A Rapid Method For The Assay of Dextranase-Koh1970

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Canadian Journal of Biochemistry




A rapid method for the assay of dextranase

Can. J. Biochem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CHICAGO on 11/13/14

Rwearch and Deueloprnent Laboratories, Canada Backers Limited, Toronto 167, Qnfario
Received August 18, 1969

KOH,T. Y., AND KHOUW,B. T. A rapid method for the assay of dextranase. Can. J. Biochem. 48,225-227
A method, based on the liberation of a dye compIex from Blue Dextran 2000, is described for the assay
of dextranase. The reaction was conducted at 40 "C for 5 min at pH 4.8 in a mixture containing 0.5 "/,
Blue Dextran 2006 and the enzyme. The K, for the hydrolysis s f Blue Dextran 2000 was estimated at
2.5 x M.

Intraductf on Toronto. Fungal eellulase (type I), and a-amylase (type

II) were purchased from Sigma Chemical Company.
Dextranases (EC 1) are enzymes capable Blue Dextran 2000 was a product of Pharmacia. All other
For personal use only.

of hydrolyzing the a-l,6-glycosidic linkages of chemicals used were of reagent grade.

the bacterial polysaccharide dextran. Much Enzyme Assay
interest has been focused recently on the enzyme The rate of release of the dye complex from Blue Dex-
because of its possible application as a caries- tran 200Q was used as a measure of enzyme activity.
preventing agent (1-3). A convenient and rapid Determinations of enzyme activity were made in 25-ml
stoppered conical flasks incubated in a Bubnoff metabolic
assay procedure is, however, lacking, although incubator maintained at 40 "C and shaken at 90 cycles/
methods have been described which are based min. The reaction mixture consisted of the enzyme in 1.0
on the determination of the liberated reducing ml 0.1 A4 sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.0, and 1.8 mB
sugars by iodometric titration (4) or by the 3,< freshly prepared 1 % Blue Dextran 2000 in the same
dinitrosalicylic acid reagent (5). Alternately, buffer. After temperature equilibration, the reaction was
started by the addition of the substrate and was termi-
dextranase can be assayed by measuring the nated after 5 min of incubation by the addition of 4.0 mB
reduction of viscosity of dextran-dextranase 95 "/, ethanol. The flasks were then immersed in an ice
solutions on incubation (6). While these methods bath for exactly 15 min, after which the contents were
are highly sensitive, they are both tedious and centrifuged at 25808 x g for 5 min at 6°C. The absor-
bance of the supernatant was then read at 650 mp in a
time-consuming. Zeiss PMQ I1 spectrophotometer against a blank from
Blue Dextran 2000 is a dye-conjugated dextran which the enzyme was omitted. The amount of the dye
normally used in the calibration of gel filtration complex released was calculated by using the relation:
columns. In the course of our purification work El ,,I mglml = 0.855. One dextranase unit is defined as
on dextranase, we noticed that a dye complex that amount of enzyme which releases 1 rng dye complex
in 5 min under the specified conditions. The specific
was released from Blue Dextran 2800 when the activity is defined as the number of units per milligram
latter was disgested with dextranase. This prog- protein. Protein was determined by the phenol method
erty was subsequently used as the basis of a as described by Lowry ef a/. (71, using bovine serum
method for the assay of dextranase, the results of albumin as standard.
For the determination of the absorption spectrum of
which are reported in this paper. the dye complex, the clarified hydrolysate was scanned
on a Beckman DK-2 spectrophotometer. For the estima-
Materials and Methods tion of the extinction coefficient of the released dye
Enzymes complex, the clarified reaction mixture was evaporated
Partially purified fungal dextranase was obtained from to dryness; the residue, taken up in water, was filtered
the Fine Chemicals Division, Canada Packers Limited, through a short column of Sephadex G-25 in water. The

eluate was lyophilized to recover the dye complex. The 5

dye complex was dissolved in 2 voIumes of 0.1 M sodium

acetate buffer, pH 4.0, and 4 volunles of 95 "/, ethanol, a
and the absorbance values at several dilutions were read
in a Zeiss PMQ 11 spectrophotometer at 650 my.
g 3

Reslmlts and Discussion

Absorption Spectra 2I

The absorption spectra of both the hydrolyzed e

and the urmhydrolyzed Blue Dextran 2Q00showed 1

Can. J. Biochem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CHICAGO on 11/13/14

maxima at 258 and 650 mp. The extinction

eseficient (El ,,I "g/ml at 650 rnp) of the released
dye complex at pH 4.0 was computed to be 0.855. TIME IN MINUTES
A strict proportionality between the absorbance FIG.2. The of Blue Dextran 2M0 by
readings and the concentratisns of the dye corn- different levels of dextranase (micrograms dextranase
plex was observed in the r a n g of 0.2-1.0 rngjrnl protein per 2 rnl reaction mixfur@-
(Fig. 1)
For personal use only.

