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/ Perfect Welding / Solar Energy / Perfect Charging

Operating Instructions
pathfinder 4.2 EN
Offline robot programming


Fronius prints on elemental chlorine free paper (ECF) sourced from certified sustainable forests (FSC).
1 User Interface and navigation in 3D window ...................................................................................................3
2 Importing workpiece ........................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Import options ..........................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Setting the workpiece origin ....................................................................................................................6
2.3 Snapping and aligning the workpiece.......................................................................................................6
2.4 Attaching workpiece .................................................................................................................................7
3 Weld path .........................................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Creating weld ............................................................................................................................................8
3.2 Topology analysis......................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Sub‐routines .......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Path setup .................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Test path ........................................................................................................................................ 11
3.4.2 Path tab .............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.4.3 Adjust tab ............................................................................................................................................ 14
3.4.4 Aux (auxiliary axes) tab .................................................................................................................. 15
3.4.5 Corner tab ...................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.6 WPS (Welding Procedure Specification) tab ................................................................................. 21
3.5 Point control .......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.6 Path check ............................................................................................................................................. 24
3.6.1 Program Status .............................................................................................................................. 26
4 Multipass weld .............................................................................................................................................. 28
5 Cloning weld .................................................................................................................................................. 29
5.1 Creating clone ........................................................................................................................................ 29
5.2 Clone types ............................................................................................................................................ 30
6 Search ............................................................................................................................................................ 31
6.1 Creating search ...................................................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Path setup .............................................................................................................................................. 31
6.2.1 Search tab ...................................................................................................................................... 31
6.2.2 DB (Database) tab .......................................................................................................................... 33
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6.2.3 Path and Aux tabs .......................................................................................................................... 34

6.3 Auto Search ........................................................................................................................................... 35
7 Other tools ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.1 AddOns .................................................................................................................................................. 37
7.2 Additional tools from Statement toolbar .............................................................................................. 39
7.2.1 Robot Language statement .................................................................................................................. 39
7.2.2 Comment .............................................................................................................................................. 40
7.2.3 Start Marker .................................................................................................................................. 40
7.3 Calibration tools .................................................................................................................................... 41
7.4 Other...................................................................................................................................................... 41
8 Templates ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
8.1 Program ................................................................................................................................................. 42
8.2 Feature template ................................................................................................................................... 43
8.2.1 Workflow ....................................................................................................................................... 44
8.2.2 Using Feature Template ....................................................................................................................... 46
9 Assembly status ............................................................................................................................................. 48
10 Postprocessing ........................................................................................................................................... 51
10.1 Translate robot program ....................................................................................................................... 51
10.2 Download settings ................................................................................................................................. 52
11 Fronius pathfinder settings ....................................................................................................................... 53
11.1 Common tab .......................................................................................................................................... 53
11.2 Path tab ................................................................................................................................................. 54
11.3 Setup tab ............................................................................................................................................... 55
12 Disable Software Features ......................................................................................................................... 56

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1 User Interface and navigation in 3D window


1. Subprograms / subsequences / routines

2. Statements Toolbar
3. Robot program / statement list
4. 3D window
5. Fronius pathfinder ribbon tools
6. Jog panel (Find more about Jog panel from HELP | User Interface | Panels | Jog)
7. View Selector

Navigation in 3D world by using mouse (default configuration):

Rotation = Right mouse button

Panning = Left and right mouse buttons
Zooming = Mouse Scroll
or SHIFT + Right mouse button
Center of Interest = CTRL + right‐click an object

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2 Importing workpiece
In this chapter we will see how to import the workpiece to be welded, how to align it properly on the jig and
how to attach it to the workpiece positioner.

2.1 Import options

You can see the various supported CAD import/export formats from below.

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To import the workpiece, follow below steps:

1. From the Home tab, click on Import Geometry from the Fronius ribbon bar.

2. Now, the browsing option allows you to choose the required CAD file from the computer.

3. After choosing the file, an Import options window will pop up as shown in below image.

4. Choose the options as shown in the above image and hit Import.

5. You can now move the Workpiece in the 3D world using below manipulation tools.

Move: Using this tool you can move and rotate the Component with XYZ handles. The changes in the
coordinates can be seen from the Component properties window.

PnP: Using this tool, you can move the Component in the XY plane.

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2.2 Setting the workpiece origin

Workpiece Origin means the XYZ handle by which you can move the component in the 3D window. Sometimes
the origin of the CAD model does not lie on the component, but it can be somewhere far from the component.
In order to move the workpiece correctly in the 3D window, it is better to place the origin somewhere at the
bottom the workpiece.
Best practice for setting origin:
The origin can be set at a point on the workpiece, which you can use easily to snap it to the workpiece positioner.

Follow below steps to set the origin:

1. Click on the workpiece.

2. In the Home tab, click on the Snap origin option from the ribbon bar.

3. A window appears where you can select the Snapping options. Try selecting each of these options and
hover on the component to see how the target point for the origin moves.

4. After selecting a good position, hit apply.

2.3 Snapping and aligning the workpiece

After setting the origin correctly, now the Workpiece can be moved and placed at a correct position on the
Workpiece Positioner. To do this, Snap and Align tools can be used.

