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This report is for:


born on the auspicious day

21/06/2002 at 03:30 PM Place of birth
is Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra,
Birth Chart & Natal Horoscopes

Your True self & Personality

Nakshatra: Your Nature
Ascendant/Lagna: Your Archetype
Sun: Your Soul & Inner Self
Moon: Your Emotional Needs

Health & Wellness

Love & Relationships

Career & Money

Karmic Life Lessons

Your Strongest Motivator in Life

Lucky Colours & Gemstones

Celebrities who share your Birth-star

Birth Details Astro Details
Date of Birth 21/06/2002 Varna Shoodra
Time of Birth 15:30 Vashya Maanav
Place of Birth Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Yoni Vyaaghra
Latitude 19.052211 Gan Rakshasa
Longitude 72.900522 Nadi Ant
Ayanamsha 23.891586080231 Sign Libra
Sunrise 6:1:38 Sign Lord Venus
Sunset 19:18:28 Nakshatra Vishakha
Nakshatra Lord Jupiter
Charan 1
Yunja Madhya
Tatva Air
Name Alphabet Tee
Paya Silver
Ascendant Libra
Ascendant Lord Venus

Planetary Details
Planets R Sign Degrees Sign Lord Nakshatra Nakshatra Lord House

Sun Gemini 5.9776840319228 Mercury Mrigshira Mars 9

Moon Libra 21.05853359159 Venus Vishakha Jupiter 1
Mars Gemini 21.760032136331 Mercury Punarvasu Jupiter 9
Mercury Taurus 13.499347288307 Venus Rohini Moon 8
Jupiter Gemini 26.961054819563 Mercury Punarvasu Jupiter 9
Venus Cancer 13.789224134727 Moon Pushya Saturn 10
Saturn Taurus 26.116204827745 Venus Mrigshira Mars 8
Rahu R Taurus 23.39304633793 Venus Mrigshira Mars 8
Ketu R Scorpio 23.39304633793 Mars Jyeshtha Mercury 2
Ascendant Libra 15.650338413047 Venus Swati Rahu 1
Lagna Chart Navmansh Chart
11 11

8 6 12 10
9 Mo 5 MoMa 1 Ke 9

7 11
10 4 Ve Me 2 8 Su Ve
1 5

3 Ma Su Ju Sa Ra 7
11 3
12 2 4 6

Sa Me Ra

Moon Chart Chalit Chart

11 11
Ke Ke

8 6 8 6
9 Mo 5 9 Mo 5

7 7
10 4 Ve 10 4 Ve
1 1

Ju Ju
3 Ma Su 3 Ma Su
11 11
12 2 12 2

Sa Me Ra Sa Me Ra
Nakshatra: Your Basic Nature

From a reading of your horoscope, it becomes

clear that the lunar asterism in your kundli shows
that you will be able to achieve a lot of success in
your life.

You see, your janma-nakshatra is ruled by the

benevolent planet Jupiter, which is associated
with financial wellbeing.

Jupiter is considered to be one of the most

important planets in Vedic astrology because it
can bestow one with happiness.

Your horoscope further shows that you will be

quite a knowledgeable person. And the difficulties
and challenges that you have faced in your life
make you very wise, perhaps wiser than your age.
You will also be very resourceful and will inherently
know how to reach a desired objective with
determination and passion.

You will not like to sit still in one place unless you
are learning something. Yes, learning and
imparting education both will have great
significance in your life.

You will be known for the vast knowledge that you

will get in your chosen field of expertise and you
will gain an enviable reputation and goodwill in

That’s what the planets in your birth-chart are


With the great knowledge and wisdom that you

inherently possess, you will be able to create a
successful life.

Apart from this, you will also be somewhat

religious minded and with respect religion or
religious customers. You may even engage in
some spiritual practice.

But it can also be that you are mindful of the

higher powers in the Universe and philosophically,
you follow a spiritual ideology, with or without any
particular religion.

Also, your horoscope shows clearly that you will

have a strong value-system in life and will be
extremely ethical and principled by nature.
Education, like we mentioned, will be an important
part of your life and you will pursue higher

Your horoscope further shows that in the course of

your life, your fortune will undergo a great

It means you will experience a lot of change in

your life.

Incidentally, your chart reveals that you will have

some major changes in your life that will be
triggered by your marriage.

That said, you will have a goal-oriented mind and

will be very devoted to your work and vocation.

However, on the other hand, you may also end up

spending quality time with your loved ones
because of being busy at work or because of work

Your family members or loved ones may have this

complaint against you.

Even though you will have a laser-like focus

towards your goals in life, you will need to be
mindful that this does not cost of your peace of

By nature, you will be an extremely honest and

principled person, someone who is very ethical
and morally upright in their conduct.
You will believe in doing the right thing and in the
right manner. You are a law-abiding citizen and
will uphold the laws of the land.

As per your nakshatra kundli, you will have a

somewhat restless mind which is full of ideas.
Naturally, you won’t like sitting still or idle even for
one minute.

There is also a very cautious and alert side to your

personality and this is because your nakshatra
kundli shows that you will be very intuitive. You are
able to somehow detect problems and avert
mishaps before they occur.

People are also not able to fool you because you

are extremely sharp and intelligent.

The planets in your horoscope also reveal that

you have the capacity to put in long hours of work
and effort and this is because you don’t shy away
from exerting yourself.

In that sense, you are a hard-working and

industrious person who believes in the merit of
making a lot of efforts in their life.

And ultimately this nature of yours takes you to

great heights in your life in terms of your superior
domain knowledge and your reputation in society.

As per the planets in your chart, you will be

someone who is very ambitious by nature but
there would also be a complacent nature that you
have to be mindful of. You see, you have the
capacity to dream big but also get satisfied with
the bare minimum.

There will be a lot of endurance in you and you will

have the strength to weather storms of adversity
or challenges.

