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Reflective Essay

1. How can you discuss and differentiate bands, tribes, and chiefdoms?
 Sort of multi-grouped and usually bigger than bands, tribes tend to contain
communities that are a bit larger. A chiefdom is a political unit headed by a chief who
holds power over more than one community group. With more than one community
involved, chiefdoms are usually more densely populated. According to scholars, there is
a relationship between economics and sociopolitical organization: hunting-and-
gathering cultures and forager-farmers generally organize themselves into bands and
tribes, while full-time agriculturists tend to organize themselves into chiefdoms or

2. Each type of Political organization can be further categorized as egalitarian, ranked, and
stratified. Compare and contrast egalitarian, ranked, and class stratified societies. In what ways
are they similar? What is most significant among their differences?
 Egalitarian society Societies in which there is no great difference in status or power
between individuals Foragers, gardeners, and herders live in egalitarian societies. The
primary difference between egalitarian and graded societies is the way different
prestige is handled. In hierarchical societies, positions of power or status are limited in
number, and can only be occupied by a few. State societies are stratified. There are
significant differences in the wealth, status, and power of individuals based on unequal
access to resources and positions of power. While social stratification within a society,
there is an internal organization that usually depends on whether the benefits of society
are equally available to all or only available to individuals of higher status. The
similarities between them and us relate to the culture and society they dealt with. The
most significant among their differences is the status of individuals in each society.

3. Although state societies are efficient in organizing people and resources, they also are
associated with many disadvantages, such as extreme disparities in wealth, use of force to keep
people in line, and harsh laws. Given these difficulties, why do you think is/are the reasons/s
why state has survived?
 I think in the following are the reasons that’s why state has survived: first I think it is
because of the government’s assistance to such a huge area of society. Second because
of the conviction and backing of a larger group of individuals. Lastly in particular, the
tremendous military and hierarchical base of the states make it solid and some more.
That’s why state has survive of all time.

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