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Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology


Metabolic implications of circadian disruption

Narjis Fatima 1 & Sobia Rana 1

Received: 23 January 2020 / Revised: 16 April 2020 / Accepted: 17 April 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Circadian rhythms are generated by the circadian clock, a self-sustained internal timing system that exhibits 24-h rhythms in the
body. In mammals, circadian rhythms are driven by a central clock located in suprachiasmatic nucleus and various peripheral
clocks located in different tissues and organs of the body. Many cellular, behavioral, and physiological processes are regulated by
the circadian clock in coordination with environmental cues. The process of metabolism is also under circadian regulation. Loss
of synchronization between the internal clock and environmental zeitgebers results in disruption of the circadian rhythms that
seriously impacts metabolic homeostasis leading to changed eating behavior, altered glucose and lipid metabolism, and weight
gain. This in turn augments the risk of having various cardio-metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome,
and cardiovascular disease. This review sheds light on circadian rhythms and their role in metabolism with the identification of
gaps in the current knowledge that remain to be explored in these fields. In this review, the molecular mechanisms underlying
circadian rhythms have been elaborated first. Then, the focus has been kept on explaining the physiological significance of
circadian rhythms in regulating metabolism. Finally, the implications for metabolism when these rhythms are disrupted due to
genetic mutations or social and occupational needs enforced by modern lifestyle have been discussed.

Keywords Circadian rhythms . Metabolism . Clock genes . Shift-work . Gut microbiota . Metabolic disorders

Introduction cellular, biochemical, physiological, and behavioral processes

with changing solar cycles throughout the seasons. The envi-
Since the dawn of life, organisms have undergone evolutionary ronmental cues that synchronize the body’s internal clock with
adaptation as a response to daily environmental cycles resulting the external environment are known as zeitgebers (time givers)
from Earth’s rotation about its axis, in particular diurnal varia- [41, 62, 66, 108]. The activities regulated by circadian rhythms
tions in sunlight and temperature [26]. Many biological func- include sleep-wake cycle, body temperature, blood pressure,
tions such as cellular, physiological, and behavioral processes secretion of hormones, and metabolism [117, 132]. Taking into
exhibit rhythmic fluctuations that follow a 24-h cycle. For in- account the complex relationship between the circadian clock
stance, a rise in heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature and metabolism, it is perhaps not surprising that disturbed cir-
is seen in the morning, while a decrease in these parameters is cadian rhythms that influence the normal metabolic pathways
observed in the evening. These variations in biological activi- and may lead to various cardio-metabolic disorders including
ties are referred as circadian rhythms and are generated by an obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular dis-
endogenous timing system, the circadian clock that produces ease. Similarly, as a consequence of altered sleep-wake cycle,
about 24-h rhythms [107]. In organisms as diverse as bacteria disrupted circadian rhythms may have a considerable impact on
and mammals, the circadian clock aligns the oscillations in behavior and work activities [133]. Recent studies have shown
that in mammals, around 80% of protein-coding genes present
Narjis Fatima and Sobia Rana contributed equally to this work. in various tissues and organs show circadian oscillations at
transcriptional level. For example, in baboons, 82% of genes
* Sobia Rana involved in cellular metabolism and other biochemical func-; tions are expressed in a circadian manner in at least one tissue
[96]. In mice, 43% of protein-coding genes show rhythmicity in
Molecular Biology and Human Genetics Laboratory, Dr. Panjwani
Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research (PCMD),
their expression [145]. In this review, wewill discuss the mo-
International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), lecular mechanism underlying the regulation of circadian clock
University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, Pakistan system. Moreover, we will review the role of clock genes in
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regulating metabolism. Afterward, we will discuss how some signifying its role as a central pacemaker or master clock in
behaviors or lifestyles cause misalignment of the circadian synchronizing the various self-sustained clocks present in the
clock. peripheral organs [112]. SCN receives light from the external
environment through the retinohypothalamic tract that en-
trains the central clock to a 24-h cycle [43]. The central clock,
Central and peripheral clocks in turn, synchronizes the peripheral clocks and regulates phys-
iological processes and behavior in a circadian manner [6].
Circadian rhythms in mammals are regulated by a central Although circadian rhythms in the central clock are mainly
clock and various peripheral oscillators (Fig. 1). Central clock coupled with light-dark cycle, the most important zeitgeber
is located in suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of anterior hypo- in peripheral organs such as liver, pancreas, and heart is food.
thalamus, while peripheral clocks exist in different tissues and Restricted feeding in mice was observed to alter rhythmic
organs of the body including brain, liver, adipose tissue, and gene expression in peripheral clocks without affecting the
muscles [9, 108]. Surgical removal of SCN in rats was found central clock and to uncouple the peripheral clocks from the
to abolish the circadian rhythms in peripheral organs central one [6, 33].