And it is also great to learn that as per your

horoscope, your enthusiastic personality looks to
be quite contagious and wherever you go, you will
bring in with you a sense of exuberance and

You have been blessed with superior intelligence

and a sharp mind that is capable of
comprehending the most difficult or complex
subjects easily and make sense of them.

In fact, people will really admire you for your

intelligence and will keep coming to you for your

Personally, you will be an eternal student, always

keen and hungry to learn new things and gain
new knowledge.

Apart from the above, it can also be seen in your

birth-chart that you have great communication
skills. This indicates that you will have the natural
ability to persuade and convince others through
your spoken and written words.

You will be able to articulate your feelings really

well and convincingly. You will naturally be good
at debating and winning arguments.

This is also because you inherently know what the

other person is thinking or what their motivations
are and this knowledge or knack for
understanding people’s psychology helps you
greatly in life because you use this skill to get
others to do what you want them to do.

Of course, you need to be distinguish between

when you are making a valid point of argument
and when you are arguing for the sake of it.

This is because, you can tend to get angry or

upset if your views are questioned. You can get
defensive at the other person or even lash out,
only to regret it later on.

This is shown in your chart.

Apart from this, we can also see from your chart

that you will have a worrying nature and will have
a lot of inner insecurities that you will have to face
and overcome.

We can also see in your birthchart that you are a

great listener. That’s why people will always come
to you and share their worries and troubles with

But you will need to be mindful of not getting too

emotionally attached to others who come to take
your advice because they will not be there in the
same spirit in your times of need.

The presence of Libra energy in your birth-chart

shows that you will inherently value peace and
harmony. You will not like confronting unless it is
absolutely necessary.

In fact, in personal relationships, you will have

many moments when others push you to speak
out against someone else and you will do it

This is because on your own, you are quite a

peaceful person. And love is one of your higher
virtues in life.

Further, your birth-chart confirms that you will

have great networking skills and will be excellent
on the negotiating table. This means that you can
get great success in fields like business or law.

Your personality as revealed in your birth-chart

shows that you are a natural when it comes to
leadership and you instinctively know how to lead
others and give them directions.

To touch upon yet another facet in your

personality, your horoscope shows that you are
very social as a person and will love hanging out
with friends and going to parties and socialising in

At the same time, the presence of Scorpio in your

chart shows that you also like having your own
alone time. You like privacy and that depends on
your current mood.

In your social circles you will try to engage in

group activities more and will be good at such
settings. You are also going to be good at keeping
in touch you’re your friends.

Lastly, your horoscope shows some shadow areas

in your personality that you can be mindful of. You
see, you will have an impulsive nature and may
overindulge in food and drinks.

Your sweet tooth may make you prone to

diabetes and this is something you can watch out

You will have a few decisive moments in your life

where you will be presented with two options and
will be expected to make a choice. This is
something that is particularly applicable to you as
per your janma-nakshatra.

It may be that you may have to choose between

two career paths, two sources of revenue or even
two potential love interests.

Making a choice is always a difficult thing for you

because it means going ahead with a decision
and that requires you to be absolutely sure about
it. But you may have fears about taking a decision

This is where you can take counsel of trusted

friends and advisors who know you well and can
guide you about the best of action to take.
Ascendant/Lagna: Your Vedic

The purpose of analysing the janma-lagna in your

birth chart is to give you a first-hand view of what
your birth chart reveals about your personality
and more importantly, your true self.

This is the main fulcrum of your horoscope that

can give you a lot of clarity about your potential
because some of the predictions would have
already manifested in your life and some are yet
to but as you read the predictions of your janma-
lagna, you will gain a better understanding of
what course of action aligns with your real nature.

Your janma-lagna indicates that the central

theme of your life is going to be around the idea
of balancing things. The tula lagna relates to a
weighing scale and this represents balance and

What this reveals is that as a person you will value

inner peace and contentment over other things.
Peace is so important to you (also read as
peaceful living or uncomplicated living) that you
will try to achieve this by always figuring out a
way to get to a win-win situation in all situations.

Although others may be concerned with winning

at any cost but you will try to find a middle way
and some amicable way of solving things.
Decision-making can be delayed because of this
desire to see to it that all the persons involved
have a win-win situation.

That's why if someone asks you in a moment to

take a call or decide something, you would feel
flustered and would want to be thoroughly sure.

Even though to the rest of the world, it may seem

as though you are indecisive but that is not true at
all. The fact is that your janma-lagna makes
you feel comfortable only when you can think
thoroughly about all points of view before you
arrive at a decision.

Sometimes, this habit makes you feel frustrated

because others around you may seem to be
moving on and forward while you may find
yourself thinking deeply about a particular
problem and the repercussions.

Your Vedic lagna also reveals that the greatest

dilemma you will feel is whether your decisions
are right or wrong. This means that your
personality will be such that you will focus more
on thinking and not so much on “doing”.

Next, your horoscope reveals that you will have a

long checklist (figuratively speaking) for almost
every important area in your life. You will want
things to be perfect and till people (and
situations) don’t meet your elaborate checklist
criteria, you will not be happy. This can also be
sometimes the cause of delayed action.

You see, the planet that governs your lagna is

Venus and it is the nature of Venus to take a step
back, assess the situation and find the easiest
way to do things. Venus will also make you seek
comfort and beauty.

Since Jupiter rules your 3rd house in the lagna

chart, this shows that you will not only be creative
but also extremely good at logic and reasoning.
Therefore, to use these personality traits wisely will
determine the course of your life. Align yourself
with activities that let you manifest these

With friends, you will be very principled and

righteous because Jupiter influences your 11th
house. You will be quite conscious of the impact of
your present-day actions on the quality of life or
returns that you will get in your old age or the
latter stage of your life.
Since Jupiter derives its energy from your
horoscope's 3rd house, this makes your
communication very clear and straightforward.
You will need to guard against hurting people with
the things you write or the way you speak
because this will happen almost unintentionally.