Snap tool:
1. Click on the workpiece and click Snap from ribbon bar.
2. A window appears where you can select the Snapping options.
3. Select the appropriate snapping option.
4. Now hover your mouse on the workpiece positioner. You can see the preview of where the workpiece
will be snapped on the Workpiece positioner.
5. Left click mouse after choosing correct target location.

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NOTE: Please note the difference between the Snap origin and Snap component tools.
1. Snap origin allows changing the position/orientation of the component origin.
2. Snap component allows changing the position/orientation of the whole component.

1 2

Align tool:
1. Click on the workpiece and click on the Align tool from the ribbon bar.
2. A window appears where you can select the Aligning options.
3. Modify settings if needed and select a snap type.
4. Pick first point for alignment on the surface of the Workpiece.
5. Modify settings if needed and select a snap type.
6. Pick the second point for alignment on the surface of the Positioner.
7. Press esc to exit the align tool.

The difference between Snap tool and Align tool is that, for snapping the first picking point is by default the
workpiece origin, whereas in Align it can be any surface based on the Snap type options you choose.

2.4 Attaching workpiece

After positioning the Workpiece correctly by using either snap or align tools, you need to attach the workpiece
to the Positioner so that the Workpiece is connected to the Positioner and moves along with it.

To do this,
1. Select the Workpiece > Click on Attach tool from ribbon bar.

2. Now if you hover the mouse on top of the positioner, a red bounding box appears. Use the bounding box
to select the last link of the Positioner.

3. Other option is to select from the list the component where you want to attach the workpiece.

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3 Weld path
3.1 Creating weld
1. Click Path tool from Statement tool bar in Program Editor.

2. The Topology analysis panel pops up and the cursor goes to surface picking mode for picking the weld
path from 3D window.
3. Modify the settings in Topology analysis panel (see section 3.2).
4. Choose path from 3D window by clicking. You must see the weld path preview with yellow line before

Tip: When Auto is on (from the bottom of Topology analysis panel), the weld path is created after clicking from
3D world. When it is off, you can modify the topology analysis settings after clicking the path and create the
path by clicking Apply.

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3.2 Topology analysis

Tip: Parameters in topology analysis and path setup can be edited also by scrolling with mouse while cursor is
above the fields.
1. Setting weld path length: Backward and forward from the
picking point at 3D world
- Stop to previous/next corner: Click the corner icon to end the
path at previous or next corner from the picking point.
- Current path length: The numerical value under the corner
icons shows length of the path, that is found with current
settings, backward and forward from the picking point. Click
the numerical value to set the path search value the same as
2 the found value.
- Set the path length, that is to be searched backward and
forward from the clicking point, to the query fields in the
2. Constraints: Constraints for the path‐finding algorithm
- Step size: The step size by which the algorithm tries to find
the path forward from the picking point.
4 - Corner angle: The algorithm tries to find path over the corner
angles defined in this field.
- Cavity: The path will not go through the cavity of this or larger
3. Gaps:
- Outside corner min space: Path goes inside the defined sized
gap on the wall
- Max slot gap: Path jumps over the defined sized gap on the
6 wall
4. Circular:
- Click circular icon to let the path create circular movement on
curved geometries. Sensitivity: sensitivity for circularity.
- Chordal angle: Angle between points next to each other in
paths around a curve
5. Picking:
- Change the picking surface of the weld between base and wall
(tool orientation on the path is changed).
- Outside edge: Checking this option allows the algorithm to
identify the surface and create weld paths on seams that does
not have precise base wall intersection.

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6. Presets:
- Preset values for different kind of welds (straight,
rectangular, curved, U‐shape weld). You can overwrite the
presets or save your own presets by clicking the preset icons
or memory slots P1‐P4, modifying the topology analysis
settings and clicking Save. Reset the original settings with
Reset button.
Auto: When Auto is on, the weld path is created after clicking
from 3D world. When it is off, you can modify the topology
analysis settings after clicking the path and create the path by Apply.

3.3 Sub‐routines
To organize the program flow you may create sub‐routines (named as sequence in the software).

To add the sub‐routine, click on the Plus icon in the Program editor. You may also rename the sub‐routine
from the Routine properties tab.

Create weld programs using the path tool described in section 3.1
To call this sub‐routine use the Call sequence option from Program editor

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3.4 Path setup

Path setup panel includes Test path section at the top and six tabs – DB, WPS, Path, Adjust, Aux, Corner.

3.4.1 Test path

In Test Path section user can validate the weld path after the path is created and do the point modifications.
The robot can be previewed in 3D window at every point in the welding path.

Note: Add or delete points or do touch ups only after you have modified all the settings at path setup tabs.
Otherwise, modifying the settings after touch up, for example, rebuilds the path and deletes the point
modifications (e.g. the touch up).

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2 3
4 6

9 11 12 13 14 15 10

Name Description
1 Name Name of the weld path
2 Jump to first point Jump to the first point in the welding path.
3 Jump to last point Jump to the last point in the welding path.
4 Jump to weld start Jump to the point where welding starts.
5 Jump to weld end Jump to the point where welding ends.
6 Current point Current active point. The active point can be changed from dropdown menu
OR by activating the field and scrolling with mouse scroll.
7 Slider Slider for navigating between points on welding path.

