Data - Sheet - 1 - The Socio Economic Rank of Parents and Students - Academic and Cognitive Outcomes - Examining The Physical Psychological and Social Mediat

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Appendix A

Socio-Economic Rank and Students Outcome Questionnaire (SERSOQ)

SA = Strongly agreed, A = Agreed, D= disagreed and SD= Strongly Disagreed

Section A (Students' questionnaire)

Academic performance (tick the appropriate answer)


My grades in school are very good

I am happy with my grades in school

I can comfortably show my friends and parents my grades in school

Assignment SA A D SD

I do my best on assignments even when I don't like it

I do my assignment before anything else when I get back from school.

Doing my assignment is not a burden to me.

Parental control (tick the appropriate answer) SA A D SD

My parents are strict with me on my homework and exams

My parents insist that I go to school every day

My parents monitor the time I come back from school.

My parents check who should be my friend

My parents check my dressing and my appearance

My parents check the time I will be on the internet

My parents have TV-watching time

My parents check my performance in school

My parents insist that I get to school before morning assembly.

Home superfluity (tick yes or no)

In my home, there is electricity for studying. Yes/No

There is pipe-borne water running in the house Yes/No

I have my private toilet Yes/No

I have my private bathroom Yes/No

My bathroom is modern Yes/No

I have a reading table Yes/No

I have a computer Yes/No

I have internet facilities Yes/No

I have educational videos Yes/No

Parent-child verbal relationship (tick the appropriate answer) SA A D SD

1. My father often discuss occurrence at school with me?

2. My father often discusses my relationships with friends?

3. My father often discusses my relationships with teachers?

4. My father often discusses my mood?

5. My father often discusses my worries or concerns?


1. My mother often discuss occurrence at school?

2. My mother often discusses your relationships with friends?

3. My mother often discusses your relationships with teachers?

4. My mother often discusses your mood?

5. My mother often discusses your worries or concerns?

Parent-child affinity ( tick the appropriate words)

My association with my father is "not close," "somehow," and "very close,"

My association with my mother is "not close," "somehow," and "very close,"

Parents' relationship (tick the most appropriate)

1. My parents quarrel always (yes/no)

2. My parents are like friends (yes/no)

Students' aspiration (tick the correct option)

1. What is the highest educational level you wish to obtain?" Not above SS3, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree" and
"Ph.D. degree"

Peers' influence (tick the appropriate words)

How many of your best friends at school want to go to the university? "None, "one or two," "many,"

Moderator Variables (tick the correct option)

Age -----------14, 15, 16,

Gender------------- male, female

Residence location------- Urban-rural

Problem Solving skills (tick the appropriate answer) SA A D SD

1. Most people think that I am objective and logical.

2. Most people believe that I know the details of my job and do it very accurately.

3. Most people agree that I am a complex and intellectual person.

4. I tend to focus on immediate problems and let others worry about the

5. When I face a problem, I try to analyze all the facts and put them in systematic order.

6. I'm more interested in long-range implications and often bored with minor here-and-now details.

7 I normally solve problems quickly without wasting a lot of time on

8. I get bored with routine and prefer to deal with new and complicated.

9. I don't let problems upset me, no matter how difficult they are.

10. I enjoy solving new problems.

Critical Thinking Ability (tick the appropriate answer) SA A D


1. I have learned more about how to approach complex issues in a variety of ways.

2. I have improved my ability to judge the value of new information on the evidence presented to me.

3. I have learned more about how to analyze the key issues in my subject

4. I have developed a more open-minded approach to interpreting, analyzing, and judging alternative points of view.

5. My interest in issues and questions related to the subject area has increased.

6. I have developed a more focused and systematic way of thinking.

7. I have learned more about how to justify why certain procedures are undertaken in my subject area.

8. Most tutors have demonstrated how to think and express myself in a more reasonable, objective, and evaluative way.

9. Most tutors have encouraged me to explore the ideas, theories, assumptions, and produces related to the subject

10. Most assessments have not stretched my intellectual abilities.

Section B (Parents questionnaire) SA = Strongly agreed, A = Agreed, D= disagreed and SD= Strongly Disagreed

Students' attitudes (tick the appropriate answer) SA A D SD

My child is very serious with his/her study

My child does not joke with his/her studies.

I will rate my child as a very serious scholar

Parents' absolute income

Tick the box below that fits the purchasing power of your income

"Very difficult, pretty difficult average pretty affluent very affluent.

Parent relative income

When you compare your income with others in your residence what would you rate your income?

Low, somehow low, Average, somehow high, high

Parent education (father) tick the correct option

Not above SS3, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree" and "Ph.D. degree"

Parent education (mother) tick the correct option

Not above SS3, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree" and "Ph.D. degree"


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