react and propagate

throughout the process of the experiment. Furthermore, it is also said in this study

that the appropriate light quality will improve plant growth and simulate the

natural light to help plants grow better. (Atop Lighting, n.d.)

Among various environmental factors, light-spectral quality, intensity, and

duration are the most important variables affecting the growth and development

of plants (Inada and Yabumoto, 1989). Monitoring chlorophyll fluorescence

under different light intensities can provide insights into the photosynthetic

performance and photoprotective mechanisms of plants, helping researchers

understand how they respond to environmental changes and stressors. Thus,

maximizing economic benefits by optimizing light intensity regulation is

important to decrease operating costs in lettuce production in high and low

latitudes. Light saturation point is one of the parameters upon which optimal light

intensity regulation is carried out. However, conflicting results on light saturation

point cannot facilitate light intensity regulation in the production of lettuce. (Fu et

al., 2012)

The productivity of plants is influenced by both the amount of light

(intensity and duration) and the quality of light (spectral composition). These

factors interact with other environmental conditions and cultivation factors to

determine the behavior of plants. Light not only provides energy for

photosynthesis but also regulates plant development, shape, and metabolism

through specific signals. These signals are perceived by specific photoreceptors,

even at low light intensity. The knowledge about plant photomorphogenesis has

increased in recent years, partly due to the use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in

greenhouse horticulture. LEDs offer advantages such as the ability to customize

the light spectrum and regulate the light intensity according to the specific needs

of different crops and growth stages. This knowledge can be applied in

greenhouse horticulture to improve production schedules and the yield and quality

of crops. (Roberta Paraiso et al., 2021)

Due to the decrease in crop productivity in farmland and the challenges

posed by environmental factors, there has been a shift towards indoor cultivation

systems. These systems aim to achieve higher yields compared to traditional

outdoor cultivation. In this regard, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting has

emerged as a promising solution for agricultural lighting. LEDs have several

advantages such as energy efficiency, long lifespan, high photon flux efficacy,

and flexibility in application, making them a more suitable choice for future

agricultural lighting systems compared to traditional lighting. Different spectrums

of LED light have varying effects on plant growth and photosynthetic responses.

LEDs also play a crucial role in controlling important physiological processes in

plants, including phototropism, chloroplast movement, day/night cycle regulation,

and stomata opening/closing. Moreover, exposure to specific LED spectrums can

stimulate the production of bioactive compounds and antioxidants in plants,

which can help protect cells from oxidative damage. LEDs have also been found

to enhance nutrient metabolism and promote flower initiation, thereby improving

crop quality. Controlling both the intensity and wavelength of light is crucial for

optimizing crop yield, quality, and nutritional value in controlled environments.

(Musa Al Murad

1.9.2 RELATED STUDIES LED Lights in Plant Cultivation

The application of LED lights in plant cultivation has emerged as a focal

point in controlled environment agriculture due to their potential to impact diverse

physiological processes. This review aims to comprehensively explore the effects

of specific LED light spectra on various aspects of plant physiology, including

photosynthesis, morphology, and growth patterns. (Lolong, 2019)

Light-emitting diodes are small-sized artificial light sources that create a

substitute for sunlight by displaying different waves of visible light. Mandala

(2018) defined this as light energy being displayed from a series of wavelengths,

also known as the electromagnetic spectrum. Those outside the visible light

spectrum may cause negative effects such as sunburns from the sun’s non-visible,

ultraviolet light. Light-emitting diodes, however, stop this phenomenon because

of the ability to modify and fine-tune the wavelengths it emits. Previous studies

have found that setting these wavelengths to present specific colors has an impact

on the plant’s overall structure. (Massa et al., 2008)

The study of Lolong (2019), Mandala (2018), and Massa et al., (2008)

shows the relevance of LED lights in controlled environment agriculture,

including photosynthesis, morphology, and growth patterns. It emphasizes the

capability of LED lights to emit specific wavelengths, replicating sunlight and

allowing researchers to manipulate light spectra. The study mentioned intends to

explore how Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) responds to different LED light

colors, aiming to observe the plant's reactions and growth throughout the

experiment. This aligns with the broader context of using LED lighting to

understand how altering light colors influences plant behavior and development, a

key focus of the research on the effects of various light colors on tomato

photosynthesis. Light and Its Role in Plant Processes

Light is electromagnetic radiation that can have a very small range of

wavelengths, ranging from radio waves measured in meters to gamma rays with

wavelengths across an extraordinarily large range. Visible light, which ranges in

wavelength from around 700 nanometers (nm) for red light to 400 nm for violet

light, is what is sensed by human eyes and plant photoreceptors. But even the

wavelengths that make up the spectral zones that are next to the visible ones—the

ultraviolet at the violet light end and the infrared at the red light end—are still

referred to as light. (Cavallaro and Muleo, 2022).