Fig. 1 Central and peripheral clocks in human. Suprachiasmatic nucleus tissues and organs (liver, adipose tissue, muscles, pancreas, heart, etc.)
(SCN) receives light signals from the external environment through in a circadian manner. Light-dark cycle is important zeitgeber for the
retinohypothalamic tract and entrains the central clock to a 24-h cycle. central clock, while food is the most dominant cue for the peripheral
Central clock synchronizes the peripheral clocks by humoral and neuro- clocks
nal signals and regulates various physiological processes in peripheral
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Circadian clock at molecular level response element) that is present in the promoter region of
Bmal1. REV-ERBα binds to the promoter region of the
At molecular level, the circadian system is regulated by tran- Bmal1 gene and acts as a negative regulator for inhibiting its
scriptional and translational feedback loops of circadian clock transcription. On the other end, RORα protein initiates the
genes (Fig. 2). Core circadian clock genes include Clock, transcription of Bmal1 [53]. This additional feedback loop
Bmal1, Per (Per1 and Per2), and Cry (Cry1 and Cry2) genes. (REV-ERBα and RORα) links both negative (PER and
Both Clock and Bmal1 genes act as positive regulators, and CRY) and positive (BMAL1 and CLOCK) feedback loops.
their protein products dimerize to form a CLOCK-BMAL1 In addition to core clock genes, the circadian system also
complex that initiates transcription of Per and Cry genes. involves clock-controlled genes. The products of core clock
After reaching a significant concentration, protein products genes act as transcriptional factors for directly or indirectly
of Per and Cry genes act as negative regulators and inhibit regulating the expression of clock-controlled genes [107],
transcription of positive regulators [108, 126]. An additional while clock-controlled genes are involved in the regulation
negative feedback loop consisting of Rev-erbα and RORα of various biological processes including metabolism [97]. A
genes is also involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms. recent study involving Rev-erbα/β double-knockout mouse
CLOCK-BMAL1 heterodimer initiates the transcription of embryonic stem cells revealed that REV-ERBα/β has a sig-
Rev-erbα and RORα genes whereas protein products of Cry nificant role in the regulation of mammalian circadian clock
and Per genes inhibit this transcription in a circadian manner via controlling the expression of various clock-controlled
[106]. REV-ERBα and RORα compete for the Bmal1 gene genes [64]. Therefore, disruption of core clock genes may
binding element RORE (retinoic acid-related orphan receptor alter the expression of genes involved in various physiological

