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a _- Bioroay [wrRopuc ton

+ Biology, is the Shad

_OFQAMISMS and Meie interactions
_usithy the environment.
+ Living things .
___+REseire Dees
- Rove a life cycle.
+ Excrete
__: Moe Bi eee
__ Consume Nvbripdiee _
___ Rdapt Lo enitgament
sSensitivity : |
ave cells : HS |
+ Tow

Non -living things coulddo _

alLof the Sb ove, except fe
Qcow And “produce.
4a he
% =
SENS 'p'

Cells are Une smallest Units of — ‘lows acell Compares to a factoy:

lite towt are capable of surviving — __ + Nucleus —Wead Office
in crRdiumy Sree o€ life . ; > DONA - Manager _
» Probens — Product
There are Zenain Eyes of cells: - Smooth Endoplasmic Reticvlon
- Prokaryotic (Reto re Nudews): + Ribosomes — Tachinesy
Tn evnicellular o agams. The es Ores — Free SPace
have. No actarant Wah + Nadcuole- Storage Roam
of GANA. - Cell\rembrane = Guards
-Bukacyoric (1rue Nucles): In - Pri bo chondria — Po wer Howse
mylticelly lar bodies Thea have _
comple organelles ahd af€ » The cell memortane ig q sheet-
located iN planks ,animals - _ Nike protective surface.Tt is
Selectively permenble ,and lets
eFunchions of o Cell include: only Some pactideS Pass
» ConVaining DNA pea Lt is made of a
Sensitivity pisos Pho ~lipid bilayer,
» NT CWion _ Se.
Taking enzmes (proteins _
structures that product
+A Ce\ conkoing organeNes, ETObeINS: Ribosomes are Male
miar=or gars Ena’ coy out hek in the Nucleolus. There are
Conck |oS: Ewo cueges of Ribosc
om es—
Fiee and mem vant — boo
Tisosomes. Free ciheosSomes

foam atovnd freely 19 ne, The, Cybopia<s sin

tne jelly-like
CAbEPAgen. Tnen Az &
Gan the “sulpatance: jngide a cell tina _
_protems Cor kin ne of the counts as fr e€ SPAce -_
cel while Phe other type, _
membrane —vound Catkached © “Whe Rough Endoplasmic
Rovgh Endoplasmic Reticatum) Rekiwum (RERY is tighk
exnbnest ze nem for extefna _ovtside tne Nucleus. te iso
Se. ol Flattened structure, and ig
_ylndXo the Nucear Esve\op
The: Nudleis (Sthe Head office - “Le suntheg2es and modi 1ES
of he cell:14 contains EA Procing (pelypeprides) eanth
_ONA, Whe Nudes have S WAM. TE has ribosomes
components. ate ded bo it sivingif 0 z
c ough” age eararce - ;
The Senet Endoglasmi C
\Ii eure ee ul
sulo Skances . ThiS races isa
=e Nudkedius makes Ribo A,
| haa

e Chromatin matains pv
nd He condenseS 46 Foren cheoadsys
“Tne Golo Apearatus (alse Vre cnoropiagt ig the vthef
_eaiied ino Ady) 350 Flaiteng) emanelie with adovble
Aisk-like ekruchire . Lt has memorane. LE containS aq
Khe Same membrane ag tine Piaien calle a Clete pha |
Cel Memborane -Le procesces winicn ae es he Chior Plast
ar packegeS erokewns (9 \ts qreetl colour and helps in.
yesicleS - Vesicles are thus lnotosunthesis (which I's uy
mo ditied eS Wren , es con tasls Ace only prese
(che yesidesy resge wi i Wn Plants and dyed). ~
Cell Hembroe . A Wattenas
gnage of the coe Nocvores are large fluid~
Vee Wighec surfote_ Aréo: filed spaces enclosed by,
Volome Ratio . Mermioranes: Planks havt ane
lorge._, central vacvole while
Mikocnors ria is Lhe ‘power aMimals have severa| temporary
nossce’ & the cell. The) An small vacudes: Thar
Care out cellular Respiration. membranes are called Samp
Th have cher own DNA: tonoplastS: Tt is pemeod le _
ey Create ATP (Adenine. ko osater. Vacuales contain
Wi Phosphate) which heles salt and Qivcose
create. and $end ee
AYP iso currency. Wey hov& ‘Cenbrioles ave ema\l, round.
L Memo Tones, SF ENZYMES sbevetwwres rat hap in
are attached to the” = Celv Qvision Trey ore only _
ep sesenl iN animal ce\\s The,
Wate: vate

“appearin pairs: In any cell, T Clank Cel) | Animal Celt |

is omy one Par
Mere of » | Reco ogy ar Woa\- like.
_centrivies. They have © Copy _ . |/CelL Wal wo COiWall |
oo tne DONA ani are erate - [Chioro plaSts chloroplasts.
WW Natvee : . -|No rene
ot, ieee | Lone, PemaneK [Sev eral, _|
Tre. Cell Wall iS an external _ lorge vacu ck. | te pars
“foyer ony present in Plants | Set
LX is made ve of cellulose-
Te Mas ariad e
1S complerel pemeade- Th _
“provides Support And preents _
Bo CNY - x Xan wsibvetans arene Cauces?
_warter pressufe
: sat sit geshver Planks ¥ R ny R eae

re nr rv sp ore nsig este l WU Sr.

Y OOre
foc aS eae cel Can
‘oveg'« don
oN ifferen x < between ¢ lat b Pa eens de, ea
” _ -
Bic Fs

bie O ———
- >

‘Some ces are

We are modified and have
lac c
par and
YOCKI ONS.They are tt med
Leena O\ proces & called
Tferen tiation ".
- Classic examples of Sp e cialized
CeNS are Red Blood Cetls
BCE. Th rans port oxygen
yee DOL Ob ne. bod ont
remove Coron Dioxide. Te _
neebs skorage, which iswhy
bhey haves nd nucleus, Tt
needs tO store haemog bobin
Co mekalto protein) . Ihe are
created in the bone marrow.
Ab the, bime of creation, thes
have a mut euS ;but they
(2) CHLOROPLASTS remo ve ik for Incased
Storage We have &
X- piCon cave Shape to inc ase
ne gurface Area to Volume
WO T\o->
Shem ceils are Celis that have + Wietol 8 1& sky er + Gus,
Nov yer AiRerentiaced . THe ae _ Thete | *\ apes oF Lissues:
Cov) Eells, ANd can order for Pontes ~ Cov &F Surfaces
theo rpwth of the Liver, Heat ConnerviV€ -Su pport,
Kianes ]ekC thous the Heart, ranspott ,Gtorege
Livet ett. ace orgorS Gem cells Muscles = Contact |
can oder for their afouith becquve: Nevima\ — Cont Sig nals

@— CEXrS +» Antagoniste mustes are _

@) — WSsv es
: ae
ovposite dV ecti ons.
Se %

} aearwe
=n Laie 1 aos

THe are 2 bypes of Lranspotti “There ore. Lypes of snlubions :
s Wypotonic: Solvent 7 Solute.

