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Adjective Comparative Superlative

(-er than, more than) (The –est, the most)

easy Easier The Easiest
clear Clearer The Clearest
good Better The Best
cool Cooler The coolest
dirty Dirtier The dirtiest
clean Cleaner The cleanest
fast Faster The fastest
slow Slower The slowest
expensive More expensive The most expensive
Suitable More suitable The most suitable
tall Taller The tallest
long Longer The longest
Difficult More difficult The most difficult
Interesting More interesting The most interesting
Big Bigger The biggest
Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful
tall Taller The tallest
Low Lower The lowest
sad Sadder The saddest
Young Younger The youngest

“How to Make Brownies”


1. Butter: 150 grams

2. Chocolate powder: 150 grams

3. Eggs: 4

4. Flour: 300 grams

5. Sugar: 600 grams

6. Vanilla extract: 1 tablespoon


1. First, melt the chocolate with butter.

2. Then, mix the eggs with sugar and the vanilla extract. Stir.

3. Preheat the oven at low temperature

4. Next, you have to combine the mixes you made. Add the flour and stir.

5. Grease a brownie tin. Add a little flour to cover the container.

6. Add the brownie dough.

7. Bake for 10-30 minutes.

8. You can put a knife in the mix to check the brownies. The knife must be moist if the mix
was right.

9. Take out the brownies from the oven, and eat them after 15 minutes for a better eating

1. What is the first step of making a brwonies?

2. How long do we bake the brownie?
3. What do we do after melting the chocolate with butter?
4. What kind of text is the text above?
5. We need 600 grams make brownies.

How to cook Fried Rice


 1 plate of cooked rice

 2 eggs
 1 teaspoon of salt
 2 medium onions, chopped
 1 cloves of garlic, chopped
 Chili powder (adjust based on your spicy level)
 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

 Frying pan
 Stove
 Spoon
 Spatula
 Plate

Steps of how to cook fried rice:

 Heat a medium frying pan and pour the vegetable oil.

 add the garlic, onion, and chili.
 Stir-fry the ingredients until it’s tender.
 Add the eggs and scramble it until half cooked.
 Pour the cooked rice, then keep stir for a minute.
 Next, add the seasoning such as the sauce, pepper, and salt, and mix them all with
the rice.
 After it’s well cooked, take the fried rice and serve on the plate.

6. The Goal of the text above is to tell about ......................................................

7. What are the seasoning that we put to make fried rice?
8. We need .....................of vegetable oil to make a fried rice.
9. After we pour the vegetable oil, we add ....................................

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