You are calculative, too and always want to

choose the best option. However, the shadow
area in your personality is that you always put
yourself in the shoes of the person sitting in front
of you and end up compromising your choices or
decisions in the process.

As we mentioned, there is a strong influence of

Venus on your personality and this means that
you have been blessed with good looks and are
assured to enjoy a fairly comfortable life. Of
course, that doesn't mean there won't be
challenges but Venus ensures that eventually,
challenges are overcome and you reach the
comforts that you desire.

When we look at other areas of your life, we can

see that you will love talking about profound
things. You will speak about personal
transformation and Scorpio in vakyasthan bhava
blesses you with great powers of eloquence. That
means you will be convincing in your speech and
your speaking style may be more taciturn.

Will have the nature to talk passionately about

things that resonate with you. There is no
lukewarm way of conveying things when it comes
to you because you are straightforward in your
communication. You would be interested in
knowing that your janma-lagna can make you an
excellent life coach as well.

You see, some people are very okay with physical

labour and can sweat and toil and may even
prefer that but in your case, for instance, even if
you go to a religious location, like an ashram, you
would prefer to go to one which has all the
luxuries and comforts available.

Ironically, Venus is the very planet which will also

ensure that you strongly desire to change the
status quo in your life. This is the reason you will
deviate from the old way of doing things and
create new ways suitable to your own needs.
Personal freedom is supremely important for you.

Coming to your relationship with your parents, it

can be seen that your mother would have been
somewhat old-school and conventional even
though as a lady she would be highly responsible
by nature. Your relationship with your mother can
also be formal to some extent. There are a lot of
expectations that you will have from your mother
or even vice versa but they will not be met that
easily, at least not in the way that you both desire.

Since Saturn derives its energy from your kundli's

4th house, it shows that your mother would be a
hard-working lady who does everything to ensure
that the family's needs are taken care of.

Your janma lagna shows that your mother is

someone who has been a highly devoted person,
always busy doing something or the other. She
wouldn't be comfortable just sitting at home and
doing nothing. Her nature would be like that of a
workaholic person, irrespective of whether she's
been a working professional or a home-maker.

Please also note that your janma lagna shows

that your mother would find it difficult to express
her emotions freely. So for your relationship with
your mother to be good, you will need to ask her
how she feels and let her feel comfortable sharing
her thoughts with you.

Makar rashi in your 4th house of kundli shows that

you will have to bear the responsibility of a lot of
people on your shoulders, especially people in
your immediate family. And the blessings of the
planets are such that you will be able to fulfill
these duties very well.

You may feel underappreciated for your efforts

made at home or towards your mother.

Your janma lagna also shows that your father is a

sharp-minded person who also has been born
with a natural business acumen. He would have a
great sense of humour and will be quite friendly
by nature. But he will have a duality in his mood as
well and this is something you need to be mindful
of because it will be his nature to secretly brood
over things.

With your siblings, if any, you would be very giving

and sacrificial. Your sibling will either be very good
at giving advice or they may come to you for life
advice - both are high possibilities. Either way,
your sibling will be wise and tenacious and will
work hard to build a life of reputation based on
their expertise in the chosen area of work.

Coming to other unique aspects about your life,

from your janma lagna it is indicated that you will
be quite careful when it comes to buying and
selling your personal assets, including vehicles or
property. For instance, when it comes to buying a
car, you would prefer a tried-and-tested model
rather than a car that has been newly launched.
You will do your own research and only after you
are certain that the investment is risk-free, will you
make it. Same is the case with buying or even
selling a house.

Lastly, your janma lagna shows that you will

always strive to conduct yourself with grace and
dignity. Confrontations are avoided because they
don't leave you happy in the long run. You have
the pure-heart to want everyone to benefit even
in a situation where you may lose immediately.

So the karmic life lesson for you, even though, we

have given those in detail later on in this report, is
learning how to serve yourself first - both literally
and figuratively.
Sun: Your Soul & Inner Identity

Your horoscope reveals that Sun is positioned in

the 9 house in your birth-chart. Here, we will
share what Vedic astrology reveals about your
amazing personality and about your life.

Firstly, we are going to share that your horoscope

reveals that you are a dreamer and you love living
in your own dream world. You are gifted with a
vivid and creative imagination.

Above all, you value your peace of mind. You don’t

like unnecessary politics or unnecessarily
conflicts. You like life to be simple and
uncomplicated. That is your true nature as per the
position of Sun in your horoscope.

You have also been blessed with the ability to go

deep into subjects. Even though you display a
casual or playful side to the outside world, at
heart, you are actually a very deep person.

If there are two things that will have great

meaning in your life, they are love and humanism.
As long as you align your life to love and do things
that fulfill your soul, you will remain happy in life.

Your inherent nature, as per your horoscope, is to

be kind to others and you generally treat everyone
with fairness.

No wonder, you are someone who will be able to

strike a conversation with anyone, even those
people who are ignored by others. This is because
you have been blessed with the ability to
empathise and understand other people very

This is what causes you to gravitate towards

dedicating your life to a cause or a higher

Your horoscope reveals that your sense of pride

and self-esteem had been derived from the love
or rather the tough-love of your father, who has
been a person with a fairly strong personality.

You see, as per the sacred principles of Vedic

astrology, Sun’s position shows your relationship
with your father. He is someone who seems to
have had a great influence on your life.

He would also have been a fairly successful and

fortunate person who lives his life to the full. He is
someone who cannot be taken lightly.

Unfortunately, it also appears that you may find it

difficult to step out of your father’s shadow. A part
of you will strongly desire freedom of choice and
expression, causing you to rebel and find your
own path in life.