* Hypertonic: Solvent < Solute

-Brounean motion ig THE raqdom
type of motion of Aas pat ticles,
| Active, a Diffosion
_Tronspeck (gp tids + + Vermperature affects particle
rhovernent. More temper atufe _
Causes morte Kinetic Sane |
OMG Fusion is he morem ent of _tesgultingin SO. Mass affe C
—partiches From an area of pachidie movement .More mss
MmAKer Concentra bién+o lower Causey More inertia. Soo
ce ae AH ve trangert smaller masy allows Mr more
ithe opposite, but ib regu ins speed of the partices. this
meray.” aaoeien goes for all bypes of brans pot:
‘Ln OSmoss, equilibrium IS equal
of water part ks from an Concentration on both ses of
area angie unter potential amembrane.€ven
then, the _
Jo lower ag Se 0: Ble particles Keep moving, buf fhe
Snenbrone. overall rate of diffUsion
does nok change mu cr
‘Yow Osmod'’s Works: _ When a cell is placed in water
Une cel\ will give out water,
because tne concentration
oprside the cellis areater.
Hence the cell Shrinks. This _
process is called plas motysis.
Ta hypotonic Solubens, the —
el\ will Ake In wWakeH cqusin
VE KO Bagh. WHS process is calted
Las 6. Plank cells Pp logmolyse,_
a do nok oulSk- Tis iS befavse
of iks cell wall The pressure on
ne Cell Wali Given by the
expand tr Cell Salsrahes hae
called Larger cessore . the
Phenomencn | called Wr@idity,
ye plant hecomes tur4 S

Cc— =
= ceSsu © 72
‘Water rplecvleS are polar G00. ese ree:
However, the, ae So Stmll the C
wo berst) } | >
4hey cda diffuse Acoss o $$" —

if —
mMonmkrane ;
.. 3 a= —
ate: - -

TF they were \bi ay gubrients

would “not enter fhe cell fact
enovgh ,and heakand waste
Would nok be relewetd go
Se »Asmaller cell size increases,
| TES “Surfoxe Areg Volume Ratio”
the Surface Area
has to
do with fhe amount of
_nvtrents fresou cees that can K2 (Xatahorare)
emer the cell at one time- 2b the second hgoest mountain rm the weed locatedin tho Karatovam section of the Hinslayar batwaaer
Potistan and Chee K2, also brown me Mount GodwreAysten cr Chhogors stance tall at 9.611 metres
29,251 ft) abowe sea level seccrd to erty Mount Evorax, The heagrts of the peaks compen the
regions grandiose lavdrcape,
| +The Volume has 10 do with the |
_AMovnt of pulsents needed fo
tun the cell.
Howexer, tre SA:V Ratio Should

Aypicdly divide,
ISinve of | Surface [Nelone. | Ratio
Side NO 1
\ 6 ¢
a 24 B 3:
3 =S) ta] eee
G ao iG Mes I. S
a ke el AE 2
6 2\6 2\6 a
[Teena SetsNSBE leas43 e oo 1042 any|
Here, che Shape OF cells1s taken
aS evbes for ease. |
Size 1 is ideal, while 6 is
POE Moire .afber which
a cell Starks SHOWING
ineffidency, : =
en ee ee ||

Dee ORD AN GY SF abe S:

SASS mup of © AS Wes work)
QANs h g 2 Cobegories of food"
: Loseenel % Pec oni One & / =<
—S stem: There ace 11 axgan_ rio nutrients
sagtems \n ne human 7 GNI FOR ies) Co modt-9-cantihe
Siggst (Hen. sia SN -) vitening |
_sExcree as Carroohy dates \Rears Winenls |
TELS Files Wo ler —FoeS— |
sNewovS Waker 16 a Unwercal Solvent. Tt
se Teamune. carries Nutrients and Waste ,
-Endocrin® DisSolwes Nu WARS SAG
*“Ebe Luloricates joints Up Lo 10%lo

Rhthe humon bod\ \¢ water,
Beforewe Qe¥. ko aigestive

(9p chant to _
WAS n, a is Cok Rally etriene =
UNdEStand Lushat food we . 4, “yOSt NeAPS‘in Sigestlon Calhich_
Should consune, ali the — Pass oh Foeces ten the
‘ouisiots eke N lu baenlS are QYVICK Tesutt OF congimin<
guiesvonces id eC Ov
that vYovid OD op ele). FiberRivees Khe
eneran, T.9 Bciieeay tice One — chore of ebesity, ond
aeedss ~ BALANCE, VARIETY mole9 PRN Gown during
anh MODERATION. Resi .


_ ————E

main Sree rane. DE : Saar come from the. J

ase different Eypes of orbs: J fp WE Consume. Comiplee
—— TF prokei8 provide knese q
eSsentia’ nu trierts »
; i Fats |Liprds have the most
Simp te amount of Stomge. A ore |
+f dé ‘ try cocachons . Tks A yoct iOAS ares
Lega ee 8a iv | * Providing Substances
PO NaGIERS Honecacchoits “cgalsctie |
Ol yOapn) era CAwworse) fucose)

se =

oF Polypeptides, provide
Probeig, Giqeid) aay
energy onthe Lost resorb,
They HOP repar boss tig SvES.
Mey are modeVp of Chemica)
compounds called aming acids +
There 2 20 types of oMINd
“acids (building blocs of _
__pforeing)*\\ op inese can be.

Fibe| s’

Car &S | Bos its

of eser
Sk hel PS tre. body make,
‘ Necessary. eS ANS ASS in

woker in feed

Food Sovmes
digest oT. Lk 1s found in



\ meat and created in


Ane Aomon body -

Conste pati On
Nikpenins oe avitie’S thatdo _

Ketosis |

Nok provide, eneray - Ty
rely seasiave derical

processes: Two types:


is S- as ——

Waler eee TAB IE)K

Respir a tion | Fu eh
_ small quant 8)

care es
singe e q ventitis)

oP heat


bod tempedPe
last resort
tf onutin
a l s oR , |} eget
i n e r
e fgy.

H e n

d e

ulate a
n o t p r o vi

Brak dp

a sexe

| Yeeterace

Date: - ——
—— Co --

kaming}. = J sNikarran ‘pte

oe te _ i *SourcesNegetadte oils Nu tS
Vitamin A (fat Soluble): = Deficiency. Abe tallipe proteinesig.
+ Sources: Green Nene tables, Lives *fonctonLi Antioxidant G2
Ss Desicenss » Nycoalo pia . a , Fundion 2? Enzanatic Regulation
___ sFunctio skin + nat heal,
L: Keeps n ae ae
___*Fundiion 2: Aids in night Visor) sNikamin K (Fat Soluble):
‘Sources *Kgle, Spinach _ =
wi ‘ °
s ompi\ex (Way Sjube) poetisene yi benrin K Deficient _
» Sources Peas, Wwneatd Bare + Function L:Reguiation of blood clefting
__s Deficrency Vitamin B-V2 Debcrency fonction 23 Response -to injury
+ Fonckian LUG ses body, es ee 2
«Function 2* Helps brain nerves be | ,
“Vitamin C (water Solvicle): alcium * scab as :
_ *Sovsces :Citrus fruits, iw HBoucces : TAilk, Cheese
___ WeFiciency: Sestv = Wesicienc,: Osleopomsis _
Function 4°'eal Nound s Punction 1 Yelps heattbe donq
~sPunetion2 Fight Infect ions = UNciion 2? Helos bones be strong
& Solvil® : OAL