8 Slider interpolator Click the S option (turns blue) to jog Turn off the S option by
robot with slider smoothly through clicking(turns grey) to jog robot with
the intermediate path between two slider only from point to point and
points not in the intermediate path
9 Add point before Add a new point before the current one.
10 Add point after Add a new point after the current one.
11 Jump robot to point Moves the robot at selected point in simulation window
12 Touch up Touch up the current TCP position and orientation to active point. To move
the point, jog the robot to desired position and do touch up.
13 Undo touch up Undo the touch up at active point.
14 Delete point Delete the active point
15 Full mode Applies the path parameters to all the points in the path instantly when
modified from the different tabs in the path setup.
Single mode Applies path parameters to a selected point in the path.

Multi‐mode Applies path parameters to all the points in the path except the point which
is modified with the single point change option
16 Point control Opens point control window (see section 3.5 for details)
17 Path check Open the path check panel (see chapter 3.6 for details)
18 Program status Set the Program status (see section 3.6.1)

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3.4.2 Path tab

- Base: Robot base used in the path
- Sync base: To enable the Synchro base for: Yaskawa,
Fanuc robot brands tick this box.
- Tool: Robot tool used in the path
- Configuration: Robot configuration used in the path.
Determines how the robot joints are calculated when
moving to points. Configuration is usually 0 for floor
mounted robots and 1 for ceiling mounted robots.
(Configuration names depends on the robot brand)
- Work piece: Select and lock the needed workpiece for
welding if there exist’s multiple workpieces.
- Via, approach, near, away, departure, via points:
These points can be taken away from path by
unchecking. The distance to next point (when
approaching weld) or from previous point (when
departing from weld) can be modified.

- Set start: Set weld start to current point
- Set end: Set weld end to current point
- Reset: Reset end and/or start point to original position
- Repick: Repick the weld path from 3D world
- Reanalyze: Reanalyze the weld path by topology
- Reverse: Reverse the weld path (change direction to
the opposite)
- Multipass: Make multipass weld from selected weld
(opens the multipass interface, see section 4)
- Check path: This feature is not available yet for basic
- Tool path: This feature is not available yet for basic
- Ext. axes: This feature is not available yet for basic
- Stitch: enables stitch welding ON for the path
(intermittent welding)
- Auto smooth: Keeps the tool in same orientation
through the path.

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3.4.3 Adjust tab

Angles: Torch angles

- Wire roll: Torch orientation around z axis of TCP. Wire
roll can be adjusted for all points on the path at the
same time OR for start and/or end point separately by
unlocking start and/or end wireroll (by clicking the lock
- Wire angle: Wire angle offset from the bisector of the
- Rake angle: Push/pull angle. Negative value is push,
positive is pull.

Offsets: Path offsets from the original location

- Wire offset: Offset along wire
- Wall offset: Offset along wall
- Base offset: Offset along base
- Bisector offset: Offset along bisector of the corner
- Start offset: Start offset from the original start point
- End offset: End offset from the original end point
- Max point distance: To assign maximum distance
between 2 points. Allows to create more number of
points between the start and end weld path.

Flare: Flare angles is used when the weld path starts from
inner corner or end up to inner corner
- Auto flare: If Auto flare is checked, the software tries to
automatically calculate the angles needed to avoid
collision in the start and end corner.
- Start:
- flare angle at start
- flare distance: distance from start where the torch
reaches the normal angle used in the path (rake
angle; push, pull or 0)
- wire offset at start point
- End:
- flare angle at end
- flare distance: distance from end where the torch
starts to turn to flare angle
- wire offset at end point

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3.4.4 Aux (auxiliary axes) tab

Gantry/Track: parameters to control the calculation of Robot Positioner device

- Move: Allow the robot positioner to move during
- Avg (Average): The software will calculate the values
for robot positioner so that it will reach all the
points but is not moving during welding.
- Lock: Lock the robot positioner to current position
at all the points in the weld path
- Mode: Place from which the following parameters
are calculated (Z+ wrist, Z+ point, Seam)
- Azimuth: Position of robot base
- Elevation: Angle between 2nd and 5th robot joint
(for gantry only)
- Stretch: distance between 2nd and 5th robot joint in
% (for gantry only)

Tip: To learn to use these parameters effectively play with them and see how the robot behaves in the
simulation window

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Flip rotational gantry axis

In case of a TRT/TR gantry system, while calculating the Azimuth, the gantry can achieve two possible solutions
while moving the robot base, as shown in the images below.

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Positioner: The user can choose from the pre‐defined Welding Positions available here, and the software will
automatically set the Workpiece Positioner and Robot orientation such that the chosen position is achieved.

PA/B positions:

PA position
PB position, base horizontally
PB position, wall horizontally
Wire down: Wire is at pointing straight down. If wire is at bisector of the corner, this is same than PA
PD/E positions: for welding wire pointing up
PF/G positions: for vertical up/down welding
Lock: Lock the workpiece positioner at the current position

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Direction: change the “configuration” of the positioner.