Apart from this, your horoscope reveals that you

will be very educated and in fact, you would have
pursued some higher educational degree. But it is
also true that throughout your life, you continue to
learn because that is how you feel useful and
youthful. Having a purpose and living your life
dedicated to that purpose is something that you
will consider very important in your life.

Also, your horoscope shows that you are a lucky

and fortunate person because Sun in your 9 th
house which is also known as the bhagya-sthan
(i.e., the realm of fortune and luck).

There is a strong chance that you choose a

profession or line of work that has got something
to do with education or teaching others or
imparting knowledge. This is what will cause you
to build your reputation.

You may also be highly successful as an advisor

in whichever field you choose.

Having deep reserves of knowledge and wisdom,

you are a person who is also very philosophical
and religious.

Interestingly, a great many lawyers and judges

share the same position of Sun as yours.
Therefore, you have the gift of articulating your
arguments very well.

You are someone who is also very principled and

can be quite strict in such matters. You are
extremely ethical by nature and will never do
anything that is considered unlawful. In other
words, you are shown to be a law-abiding and
upright citizen.

You are also somewhat God-fearing and may

follow some religion or religious customs as long
as they suit your needs. We cannot call you an
atheist in any sense, although you don’t like being
told which religion to practice.

You are someone who is extremely independent

by nature and even though you had a strong
father-figure in your life, in the latter years, you
yourself take care of your father and may,
sometimes, even lecture him on the right way of
doing things. In fact, it is also possible that you get
less or no property inheritance from your paternal

However, the good news is that Sun in your 9th

house indicates that you will have a lot of wealth
in your life and you will lead a comfortable life full
of luxuries.
You will also be someone who is creatively gifted,
as we shared above and you will a love for singing
or music.

You will also be blessed with a good family life

and your children will be very loving towards you.
However, you may have some tensions or love-
hate relationship with your spouse’s sibling, often
resulting from ego-issues accumulated over the

Your horoscope shows that your children will be

extremely bright and intelligent.

The shadow area of your personality would be

your stubborn nature. Once you form an opinion, it
is generally very tough to change your mind
unless you yourself decide to do so.

However, it is also true that you are very tolerant

of other people’s views even if they differ from
your own. This is what makes you a very friendly
and amiable person. Others love spending time
with you because of your soft and loving nature.

Problematic relationship with teachers will be

present. Either teachers will suddenly get angry at
you for no reason or there might be issues
pertaining to jealousy or favouritism. You may
have faced disappointments in life at being
unfairly treated by those in authority and power
over you.

The only way out for you in these situations would

be to carve your own path and develop your own

You are destined to shine in life when it comes to

gaining and sharing knowledge, learning, being
involved in creativity and guiding others with your
wisdom. So we advise you to actively pursue
these passions.

Astro Tip: Strengthen your Sun by always being

punctual and doing things with consistency and
discipline. Being kind-hearted like a King. Being on
good terms with your boss, government or higher
Sun: Your Soul & Inner Identity

As per your horoscope, Sun is in the Gemini sign in

your birth-chart. This means that you have been
blessed with a brilliant mind.

Your mental faculties and your ability to think on

your feet – are your superpowers that you were
born with and these qualities will always hold you
in good stead.

As a child, you may have hated being told to sit in

one place and for this reason alone, you’d have
been quite a handful for parents or even your
teachers at school.

You may have grown up in a father-dominated

household or perhaps you’ve had your share of
disagreements with your father. However, this
relationship transforms in your adult years into a
friendship you value.

Your horoscope shows us that in your school

years, owing to the Gemini’s signature laser-sharp
brain, you will have fared well in your studies
because Geminis have an unquenchable hunger
for knowledge and for accumulating information.

This is subject to whether you have had the

fortune of good teachers or not because for you
learning will be essential and the medium will be
equally important.

This is what causes you to be extremely street-

smart and wise beyond your years.

You see, Sun in the Gemini sign shows that you

intrinsically understands the value of money and
financial transactions right from a fairly young

Also, Sun in your horoscope blesses with the ability

to always look at the funny side of things. No
wonder, you are sure to have an amazing sense of
humour and will be exceptionally gifted in the
dwindling art of sarcasm and satire.

At the core, you are an excellent communicator

and you have the special knack for articulating
your thoughts and views artistically and yet,

In the realm of relationships, you may be more

extroverted than otherwise. You will thrive in
forming connections with others because it is
usually easy for you to make friends.

This is because Sun in the Gemini sign gives you

the superior faculties of embracing the flaws of
others without any judgement.

No wonder you will have a lot of friends and

acquaintances in your life. Sometimes, though,
your partner or special person will feel
overwhelmed or even annoyed with the ever-
increasing people in your inner circle.

But your horoscope shows that you really like

entertaining friends. You will also be great at
music and the creative arts in some way because
the Gemini-Sun gives you the excellent ability to
communicate creatively.

In fact, having this position of Sun shows that you

are a great friend to have because you are
always bubbling with energy and enthusiasm.

Apart from fun, there’s also a lot of depth in your

personality. You are a life-long learner. You seek
out knowledge and you do it in many ways - be it
by reading books, watching videos or just
observing the world around you. This way you
strive to accumulate information.

Your horoscope reveals that whenever you are

learning or accumulating information, you will feel
a sense of inner peace and contentment.
The fact of the matter is that you are an extremely
versatile person who constantly needs variety and
change for you to feel alive.

Your horoscope also shows that you will

absolutely hate monotony of any kind. No wonder,
you will hate desk-jobs, especially if your role
doesn’t involve any change or variety. Also, any
job or a business around the idea of
communication will work wonderfully for you, too.

Street-smart management skills and a comfort

with numbers will also give you a great
professional success in banking, finance and

Knowledge-seeking and information-gathering

are great skills for finance professionals as well as
lawyers or journalists and these professions will
greatly suit you as per your horoscope.