__ Sources: Yolk , Sal . Burces Squash, Potatoes _

+ Defidency. Kickels Mevency: Wyeokalemia, ;
#Eymekion A: UtiNSe cal dump hos Py ML Satonce of food | elecrolyte
« Function 2: Quitd Song (esi th NL Furnion of Hi celts.
Ean So Sve ae

eye eae
+ Soyrces Celery , Reekoot =a
' Deficiongy: Anemia
n noy‘2: Bala
= r 4 =a
Ha goncie fF __ + Funation L: Mating Hemoglobin _
__sEunckign 2: Tangent netve Sanals | - Funttion2: USe of O Rasen el
sMoanesiur’ Seg BIVANA GHGS Gt See eet
+ Sowcces *Spinach , Aimonds “Sources Beans Seeds.
_ Deficienvy: Moqnesiom Deficiency _ Deficiency + Manganese Deficiency _
__ + function 1: For biochemical reach ‘fondion q.Fat|¢ fos Metabolism —
__*Eynckion2: Heart beat Steadinets _ * Func tien 2. * Blood Suges Reaslaion_
Poosphocus « Lee See E TaN odiINe: Mat ae BBreOSIEE oe
+ Syurcces ANI, Beans Sources: Cromberries Kelp
Deficiency » Rd : x Delidencu.oiter J En Sivina.
Hy section 1 Thyroi
ty ction 2. + Conersion of fod enen

: a Noma . SS SE on ;
Sources? Tale Salt,Vomanes Sources: Bech, Bowl
+Fluid Loss(be
+ OeKicience fz) Denicioncy: Sioberes
— + Fun dian 12 Oanckic. pressure oF vids, Perttion 4: Fotos Metabolkm _
Metion 2: Trsulit} action —

—_ — a a - ==.

. ~~ = on
— - - .—_————-+ ————

“Sources: Nolnurts Cocoa Forder a "Sources: Oysters, Red meat

_ sDefioiency: Tooth Decoy a “Defic jency, Drarch eg
» Fonction21: Mirentizotion of eth VL: For
«Function immunes ea ost
+ Fyne2!ti zation of bones « Function 2! Senses ofsmebl ani he
~ sd x

+ Copees ae Sern “Havinn looked of tne types ot

fox) > ne
Sauces: Poromes Offo\ AQestve Systerd As
— Deficiency: WilSon Disease
nok nacd bo ondestand } =

< Poachers Proper Growth

Function 2+ Maintenance of ORS ‘The digestive suctemn has te do.
with Khe process of congumptior
Selenioms ig ‘and breaking down of food and _
» Sum urces; Sardines, Beet yutrition in our bockies. Digestion
AS woth @ohemicdl gad Medranica) .
> Deficiengy: Rucothuroidiged a
GN 4: A King ti Kidqah enr.eres ‘Urs phases include:
_ Fonction 2% Presenting cell damage + Lnagstion Cvollowinn 1 food
M@leiodemms + Mechanic! Chemical Digestion
ahd) (nutri ents moving =
~sGources? Beans, Lentils \ AD ptio®
NbSor | : [Same
__eVeficiency Molybdeny deficiency
__sRunditon 1: Cotalystfoc enzyynes i + Elmina Cexcrerion — cont inued
— sFoneion 2: Catalyzearring otids sii Hex ccebory Syren). S.
+The GLrcack Caaghwintestings
_Tsack) is the main pat wayiy _
Se te aa
COMP cj ees 2} ye Ree AS
= Mouth — ees Se
Eieee eet ke Soe.
__ Bpiatortis (Aap-like strocture
__« Pyer pebintes ene ioe)
2= Qoing Aowh Khe windeip C)
| -Esofraghs =
> Komach _ Beas
+ Lakesttoes anh nN oars
Fe aare
ieee? LOS Ca aes
Week : Sof. ous

sitheaEsophogus isa lO" long

_ tobe cat secrekesS Sai
Food from EN enfour
motion (peristalsis)?
_ using usve-like

— Cuoe-like motion dve Te |

__contrachon of the muscles),

ume =
— — — —_—_ -\-- —~

vIn iche mouby reetn mechanically, After A hours in the Stomach, |

break 4099 God into smaller Xne food (which most ot
_gieces . The fonqve mies Saliva has been dianested an yw) ,
ith the foot “he AmylaseIn the food. moves Xo the small _
_ tne Saliva helps break sow 7 ey ne: Wis 5 a =e est
— Sharh . The exiglotts grevens Sinaleor gad or the body The _
Sood £1090. ac R tee a Loo is Atgected .
Ree amylose: Tk7hes
. Wat ex Wee Proje chons
(vith) 0 Vit Yhemse\ eS hove\
emaller esate
* musevlor Sac Anat hos digesye
_ ned so J>
mMuicfovill). VY aw In Wicl casi
_ vices (such os Wugrochloac’ hid), Ndoiume

_prcteins a called proveases.

Tne for
Sood coms Ate storach Patere}
* Probe ns [Pol Hides
ees incter covers THe 4 Iats|Lipids fa ee
“mouth of the domoch, and
Ane chorn\ No
Come vovt - =

——— L—-—___+--——- _ - ~----y >

The large investine accepts whol”

. ——+ “4 - °-——
* A dn
cna! A 4 tate. 0%
© ak Morel 1 OA bod Ae
. ee eae pe> ee ae OS wee OR ee. a Le -
> oi af rae

_kne small cae an ee

a . ‘4 whet a= 7S af
* a SP ek eet ee —- 4 esye oS un oa}
ne a “-
— =.Pe A hat 1 me ms oe ~. Stan ES.

in Ane laraz intestine Leaver

_Cacboh RN break down
POKING - The NS | ae oo helps in>
to We reckon, whese
Comnves digestion of “fats.
Soo is excreted
d inthe form _
_0f faeces. a ‘The hall Blodder stores
Ani, bile .and celeases if
into Yee email intestine
when necessar, :
—*Too many fatty diets _
Can Ca Usd: gd Ones.
The Liver affects aoe ah
Ane following wos +\WNe -porereas preduces
ss Eroyisiffats. The liver AigestWe enzymes ( biological.
— breakS down the fats catfaly ts) t hat ele ‘prea
into Many sealler pects. Cowl proteins and lipids. |
This increased surface Tt a\so Fe Uces insulih, —
area allows forseed YP twhich feavletes blood sugar
digestion: | (CORE
_« Fitters koxins, that leae 2
—Xhe body ag ofea (pactides
thay MaKe urine yellow)
' Secrebes bile (mace.of

The. Digestive Systeris closely _

ied with tne Exe Suste.
Tris has fo do with releasing
waste Crom We bod yr _
[RAS sas thee
oe —s —_ —_

Aion de a

~The Excretom Sustem semoves

ert ae eens codutS
Leo the, ipod While.o Mayor
Component © this Sustery ss
he: Urinary sas, re a
excsetorn, setter iS Not Solesy
‘paced on { “and iNcludes : ;
- Lungs. es ee
SRWLY Cle ces tomasers
MeGuect Giods a
- Small Toteshoe _
+ Large mtestine _
“EXC: 7 My
Date: .