Lock Grill: lock the first axis of a 2‐axis positioner to 90/‐90deg value to use it as one axis positioner

Link Limits:

1 3

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1. Set the positioner limits for active weld path in degrees,

2. R = reset positioner nominal values
3. Set the turn value for the Positioner axes
For e.g. For a Positioner with the axis 2 (rotating plate) having limits ‐720 to 720,
setting turn =0  sets the axis values between ‐180 to 180
turn =1 sets the axis values between 180 to 540
turn =‐1 sets the axis values between ‐540 to ‐180
turn =2 sets the axis values between 540 to 720
turn =‐2 sets the axis values between ‐540 to ‐720

Link 3 value: For a three axes Workpiece Positioner, you can change the Positioner Link3 (Elevation link) values
by scrolling mouse wheel in this field and see the instant update in 3D window.

Robot Joint 7 extender on Aux ‐tab

If there is a 7‐axis robot arm selected, you can find “Robot joint 7”
extender shown on the Aux ‐tab.
With “Joint 7” parameter, you can modify the value of seventh joint for
the full path and for single points with touch‐up

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3.4.5 Corner tab

General: when Examine corners is checked, the weld path parameters at inside and outside corners can be

Inside corner:
- Auto flare: when auto flare is checked, the software
calculates the flare distance automatically
- A: Flare distance: Distance from the corner where the
path turns towards the corner offset point
- B: Corner offset: Path offset from the corner
- Min offset angle: The minimum angle where the corner
offset is used in the path

1. Sharp corner mode: when sharp corner mode is used
there is two more points used in the corner (between
corner offset points and flare distance points)

Outside corner: same parameters as in the inside corner

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3.4.6 WPS (Welding Procedure Specification) tab

Simulation parameters: Parameters for visualizing the

welding during simulation.
Note: Modifying these parameters does not have affect
to real robot program.
- Seam: parameters for weld seam visualization
- Weaving: parameters for simulating weaving

Process parameters: Set the welding parameters for

the active weld. With many controllers, it is a reference
to some welding parameter table in robot controller.
- Speed: Welding speed in mm/s
- Process on: The values are called when the arc is
turned on. The parameters in Process on include the
Job no, weaving info etc.
- Process off: The values are called when arc is turned

Create new row

Remove row

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3.5 Point control

Point control window opens from Test path section in Path setup (see section 3.4.2). In the point control user
interface, all the points in the path can be modified. The parameters to modify are: Kind, Motion type, robot
Configuration, Search assigned to the point (memory slot value of search), Turn of robot joint J6 (also J4 for some
robots), Auxiliary axis values, Speed and WPS.

To modify the parameters, select the points to be modified, modify the values and click Apply.
Note: you can modify parameters for multiple points at the same time by multi‐selecting the points, modifying
the value at one point and pressing ENTER or by clicking another field. Tip: multi‐select can be done by
Ctrl + clicking OR Shift + clicking OR clicking the first point ‐> “painting” the points by keeping the mouse button
down ‐> releasing at the last point. To select all the points, click one point and Ctrl + A.

Aux axis smooth and set current value for Aux

When hovering on Aux column header with mouse cursor, pop‐up window is shown.
There are to buttons in this pop‐up window:
4. Set current value:
Saves current value of the auxiliary/external joint to the points selected in the
Point control window.
5. Smooth external axes:
Allows smooth transition between points in the path by smoothening the motion of the auxiliary
axis. Select all the points in the path and click on the Aux1(if you wish to smoothen for e.g. joint
values for robot positioner).
NOTE: The sequence is robot positioner followed by Workpiece positioner. For e.g. if the layout has
a linear track and a 2‐axis Workpiece positioner; Aux1 represents joint1 of track, Aux2 & Aux3
represents joint 1 and joint 2 of workpiece positioner respectively.

Comment: Insert comments for each of the points in the weld path.

Note: operators +, ‐, * and / works in the fields

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12

No. Name Description

1. Point Shows all the points in the weld path

2. Kind Denotes if the point is an approach, via start point and so on

3. Motion Denotes if the point is linear or point to point

4. Config Denotes the configuration of the robot

5. Search The memory location for search is inserted over here to link the weld path to
search function

6. Turn Specify the turn for J6 or J4 joint of the robot

7. Aux Specifies the auxiliary axes (Robot positioner, Workpiece positioner) joint

8. Speed Specifies speed values

9. WPS Apply welding parameter template to the point

10. Set current Change the robot orientation for certain or multiple points and click on set
orientation current orientation.

11. Comment Add a comment to the point

12. Smooth XYZ Smoothens the tool path around Z, Y and/or X axis for the selected points in the
path. To smoothen the path, multi‐select the points and click Z, Y and/or X.

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3.6 Path check

The path check functionality can be used to validate the robot program. It can interpolate the robot motions
also between the statements. You can open the panel from AddOns (see chapter 7.1) and path setup (see
chapter 3.4.1). The path checker does not support the following special cases: multi‐robot systems, changing
the tool or workpiece geometry during the program, independently moving turntable.

To use the collision detection, you need to first create a collision detector with the robot and tool in the A list.
Then the collision detector must be selected in the robot settings, see chapter 9.3 for more details.