FIG. 1. Absorbance at 650 mp of increasing concen-

trations of dye complex.
FIG. 3. The eRect of hydrogen-ion concentrations
Validity of the Assay (0.1 A4 acetate buffer) on dextranase activity.
The hydrolysis of the Blue Dextran 2Q00 by
dextranase yields a dye complex which was accord with the observations of Tsuchiya et al.
extractable with 46 % aqueous ethanol. The rate (4) who found the pH optima for mold dextra-
of release of the dye complex into the aqueous nases in the range of 4.0-5.5,
ethanol phase was linear with incubation time The effects of incubation. temperature on
for the first 5 min, when less than 8.Qpg protein dextranase activity are shown in Table I. The
of a partially purified dextranase preparation dextranase activity increased with increasing
was incubated with the Blue Dextran 2000 (Fig. temperature of incubation. From the Arrhenius
2). After 5 min, the reaction rate gradually de- equation, the activation energy was calculated at
creased and linearity was no longer evident. At 13.4 kcaljmole. The effects of incubation tern-
16B geg protein, the reaction rate varied dispro- perature above 45 OC were not investigated.
portionately with the incubation time. Figure 4 shows the effects of substrate concen-
The effects of pH on dextranase activity are tration on dextranase activity, as shown in the
shown in Fig. 3. The optimum activity for dex- kineweaver-Burk plot. The dextranase activity
tranase was found at about pH 4.8, This is in increased with increasing substrate concentra-
The effect of incubation
temperature on dextranase

Temperature, Dextranase
"C units
30 6.961
35 1.385
40 1.950
45 2.275
Can. J. Biochem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV CHICAGO on 11/13/14

NOTE: Each 2.0 ml reaction mixture

contained 8 pg dcxtranase protein.

PIG. 5. The relationskip be- dextranase activity

and dextranase concentration. The reaction mixture
contained 1.0 ml of 1.0% Blue Dextran 2000, and 1.0 ml
partial purified dextranase in 0.1 A4 acetate buffer, pH
4.0. Incubation was at 40 'C for 5 min with constant

The hydrolysis s f Blue Dextran 2000 appears

to be specific for dextranase. Enzymes such as
cellulase and a-amylase, which might be expected
For personal use only.

to hydrolyze Blue Dextran 2000, had no effect

at equivalent or at 10 times higher protein con-
FIG. 4. The Lineweaver-BuPk plot of the effect of The method described above appears, to date,
substrate concentrations on dextranase activity at 40 "C
and pH 4.0 (0.1 M acetate buffer). Values for I/S are to be the most convenient and rabid procedure
based on fim1 substrate csncentratiorls expressed in for measuring dextranase activity. We have also
grams per liter. found that chis method is suitable for purity
tion, reaching a peak at about 2.5 g/l, beyond measurements during isolation work.
which it began to decline. The inhibitory effects
of Blue Dextran 2000 at high concentrations on Acknowledgment
dextranase activity could be due to substrate We thank Mr. Eugene Ziolkowski for his
inhibition but this has not been definitely estab- excellent technical assistance.
lished. From the Lineweaver-Burk plot, the K,
was estimated at 5 g/l, corresponding to 2.5 x 1. FITZGERALD, R. J., SPINELL,D. M., and Smma,T. H. :
M (kr. of Blue Dextran 2000 is 2 x 106, Arch. Oral Bisl. 13, 125 (1968).
Pharmacia Technical Bulletin). SPINELL, D. M. : 5. Am. Dent. Assoc. 78, 301 (1968).
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continuous shaking at a final substrate concen- 4. TSUCHIYA,Acta, 12, 48 (1968).
H. M., JEANBS, A., BRICKER, H. M.,and
tration of 0.5 0/,, it was found that the dextranase WILHAM, C. A.: 9. Bacteriol. 64, 513 (1952).
activity, assayed between 2 and 10 pg protein, 5. JANSON, J. C., and BORATH, J.: In Methods in enzy-
mology. Voi. 9. Edited by Colsw~ck, S. P., and
was directly proportional to the enzyme concen- Kaplan, N. 8.Academic Press Inc,, New York. 1966.
tration (Fig. 5). It appears that the shaking was p. 615.
important; the reaction rate was reduced by as 6. BAILEY, R. W., and CLARKE, R. T. J.: Biochem. J. 72,
49 (1959).
much as 25 0/, if the incubation was carried out 7. LOWRY, 0.W.,ROSEBROUGK, N.J., FARR,A. L.,and
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