“The, Wungs excrere cocoon diode

aN | ce Bncough the Ces Neck
etrees$ -Alveoli in the LUAgg
M&fuge airand COr-When _
we exhale, We oe CH re a
Continued Wn CespirdlOry S4sterr) _
. t-. eo Be
The. Liver dekoxifies blood and
converts harn ful subs tanc
into IRIN . = ==r ae:meecast eS
YSea: THis is excreted
5 «+ > -

SoLUNO = Re tas Forts belure. Punjob)
Piobeee Fort was bulk by Paehnus King Shor Shab Sen an the 16th century, Located rear the city of Sheba

The skin uses Sueat als nds

te the Puietani orevince of Purrab, the fortress was constructed to help subdue the rabaltoes tes chart
Wee Fopalito the Mughal coowe It ensured safery security and formktabltey adit threats ard dangers to
the Pedoun Empire. a

_ to wee cool down Bod yih _

tye. fom of sweatlrerspiration._
TE 'wndudes:
XA ‘A,0_ 2s
Soo Sa ae
mipO = Sue tre teee
“le aa


The Kaneys are the mostimportad |

Port_of the excrelom system. |
Thea, ore Lst= sized “and! bean~_
shae ed: Th have Ewe mi lon
nephrons in Potal thot filter
ANE lord of Lovins - Ak the
end of Gach nephron is a
“onc aise (a clome of cagi\laries\
khor diffuse. wa Stex aut of 7 |
Ane ood 4. Homeostasis enointeryte
ok on internal envionment) must
HE mointained , elSC Pp rovlems
KE Blodder |kidnen infections,
Winery siones , Kidney Disease,_
Bour> cic - Aftex Yn One,
Biker Pacts of the uiney
4 aca OMe swdto Flay iS

vrelers are. narrow Yubes

Meh connect the Kidntys te.
Dibledden... rvscvlar sac tot
Tes uring, Through yne
AEC. ading fren Tne
Mine M:
S excreted oul
‘Lame Tereshnes |Sera\\ Intestines » Components :
Paes of
a. exeulsO? fF Near
Whe & small intestine _sBlocd Nesse\e
Aeadd to the large iniedine, rAckesieS Ceslbes Caring _
which leads +o rectum and _ | A ated blond) avy)
nen the ows fom where foel from the heart) 7
1S exQelead in the form o& faeces. | Neigg (kvbes creping,
| Ws Aeon aenated bio od! back
“he Create shen 16 on ko ue heact . -
pan susten thal io feid— , Copillnes (onesh of sirale ~
ARG NEbWork c& veEssads Troy -ceW Wick tubes that
udlniCh mettriab: move bh ehueen ore, Une octual cite of -
the environment bot an organign- . Sifessxon) ;

+ Weesot arcuiaiony susems: + Red Blood Cells (Aras port)

- ° een: Tnsecks “hathhorods ‘White Blood Ces immune”
‘Closed » re | Defense) Pine
“Fish and Smal ronmals (singh) » Platelets eee :
GBD Wnans (double) ~ Plasma Cen€diom fortran cpor)
Fake _\Neins
Y cpiliaries—
_ Oxegen ard Crlvc Sseinlo cells,

“and removes CO) and UrRo: —

: ag , Bish Pucplish @
i nelaskc | UnNOknow n_
\VO\WVve vahes
\ Waick Simle - cet
Dete : Date: iP
a ro!

the _
Neins hove vaves So Cot
blood eG coming back from
Various Parts of ENe loody dees
Mot Flow back: Arteses qo _
not hove vaves wecause fhe
plowd Flow rote fromthe _
Near’ i$ alwady vers high
“Tmpprtant VessdS:
“PPulmonary Art]sy (Heart->Lung)
This 1S deonugendbo edLood
—____ Conty exception for ny
+ Pulmonary, Vein (Lx gy Heat)
+ This “is_oxyqena ed blood
— Conty eqception for vein)
Roce a¢chand trunk (mal?
-ackesies From Heark)
* Common carotid actery (loloed a
£o lorain ¥ begeig it Ae
“Renal vein lastery —Commect tO
3 Lidaeys J =. ae BAEK OfNANS
=Pesentric vein~Connect fo HH44AS +0' Or kaken iN, CO, releat

ewe 1S, Whee waste W emoved

Wepatic Rrial
veaN— Blood Lwret y oar Y iy eston
6 TASH: Nosordng enter
rs oo

ate - Late:

“Blood press» re is the amourt of — Structures Cor res protion:

fore exet bu the blood on _ ee erear are ‘
“the arteries: there are two “+ TAceats : Spiradles
_kypes of lolood preceure: Vertebrates: Lungs —
__+Sagtote (ventricles contraction)
“+ Norngal = WO “14 0 a ‘Wwee of exchange + Counter curren}
Diastolic Cexpandnn of yertricles) _
sNogenals TO?QO
she arcylotor exeris tied
_*o tne vesricaton Suen, There
are % bypesok respiration: | *Eqvilibriom 1s nok reached,
-eCelwlart Aerobic breakdoun of - “SO more CO, Be con be
____2F alucose, in mitochondriato ex eted:

_ ae a
* Orgonsy B a Bpmeocents :
a ani nds Snel \Rhane gasses PW ach eo
wikh Khe eavifonypnt + Dronch T
‘RespirationThe: everyday word *Bconchioles
sed imrer
deagaly Wi eh o Aly bo) \

PMiarh: KAM
-Respinton, § stems Allow anys
_ bo move Kijaun info bods Hus
—ONA rernore Ch.
Ce ——


to alveoli Huts ist thin-walled


Pockets a are the site of

qe them
“An oly
ghacynt and LaryokOx
love. be Can7E SHCKING together. =
“CRRFOAb Y Ard voice
__cespectivelY V &rrovan epr jottiS »Mir comes if Syough, the
(Frap~wke, ae uchure_ 3 ra PS Diaptrogm . these. af@ mu \eS
Foot Erocn, ¥8B Going downab Nitthe
fan in WW cages. When they andae —
& iokercostal muscles conAtrach
and expand,aif 1S i holed and _
Trachea ig a Lome whe Brexraled. QoS exchange of |
e@intorcd By e nq oF courtilage CD, ani O» fake place o both
“Mucs® in Une trachea Constantly, | NAG and OY cello-
“Aras arated eaC hes: cilia, —~ |
enol haic= ihe shrud ES +ReS e) wo ry problems:
inside the trod @, sweer mu> — Inesersed foc,
“ond inkaled particles to the nicdine and CO, inyde, cause
Pearyk—1's uke we spt och, carter On. exn Phypeena (avedi dry up)
+¥, ON dItS—S welling of bro Gy
“eTracheg or@ Wind with smaller ee
*Auxhraa —
a) oo
Bronchial Sv
_kubec called broncy - Fres®
Shuttle air to and ftom the We
we |
a biock age uae a 7
“Me ace lined wilh bronchioies
“phen eneer® aicis provided
——_—,-—~--—_-, 9 ———.-_—_~» -_—— gy