7 3 2 1
6 8

1. Run the Path checker and the upper and lower stripes show the path status along the path. The
upper stripe shows the kinematic problems and the lower one collisions:
• Green: Everything is OK
• Gray: Cannot check the area because of reachability problems nearby
• Orange: The target is unreachable
• Red: Joint limits exceeded
• Blue: Singularity problem
• Yellow: Collision
2. Open the path checker settings window:
• Statements: You can check the whole program,
current sequence or selected statements
• Toggle if you want to check joint limits, singularity
problems and collisions
• Step size: The accuracy of the interpolation
• Auto set status: (See Section 3.6.1)

3. After running the check, shows how big portion of the interpolation steps was OK.
4. Drag the pin to move the robot along the checked path.
5. Click the left and right arrow buttons to go to the previous or next interpolation step, that has
different status than the current step.
6. The color shows the status of the current interpolation step.
7. The text explains the status of the current step and shows the related sequence name and
• Note: You can click the text to select the statement in the program tree

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8. Show statistics graph: This shows the weld process statistics. Click this option to view a pie chart
showing the amount of Via time and Process time and information about total time and the
Process length (mm).

You can also view this information in the output tab like below:

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3.6.1 Program Status

Update statuses of path statements:

Click on this option to see the status of the selected weld

statement/ entire program or sequence.
The status is shown with an additional color in the weld icon in
the Program editor tab. The below table describes the status
and its description.

Weld Status Description

Red icon + Fail The weld path has problem either due to joint
The weld path has no problems.
Green icon + OK

Auto‐select status:

If the Auto set status is selected, then the status for the weld statement will be
automatically shown in the Program editor after running the path checker.

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Set the status manually:

There is possibility to set the status manually.

In the Path Setup tab, click on the icon besides Weld name.

A list of Statuses appears

Clicking on any of this option will set that status in the program editor.

OK: Sets the status to OK

Fail: Sets the status to Fail

Unchecked: Set the status to unchecked

Custom: Setting status to custom ignores the original status from the path check tool and always updates weld
status to custom.

Clear: Clears the status from the weld path.

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4 Multipass weld
Create a root pass as a normal weld path or select existing weld statement from the Program editor as a root
pass. Click Multipass from statements toolbar. This will open the Multipass user interface.

Multipass UI:
- You can add and delete passes from bottom left corner.
- Top left corner
- a: a value (throat thickness) for simulation
- α: angle between seam base and wall
- Flip: Flip the corner orientation
- In the multipass table, you can modify for every single pass: Layer, Base offset, Wall offset, Bisector
offset, Wire offset, Wire angle, Speed, Start offset, End offset, Reverse direction and WPS
- By clicking Reverse from the column headers, you can make every second pass to reverse direction.
- At bottom in the middle, you can save the multipass templates.
- Click plus icon to create new template and then set unique name for the template.
- You can delete unused templates by clicking cross icon.
- If you modify the template, save the changes by clicking save icon
- Create the passes by clicking Generate
- You can remove the created statements (for passes), by clicking Remove stmts
- Note: operators +, ‐, * and / works in the fields

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5 Cloning weld
5.1 Creating clone
1. Select the weld statement (from the program editor) that you want clone. Click Clone from the
Program statements toolbar in the Program editor window.

2. Select clone type from Clone GUI (see descriptions for different types from section 5.2).
3. Modify the clone settings and click Set clone planes.
4. Select clone plane(s) (or points in vector clone and circle clone) from the 3D window. After selecting
the planes, clone preview is shown.
5. Verify the clone by Apply or modify settings and set clone planes again if you need to modify the clone.
6. Shift paths, no clone: Select this if you just wish to shift the paths without cloning.

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5.2 Clone types

2 3 4 5
1. Distance clone: Clone weld to perpendicular
direction from the selected surface.
- Set number of clones
- Set clone distance in mm
- Check Recalculate track and Recalculate positioner
if needed

2. Plane‐to‐plane clone: Clone weld from plane to

- Set number of clones
- Check Recalculate track and Recalculate positioner
if needed

3. Mirror clone:
- Set number of clones
- Mirror weld by using reference planes
- Check Recalculate track and Recalculate positioner
if needed

4. Vector clone: Clone weld by using reference vector

from point to point.
- Set number of clones
- Check Recalculate track and Recalculate positioner
if needed
- Select the reference points by clicking Set clone

5. Circle clone: Clone weld by using a reference circle.

- Set number of clones
- Set clone angle in degrees
- Check Recalculate track and Recalculate positioner
if needed
- Select the center point of the circle by Set clone

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6 Search
6.1 Creating search
1. To have the track/gantry and workpiece positioner joint values for search similar than they are in specific
weld, select the weld statement (from the program editor) for which you want to assign the search. Select
the point from the weld close to the place where you want to create a search.
2. Click Search from Statement tool bar.

3. Choose touch mode (see descriptions from section 6.2).

4. Pick search locations from the 3D window in the same order than they are in search type preview image.
After all the locations are picked, the tool path for search is done automatically.
5. You can modify the search distance and torch orientation in the search points and re‐pick the point if
needed (see section 6.2)

6.2 Path setup

6.2.1 Search tab

NOTE: The Apply button existing in previous software version (4.1) is now discarded. If the user now
changes any of the parameters from the Path setup tab, it is instantly updated in the 3D window.