The study of Cavallaro and Muleo (2022) delves into the fundamental

nature of light as electromagnetic radiation and highlights its diverse wavelengths.

It emphasizes the pivotal role of light as the primary energy source for

photosynthesis, the process vital for life. Understanding light's properties and

origins is crucial for researchers as they aim to use it as a stimulus in their

investigation, especially in the context of studying its effects on the

photosynthesis process of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) using LED lighting

with various colors. It underscores the significance of comprehending light's

fundamentals to guide the experiment's setup and interpretation of results,

aligning closely with the study's objective of exploring how different light colors

impact the photosynthesis process in tomatoes. LED Technology in Agriculture

Artificial illumination presents an intriguing approach for controlling

some plant diseases in greenhouses or growth chambers, as well as a possible

substitute for growth retardants used in chemical pinching. With research

concentrating on species/cultivar-specific light needs, the use of LED light in

controlled circumstances might result in the creation of decorative items with

superior qualities, opening up new avenues for applied sciences. Additionally,

using it can aid in the sustainable reduction of the amount of energy and soil used

in agriculture. (Trivellini et al., 2023).

Efficient utilization of light for photosynthesis is critical in greenhouse

horticulture. Traditional lighting methods often lack spectral control, limiting

their effectiveness. The advent of LED technology offers precise spectral

composition control, promising significant gains in photosynthesis. Studies delve

into the multifaceted effects of blue light on photosynthesis and plant

morphology, revealing its nuanced impact on light interception and biomass

production (Taylor, 2022).

Research on Arthrospira maxima under different LED colors elucidates

contrasting growth responses. Red light (660 nm) emerges as a promoter of

biomass yield and chlorophyll concentration, while blue light (470 nm)

demonstrates less favorability in promoting biomass. Additionally, the study

highlights the contrasting impacts of red and blue lights on pigment production,

emphasizing their role in chlorophyll synthesis and phycobiliprotein upregulation,

respectively (Park et al., 2019).

Considering the absorption spectra of photosynthetic pigments, the

combination of red (600–700 nm) and blue (400–500 nm) wavelengths emerges

as a practical choice for commercial plant production using LED systems, with

various regulatory mechanisms available. (Trivellini et al., 2023).

The study of Trivellini et al. (2023), Taylor (2022), and Park et al. (2019)

highlight the specific effects of blue and red LED lights on plant growth,

morphology, and pigment production in various species, providing insights into

their roles in biomass yield, chlorophyll concentration, and pigment synthesis.

These discussions align closely with the study aiming to explore how different

LED light colors impact the photosynthesis process of Solanum lycopersicum

(tomato), as it contributes valuable insights into the effects of specific light

spectra on plant growth, morphology, and pigment production, thus supporting

the investigation's focus on understanding the impacts of various light colors on

tomato photosynthesis. Specific Effects of LED Lights on Plant Growth

Studies comparing LED-based systems to conventional hydroponics

showcase the superiority of LEDs in enhancing plant growth. Combinations of red

and blue LEDs significantly increase leaf number, area, and overall biomass in

lettuce compared to conventional setups. This emphasizes the potential of LEDs

to improve efficiency and productivity in controlled environments (Amado et al.,


Comparative analyses of vertical farm setups and conventional greenhouse

environments shed light on the impact of LED colors on growth. While blue and

red LEDs supported standard growth, the use of varied spectra, including green,

pink, and white LEDs, showcased varying degrees of improvement in growth

parameters. Specific wavelengths, notably beyond the typical red-blue

combination, significantly influenced plant responses, with certain colors like

pink LEDs (620 nm) displaying enhanced effects on plant height and leaf number

in tomatoes (Tamayo et al., 2022).

The cumulative findings underscore the significant influence of LED-

colored lights on diverse aspects of plant physiology and growth. The nuanced

effects of different spectra highlight their potential for tailored optimization in

controlled environments, offering prospects for enhanced efficiency, productivity,

and growth modulation in various plant species.

The discussed studies by Amado et al. (2016) and Tamayo et al. (2022)

compared the effects of LED lighting to conventional methods in plant growth,

showcasing the superiority of LEDs in enhancing plant growth and productivity.