NS Se ee ne Ue Et
_ Contraction of Diaphragm _
x: pic naled Frough tee mat?
= Vracheo cilia clean air
___ + Diffusion takes place.
=» Diaphragm eymndS
+ Air exhaled

LyOKAIONS- The nencan cell is

what does most of Unis.
) Derenites—

. Fu Ackions:
sNevral galhways consiofst
-Dend cikes cece ne Signals from sSencory Newtons =
ee okher ce NS : } _ Kssocta4
-Cel\ ody Integrates a. I tMgker nevtran§
: | -EmectofS 4 Se
Ax raps HS action potential) ji
TAMA sheath specds sf “The<i mpleck neucol 20 Baia
Sanapbic becerinals teansmiF be cevlex in associate
SVanals TO elsewlheR. the brain
he seme be-tor
‘NewTOnS do nok yaya Wr KNOVIS abovt jt:
y Lan Ae
- Ure
dae eckt 7
called SYPOP Fic ferenals
hak transmit
Tatensy, of cieulys = Freqyency
of ack6n potential$ :
WA low intensitY
—__ medivin Intercity
AWAIT high intensity |

ee Sense $: ‘ 2
_ _+ Neermoreception: C hang eS in
= Aampertevre folk “ oe
___s Mechonofeceprio: hear:
n h¢
+ Bhotpreception + Sant
-Chemore Hsin tor if
Snell, sense of pain.
sSeckions of wind : | ~Synenesi a 6 the dese pment
_ + Wind rin: Bogie f mctions ST CIOS — ASTON, Pacer HONS .
«Pons: S\eep
Cerebellum. tHovement _ » NetweuS syste re
“Tied Ula: Aukonomic
Midlorain * FiLKeS sens =
BL Eis WP ve Mosing
contentrabion |
- Fore bin. Stores memories
e s — T S Na n
AShermines respons, Semahic \ |
“Thales « Channca ores mem ory Ay rani
‘limbic gy Slem : Basiefee maces —thoy- 4 Sa

— . oe —— a

+Y¢ina) cord 15 Protected by Bonckiongs a

verEe brag pues Communi cation
B skiing enemes
| + Stands mode — se
sFIQWn® worms
"CAUSING inflammation _
_ Activating obher cel\S
_* Producing anttbodies
_*Kihing in ected ee
Malkho Strafegic AECIS1 OAS
“Remelaberi | ene es
° Marking} AS@hling enemies

Cells involved Protein ferces >

“TAacr oplhng €> aes
‘Eosino phit _ 2,
PAS extend outed + Nev trop ASD
Nerbep | .
Sie ie eee
x * Nokural killer cells
“The immune system hag to + @rmplem
do Laldn-fighring bakem, =
*tlast Cells
vines arr o Wer cree
from harming the
ww Maan
SFol\iwlac Dendrite Cells
Doody: Dendritic. cellS
EMemo 4 helperT cell
"af Quen
a. — ee a

Melber Tr cellS
‘Metory Welpel T Stem Cel\$ wea Cae “acre ecu
“Virain killer © cells 65; Ve
“An i bodies
“\ciller “T cell S
enory Killer T celts
eV irgiry 12 ce\i$
- veNS oe
sMemom B& sien cel IS whole and Fran them inside
, Nem ory Kcilker “YT cher? celb membranes where enzymes
“How Ene immune syste WOrhs :
vid, mak tng, tin easier
© J»
Woon ae

% os by anail),
® Lackeri® , viruses
exe.enter tne b Saas
— okin is Soreached | oon
_ shact using The o o84's
Cfesouvcc&S , ard daoblt
“iN qverkes oVoyy evar ZO
MAINE Re : :
The. netrophils celeage toxins = A
and rene lbarias that cae |
stop the hacer. Then His vi |
So Bcd That they cen” ill
heating cals hey comm Fr {
Suidde ater 5 als 40 prevent
too much damage. TF £ pe eae
Supress Whe aftecK Pendaie Cells
talkke action -

Xe h2 ~
_ pra
Pit Fort tines Sais}
@ 0.00 —bAatigens Peet was founded in the t:h cantry in he Murza valey Gilgit Baltotan. The fort was tusk as 0
of protecting the fewesl regime of Furza tt wos 90 whare the Hurta regrouped and plareed al
Peeetives during thait rue,

came elie
0 io ‘

The deniuhc cells take samples

eth e WiTWweS ard Travel Ho
ee lymph rode in aboof
a day, where helper and
Killer T cellS ave waiting
fo be activated -

Seer re
(en Ee
Dendritic KER :
cet ull el |
The Helper T cells are bom
KAtguah a dtFlicult manufacturing
— Rfetess where Ona Survive,
The demdbritke ceil loolds Lor
\ls thect have. ant badies
ree in inte: the.
ant gens
tee the. NES hy Cemesnberia Ge Dean loosing a Ape much
how 6 coynter it Whe Ave fl vata fs he anti Nod eS
The ces of Ene 7 cells fee cero attacks in billions
bo the Center of the Lump © the Yactena Karting, | stunning
Node that | Ahem .Macrs a ec ore
RB cell Sa sae ee especially vgeht foc Killing
WEAPONS. _ Khebe koOnLA bactenc
Me cells commit guigde So
AS wit to waste body %
KesoucceS : Howenet, Re
AT ee (Tord B)
Bo 0 @ and cemen ber
ko coonker the Same
= S rss
bay Sg arcy =butvers,
f SAS): =: =

Whe BcellS fiant so hard wid ARS immune.

that th Hie ne “exhaustion | wyws works, underckanding
took the Welper T cells ea ts not trot hd
Shee tien URES and
Frem &com doing SO- e ic a Medication na
ate Cells Produces myhine Ne sense. Chak immunizes
we Wea PONS, ANI b Odjes, WMT aGa inch q dheace.
The B elit die once The
‘infection JS over to sive the
Vote: - ~ ate
a ———

“+ Sub -unit: Are. ey


= TWoes of immunization: —__ ofoaly

; Diccaae Se se pe e. oe antigens (the park of Che
es Naturals Possed From _ __ RakKoyen Tespoasible tor
mother bo child before iSINENGSTES FONE) _
+ Toxoid *USed When o
— Atificigh Prepared — packevial LoXIM isthe amin
antibodies injected cae of il\ness.
eo os “Repti der Subunit vaccine
— oAmive.
— | ee
Wate rally ae
e Prepa red boy chemic
SuntheslS ot shocf
be Ered Indgmuni oth Vern 9 ei peptides ws
" ackvarion of anh soick
—_ yactines | toxoids — cCYeote by Edward Tenner
ree Smallpox usin 4 Cowper.
Types of vaccines:
__ + Live-attentuated :Sfrains ne ©) en Dexin¢d ecto
“has fo.
of weakened pathogens - b with the reltase ofh
__Yeerologo us: Sub-Qroor - a —=1l_ —- Ory} nes
LL ‘od pane

