AP in Business Maths

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iprndut of tae difts of thoee

t)The sm cand he
numbes are q and 15 espetfvely.

ctwo oigits. Jiod cthe cnumbey

let tre it aigct. thid difit and ae Second,digit
of the numben be a-d, a and atd.
Gfven : (a-d)ta+ (atd) - 9

(a-a) (a)ata) =15

G-nala-d)- 15

Thejore ohen a-3 64-2,e number Ts |53

ohen a-3 d-2, the numbey is 5|3
12)Tae sum of a certain nember of terns Tn
onitmetHc proqresslen s Bb0o. The ftst and

numbeY oh tems
The sum to n tem of n AP cs
fou Sn bbooa lo0 and to00

7 t,o00 n(roo)


Thejore, the humber cof terns is lo,

1) Aperson cappointed on a beslc salay of ?100o
month on d cqets can noemeut ofz 50 wey
ca salaryto
qean. He contibtes loy. of his
provident und. Dhat will be the tofal
to provdeutgund duing
Seswices 2

Bac Saloy catLappointment

fhe e cof

fniemeut 5o
Peod of Sewice n25 Yea'A

Jotal, Salasy fox 26 yes i

- (000 X12 +lobo X12 + ll00 I2 t. to 25terms
-(2 X[o00 +lobD t|00tsto 25term )
=(2 X26x
fexl000.t (25 -) xbo)
=(50 (2000 |2boJ
- I50 (32 00 ]
Jetal Contibulfen to PF o254eas
5 Y 320o X lo

48 000

Theove, te otal conti bulion of fae peson to

sewfces s 48,00o.
14) man nepays a loon of 3250 by paaying
RQo în the yint umonth and then inveases th
ymeht by 15 evey mona. How long ill it
take tolean hioan?
laymeut ntae 4irt moutk F20
fn tae Seond month = 35

Let fae peAon alean the loan eof ?8,25» in

h monthy fnstallmevta i

3250 - n
"B500-n (25t 15 n)

8n+5n-30o =0

gn (h-2o) + 65 (n- 26)Fo

(n-20) (3n +i5) -o
tve shatt trke ieny tae posiive Tnteger
Theujovc, tat lban toil be eecad agter 30

15)Tuo posts toere offered to a man. In one the

tOas ? 20 pey month and the
incvemevut lbas ?8 io tae ofher fhe Shang
fncxemcnt lo
Salary was T86 but tâc canntal
T|2. The man deided fo oaccept that
tarnng in
ohich cooutd glvechin move fotal
yeG of cho seufce. Ohich
tae orst toeuty him ?
post was cacceplable to
was ?|20
of 8.
with can cannual incyementhane
E The total Salavy fhat toould becn ectved in
20 yeas

-7 Sao - 2 120+128+136f .. to 2o ten

- (2 x 20 [2X120+ (20-1)8

- |20 [240+ |52)

The Salay that would have been tangd in
nd post n 2o yeas :
- S6xI|2X 41 t12. + 109X12t *

RxO f2x55+ (30-)jz)

- lR0 70 + 228 )
=348 x | 20
47, 7bo

Thengore, the Secend post was aceptable

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