Fig. 2 Molecular framework of circadian clock. BMAL1-CLOCK het- of the Bmal1 gene by binding on the RORE site in the promoter region of
erodimer binds to E-Boxes in promoter regions and regulates expression Bmal1. PPARα binds to Bmal1 gene and regulates its transcription.
of Cry1/2, Per1/2, Rev-erbα, RORα, and various clock-controlled genes. BMAL1, brain and muscle ARNT-like 1; CRY1/2, cryptochrome1/2;
The protein products of Cry1/2 and Per1/2 genes act as negative regula- PER1/2, period1/2; REV-ERBs and RORs, retinoic acid related orphan
tors. When CRY1/2 and PER1/2 proteins reach a particular concentration nuclear receptors; RORE, retinoic acid-related orphan nuclear receptor
in cytoplasm, they form a heterodimer, which translocates to the nucleus response elements; PPARα, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
and interacts with the BMAL1-CLOCK and inhibits their transcription. alpha; PPRE, peroxisome proliferator response element; DBP, D-site
REV-ERBα acts as a negative regulator and inhibits Bmal1 transcription binding protein
whereas RORα acts as a positive regulator and initiates the transcription
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processes such as metabolic activities suggesting a significant loss of diurnal variations in food intake and other metabol-
role of the circadian clock in regulation of key metabolic ic parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, and heat
genes [86]. production [142]. PPARδ connects the circadian clock with
diurnal variations in body temperature [140]. Similarly,
Sirtuin genes are also involved in the regulation of clock-
Role of circadian clock in regulating controlled genes by controlling gene expression of core
metabolism clock genes Bmal1 and Clock [80]. Sirt1, Sirt3, and Sirt6
genes have a significant role in the regulation of circadian
The circadian clock regulates metabolism in mammals by clock, and these genes also link circadian clock with met-
interacting with multiple physiological, genetic, and envi- abolic homeostasis [88]. Sirt1 gene regulates metabolic
ronmental factors. Clock genes generate daily rhythms of processes such as glucose and lipid metabolism, insulin
sleep/wake cycle, feeding-fasting cycle, and metabolism in secretion, and fatty acid oxidation in mitochondria [147].
response to exogenous factors [90]. Circadian system reg- Sirt3 gene expression was found to be reduced up to 50%
ulates several metabolic processes including glucose and in the mouse model of diabetes whereas calorie restriction
cholesterol metabolism [57]. Regulation of other physio- led to increased expression of Sirt3 [67]. A high-fat diet in
logical functions such as blood pressure and heart rate is mice disturbed the expression of clock genes in different
also carried out in a circadian manner [25]. In addition, tissues by suppressing SIRT1 protein [122].
plasma levels of hormones involved in metabolic processes
such as glucagon and leptin display circadian oscillations
[69, 110]. Similarly, glucose transporters and glucagon re-
ceptors exhibit circadian rhythms [17]. Any disturbance in Circadian disruption and metabolic anomalies
the interaction of the circadian system with environmental
factors has been shown to have harmful effects on metab- Disruption of circadian rhythms as a consequence of itera-
olism, physiology, and behavioral processes of the organ- tive alterations in lifestyle may affect well-being and normal
ism. Besides, mutations in circadian clock genes may lead physiological processes in humans (Fig. 3). Disrupted cir-
to various metabolic disorders [90]. Genes involved in the cadian rhythms represent a well-known risk factor for pro-
metabolism of nutrients are expressed rhythmically. For moting various cardio-metabolic disorders like metabolic
instance, genes encoding enzymes involved in the regula- syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease [84].
tion of glucose and cholesterol metabolism show rhythmic Metabolic syndrome is the presence of at least three or more
expression [44]. Nuclear receptor genes involved in the of the five metabolic anomalies such as central obesity, hy-
regulation of metabolism such as PPARs, Rev-Erbs, and perglycemia, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hyper-
RORs have also been found to display circadian oscilla- tension [61]. Metabolic syndrome increases the rate of mor-
tions in their expression [22, 73]. Both Rev-Erbs and tality worldwide as it leads to development of diabetes and
RORs connect the circadian clock with the metabolic pro- cardiovascular diseases [137]. Diabetes is a major metabolic
cesses [37, 36]. REV-ERBα/β regulates lipid metabolism disorder estimated to cause 380 million deaths worldwide
in the liver. Declined levels of REV-ERBα/β lower the by 2025 [42]. Majority of deaths in diabetic patients are due
expression of several genes involved in metabolism and to cardiovascular diseases [39]. Circadian misalignment
cause hepatic steatosis [15]. Likewise, PPAR genes are in- (shift work and eating at night) led to increased arterial
volved in energy homeostasis and regulation of lipid me- blood pressure, reduced plasma levels of leptin, increased
tabolism. PPARα is an important link between circadian glucose and insulin levels, and a significant reduction in
clock and metabolism [24]. It plays an important role in sleeping efficiency in humans [77, 114]. There is a great
the regulation of circadian rhythms and is involved in the variability in the way humans manage their sleep and wake-
regulation of lipid and protein metabolism [116]. fulness during the 24-h day. Many studies have reported a
Moreover, it also activates metabolic pathways in response strong association of evening-chronotype (the tendency of a
to starvation such as ketogenesis and hepatic fatty acid person to wake up late and sleep late) with the metabolic
oxidation [78]. PPARα expression is regulated by the disease [144]. Moreover, a recent study has reported that
CLOCK-BMAL1 heterodimer protein complex. PPARα, morning persons are mentally healthy as compared with
in turn, binds to the Bmal1 gene and regulates its transcrip- evening persons, but no evidence is found for the causal link
tion [116]. Bmal1 knockout and Clock mutant mice have of chronotype with the risk of being diabetic or obese [68].
been observed to have diminished expression of PPARα in Further studies are required to explore whether metabolic
the liver as compared with wild-type mice [18, 98]. PPARγ disorders are more significantly correlated with misalign-
gene is involved in adipogenesis and lipogenesis in adi- ment of circadian rhythms as a result of shift work or eating
pose tissues [82]. Deletion of PPARγ gene in mice led to at night as compared with the chronotype of individuals.
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Fig. 3 Implications of iterative alterations of life style and mutations of clock genes have harmful effects on metabolism. Disrupted circadian
circadian clock genes for metabolic health. Disturbances in interaction of system causes various cardio-metabolic anomalies such as obesity, dia-
the circadian system with environmental factors disrupt the circadian betes, and cardiovascular disease. HDL-C, high density lipoprotein
clock. These circadian misalignments such as eating at night, exposure cholesterol
to artificial light at night, night shift work, and mutations in circadian