\ se. body ‘Hormones are

of Live Ya} fenuoted® va ce ne
5 earthoyene of NISMS

LAN _GHimnal Wd

r ¥ yy\b.
aorneostasis levels: fe Wreroxin is secret et by the
__ «Water Balance: — F_ _Lraroid sland bo requiete ~ e
190%o of blood volume — metal Vic race and help
+ CO, concentration + ae wre,
- wi0 => Ko i in
Body Lemperateres
eC & 38C q Larne adi pose Wasve “thal
__+ Blood Glucose Concent tuion RG» controls desive for
$0 Sal = NO mq gy? Food| ope tite.
_ Blood eh: fits. iia
_ > SPAS NG Melatonin6 Serefed by
Aye PInesl ee amd cénnels
Examples of body FONES) Sleepiness
4 - Wore. light =\eSs _
B\eeriness .
+ TLneulin (secreted by beta
_celisof Khe Pancr/ead) causes Mctoslerone cavses Sperm
kne Glucose, ko tutn into _ MEAL clion and development
r ACOHen.- This decreases _ 4 Wee secondary seaual
plow gy SUAar Fen OIS Mamacterishics WY puberty
Das _ A, = _- ECOLOGY
Fedbace loop Sire sArranyement Level:
= ative + | ark CASES = eee
oe mes bo aaintain Species va
2 Sekense.| Populations _
Ad Case, Tevels ‘Communities
—Seosastemns —_
* Biom

eo the, Study of ce lationship,

AWing orgonising ond
oe Sand WML

eee : ed on Feeding. eins,

7 i ser ONG 2ty ena anigé:
Se | My lpi oh’ tB eic
| ar Nae, ote ere
thers :
ee |

Date: Date:

Feeding Methods We Mahest level of predators


Sade fice sind

FERESETAN AN os Eien aS —} fe Alwoys fewer in number
“ME 1s norture'§ woy of
prokecking, ang ensuring
Yolance ~~ : :

erets-———chene——___—— |—— Energy in a food chain goes.

= Se.
autotiophs WASTE ank cannor be recycled.
(praiengiis®) Carenmsyntsis) __} Ony
oN Co
Ide Of enerqu ig Passed
a censumel.~ |
~ ea oe 7

y has GP VO energy
et is

— Dercitvs means
dead Matton —

ee ea oe ow Cachen cycle
\ cece

The ae reDtypes of factors

Brat affect a ecosustems Ee
ies Albiot \c Cnon-living) (eee 5 ; =
> Ligh , :

ES akc WV
os *Qroonic moter
+ CongyumelS | eee
_* Producers | at a
“Packers controlling on ecosystem . <= enna |
» Nutrients + Clos sysem)
_=Caroon eee

a Emeras (open sy)

— s Tinterachon § between
hese. asks
“he Gly forof YH
As ceikical on earth:
» AX prokeiny ani ar have Nilroae
+ NV cells knve ATenPer(egyhosphi
1 Carbongives
Date: - 0
—— a . a

aah. cary ose ho Cea foe Photognthesis: rel |

bo create Mneif own
Hos Lnorosynthesis We KS a .
=—aG CO5+CK,9 epee ; |

oo rae . ara Gide ee —= |

inseam le sfFactars (Cetinnq, Ph paynthe sis +|
* CO, Concent avon

A. Ws moves in through the eee ,

Sonate bares, of the, oo
2. Photdsynthess uses (0, Ke ping
2. Fon ron en fewer obs :
low. inside feof. = j | : ; AA

0 uside. dhe. oft

aee rad (a eoeen re tr
ANGOkygen.= eee
ee ——— ———

ee: of AUS sqnthesis is es er estate

measured _ “oi
=P Onayme
substrate. attuches __

Serpent Ro
Takaki in Biochemical
_reackibns. _
xe ue oe op > Products

> Evry es
— |
AME can also |
+h Substrate. 61S he raat grok a — ~ Spenretiones
nr a btochemicg| Treactron. — o not match ‘hs She an
PKs Khe Case. OF photO5y ah OF) \S> called oosrauced (Et oe
CO, iS She Substrate .
«Wow an eNZAME wor kg:

O.0 PPredocs -
Maw = eee

| ~ enone sole Pedals ia mmiiiples “Pe Fals ‘9 moles

GARR, TENDSES Produels - _ oes of Yor §

Tnere gre ebvem\ ditreet=

i Lares of plarks
aw Was N
si(‘<*éR ONC VO

“in leaves

_ slomauewenlas —____-Masavtoc
te ‘eondioaive. HESS), _ Ceonguctve tissoe)

a ON AGES ened
5c i OR . mA DeVOScy low. Vase. iat |
plan ts)
crowesiey —__ an Moves in Sten tissues
y --
— = at
~S afler gemincion, —

Vloqocds. Doky, cotyledey Two cotyledens

Rrancked voo)s
| os —

“= Mere. are 2 man vascular |

_Kiggues —Ayled and Ehioem. —

“sXylemn brargports water,

—Pialoem transporis Mode,
Pittoem = Fook
: Dicots Cross - Sechon
| es erie net siete
acs sah OF GUC (Lahore) Punjab
The Sree Bedshehi Mosque + one of tne oxlost monquer of the region. it wes DUP nthe Mughal Eraby
De reat Emperor Avcaogeed. It was corstnacted m dye your 147°, Today it ts the second largest merque
De Seeniiy ater Shah Face’ Mouque it can eccommmodste ipte 100,000 worshuppart of 9 tine.

\ Xylern Phioen _ |
Sea IR
Three element
Alive , one dead
S\N GABP resent
Xalem provides | Phloem provides
mechanical NO mechwnical
Movement is
or Ulbid icectiona [
Tabloenced |
be metabolic.
Snnib\ ors T
'iwth biko rs —

opie ig a glont'S responses

O directional external shrmli-
ne van positive (400 dS |
eo ries ative oe
« en shm ius) Plank grout x
ated Dy hormones
tee auy..9s
Dote: Dare: -

-Trav\opi carion is the loSSof — Plast reproduction:

sone-CCS leaveg arch Hes fe eet pokes:
oc parts ‘Xylem rantportS +Self
__ Pollinated
AAS worer “This process ___ Cross Pallingt ed
helps cool dour Khe Plant : sArexual | ich
and Ane atmosphere . *Buddin aie |
Transpiration Flow &S cootdled ‘Negerstive Pre Pagation
bu the cate of water
(ds KKrough ne Stomat -_ rParts of a flower: —

-CO. upta
cd ke
Water optle
<The hormone abdisic add
1S eroded Lo clOse Storut:
Factors affecting rates of :
Lronspimtion er xy eee Vea)
‘Cli mete
cihange has been DNA stoms for Oeory ri bonudckic
_Prejalent ever since the. discovery ack.Tt is a mactomolecule _
of coal ,natvral qos and other nat contains the aeneric code.
Fossil fuels. epee sa 5= Ts, Te contains the ede Snot :
determines the shape and
«Climate ISNOT wWeabher _ rveture of \j Ving © (Qasr .
_Ciirndie. 1s the averagews eather
ak GB QiWven In O hear,
of Lime,
over % \bna period “Dole Hele
typically “Se 20years. Ccture
Climate change ig mostly a —_ ) } ONA
ty mate up of
resulk of incheaeng Teennouee | cleo hers “The
asses (such ag CO, ,Methak Structure] bock bone
is ace [bogs
Water Vapour ete) phosphates and u3as .
Tre_\ bases dekrmine
+The c\ imate. has increased ne genetic code,
_ dearadtically IN the past
WOO yeas Eramples + _ @ ae 4 types of
» Torn od ORS a
_ + Oust Somes
- Hail - a