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Touch with: Select the device and feature by which the search is
done. See from the touch mode image which part of the torch is
touching the surface.
- Wire: search by wire or wire sweep
- Torch: search by neck, neck without wire, middle
(middle point between torch end and shoulder),
shoulder, front
- External tool: search by external search tool

- Memory slot: number (or variable) for identification of
the search. Note: The type of memory slot variable
depends on robot brand.
- Search type:
- 1D: 1 dimensional search
- 2D, [in]: 2‐dimensional inner corner search
- 2D, [out]: 2‐dimensional outer edge search
- 3D, [2in + 1in]: 3‐dimensional inner corner search
- 3D, [2in + 1out]: 3‐dimensional combined in + 3rd
out search
- 3D: [2out + 1in]: 3‐dimensional combined out +
3rd in search
- 3D, [2out + 1out]: 3d outer corner search
- Orientation search: used in special cases only
- Corner oriented: In 3d searches orientates the torch in
relation to the corner
- Touch point parameters: modify the parameters of the
touching points at the same time or separately for each
point by unlocking (by clicking lock icon)
- Search distance: Distance from touch point where
the search is started
- Wire roll: Torch orientation around z axis of TCP
- Wire angle (vertical): Wire angle in vertical direction
- Rotation around perpendicular axis: For rotating
the torch around perpendicular axis of the surface
- Wire angle (horizontal): Wire angle in horizontal
- Re‐pick: For re‐picking the touch points

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6.2.2 DB (Database) tab

Database for saving the search parameters and applying them for the other searches.

Templates: The parameters, that are set in other tabs (Path, Aux), can
be saved to template and applied for the other searches.
9. Template filter: Filter to search the templates from
the library (list in the next field). If this is empty, all
the templates are shown. Type some of the first
characters to search certain templates.

Saving the template: Write the name for the template and click Save.

Applying the template:

1. Click the template name from the list
2. Tick include WPP (workpiece positioner)
parameters, include TRACK (track/gantry)
parameters if needed
 Click Apply Template

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6.2.3 Path and Aux tabs

Same parameters than in weld path setup in Path and Aux tabs, see section 3.4.2. and 3.4.4.

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6.3 Auto Search

The Auto Search functionality generates the Searches for the weld automatically.

1. Click on the weld statement for which you wish to create the search.
2. Click on the Auto search option from the Statements toolbar in the Program Editor.
3. The searches will be automatically generated, along with the proper allocation of memory locations to the
4. If you wish to change any parameters of the automatically generated searches, you may click on the search
statement and use the Path setup tab and tweak any of the needed parameters. For e.g. you can re‐pick
the search by going to Path setup tab, or change the search type to 1‐D or 2‐D etc.
5. By default, the software generates two searches, at the beginning and end of the weld. The user has the
control to define how the auto‐search function should generate the searches by going to the settings tab.

Changing the Default Settings of the Auto‐ Search function

Click on the Robot > Click on Settings from the Fronius ribbon bar > Select the Auto‐Search Tab. Here, you can
find the default parameters for the Auto‐search function that you may change as needed. The below table
describes each of these parameters.

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Parameter name Default value Unit Description

Checking this box will cause creation of searches automatically without
Auto search enabled
clicking the Auto search function, every time you create a weld
Device “Wire” string “Wire”, “Nozzle”, Ext”
“Wire”, “WireSweep”, “Neck”, “NeckWOwire”, “Middle”, “Shoulder”,
Touch type ”Wire” string
“Front”, “PointLaser”, “PointLaserSweep”, “Camera”
Drive distance 1 30.0 mm Search approach distance for first search surface (search distance)
Drive distance 2 30.0 mm Search approach distance for second search surface
Drive distance 3 30.0 mm Search approach distance for third search surface
Tangent distance 1 30.0 mm First touch location distance from second surface
Tangent distance 2 30.0 mm Second touch location distance from first surface

Tangent distance 3 30.0 mm Third touch location distance from first/second surface
First touch location distance from point or surface
StartOffset1 30.0 mm
Second touch location distance from point or surface
StartOffset2 30.0 mm
Always creates a search at the beginning of the weld. Untick the
Start Search
checkbox if this is not needed.
Min memory slot Change the starting memory slot value if needed
Max memory slot Tick the box to enter the maximum memory slot number
Always creates a search at the middle of the weld. Untick the checkbox
Middle search
if this is not needed.
Always creates a search at the end of the weld. Untick the checkbox if
End search
this is not needed.

After making the necessary changes to the parameters, hit apply. Now, each time the Auto‐search function is
used the software will use the settings you have defined here in the settings tab. For instance, if you have
unchecked the Middle & End search, it will generate search only at the beginning of the weld.

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7 Other tools
7.1 AddOns

- Combine welds: Combine the currently selected weld statements to a single weld statement.
- Check paths: Open the path check panel described in chapter 3.6
- Shift Aux: Shift the auxiliary axes
- Set Point Names: Change the Point names for PTP, LIN motion statements for the whole program,
selected sequence or selected statements.
Provide the desired Root name e.g. “start”. Now based on your selection, whole program, selected
sequence or selected statements will have the names of Motions statements to be “start” and have
correct indexing.

- Set Turn: Set the turn for J4 and J6 joints

- Add Process Statement: Add a process statement to the program, which handles a python script.
- Text to path: A path is created for the typed text for a defined height.
- Hide features:

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- Hide or invert the certain features from the components. Can be used, for example, to invert the
existing weld seam geometries from the component in order to find the correct corner for the
welding paths.
- Add surface: Add surface with desired dimensions to the workpiece. This acts as a helper for workpieces
that are not having perfect base wall intersections. Surfaces can be added in this case with this tool.
- Explode Component:
- Explode features of selected component to separate components.
- Remove Path Geometry: To remove the unwanted welding geometries.
- System routines:
- Define a subroutine as a system routine, so that you can simulate the robot motions, but the code will
not be translated for that sub‐routine.