Like we mentioned above, you will tend to get

bored easily and your sense of time is, like Einstein,
completely relative to whether you are enjoying
something or whether it’s a drag.

Of course, you will be versatile and will be multi-

talented. Will have a number of interesting

You inherently are someone who is always on the

lookout for information and you are impatient
about it because you want to know everything
there is to know right now.
You will have challenges in relation to focusing
your mind on one thing at a time. With you, the
conversations keep on moving from one topic to
another because you are a master

Also, since you are very social in nature, it may

look as though many a times you’re really
interested in a conversation when in reality you
could be feeling very lonely.

Your horoscope shows that you have the nature to

often ruminate over and evaluate your life even
while sitting in a crowded room.

The position of Sun in your horoscope can make

you often brood over things. Anytime you find
yourself wavering off, catch yourself and remind
yourself of all the blessings that you have been
born with.

You see, having Sun in the Gemini sign in your

horoscope shows that you are your worst critic
and this often leads to feelings of depression or

But all this can change when you realize your own
worth and give yourself the permission to live life
joyfully without always knowing all the answers to
your ever-questioning mind.

In personal relationships, you may have a

tendency to over-think and over-analyze when
your significant other wants to you to just feel

You can tend to get very objective about things.

And this is something you can start working on.

Also your horoscope shows that you generally feel

the need to first see all possible sides of a
situation in order to understand that situation (or
even a person).

And the Sun in your horoscope will always make

you question everything and doubt everything. So,
this too, becomes an area which you can
consciously challenge and work upon in order to
permit yourself to be okay not having all the

Duality is at the core of your nature because this is

the energy of Sun in the Gemini sign. This means
you can display conflicting emotions
simultaneously. Sometimes, though this can also
mean that you live a double-life, one which is
accepted by others and the other which is very
personal to you.

These are, of course, behaviour patterns that add

to the mystery and charisma of your personality
as per the position of Sun in your horoscope.
Moon: Your Feelings & Emotional

Your horoscope reveals that Moon is placed or

positioned in the 1 house (bhava) of your birth-
chart. Your inherent personality is deeply
influenced by the position of Moon. Here we will
share some predictions about your personality as
per your Moon bhavasthan.
Moon in the 1 house indicates to us that you are
predominantly a person who is driven by their
feelings. This means you will always give a lot of
importance to your mood. For you, your actions
are largely dependent on how you are feeling in a
given moment.

This is very different from a person who is

mechanical by nature and goes about their day
without any ‘feelings’. You are the complete

However, this doesn’t mean you are not practical

as a person but you always take your feelings into

As a person, you will always be your own boss. You

won’t like following other people’s orders blindly.
You have a say in everything that’s important in
your life and don’t like playing second fiddle.

If you are told to do something, then as per your

horoscope, you will do it only if you feel a strong
inclination from within. It all depends on your

You see, Moon in the first bhava shows that you

are an extremely sensitive person. Otherwise, you
know how to remain cool and calm but if
someone spoils your mood, then your whole day
goes down.

Apart from this, you will also be someone who is

extremely dedicated to their work. You are
concerned about how you can fulfill your potential
and make a mark in the world.

Also, your horoscope shows that you have a level

of dedication that will easily put others to shame.
However, it will not be in your nature to announce
this to the world. You like functioning silently.

What comes strongly from a reading of your

horoscope is that for you as a person, being
emotionally attached is very, very important. If
you’re not emotionally attached to someone or
something, you just won’t go for it.

Even in a romantic relationship or dating or

marriage, if you don’t have emotional attachment
with your partner or significant other, you lose
interest easily and everything becomes a

On the other hand, Moon in the first house of your

birth-chart also makes you change your moods
erratically. It can make you have the tendency to
give knee-jerk reactions to people or situations
and can potentially create troubles in your

You like keeping your feelings a secret from

others. No one apart from you truly can say that
they know how you think or fee. People keep trying
to make sense of your decisions but you yourself
are aware that your decisions can change any
time depending on how you are feeling or what
inner guidance you get.

You will have to guard against over-thinking

because that’s a problem area shown in your

Refusing to listen to the voice of reason,

sometimes you can give too much importance to
feelings. However, your intuition power will be
Your gut feeling is very strong and more often
than not, listening to your gut will prove beneficial
for you.

Changing moods leading to changing decisions.

One moment you want to work in your job and the
next moment you may feel like resigning. This is
because the fickle-minded energy of Moon
manifests in your life.

In fact, in matters of work and your profession, you

like concentrating all your energy without any
distraction. If people interrupt you, you get
annoyed. In fact, you won’t even like your seniors
at work or company to question your ways.

Of course, you are very open to constructive

criticism and debate as long as you are not made
to feel bad about yourself. If that happens, then it
becomes difficult for you to feel comfortable in
the office environment.

You like being allowed to do your own work in your

own way without anyone breathing down your
neck. This is because you are confident of your
abilities and are fairly independent-minded as a

Also, looking at Moon being in your first house, it

shows that you are extremely creative as a
person. Your creative powers help you greatly in
life. You can be fond of listening to music or may
even be a singer.
In fact, as a child you were very fond of music.
Your horoscope also shows that you have a poetic
expression. Creative thinking and creative
intelligence will be in abundance in your

Astro Tip: To strengthen the power of Moon, you

can do the following: Always respecting and
taking care of your mother. Don’t ever waste water
because it is directly linked with Moon and also
money. Don’t waste any milk or food products.
And when you take care of these things, trust me,
the money in your life will also be free-flowing
because Moon signifies liquid cash! Also, be
mindful of your emotions – never take hasty or
knee-jerk decisions. They will not be good for bsp;
Moon: Your Feelings & Emotional

This shows us firstly that you are a dreamer; that

you are someone who has the vision and desire to
make a beautiful world with your creative ideals.

Blessed with creative energy of Venus, you will be

someone who is great at music and art.

