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Rosario, Milca Venice R.

March 12, 2024

CE103- A4 (2021135640) Homework No. 2

• In each Field of Civil Engineering.

o Name a Filipino Civil Engineer and discuss their contribution

o Name a structure (local or international) and give a brief description.

o Discuss the history of civil engineering in the Philippines.

1. Structural Engineering:

a. Filipino Civil Engineer: Juan de Guzman Arellano

b. Contribution: Juan de Guzman Arellano was a pioneering Filipino architect and civil

engineer known for his significant contributions to structural engineering in the

Philippines. He played a key role in designing and constructing numerous iconic structures

during the American colonial period. Arellano's notable works include the Manila

Metropolitan Theater and the Manila Central Post Office Building. His expertise in

blending neoclassical and Beaux-Arts architectural styles left a lasting impact on the

country's architectural landscape.

c. Structure: San Juanico Bridge

d. Description: The San Juanico Bridge, connecting the islands of Leyte and Samar in the

Philippines, is a marvel of engineering and a symbol of unity between the two provinces.

Completed in 1973, it spans a length of 2.16 kilometers, making it the longest bridge in the

country. The bridge's design incorporates both cable-stayed and suspension bridge

elements, showcasing the innovation and engineering prowess of its builders.

2. Geotechnical Engineering:

a. Filipino Civil Engineer: Enrico Tablante

b. Contribution: Enrico Tablante is a prominent Filipino geotechnical engineer recognized

for his expertise in soil mechanics and foundation engineering. His research and practical

applications in geotechnical engineering have contributed significantly to the

understanding of soil behavior in the Philippines. Tablante's work has influenced the

construction of stable foundations for various infrastructure projects in the country.

c. Structure: Banaue Rice Terraces

d. Description: The Banaue Rice Terraces, often referred to as the "Eighth Wonder of the

World," are an ancient engineering marvel created by the Ifugao people. These terraces

were meticulously carved into the mountains over 2,000 years ago to create flat surfaces

for rice farming. The geotechnical engineering involved in constructing these terraces

showcases the ingenuity of the Ifugao people in adapting to the challenging mountainous


3. Transportation Engineering:

a. Filipino Civil Engineer: Florante S. Soriquez

b. Contribution: Florante Soriquez is a Filipino civil engineer who has made significant

contributions to transportation engineering, particularly in the planning and design of road

networks and transportation systems. His research and practical applications have played

a crucial role in improving the efficiency and safety of transportation infrastructure in the


c. Structure: Skyway System in Metro Manila

d. Description: The Skyway System in Metro Manila is an elevated expressway network

designed to alleviate traffic congestion in the capital region. It consists of multiple

segments, including the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) Skyway, the North Luzon

Expressway (NLEX) Harbor Link Skyway, and the Metro Manila Skyway. The Skyway

System has been instrumental in enhancing the connectivity and accessibility of key areas

in Metro Manila.
4. Environmental Engineering:

a. Filipino Civil Engineer: Antonio Oposa Jr.

b. Contribution: Antonio Oposa Jr. is a Filipino environmental lawyer and engineer known

for his advocacy in environmental sustainability and conservation. While not exclusively

a civil engineer, his interdisciplinary approach has significantly influenced environmental

engineering practices in the Philippines. Oposa has been actively involved in legal battles

and initiatives aimed at protecting natural resources and promoting sustainable


c. Structure: Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park

d. Description: The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an

expansive marine protected area in the Sulu Sea. While not a constructed structure, its

preservation is a testament to environmental engineering principles applied to marine

conservation. The park is home to diverse marine life and coral reefs, showcasing the

importance of sustainable environmental practices.

5. Water Resources Engineering:

a. Filipino Civil Engineer: Emil Q. Javier

b. Contribution: Emil Q. Javier is a Filipino agricultural engineer whose work extends to

water resources engineering. He has made notable contributions to the development of

sustainable agricultural practices, including water management and irrigation systems.

Javier's research and initiatives have played a vital role in enhancing water efficiency in

agricultural production in the Philippines.

c. Structure: Angat Dam

d. Description: Angat Dam, located in Bulacan, is a major water reservoir supplying Metro

Manila and nearby provinces with water for irrigation and domestic use. The dam plays a
crucial role in water resources management, providing a stable water supply to support

agricultural activities and meet the growing demand of the metropolitan area.

6. Construction Engineering:

a. Filipino Civil Engineer: David M. Consunji

b. Contribution: David M. Consunji, also known as DMCI's founder, was a prominent

Filipino civil engineer and construction magnate. His legacy includes pioneering

construction projects that significantly contributed to the country's infrastructure

development. Consunji's company, DMCI Holdings, has been involved in the construction

of high-rise buildings, power plants, highways, and other critical infrastructure projects.

c. Structure: NAIA Terminal 3

d. Description: Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 is one of the main

international gateways in the Philippines. Constructed by DMCI Holdings, the terminal

features modern amenities and efficient design to accommodate the increasing air traffic in

the region. It stands as a testament to Consunji's contributions to the construction

engineering sector in the country.

History of Civil Engineering in the Philippines:

The history of civil engineering in the Philippines dates back to the Spanish colonial era, with the

construction of churches, forts, and other colonial structures. During American colonization, the focus

shifted towards modern infrastructure development, led by Filipino and foreign engineers. The post-war

period saw a surge in reconstruction efforts and the establishment of engineering schools.

In recent decades, civil engineering in the Philippines has evolved with a focus on sustainable

development, disaster resilience, and the integration of modern technologies. The profession continues to
play a pivotal role in shaping the nation's infrastructure and addressing the unique challenges posed by the

country's geographical and environmental conditions.

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