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Prepared by: Factor, Chary C.

Topic: The sense of touch

I.1Learning objectives

At1 the1 end1 o1f1 the1 lesson, the learners1should be able to

1. Understand the importance of the sense of touch.1

2. Appreciate the importance of the skin.1

3. Uses the sense of touch to identify object.

II. Subject matter

A. Topic: The sense of touch

B. Materials

 Visual aids
 Real object
 Video presentation

C. References

How your senses work?/the five senses/ The Dr. Binocs show/Peekaboo kidz

III. Learning procedures

Teachers activity Learners activity

A. Preparation

Good morning children! Good morning teacher! Good

morning classmates!1 It's nice
May I request everyone to please to see you again.
remain standing for our prayer?

Mae, can you please lead the

prayer? Mae,

Before you take your seat, can Let us pray, Dear Lord we
Teachers activity Learners activity

you please arrange your chair praise you this day, guide us
properly and pick up the small now, and may this day will be
pieces of paper under your chair, filled with joy and learning.
and you may now take your seat. Forgive our sin and clean our
hearts, this is all we pray in
Checking of attendance Jesus name amen.
Okay class, raise your hand and
say present when I call your
name. The student will raise their
hand and say present.
Very good, every body is present.
Clap your hands for yourself.

The students will clap their


B. Review lesson

Now let's review our last topic, Ma'am, our lesson last
anyone from the class, who can meeting is all about the
share our lesson last meeting? human body parts.

What are the parts of our body, Edda,

Ma'am head shoulder knees
Yes! Very good that's the other and toes.
parts of our body.

C. Motivation

The teacher will show the picture

of the sense the soft and rough
object. Then ask the student of
how they will know if the object
is soft or rough.

What was the first thing we need

to do t2o2know the texture of
Teachers activity Learners activity

the object Niko? Niko, ma'am to know it's

texture we need to touch the
Very good Niko, clap your hands object.
for Niko.
The students will clap their

Presentation/ Lesson Proper

Our lesson for today is about the

human sense of touch.

Okay class, there are five senses

we have, but today we are going
to focus on the sense of touch.
Like all senses the sense of touch
allows us to gather information
about the things around us.

Take a look at this picture.

What are the first thing you see?

Okay, did you know that the Ma'am the hands touching
sense of touch or your skin is the the plants.
way to feel thing wether it is soft,
rough, hard or smooth.

But, how does it work?

Okay, let me tell you the layer of

the skin, it has epidermis, dermis
and hypodermis.

Let's talk about the first layer of

Teachers activity Learners activity

the skin or the epidermis. It is the

outer layer of the skin and it's
made up of skin cell. The cell on
the very outer layer of the
epidermis constantly die and
getting replaced every four
weeks. This epidermis is also
contains melanin that sets the
tone of your skin. Melanin also
help to protect you from harmful

Now let's go to the second layer

known as dermis, it contains
tough connective tissue like hair
follicles, sebaceous glands and
nerve endings, through which
the skin sends the message to
the brain about all the things you
touch, then the brain and the
nervous system decide how to
respond towards it. Example, if
you touched something too hot
your nervous system will tell you
to move away from it.

Let us continue to the last layer

of the skin, the hypodermis also
known as subcutaneous tissue,
it's primary function is to store
fat. The body needs some level
of fat to protect your bones and

Okay class that's all our topic for

today, the sense of touch which
is our skin. It is very important to
learn about this sense because
we always use this anytime we
touch something or feel.
Teachers activity Learners activity

E. Generalization

After the discussion I hope you

understand the sense of touch.
Yes ma'am!
Do you understand class?

Very good
The students will raise their
Okay who can explain the hand,
importance of the sense of
touch? Ma'am the importance of the
sense of touch, is, it allow us
to gather information about
the things around us.

Very good!

The teacher will bring the visual

aids on the board.

On the board complete the table


555IV. Application/Valuing

The teacher will group the students into three groups. Each group represents the three layer of skin and
each of them will explain the importance of the three layer of skin.

Group 1 Epidermis

Group 2. Dermis

Group 3. Hypodermis

V. Assessment/Evaluation

Complete the table below





VI. Assignment


We use our hands to touch. Draw something we touch in the garden.6

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