From the added routine list, select the sub‐routine which should be made as system routine and click
on Add to System routines.
Click on remove selected to change a sub‐routine from the system routine to normal sub‐routine
E.g. cases, you need to simulate the torch‐cleaning program to check collisions but not translate the
code, as it is already a method present in the controller. So, make that sub‐routine as a system

- Set Limits: Quick way to edit the joint limits for the robot

- Import license: Import Fronius license file

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7.2 Additional tools from Statement toolbar

7.2.1 Robot Language statement

There is possibility to add specific robot commands directly from the program and these lines will be translated
as normal robot code. For this, Robot Language statement can be used.

1. When you click on the Robot language statement for the first time, the software automatically generates a
RobotLang note in the component properties. You may open the note from components properties or just
click on the note icon at the bottom of the robot to fill in the commands.

2. After this, whenever you need to add the commands to the program editor, click on the robot language
statement from the statements toolbar and select the needed command from the list and click add to

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7.2.2 Comment

You may add comments while creating the welding program by using the option below. Click on the Statement
properties and enter the comment as needed. The postprocessor will also translate this line as a comment.

If you tick the Verbatim comment, the comment will be translated as a normal robot code. This can be used for
instance in case where the methods are already defined in the robot controller and the program needs to make
a call to that method. You can just write the same syntax of the called method in the comment statement and
mark it as Verbatim comment so that the postprocessor translates it as a code line.

7.2.3 Start Marker

If you wish to run the simulation from a particular weld statement,

and not the whole program, then start marker can be used.
Place the start marker command before the weld statement from
where you need to simulate.

In this case, the simulation will start from the weld statement 5.

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7.3 Calibration tools

Tools for calibrating the model in Fronius pathfinder. For more info and support for calibration, contact Fronius
TechSupport Automation.

7.4 Other
Modify group at Fronius pathfinder ribbon tools.

Settings: see section 11

PnP Frame: Set Plug‐And‐Play frame to the origin of the selected component/workpiece
Move Path: Move selected weld and search paths to another subsequence (subprogram), OR
to another robot OR to another workpiece.

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8 Templates

8.1 Program

If the same workpiece is used in different layouts, Program import/export functionality can be used to reuse
the programs.

1. Export program: Click on export program and save the program

at desired location.

2. Import program: Go to the layout where you wish to import

this program and click on import program.

3. A property Dialog box with Importing options pops up.

4. Workpiece: Select the name of the workpiece from

the list

5. Sequence: Select from the list the sequence in which

you wish to import the program.

7. You can compensate the differences in the layouts by using the following options:
ExtMap: Use this field, if the layout in which you import program has different number of external axes.
MotionTransMat: Use this field to shift the Standard motion points (LIN, PTP) if needed.
PathTransMat: Use this field to shift the weld path if needed.
ExtTrans: Use this field to shift the values of external axes if needed.

8. After tweaking the needed field click on import program and browse the correct program.

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8.2 Feature template

If the workpiece has parts that are repetitive, Feature template tool can be used. For example, like below.


Feature template gives the ability to reuse the programs for similar part of the workpiece; eliminating the need
to reprogram welds again and again. This helps to speed up the programming.
Weld paths are created for a single part in the workpiece which is repetitive and used for similar other parts in
the same layout. Further, if the same part is present in some other workpiece, Feature template tool can be

The algorithm uses the names of the geometries to identify them as similar parts. Thus, a pre‐requisite is to have
the Workpiece CAD model with all the similar parts as separate geometry and named in a similar way like below.

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8.2.1 Workflow

1. While importing Workpiece CAD model, select the Full Feature tree option

2. The imported Workpiece CAD model must have same name for the parts that you want to create as a

3. Now create the welds for the repetitive part

4. From the feature template options click on Set feature and select the surface of the part on the

5. Click on Export template to save it as a file.

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6. Now, click on Import template and an Import feature templates window appears.

Sequence: Choose from the list if you want to import the whole program
into Main or create separate sub‐routines for every feature or import
into current activated sequence.

Scale feature:
The feature template can also be used in cases where the workpiece has
the feature in different orientation or different length/width.
Scale feature + Fix orientation can be used in this situation.
NOTE: For the scale feature to work as intended, the origin should be at
fixed place relative to the feature.

There are different ways you can import the template explained in below section 8.2.2.

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8.2.2 Using Feature Template

Click on correct template file from the list > Click Pick feature> Pick the surface of the part in the CAD model
>Click Import Selected

Click on Import immediately:
Click on correct template file from the list > Click Pick feature> Pick the surface of the part in the CAD model

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Click on Import immediately + Auto‐select template > Click Pick feature > Pick the surface of the part in the CAD

Click on Import immediately+ Auto select template > Pick component > Pick the CAD feature. The algorithm
will automatically select correct template for correct geometry and import the welds all at once on the

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9 Assembly status

This tool can be used if you need to do welding in phases or handling operations. For e.g. consider a product
having two parts A and B. In welding phase 1, if part B is not needed, then Part B can be made hidden in phase 1
and made visible in phase 2.

