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By Mrs.

Essabir in Abd Allah Ganoun High School

Test Preparation


Comedy plays a significant role in women’s lives, offering a valuable means of coping with
the challenges and pressures they face. In a world where gender inequalities and societal
expectations often weigh heavily on women, comedy provides a much-needed escape and
source of empowerment. Whether through stand-up routines, sitcoms, or humorous
literature, comedy offers women a platform to address taboo topics, challenge stereotypes,
and assert their agency. It allows them to find humor in everyday situations, bond with
others over shared experiences, and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity. Moreover,
comedy can serve as a tool for social commentary, shedding light on important issues and
sparking conversations about gender equality and women’s rights. Ultimately, laughter is
not only therapeutic but also empowering, enabling women to reclaim their narratives and
assert their presence in a male-dominated world.

Base your answers on the text

A. Answer these Questions:

1. In what ways can comedy be used as a tool for social commentary on gender
2. Why is laughter considered therapeutic for women, according to the

B. Complete these sentences

1. Comedy serve as an escape for women through ….. …………………,………..

2. Comedy is a platform where ……………………………..


A. Fill in the Blank with correct word

Humor – witty – delighted - empower – discrimination – opportunities
1. A women should have equal …… as a man. There should not be any kind of
……. Between them.
2. A good comedian has a sense of ……. He is a talented person who can crack
…. Jokes.
3. We should ….. women by education and recognition not by trading their

B. Use the correct form of these words

1. My friend bursted out ( laugh ) ………… because of his friend silly behavior.
2. Najma is an ( emancipation)…… women. She has her own project which
enables her to earn her money.

C. Use the correct tense of the verb

1. He said he ( check ) on us . So, he ( call ) by next hour for sure.

2. That gentleman ( become ) recognized by next year. He is talented.

D. Choose the correct relative pronoun:

1. They like that city ….. they met each other for the first time.
2. Ali is the man ….. I talked about the other day.
3. He visited the city ….. is famous for its seafood.

E. Complete these dialogue

1. Your friend: I have a serious problem concerning my family’s traditional

mindset. What should I do to convince them to let me study abroad ?
2. You : ……………………………..

Writing :

Possible topics
1. Write an email about the biography of a famous Moroccan Women.
2. Write an article about the advantages of humour in a person’s life.

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