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Course Title: Digital Signal Processing

Course Code: MTE-1107

Submitted By Submitted To
Manik Farhan Mahbub
Id: WUB11/20/50/1636 Associate Professor
Department: Mechatronics Department: Mechatronics
Engineering Engineering
1. Which term applies to the maintaining of a given signal level until the next sampling?

The term that applies to the maintaining of a given signal level until the next sampling is
zero-order hold.

2. Draw the graph of a Sample & Hold (Sampler)

A Sample and hold circuit is a type of analog circuit that takes an analog signal as input and
outputs a sampled version of the input signal. The output of the circuit is held constant until
the next sample is taken.

Sample & Hold circuit

3. For the following analog signal, find the Nyquist sampling rate, also determine the
digital signal frequency and the digital signal


The Nyquist sampling rate is twice the highest frequency in the analog signal. The highest
frequency in the analog signal X(t) is 90π Hz. Therefore, the Nyquist sampling rate is 2 * 90π
Hz = 180π Hz.

The digital signal frequency is the same as the sampling rate. Therefore, the digital signal
frequency is 180π Hz.

The digital signal is a sampled version of the analog signal. The digital signal is given by:

X[n] = 3cos(90πn/180π)
4. Draw the graph of a 20 KHz sine wave sampled at 40 kHZ

20 KHz sine wave sampled at 40 kHZ

The graph shows a 20 KHz sine wave sampled at 40 kHZ. The sampling rate is twice the
frequency of the sine wave, so the samples are able to accurately represent the sine wave.

5. If the 20 kHz signal is under-sampled at 30 kHz, find the aliased frequency of the

When a signal is under-sampled, the frequencies in the signal can be aliased. Aliasing occurs
when a high-frequency signal is sampled at a rate that is too low to accurately represent the
signal. The aliased frequency is the frequency that the signal appears to have after it has been

To find the aliased frequency, we can use the following equation:

f_a = f_s - f


● f_a is the aliased frequency

● f_s is the sampling frequency
● f is the original frequency of the signal

In this case, the sampling frequency is 30 kHz and the original frequency of the signal is 20
kHz. Therefore, the aliased frequency is:

f_a = 30 kHz - 20 kHz = 10 kHz

This means that the 20 kHz signal will appear to have a frequency of 10 kHz after it has been

6. A voice signal is sampled at 8000 samples per second. What is the time between
samples? What is the maximum frequency that will be recovered from the signal?

The time between samples is the reciprocal of the sampling frequency. Therefore, the time
between samples is 1/8000 seconds = 125 microseconds.

The maximum frequency that will be recovered from the signal is half the sampling
frequency. Therefore, the maximum frequency that will be recovered from the signal is 8000
Hz / 2 = 4000 Hz.

7. An analog Electromyogram (EMG) signal contains useful frequencies up to 3000 Hz.

Determine the minimum required sampling rate to avoid aliasing.

The minimum required sampling rate to avoid aliasing is twice the highest frequency in the
signal. Therefore, the minimum required sampling rate is 2 * 3000 Hz = 6000 Hz.

8. Suppose that we sample this signal at a rate of 6500 samples/s. what is the highest
frequency that can be represented uniquely at this sampling rate?

The highest frequency that can be represented uniquely at a sampling rate of 6500 samples/s
is half the sampling rate. Therefore, the highest frequency that can be represented uniquely at
this sampling rate is 6500 samples/s / 2 = 3250 Hz.

Any frequency above 3250 Hz will be aliased.

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