Date De

“The order F Tne Wloases spMeleSe are alternate versions —

Aekermines the genetic cde. of & : ane. Thea come {corn either
a ckio
“Agen. 1 ge n DNA
of the
specific trait, _
“Ane Codes Foa r “The DNA Incedls 1G not GhoredAG
-$och 05 ere colour, skin. Colour ett. one Long Sng , but 1S divided _
and ented LOCO certain’ intidval
SRNA, o Ribonudeic Addi s a_ lenathsS called Chramosenes.
polymeric molec esse nbra1l n_ Hurmions have 223 pais of —
Various brlogical Toles , inchtg Chromosomes — one from each
Coding, decoding -_ ae patent.
¢ ode>
SONA Seep RNA £2 Protene

Coronet) — (Horse) :
a eee DLEThisig causebyd base
ihe gener woe | c
myta eOF e
Lok Peg ein
place IN A |
Nee (sperm OC egg) can be
@d on to the Or Q ererad1,
rias mutations inthe body
BG bermeSS or auce
Ses |i ie cnr. examples
MERON include A-7AYS,
C >: C1LOacekteS the
vih ere ote of : ff Guo
RoLASmaetiOnEgpegpc EGO sci tat Tex
ier hang es)
TeaGtallene i ee
TIAA “Sy bar tured
fond Soputroton, “aome.
oS BE Cie aie ee Ses
‘Side effects and Cram PleS of
dancers mytations: x
; SEARO ae eee
“a __+ Runinaton's
Hato. Disease
Teserbonoddled(add i
a BSE ) : Fragile X Syndrome_

Deletion (eemo ving a baseEe) § MP cu genetic

Was rommora ug BLOM in which. a thigd
Py of Chromosome2) appers.
ar! WIA
ay és
_ AS
EUS associatedwv! ant ee
BA sica\ grows Ae lay wien
- xX — -
eS. Oe
- -

“Heredity cefers to the trongeriggor +B gedige e Chact can also be und:

“oh eOMtical cratacterishCS free eee
On OC oni bo iks of€spring. — \
Rhasical characteristics ome hae.
ofkspiny ace creaked By the
MiXing oF phusreal Character sis
ok the eatents, of Somekines _
focther ancestees. The Inheritce
ot YWnese traits aan be
Pegseseatel bs a Punnett Syvaes
We concept © a ae Females are circles —_
inkroduced OTe rendel, a
Beew\aleS Squares
who werked with pas. sCovples connected bw a horizontal |
iliac: oe ,
to qourgest ate from
ye ie e ea Aekt- most fo tight -most
\ Dominant tralS a
capita’ let tes.
Byul\=shadad shows person
who shows trajh
xh x KK
While recessive Wa\f- Shaded ce peent® —
Qe brats ace Brak cae vee
erinany _ shown bY + Mian has no traif
—— \owUlo Lf VG

There ore 2 bipes of alles:


+ Ths was because the green

and Recesewe. | EMIE Was hidden, With two |
DowimarkalidesS ate those | pusaibole gueleS of (secesgue) _
whieh require only one copy reen peos.Tn the 2° *
ko be sYOvN, while recessive _ Keneratio® , sr een was in the
7 > a ee ee ve) enotuve (allele) but yellow
' VS (Hane Wes loot in the Sen otype and
(eter «same. ae Face eae the. phenoGype. EQry Bicol Lead)
Aan ee STAS procesS is caled
hea YQ) here, This con _
Green Peas = Yow Peas we. defthed as Creating an
Cecessive) Cad eatnanv OfFapring of ene type in two _
. 4% %: —- YY : CON rosting YeneS. — |

aiyden a
Bre Sane.
*Semesne coding fornomoz Complete Co Tncomplele
alete Cike w) 1S yqous,
while. Sone soe cess C RR Red Red Red |
di Recent alleles i bh Bve Bwve Bve
“There ace3 kpes of dominome,
Complete, Co-, and Tncompleie RB _—-_— Red RedeBlve _ Pucple
Lnpes © £ Domnare
‘Theraree 2 dupes of
_— —_


divi = Mitosis (Asexual) ang

Meiosis (Serva).
sMitosis is atupe kcell
| SERNYS thal
ry LO daughler cells
He Q,er vced TCO OQ sAGle
‘S,S0 both | ant cell The daranter cells
ediS | Ye the game, Nomber and

| Wne, off Spring cao

~ ioshoted 0S 6
oes oe eit 3

—— eg SNE

=a ieee Beach
= a
=e ;
|The centromese.
— lepend. hyo identic
fee of the

When Ane number of cels increases, — [Chlomesomes Are

HE organism begins 42 Youd. FoF ct Jmade. These ae
46 & 92 in eine called chomuatids.
aes oe mae of Mikosig.. | | abe adver of the cell are |
also dbwiicated dating thig time,
pee reine a = The cell also increases in size ak
ae this +ene. The Majorit
ery of the

Telephase. Afoinests
Kime. a
2 Jesiior =| eal J See =
\ the DNA has akead

(@ dvplicat edaay Me.
\F ron
Chromo Some
Acominsed sand =
——-_ —_~ — ——— - a

Brea prose =k =
The Nuclear Membrane |
hreaks off, The Spindle
Qrerg attach to ene
Chromosomes . THe
CHfomosomMes line v
catks the equator of the cell. | he, cell Splits into two
LONE cells -Ssame_
G)Anaphase be qumber of chtomosomeS.

Tre spindle Gers chor), CICS SSCPER See

centmmere disarpals,
the chromosomes of @ Meiosis goes iNnES ah Similar
culled apart. The celliS gp nases; Sreiosis. only takes place
ready for Cell replicatior Now in _ Gernce\ls -

nC Aig?
© Telophase ESRA LKeiees Satetes
] Cs
ard 2A ceilsSUE——

Nudeat fornembrane
DS © ©) —
shoe noe Spi
‘Howenier in Meiosis the. dougie?
cells are not identical: This 15 _
because 10 Prophase 7, the
two Chromosomes “Cross OVO)
and xhe genes ace X ed:

rAiLoSsIS } tteiosis
*| AsSociated. KoSociated wi
with Gtokwesis | Cy fokinesis |
-| Asexual _ Sexual | Rare th. acer a |
| & uch fOr _Keprodakion Dnpress Mar @t (Seddar, Karach} a awe | |
"| Tdentical Not identica! (gg eden aca gree ge ele red
Davahter CellS | Oavanter Ce\!S
thee British Raj era
‘1 Ore lord Cell 1d \)
“| Deells Crodud! 4 CelS Podad
lm process of | IN process ot |
(epread ucrioN | re Production
sei |}
-| Produce Semale | Prowwce