To use this tool:

1. Go to Program editor and click on the desired component and click Assembly status menu from statements
toolbar. In the below example picture, the workpiece was selected while creating the assembly status
command. Click on the assembly status statement to view the Property tab. You can untick the feature and
hide it that is not needed in phase 1. For e.g. below Revolve component is hidden.

You may also use the Hide feature by picking the surface of the component you wish to hide, instead of
unticking the boxes.

2. When the part is needed in phase 2 it can be made visible, by again creating assembly status and making
that component visible.

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3. For simulating pick and place operation you can use as below. The idea is that, place the component
wherever needed and create assembly status. The position of the component is stored at every assembly
status creation.

Click on the component to be

picked and create assembly

Jog the robot to the picking

point above the component
and create Ptp motion.
Click on the component and
create another assembly

Attach the component to the


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Jog the robot to the release position and

create the Ptp motion.

Click on the component to create assembly


Run the simulation to see the effect.

4. If the application needs to change the position of component to new one, then move the component to
desired location and click on ALTGR on keyboard and only then select the assembly status statement. By
doing this the component wont jump back to its previous position. Now click on set current positions to
save the component to the new moved position.

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10 Postprocessing
10.1 Translate robot program
To translate the robot program for the real robot controller:
1. Click the robot (or another device) which program you
want to translate
2. Click Postprocess from Fronius pathfinder ribbon
3. Click Download under the correct robot brand name
4. Browse the folder where you want to save the
program file and give name for the file
5. Click Save
 The file can be transferred to the robot controller

Note: In real robots, run only the robot programs that are
translated from calibrated models. Otherwise, there can be
unpredictable collisions and errors when executing the

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10.2 Download settings


After translating the robot program at a first time,

Download tab will appear to the robot Component
properties (click the robot to see the Component
properties panel. Note that the panel can be below some
other panel).

In download settings you can define, what commands

and information you want to have in the translated robot
program. Most of the download parameters are robot
brand specific.


In addition, the robot and workpiece positioners have

download settings at Component properties panel.

STATION: Station name, which appears in the translated

program as an active station

MechanismNumber: Position of this mechanism in the

definition of external axis joint values

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11 Fronius pathfinder settings

Open Fronius Settings from Modify group in Fronius pathfinder ribbon tools.

To change the settings, modify the parameters in Fronius settings panel and click Apply from
the bottom of the panel.

11.1 Common tab

- Hide handle: Hide robot jogging handle from 3d
view (does not work when jog manipulation mode is
- Auto check points: toggles if path is checked
automatically after creation\modification.
Auto checks each point on path and includes
following checks: reachability, singularity and joint
- Saved programs: Directory where the exported
programs and exported templates are saved. The
path can be changed as needed.

Simulation speed:
- Process speed override: during the simulation this
value will be used on all paths when executing process

- Control simulation speed: Control the simulation

speed by checking and adjusting values for different motion

Tool appearance: Settings for tool preview appearance in

weld and search paths. The tool preview is visible in the 3D
view always on robot points on selected path.

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11.2 Path tab

- Simulate weaving: For turning the weaving on in
simulation (weaving need to be set on also from
path setup ‐> WPS ‐> simulation parameters)
- 3D trace on: For turning the seam visualization on in
- 3D trace color: seam visualization color (valid only if
the color is not changed from the Path setup)
- WPS file: path for saving the WPS template file
- Proc. On template: Template for arc on parameters
(visible in Path setup panel at WPS tab)
- Proc. Off template: Template for arc off parameters
(visible in Path setup panel at WPS tab)
- Multipass file: path for saving the multipass
template file

Sparks: settings for sparks visualization

- Custom search: Robot or language specific custom
search settings

Speeds: For setting default speeds for different kind of

point types

Motion types: For setting default motion types for

different kind of point types

Accuracy values: Accuracy values used in different type of


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11.3 Setup tab

Cell setup: Active components in robot cell

- Robot as WPP: robot is used as a workpiece positioner in the setup
- Run setup: Sets the categories and properties for the components
(This need to be done after the cell is modelled)

Multi‐robot: Checking the Sync enabled option allows to use 2 or more

robots in synchronous mode.

Default tools: Default tools used for welds, searches and external

Tool parameters: parameters of the tools used in the setup. It is possible

to multiselect tools and modify the parameters simultaneously.

a = Wire length
b = Wire diameter
c = Torch diameter
d = Shoulder distance
e = Shoulder diameter

Robot collision detectors: The enabled detectors will be used by the

path checker described in chapter 2.5. If WP is checked, the workpieces
of the checked weld and search statements are automatically added to
the B list of the detector.

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12 Disable Software Features

Sometimes it is required to disable certain software features, which are not needed in the project.
To disable certain features from the Fronius license file, follow the below steps.
1. Go to the directory where the Fronius license file is stored. You can find it in below location:


2. Open the .de4 license file with Notepad++

3. To disable any feature from the list, enter an extra letter in front of the word FEATURE. For e.g. if you
wish to disable the CUT feature, do as below:

Note that you also need to put an extra letter in front of the word FEATURE corresponding to OEM.

4. Press Ctrl+S and save this file. Reopen the Fronius software again. Now the software will not have the
CUT features.

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TechSupport Automation


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