These studies underscore the nuanced effects of different light spectra on plant

responses, emphasizing the potential for tailored optimization of LED lighting in

controlled environments. These findings align with the study exploring the effects

of various LED light colors on the photosynthesis process of Solanum

lycopersicum (tomato), as they provide insights into how different light colors can

influence plant growth, productivity, and physiology, thus supporting the

investigation's focus on understanding the impacts of specific light spectra on

tomato photosynthesis. Manipulating Light for Crop Improvement

With more control over the light spectrum offered by LED lighting,

farmers can tailor the illumination to each crop's unique requirements. The growth

and development of plants are impacted differently by various light wavelengths.

Farmers can encourage particular plant traits, such as bigger leaves, quicker

growth rates, or better-quality fruit, by adjusting the light spectrum. Moreover,

farmers may design customized lighting schedules for various crops based on

their developmental requirements and stage of growth thanks to LED lighting.

(Tse, 2023).

LED illumination not only increases crop quality and productivity, but it

may also significantly affect when crops are harvested. Farmers may influence

when plants blossom and fruit, leading to earlier or later harvests, by adjusting the

light conditions. This can be especially helpful in areas with short growing

seasons or when crops must be picked on a set schedule to satisfy consumer


The study of Tse (2023) highlights the significance of LED lighting in

providing precise control over the light spectrum, enabling farmers to tailor

illumination to meet the specific needs of different crops. It emphasizes how

different light wavelengths impact plant growth and development, allowing

farmers to manipulate traits like leaf size, growth rates, and fruit quality.

Moreover, LED lighting enables the customization of lighting schedules based on

the developmental stages of crops, offering flexibility in catering to their growth

requirements. These insights align with the study exploring the effects of various

LED light colors on the photosynthesis process of Solanum lycopersicum

(tomato), as they emphasize how LED lighting can influence plant growth,

development, and harvest timing, supporting the investigation's focus on

understanding the impacts of different light conditions on tomato photosynthesis. Understanding Plant Responses to Light

The morphogenetic reactions of plants are influenced by the light

environment. Such as stem extension, shoot branching or tillering, and in the

process of blooming. These reactions are controlled by several photoreceptors,

like the primarily sensitive phytochromes to blue receptors, photosynthetic

pigments, and red/far-red ratios. (Monostori et al., 2018)

Having to know about the effects of light on plans, especially in modified

conditions is extremely valuable as this opens doors and ideas to the researchers

to manipulate the light according to the specific type of specimen. Furthermore,

this broadens the understanding of the researchers to effectively investigate the

study that has been conducted continuously by other professionals, hence,

motivating the researchers to provide modifications to the experiment to explore

beyond what is already known therefore contributing to the existing body of


This study by Monostori et al (2018) highlights how the light environment

significantly influences various morphogenetic reactions in plants, including stem

extension, branching, blooming, and other growth processes. Understanding the

effects of light on plants, especially in altered or controlled environments, is

crucial as it provides researchers with insights to manipulate light conditions

tailored to specific plant species. This aligns closely with the study exploring the

effects of various LED light colors on the photosynthesis process of Solanum

lycopersicum (tomato) by highlighting the importance of understanding how

different light conditions impact plant growth processes and the necessity of
exploring beyond existing knowledge to contribute to scientific advancements in

this area. Specific Studies and Their Findings

Chen et al (2014) investigate the impact of various light qualities on the

growth, photosynthetic response, and nutritional quality of 'Juhua-Xiaobaye'

savoy. Different light treatments, including full red light, full blue light, varying

ratios of red and blue light (3/1 and 7/1), and a combination of white, red, and

blue light (3/2/1) generated by light-emitting diodes, were administered, with

white light from fluorescent lamps used as a control. Photosynthetic rates and

transpiration showed significant variations under different light qualities. Red

light resulted in the highest photosynthetic and transpiration rates, exhibiting

substantial increases compared to the control. Blue light, however, induced the

highest intercellular CO2 concentration and conductance. The fluorescence

parameters of the plant were markedly influenced by the quality of light exposure.

White light produced the highest values for maximal photochemical efficiency of

PS II (Fv/Fm), Fv/Fo, and Phi(PS II).

Under various LED light treatments, the growth characteristics, leaf

morphology, photosynthetic efficiency, chlorophyll fluorescence, and nitrogen

and carbon metabolism in the leaves of eggplant seedlings were investigated. The

findings demonstrated that, in comparison to the control, red light decreased plant

height, leaf growth, and photosynthetic properties, whereas blue light increased

them. On the other hand, red light markedly raised the amounts of carotenoids,

chlorophyll a, and chlorophyll b, whereas blue light markedly lowered them.