Moon in Tula rashi gives you the eye for beauty

and art. You surround yourself with grand and
lavish things because Shukra or Venus has that
influence over you.

Style and aesthetics are natural to you and it

reflects in the way that you dress or how you carry
yourself into the world. There’s always an
elegance in your gait.
Your horoscope shows that you will feel most
comfortable within when yourself when you are in
harmony with your true nature, which is love and

You prefer when there are no conflicts since you

hate confronting people. You are okay to overlook
basic flaws in people’s character as long as no
one is being harmed or hurt. You would much
rather people mend their own differences instead
of dragging you to mediate all the time.

Not being in a position to take sides, not because

you don’t have a point of view, but you don’t find a
point in constantly disagreeing or bickering about
that people engage in.

Yes, your middle way often makes you feel

frustrated because in your heart or hearts, you
have a lot of things (a.k.a bitter truths) that you
would like to voice.

The lesson here is to communicate freely without

worrying what others might think or how they may
react. You have a voice and that counts. Period.

You do have a lot of balance, poise and grace in

your behaviour and mannerisms because you
believe in maintaining that image in the public.

Moon in Tula rashi also blesses you with great

intelligence and charisma. No wonder, people will
always love to be in your company.
Also, this position of the Moon shows us that you
are someone who yearns to find true love in life
and believes in soulmates. Love and all things
related to love have a special place in your heart,
not because you are a softy but because you are
an evolved soul who has come to this world to
give hope to others. That’s what your horoscope

The challenge area would be to firm up your

views, take solid decisions and be resolute in
whatever you do. Your amicable nature makes
you think that things are okay and you don’t need
to take a stand. Sometimes, this can make you
passive. This is what you need to be mindful of.
Health & Wellness

From a reading of your horoscope, it can be seen

that you are prone to getting anxious or unduly
worried about your work or your job.

This can cause you mental stress and stress-

related diseases can develop. Therefore, taking
care to maintain a healthy work-life balance will
be important.

Or even developing the habit of not taking too

much stress about your job or profession can help
you feel calm about the same.

The analysis of Meena rashi in your horoscope

shows that you are insecure about failing at your
work or profession and this causes you to frequent
worry or even suffer from anxiety. Therefore,
overburdening your mind with unfounded fears
will tend to negatively impact your health.

Also, your horoscope shows that you are prone to

health issues pertaining to your feet. Therefore,
maintaining good foot hygiene is going to be very
important for you.

Apart from this, stomach disorders or digestion

problems and liver require special attention, too.

Also, the presence of Meena rashi shows that

there will also be health-related expenses during
the ages of 28-29 and 31-32 especially.
Other than the above, in your horoscope, it can be
seen that you will be prone to addiction to alcohol
or other substances and this is something that
you need to be mindful of, too.

Your physical constitution will require you to be in

clean, hygienic surroundings because your body
will be susceptible to infections if your
surroundings are not clean enough.

As per your horoscope, you are otherwise quite an

intuitive person and will generally sense if
something is amiss with your health.

Since you are also an empath by nature, others

will tend to download their troubles and negativity
onto you and you will naturally want to share in
their sorrows too. But this will have a negative
impact on your health unless you develop inner

Lastly, worrying about your expenses

unnecessarily will also cause you a lot of stress-
related health issues and this is again important
because of the presence of Meena rashi in the
area of your health.

We recommend you engaging in charitable

services in any form or working for the
underprivileged persons as that will naturally
strengthen the positive effect of Meena rashi in
your chart and will have a positive impact on your
overall health and wellbeing.
Love & Relationships

From your horoscope, we can see that the

presence of kumbha rashi indicates that you will
have the nature to suddenly get attracted to
someone or fall in love with them. It’s not going to
be a gradual falling in love.

And whenever you do fall in love with someone,

you will usually get quite restless about the
relationship and will obsessive think about the
person of your interest. In other words, you won’t
be able to think peacefully or with a clear head.

Whenever you are in love or in a romantic

relationship, you will become obsessed with it. It’s
almost like the relationship is an addiction for you.
You can’t be without it.

Things automatically start happening in this area

for you. It’s almost by magic and it completely
defies logic. Either the person you get in a
relationship just materializes in your environment
suddenly or the relationship just works out for you
in the best way. But there is definitely some
amount of wonder in your romantic relationships.

Needless to say, logic and reasoning won’t work

for you in the area of love and romance. You will
take decisions impulsively there. But your nature is
such that you will have good relationships.
Also, in your love affairs, you will never work within
boundaries or rules. There will be a strong
tendency to defy the norm, to break the rules and
to do things your own unique and original way,
irrespective of what people think or say about it.

In fact, there will be something unique and

different about your relationships for sure. Either
the person you are with will have the habit of
dressing uniquely or will have a unique hairstyle.
But for sure, there will be something
unconventional about them which is different
than the norm.

Also, you will be quite bold and fearless when it

comes to your romantic relationship. Either you
will be great at initiating a conversation with
someone whom you fancy or you will take the first
step in the relationship.

Once in a relationship, you will have a fun and

passionate ride with your partner. However, you
also have the nature to sacrifice your own needs
over that of your lover and that is where you will
have problems. Balancing things is going to be
important rather than be driven by just strong

In your marriage and marital life, we can see that

you are capable of really loving your spouse
unconditionally. In other words, your capacity to
love will be very high.

Don’t expect a predictable and calm marriage.

There will be a lot of passion, emotions and action
in your marital life.

A lot will also depend on you and your partner’s

love and the mutual respect that you have
amongst yourselves.

Also, your horoscope shows that your bedroom

may have the tendency to be neglected or
become shabby and as a result of this, your
marital life will have problems. So be mindful of

From your kundli we can see that your spouse is

going to be a strong-headed person who has a
lot of will power and determination in their
personality. But they will also be stubborn and
fixated in their views about people and things.

