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ENGLISH ARTICLES ancThe"deiit 0d indefe articles in English By José Pires ~ 2024 » A,Anand the are articles in English. A and An are indefinite articles and are used when referring to something the first time. The is the definite article and is used to refer to specific object. ) Here are the rules for when to use "A, An or The": » A/An (indefinite articles) } a= indefinite article (not a specific object, ‘One of a number of the same objects) with consonants They have a car. Paulo works ina shop. } an = indefinite article (not a specific object, Sne of a number of the same objects) with vowels (a,€.i,0,U) Can [ have an orange? He is an engineer. » We say an hour (h is not pronounced: an (jour) ? ¢ » A university (pronounced yuniversity) A ‘Guropean country (pronounced yuropean) » We use a/an....when we say what a thing or a person is: » Xai-Xai is a city in Mozambique. Marrabenta isadance. — Apigisan animal , I'm a druggist and my wife is a dentist. My sister wants to be an economist Digitalizada com CamScanner eepeer + The (definite asticle "the = definite article (a specific object that both the person speaking and the listener know) fe the car over there yours? ‘The teacher is very good, isn’t he? + We use" the” co refer to objects as unique: the sun, ‘the moon, the world. + We use the...when there is only one of something: the sky, the sea, the ground, the country. ‘What is the longest river in the world? (There Is only fone longest river) 7+ Whois the best student in this class? » For musical instruments we also use the.. The piano, the guitar, the trumpet E.g.: My young brother plays the guitar very well. > We also say: the radio Ejg. | listen to the radio a lot. > Be ae usu tone The vy ecu (Be acon ttt ecw Pe Fee an article with countries, states, DO NOT Use Fovinces lakes and mountains counties Pine cousiry is collection of states exer te United See Svcs m Mosamecave He te in southern Africa. + Use an article with bodies of water, oceans a My country borders on the Pacific Ocean + DO NOT use an articie when you are speaking about things in general Vike Zimbabwean tea My father likes reading books. + D0 NOT use an article when you about meals, places, and transp« Talways have breakiast at 7 a7 190.00 university He comes 10 work by taxi. spealang Digitalizada com CamScanner » Now read the description and compare your answers: I'm from Maxixe, Inhambane. Maxixe is a city in Mozambique. | live in a town called Beira which is on the Indian Ocean. | live in a house ina noisy street around the city. My father is an engineer and my mother is an electrician. I’m a lecturer at the Catholic University of Mozambique. It is one of the most prestigious universities in Africa. | like books, music and taking photographs. | usually have lunch at home. We have all kinds of Mozambican food in Beira.! like Zambezian food very much. Sometimes | go to a Zambezian restaurant in Ponta-Gea. The restaurant is called” machuabo nkankala buruto”. Zambezian food is delicious! Digitalizada com CamScanner

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