Additionally, the monochromatic blue and red light did not affect the

concentrations of carbohydrates or the activity of the enzymes that aid in the

absorption of nitrogen. (Di et al., 2020).

Vertical farming consists of multiple stacked layers in growing produce.

They usually coincide within tall buildings and warehouses enabling a more

controllable setup as compared to traditional methods. The cultivation setup is

mainly built in a closed environment and is easily controllable through the

addition of artificial lighting sources. The method is a combination of a

greenhouse and a skyscraper in cultivating crops through artificial sunlight.

Unlike traditional farming, it is purposely designed to take advantage of

electricity in controlling many of its parts. Based on several studies, vertical

farming was tested to prove its capabilities. (Kalantari, et al., 2017), (Banerjee,


These studies by Chen et al (2014), Di et al., 2020), Kalantari, et al (2017),

and Banerjee (2014) reveal distinct effects of red and blue light on

photosynthesis, growth characteristics, leaf morphology, and pigment

concentrations. The findings demonstrate that red light decreased certain growth

parameters while increasing pigment concentrations, whereas blue light had

contrasting effects, enhancing growth but decreasing pigment concentrations. This

information aligns with the study exploring the effects of various LED light colors

on the photosynthesis process of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) by providing

insights into how different light qualities impact plant growth, photosynthesis, and

pigment concentrations.
Chapter 2


This study presents the research design, research sampling, experimental

procedure and testing, statistical analysis of data for interpretation, and the procedure to

investigate the effects of different colors of light and their intensity on the process of



An experimental research design is used in this study. The primary objective of

this experimental study is to investigate how different colors of light and varying light

intensities impact the process of photosynthesis in plants. Specifically, we aim to

determine which colors and intensities of light are most suitable for effective

photosynthesis and those that are not.


In all, six (6) specimens will be used in this study. Given that, there would be two

(2) different light colors mainly red and blue. Each light would have a total of one (3)

tomato. After that, the plants will spend six hours a day under the sun as it is advised that

plants need at least six hours of sunlight each day, as an alternative, they will have to

spend at least three to six hours under the focus of an LED light. Six (6) trials will be

conducted on the specimens to guarantee the accuracy of the findings. Three (3) more

specimens will be submerged in water in varied light conditions. The experiment will be
conducted on tomato leaves. To investigate how photosynthetic production changes in

response to different light conditions, leaf portions are submerged in water.


The following procedure for each experiment is done by careful selection of

materials such as the specimens that will be under the researcher’s investigation and

according to the length of interval in which this study will last.

2.3.1 Materials:

1. Three (3) pieces of 5 L – 7 L sized pots

2. Cardboard box

3. Three (3) 5 watts of blue and red LED lights

4. Tomato seeds

5. Three (3) 5 ml – 10 ml syringe

6. Four (4) pieces of 250 ml beaker or clear plastic cups

7. Baking soda

8. Water

2.3.2 Experiment 1: Tomato seedlings under two (2) different colors of LED

lights: blue and red.

1. Collection of healthy seeds and soil is essential for this experiment as

the following specimens do not solely rely on the light these

specimens receive but also the soil and water as one of their necessities

to thrive.
2. Seeds should have grown to seedlings in their respective pots as a

preparation to be placed in their modified housings.

3. Cardboard housings are beneficial for plant growth as it does not

completely trap the plant from the air, unlike plywood for the reason

that they have to breathe as well to convert food into energy. Two (2)

cardboard boxes should be made and measured to be 34 by 18 inches

and 20 inches in height to make room for plants to grow. Note that

these cardboard boxes are open to the bottom to get easy access to

daily watering and consistent observation of changes.

4. Attach the LED on the top of each cardboard box and ensure that no

natural light should pass through as light will only be utilized solely

from the bulb.

5. As the following items needed to conduct the investigation are

prepared, the testing shall now begin by placing grown tomato

seedlings in their corresponding housing with mounted LED light

bulbs on top of each housing. Note that daily check-up and consistent

watering of plants is the responsibility of the researchers to maintain

potential growth efficiency.

2.3.3 Experiment 2: Submerging circle cutouts of carefully speculated tomato

leaves underwater beneath the focus of different colored LED lights.

1. Speculate healthy tomato leaves that are suited to last in this

2. Circle cutouts of tomato leaves can be provided by the use of a


3. Label one (1) cup of “Negative (-) Baking Soda” and the other three

(3) as “Positive (+) Baking Soda”.