Your spouse is someone who needs constant

guidance and direction and this makes the
relationship interesting because you are the
person who can give the best guidance and
advice to anyone.

Your spouse will also be great at starting new

ventures. Their mind will always be full of ideas
about new businesses to begin or new projects to
start. But your spouse will have difficulty in
completing the tasks or finishing projects. Their
mind will always jump from project to project

Also, your spouse has the nature to take all the

responsibility about their family and even about
your relationship whereas, you are someone who
likes to have equal say in the relationship, too.

Your spouse may have a ‘my way or the highway’

type of personality where they are very child-like if
things don’t go their way. Your partner will also
have a temper and will tend to get angry or
irritated easily by other people’s behavior.

Your partner will have the nature to take

everyone’s responsibility. Will have frustrations
originating in that tendency. Your spouse will also
be very egoistic by nature but will not show it to
everyone. Will have the habit of getting internally
hurt or angry at people.

But will have a child-like innocence and sincere

nature. Very altruistic, too and you will be
astonished at the way your spouse can go to any
lengths to help someone in need.

Your horoscope also shows that your spouse may

have struggles in their careers or ups and downs
in terms of finding stability and consistency in
their work. This is because of the strong energy of
mesha rashi.

And you may have the nature to get impatient

with your spouse. But you will be very committed
and loyal to your spouse. That’s what your
horoscope shows.

Apart from this, your spouse is going to be very

logic-driven. In terms of decision-making, your
spouse will be your complete opposite. Will have
the nature to take action and think later whereas
you work the opposite way.

Your spouse will also have a fighting spirit, ready

to jump in the battle. Always passionate about
their views even if it means fighting for what they
think is right. Very creatively talented just like you.
Will love music, movies and art, too. But struggle is
towards establishing a stable life, as we
mentioned before.
Career & Money

The planet of beauty and luxury, Venus has a

strong influence in making your career super
successful. Your birth-chart shows that you will
achieve a lot of success in everything that you do
in life.

Having this planetary influence also shows that

you will be very creative by nature. This indicates
either that you will flourish in a line of work that
uses your creative talents like art, music, fashion,
design, acting, etc. or it also point to the possibility
that in your career you will be extremely creative
in your thinking and working style.

Creativity here, in other words, has to be

understood also as creative thinking and
intelligence. It manifests in the form of
resourcefulness and ingenuity.

You will work hard for the sake of making your life
comfortable and this is an inner orientation you
need to be aware of. Your lagna kundli also
reveals that you will be very career-oriented as a
person and will be concerned with having a
career which meets all your desires and needs.

Your kundli shows that you will be quite driven and

motivated towards achieving success in your
profession. You are also quite focussed about
your career-goals.
The presence of Moon as the planet ruling career
in the Kundli (birthchart) shows that caring for
others or working for the masses in some way is
indicated. Moon points towards creativity and
caring for others and therefore, your career path
that can bring you a deep sense of fulfilment will
be related to the above two qualities.

Interestingly, the planetary influence of Moon will

make you choose a line of work or a company
that you strongly feel for. In other words, you may
decide to work in a particular company or for a
particular person only because of the strong
emotional connection that you feel with them.

And for you as a person, work actually makes you

feel truly content and happy. That’s why you
choose to focus more on your career than other
areas. Your horoscope shows that you will take
your career seriously.

However, at your workplace, there is a high

chance that you often feel very passionate and
also are dictated by your moods. This indicates
that you will be sensitive about things at your
work. You may have frequent erratic mood-
swings when in office or at work and this will be
disadvantageous for you.

For instance, you may have a desire to continue

working in your existing job for a longer time but
the next day or a few days later, you may have a
strong desire to leave that job or boss and start
working somewhere else.

The decisions that you will take regarding your

work will not make any logical sense to others but
only you will know why exactly your mood or
feelings changed.

In other words, in your horoscope it can be seen

that you will have frequent job changes. You will
need to be mindful of that.

We can see that emotions play an important role

in your career. If you don’t feel connected to a
profession, job or a business, you will not feel
happy doing it.

Armed with this knowledge, you should only

harness it to your advantage by identifying what
line of work, company or profession makes you
feel really connected with.

By nature, your kundli shows that you really think a

lot about the best possible solution that can be
arrived at for a given problem. And even in
situations where one has to choose between two
option, no matter how big or small the matter, you
will really put your heart and soul into thinking
about the best choice.

That’s why you are someone who takes their

decisions and choices very seriously. However, it
can also be that sometimes the problem or
situation does not demand too much thinking or
deliberation but it will be in your nature to go over
the possible choices available and the scenarios
that each choice will unfold.

And this is where most of the people in your life

may be too quick to label you as indecisive
whereas you are only trying to be sure of your
decision. Because you don’t want to make a

Making mistakes cost you a lot of stress and you

will try avoiding it at your work at all costs. But like
they say, choose your battle wisely. Not every
problem requires microscopic examination.
Sometimes, you will have to go with what comes
to your mind first.

But it can also be seen in your birth-chart that you

will do well in your own business or enterprise. So
that’s something you can definitely explore. In
your own business, if any, you will need to be very
patient and can’t afford to be restless or wanting
quick results.

You may have a nature to quickly start business

relationships or partnerships without thinking
about it. This is something you will need to be
mindful of.

You will also be successful at solving problems

and disputes amicably and more importantly,
with tact and diplomacy. Therefore, fields
involving negotiations, mediation or bringing
together warring parties, will suit your nature.
Interestingly, the planets in your horoscope are
showing that you are extremely intuitive when it
comes to your job (or business or profession) and
generally speaking, you have the sense to sniff out
lies or deceit in this area. No one is generally able
to fool you when it comes to your profession or

Thinking from all possible angles and vantage

points has its benefits and disadvantages. Getting
too caught up in taking a perfect decision will
cause you to miss out on opportunities that
require quick decision-making.

