Forecasting Spreadsheet

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Pro Forma Brazil, Period 1 Projections Unit Sales Manufacturer Sales Allowance Expense Cost of Goods Sold Shipping

and Tariffs Gross Margin

Last Period 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Forecast Based on SKU est. 25 117.2 13.4 65 22.4 16.4 3 9.9 3.3 6.5 22.7 -6.4 4.5 -10.8

Promotion Advertising Sales Force Administrative Total Marketing Contribution after Mkting Fixed Costs Net Contribution

Demo for University of South Carolina Period 1 User mroth

Forecast Based on Mkt est. 40 117.2 13.4 65 22.4 16.4 3 9.9 3.3 6.5 22.7 -6.4 4.5 -10.8

11.4% 55.5% 14.0% 2.6% 8.4% 2.8% 5.5% 19.4% -5.5% 3.8% -9.2%

Example - BRAZIL: Period 1 Target Market: Economy / Families Competitor: Eversmile (8.9% share; 41,100 units)

Please note that the initial values and worksheet are only an example of the process of how you might go about forecasting potential demand for a product launch. It is not a replacement for your judgement. Allsmile Competitor 476.2 9.5% 45.2 10.0% 49.8 10.3% 10.3% 5.1 90.5% 431.0 5.0% 452.5 10.2% 46.1 Source Competition - Market Share Report (Brazil) Consumer - Brands Purchased with Appropriate Cross Section (Brazil)

Market Size Overall Unit Sales in Country: Targeted Cross Section % of Demand (Families, Economy) Size of Target in Units (Families, White) Estimated Target Market Growth Rate Estimated Size of Target (Next Period w/ Entry) Current Market Share Overall (N/A for Allsmile, Actual for Comp) Share of Target Market (Estimated - Allsmile, Actual for Comp) Unit Sales Target Market (Calculated) Non-targeted Segments % of Demand Size of Non-targeted Segment Estimated Growth Rate of non-targeted segments (remainder of market) Estimated Size of Non-targeted Segments (Next Period w/ Entry) Share of Non-targeted Segment (Estimated - Allsmile, Calculated for Comp) Unit Sales Non-targeted Segment (Estimated - Allsmile, Actual for Comp) Product Line Breadth of Product Line (# skus for target market) Quality of Product Line (fit to target market 5=Excellent, 1=Poor) Quality of Product Offerings for Other Segments (5=Excellent, 1=Poor) Pricing Price Positioning (5=Low, 3=Average, 1=Premium) Allowances (1=Low, 3=Average, 5=High) Advertising Budget ($) Quality (language, target, etc. 5=Excellent, 1=Poor) Distribution Competitive presence in preferred channels (5=Excellent, 1=Poor) Total Salespeople Salesforce in preferred channels (5=Excellent, 1=Poor) Promotion Budget ($) Promotion in preferred channels ($) Market Experience Years on Market (1=New, 2=Last Year, 3=2 or more) Relative Effort Estimate Product Line Comparison Pricing Comparison Advertising Comparison Distribution Comparison Average Rating Share of Effort Cumulative Effects of Years on Market (Assuming Level Effort) Normalized Cumulative Effort Ratio of Effort (Allsmile:Competitor) Estimated Target Market Share Based on Relative Effort Estimated Non-targeted Share Based on Relative Effort Target Market Sales Forecast (units) Non-targeted Segment Sales Forecast (units) Total Sales Forecast (units) Overall Market Share Forecast Note: $ can be either local currency or converted into USD. Importance Weights 15% 35% 20% 25%

476.2 35.0% 166.7 10.0% 183.3 N/A 11.0% 20.2 65.0% 309.5 5.0% 325.0 1.5% 4.9

Consumer - Brands Purchased with no Cross Section (Brazil) Consumer - Brands Purchased with Appropriate Cross Section (Brazil)

1.0 minus Targeted Cross Section% from row 7

4 4 3

2 3 2

Competition - Brand Formulations (Brazil) Judgement Consumer - Decision Criteria (Brazil) Judgement

4 4

3 5

Competition - Pricing (Brazil) Judgement Competition - Pricing (Brazil) Judgement

9.5 4

18.8 4

Competition - Advertising (Brazil) Competition - Advertising (Brazil) Judgement

4 30 4 3 3

3 72 3 7.2 7.2

Consumer - Shopping Habits and Competition - Distribution Coverage (Brazil) Judgement Competition Salesforce (Brazil) Competition Salesforce (Brazil) Judgement Competition - Promotion (Brazil) Competition - Promotion (Brazil)

Competition - Market Share / Product Sales Graph (Dentacare)

Normalized Normalized (0-10) (0-10) 8 6.2 5 3.8 8 5.0 8 5.0 13.5 3.7 22.8 6.3 14 4.0 21 6.0 4.4 5.1 44% 22% 34% 53% 5.4% 8.0% 9.9 26.1 36.1 6.9% 51% 42% 66%

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