4. To a positive (+) baking soda labeled cup, add water, a drop of dish

soap as well as a 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda. On the other hand, in

the negative (-) baking soda labeled cup add a drop of dish soap.

5. Stir the solution of each cup to mix the ingredients that have been put


6. Set up the blue and red LED light bulbs.

7. Proceed to punch at least 30 pieces of the tomato leaf. Make sure to

avoid punching through the major veins of the leaf.

8. Place the leaf discs inside the 10 ml syringe and fill it with the solution

of the positive (+) baking soda. Push out the air and cover the other

end of the syringe with no needle for 10-15 seconds to create a

vacuum until the leaf discs sink.

9. Release the plunger and uncover the release of the vacuum. If

necessary, repeat the process to achieve the product.

10. Place the leaf discs inside each of the positively labeled baking soda

cups. Make sure that their respective light sources are directly facing

the cups individually to observe which among the colored light sources

will have a major contribution to the process of photosynthesis of each

Studying how different light colors affect photosynthesis can also provide an

evidence-based investigation into how plants respond to changing environmental

conditions, such as alterations in natural light due to pollution or climate change.

Research in this area provides valuable educational material, aiding students and

researchers in understanding fundamental biological processes.

Overall, studying the effects of different colors of light on plants has

widespread implications, from agricultural advancements to environmental

sustainability and scientific processes.


Growth Stage Days Spent in Key Growth Signs

Germination 6 to 8 Green sprouts appear above the soil
Early Growth 25 to 35 True leaves and roots
Vegetative 20 to 25 Vines lengthen, foliage and roots grow, flowers
Growth start to emerge
Flowering 20+ Yellow flowers appear and open
Pollination 20+ Occurs throughout flowering
Fruit Formation 20 to 30 Small green fruits appear and grow
Ripening 15 to 20 Red color develops

In this research study, the researchers aim to investigate the impact of alternating

exposure to red and blue light on plant growth over specific intervals. The experiment

will be conducted in a controlled environment where plants will be subjected to a

sequence of day intervals of either red or blue light according to the developmental stage.

During the respective developmental stage, the plants will be exclusively exposed

to blue light or red light. Subsequently, following a transitional period, the next

developmental stage will involve exposure to the opposite light. This alternating pattern

of light exposure aims to assess any discernible effects on plant growth and development.

After the completion of each developmental stage, the researchers will

meticulously measure and analyze various growth parameters to evaluate the impact on

the plants. Specifically, assessments will be made on crucial indicators such as leaf

nodes, plant height, leaf characteristics, and fruit-bearing. These measurements will

provide valuable data into how the alternating light conditions influence the physiological

and morphological aspects of the plants.

2.4.1 Leaf Nodes

The method to test the leaf nodes of a plant involves identifying them as

small bumps or swellings on the stem or branch where new leaves or stems

emerge. These nodes are crucial for the growth and development of the plant, as

they contain the meristematic tissue responsible for producing new cells, leaves,

branches, and roots. Nodes are also where leaves and flowers are attached to the

plant, and they can help identify different parts of the plant and its growth


2.4.2 Height

To test the height of a plant, measure the plant height in centimeters from

the base of the stem (at the soil surface) to the top of the canopy, or the highest
part of the plant (for many plants, this will be the tip of the apical bud). The

researchers may lift and support the stem if needed, but it cannot lift or extend

leaves. If the plant is in a pot, start the measurement at the base of the pot. The

researchers can use a ruler or measuring tape to measure the height of the plant.

Record the height of the plant and repeat the measurement every seven days. The

researchers will then calculate the average growth rate by taking the change in

size and dividing it by the amount of time it has been growing

2.4.3 Leaf Characteristics

Testing leaf characteristics in terms of the color of a plant's leaves

involves careful observation and analysis. The color of leaves can provide

valuable insights into the plant's health, nutrient status, and potential stress

factors. The color green on plant leaves typically indicates healthy chlorophyll

production and photosynthetic activity, essential for robust growth and vitality. In

contrast, the yellowing of leaves may signify various issues such as nutrient

deficiencies, water stress, or pest infestation, highlighting potential concerns that

require attention for optimal plant health.

2.4.4 Fruit Bearing


The data gathered in this study will be analyzed by using one-way analysis of

variance, also known as ANOVA, to compare the following variables: red and blue LED
lights. It will be used to identify the differences in the photosynthetic rates of plants

exposed to different colors of light in terms of plant growth.

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