But it is also true of your nature that at your work,

you will be the best person who gives the best
advice and guidance in solving problems. This is
because you will have thought through the
solutions in detail in your head. Only after
deliberating for a long time in your mind do you
feel comfortable coming to a conclusion.

But like we mentioned, don’t take too much time

on professional opportunities that come your way.
When the moment is right, act.

And another distinguishing trait that you will

possess is that no matter how successful you
become, you will always the nature to remain
humble and grounded. Perhaps, this is what
ensures that you get a lot of stability in your life in
terms of finance.

Your birth-chart shows that you are very

principled when it comes to making money. You
will not have any problem in earning a consistent
income or salary. And you will also gain wealth
from inheritance or ancestral properties.

You can patiently work on your goals and to fulfil

the targets that you have set for yourself. No one
can rush you into working on stiff deadlines. At
least you don’t like being pushed. You like taking
your own time in doing things at work.
Karmic Life Lessons

In this interesting section, we will share the most

important life lessons that you are supposed to or
are meant to learn in this lifetime. This is as per an
in-depth analysis of your birth-chart and
nakshatra kundli.

These life lessons are karmic in nature and hence,

they will be tough lessons for you to learn or follow
in your life because of long-standing karmic
patterns. However, as you begin to incorporate
these lessons that are contained in your
horoscope, you will see subtle but remarkable
changes in your life and will witness your karmic
patterns dissolving.

Please note that some karmic life lessons may

appear too simplistic and you may want to not
pay heed to them because they require
introspection and changing your behaviour or
habitual responses. But they are extremely
important and significant life lessons that will lead
to wonderful growth and development in your life.

There were times that you wondered why you

behaved in a certain way or why you said
something mean or hurtful when you could have
controlled your response. This is because these
responses are originating in your karmic patterns
which are behaviours that are ingrained in your
subconscious because of the planetary influences
in your birth-chart and nakshatra kundli.

You may also wonder why certain events or

certain type of people keep re-appearing in your
life. This too, is a karmic pattern that can be
resolved when you start applying the karmic life
lessons given below.

From a deeper examination of your kundli it can

be seen that you will have the nature to not get
happy or satisfied with the victories that you have
achieved. The planets that are placed in your
kundli may make you look for or focus only on
what is missing from your life. Therefore, the
karmic life lesson for you is to focus on your
blessings and to celebrate your victories along
the way to achieving more victories.

Also, there will be a tendency to get jealous or

manipulative as a result of feeling insecure about
your own life. So, this is something to guard
against. It can also make you obsess about
something or want something at all costs. Be
mindful that this is an impulsive trait.

The strong desire to get or achieve something

may even make you compromise on the means
to get what you desire. And the karmic life lesson
here is that you will not want to, but you should
take the advice of others on important matters
where it is necessary.

The karmic pattern that you will face, as per your

kundli is getting offended by others and thus
feeling frustrated if someone says or suggests
something to you. And life is full of challenges and
obstacles but it is seen in your horoscope that
they can really get you frustrated or angry. So be
mindful of this inner negative tendency as well.

As you try to consciously work on these aspects, a

lot of pending karmic load will start getting
dissolved, opening up the way for success in your
Your Strongest Motivator in Life

As per your horoscope, your greatest motivator in

life is your Dharma. This refers to the principles or
values that you live your life by. The word Dharma
literally means righteousness or righteous action
and in simple terms it refers to the role and
responsibility that you assume in this life.

Having Dharma as your strongest motivator also

means that duties and responsibilities always
motivate you to take action in life. At some level,
you feel that you need to act or conduct yourself
as per what is expected of you.

This also shows that you will generally be very

dutiful and responsible as a person. Whenever
there is a call of duty on you, you will not be able
to avoid it because you will feel compelled to step

You will strive to always take the righteous action

and behave and conduct yourself in a righteous
way – of what is expected out of you. Taking
righteous action will gives you a sense of peace
and inner satisfaction.

Unfortunately, it can also make you feel as though

you are trapped in the label of responsibilities or

To illustrate the meaning of Dharma, let us take

the reference of the great Hindu epic The
Mahabharata where Arjuna was facing an inner
dilemma at having to wage a war against his own
relatives. It was then that his teacher Shri Krishna
tells him that his real Dharma is to wage a war for
the sake of truth and justice and if in the process
he has to fight against people he grew up with,
then be that as it may. In other words, he must act
as per his Dharma.

In modern day parlance, the word Dharma

actually refers to the nature of acting out of
benevolence because it is ultimately an evolved
motivating force. Therefore, it refers to the correct
way of living one’s life. Whenever you feel any
dilemma, always refer to this inner barometer
which will guide you to the correct way of life.
Colors and Gemstones

Lucky Colors

As per your horoscope, the lucky colors for you are

Off-White and Pastel Pink.

You can wear clothes or even accessories of the

above colors so that you are in alignment with the
positive energy of the planets in your horoscope.

Lucky Gemstones

As per your horoscope, the lucky gemstone for

you is Diamond.
Celebrities Who Share Your

Elizabeth Taylor (Hollywood Actor)

Katy Perry (Singer-Songwriter)
Miley Cyrus (Singer-Songwriter)
Scarlett Johanson (Hollywood Actress)
Lord Buddha
Clint Eastwood (Hollywood Actor)
Jimmy Carter (Former US President)
Akshay Kumar (Bollywood Actor)
Eddie Murphy (Hollywood Actor)
Nelson Mandela (Former South African President)
Napoleon Bonaparte (French Military Leader)
Margaret Thatcher (Former UK PM)
Whoopi Goldberg (Hollywood Actress)
Demi Moore (Hollywood Actress)
Joni Mitchell (Singer-Songwriter)
Alexander the Great (Ruler of Macedon)
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