Crocmal body) cells ¢ _ |

cells |
“NG Chromosomes | 22% chromorore
ir\ 0 sua hter cellS}in DaQhter |
| CeN\s | ag ace
pees ONE ry se en
ne cok

lettian | Crromusone

Dup se
' Crromo )

Qyecafion Rr Of
° COxree Pcobleens ww MHLOSS and
Meiosis *

Tn Mikosis , 1f the cell dots

No+s helve eq val ,knecel]
coulis Wave AS oc YT

Tn Meiosis there could be

error, ‘In Ahe dividing of
Sex cells:

“There oe, ofher THpes of

Deere eS eas
© *Sporvlatio®
ePartnenogen e's
eC\OnINS, .
+ Biro Pi oliete Rssioo
Qu Wn
BH erative Prop QhiOn
iment avi0 n| Re erahon
K —$
De - saw: me -EVOLUTION
sow the Sperm moves: “As Known,all offspring hove
_* Sperenato genesis 19 the _ Some Aras, different trom
_keskis ee Ayar eparems . This could be
_s Maturati On in tht epididymis: -dve to RANDOM DEXENT
Carried alony vas deferens — |
_ *Frucko se Cor RNELQ4 BANG
Protective mucus Picked
__up at seminalvesicle
» Prostate adds FluidstO _ Sele chon ces Place, where
neutmlise acid > OTGanisms Share LraltS to be.
- Ejaculation thro ugh the ale Lo sunve in their
PENG. CeSpedive lab ats. For enna, _
inseclS could 4 chang i ne,
Sls +O canesGege not be
tele. et Res predates. ThiS is? —
| : Sr oS. Sometimes tiS could
Ren due bo extemal factors.
Mynstorne Fchess are <onstony
NING bigger ish
. Hence cmnller
breed Sven smaller fish.
® GVo\ ti09 400. Try addtor,
mM : \ chang ed and bok
ia Ahat cho nmed: J+ 1s

ted tha the ancesies


alll aod Aol P InS Be

es _—_

ae a
Date: whe:

were able to walk: Which fs How did bacterin come GReBb

brought In Darwin's key, — BF Logetner *o Create organisns?
Anat all Vife. comets fromm oe _ = \ |
Common ancestor, whicheh _ = =:
Zookto be bacteria. said “Seientists a4 That this iy
nok these bacteria covid dU CF,
to coopera’ 199. Ecacli
hove been formed (not ban) Lhw San pacteria© ese)
hy _motechtar reactions thes WAL VIVA, Over YMe Tho
COnid algoe Wave arrived JN came together, to for
‘an askesoid thot kik the Garh. BP ov retro sa AT sms. Ther
Applic tonge® theory of re » o much Or eac her
Cyauion Why 4re* grasslands: ral’ Thea could noF& disband.
_kucdiny ino deserts? bon divided and formed
ae \ 4 Byres ANA hence ordanigns.

shen q@ssRnaiyexited , uild aniwals | | q

ha @)
aw |
_ a0 AUAQ and UIE TO
lou the yam 2 a & Bacio ks
bre. QOS wth Re Se CORRES organtts
exces gras s. Wi Aner "ee vast Pash ae
grasslands Sacted to d®- Aloe
Sas On 1 Iploloyick from
Limoabwe, fund This jo bE
omBrokech NOLOGY fo :
nology ig the exploitation Tenlanny
of bilegien procene for ase | Tek hNG >
industrial and other pucposes. st Joinicd ay.
Te involves inpet from. _ Transforming - ial
SSCBOETS eed Sei at Ae “Clming
= CaN ond Molecular Bidegy Selecting |
_ Computes Scere alte Se irae
“Riochemisty ‘DNA Cloning has been talcen t
Aree : ; > Many jevels“For now let's
— «Gene iCS Fd at on E.Coli ONA Clon ny
‘Microbiology Ss ‘ creating identical copies
‘Prysiology seu2 foro piece of DNA. This is
SV UCa ieee | mine oni OF E.Coli:
Reco moinat OnA Te Deed f\ {food | This iS a Strand of
“Wotks bu taking ONA from wl DNA. Vhe dccled area
different Gores and combining / (QW) AS oe gene that needs
Erb DNA Inte 0 singe molewie! DPR tio clo4nedNo)soyt"!
When thir ONAIs feprd we d, oa Juse

ONA Clorigh takes @ lgce- Jit . Adding resrectioy

Recomodnank DNA is a molecvie mts cols the’ gene at
es From 2
Lhar Combin HH* place - |
di FFerant sources: There af
6 NCKS of Recambinany DNA
This io the desired — ‘Te bacteriq _
| Qene - Once ib hag will now look
= Ge r cot, it has to Somethin
be pasted’ somehow, _ LV ke thi

‘ THESE) The required

ene is pasked
J fonto a plasard The E.Coli iS
—__JCicevlac DNA) giaced of G
aatibie T's : : if USING DONA Ligase: Jpettidih wil _
Uwe nutrients and
} ae the
ant brohcs afé
xX addedbo the Plagmid. — a> Fetaced fo kill
“There {Ss a reason foe this, E.Coli that did not take ve
nx viasmnid The desired
2) ; will iveSaS ithog
Bantibiohc fesGtance.
nis loacteriq can be used
: ( cing, things Ke


Nabrid Animals are ecomple.

Dent &: ate; -
——_—~ ——

“In SEAVENINS a hu man

anmals by two
created aeome , First the genes are
different Species of animals “Broken down (nko Sma ller pieces,
_Erompless =e “Then ,ocierkigts USe Cn2ymes to
pment thovsands of reptica S of
Tiger clion | (tea Donkey K€ Some aer€ To read ths,

= }+— = SQemtists aive a distinct |
colour+O each letter that |

tiger tige® Shows a base (ACT, h).

Nh mixture of these coloured
: Comey am\ lerterS and emymes jg then
addedto the GMome Frying
~ )eee ft AOD be read - Or ‘each of the |

we —- —

Brrosite | A-\ and C- fn) ie

Frou NaN RBiokechnol Ys
bcientists Aqke pictres of
veedex the
+ Some
Cai xine eee
Coq uen
prosrams “stich"
AC! : Aumome wa S
sequenced FA 20023.Ly tee eX HOK bre: millions oo lie
PES Screntsis ore evil ae
3 billion dallas. — 0) oa Low ko jeupher E
yin OCMa to. re, Guy |
Date: Vate:

‘ok Hnese aenes deermines

At | allt| x x
(ove | A+
| el
our cnofoctedteres.

> Anothey ER e feats of

eae ee

Xie x foe

: Living Sten: :

-Fitst,a scan of The ratientis

made, detecting how _

Sab ainerales
Ape ocqan Reeke ko oofs.
This 1$ mode by « Obating _

let | & I et | ei Bee
Seconnd :



2 Then,a_ Semple of cells is used

Abe AR 1


_fo make a ‘living ink” Ths ts

S\ow4_ poured dow, sod us
oe Cograr , ay — .


30 _ercinrer, the “organ IS

“Th Vs then "pieces in the


[OK 1O-
“ct ator which econ
_a similar enviwoment to
Bae of TRE hyena bods

= = <>

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