Clock genes’ mutants and metabolism gene mutation in mice was reported to result in the develop-
ment of diabetes [99]. Moreover, mutations in mice’s core
The disruption of circadian rhythms owing to either complete clock genes were observed to alter the expression of key genes
ablation or mutations of clock genes in animal models has involved in regulation of liver’s glucose and lipid metabolism
provided evidence for the association of circadian rhythms [74, 75]. It was shown in mice that pancreas specific Bmal1
with risk of developing various metabolic disorders (Fig. 1, gene expression is necessary for glucose metabolism, and its
Table 1). The circadian clock mutant mice were observed to deletion can lead to altered insulin secretion [111]. Likewise,
develop metabolic anomalies such as hyperphagia, obesity, liver-specific deletion of Bmal1 in mice was shown to result in
hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperleptinemia, and hypoglycemia during the fasting phase, altered circadian ex-
hypoinsulinemia with accumulation of fats in the liver [44, pression of some liver genes involved in glucose metabolism
104, 131]. In Bmal1 knockout mice, increased levels of circu- and impaired clearance of circulating glucose, thus, suggest-
lating triglycerides, cholesterol, and free fatty acids resulted in ing a role of Bmal1 in the regulation of circadian homeostasis
deposition of fat in organs other than adipose tissues including of glucose [75]. Moreover, skeletal muscle-specific Bmal1
the liver and muscles [118]. An accumulating amount of stud- deletion in mice led to reduced glucose uptake and decreased
ies has shown that disruption of clock genes has a significant expression of glucose transporter GLUT4. Besides, the activ-
role in the development of diabetes. For instance, Bmal1 de- ity of key enzymes involved in glycolysis in skeletal muscles
ficient mice have been found to exhibit altered glucose me- was also found to be diminished and led to impaired glucose
tabolism and impaired insulin signaling leading to develop- metabolism in muscle tissues. Systematic homeostasis of glu-
ment of insulin resistance and obese phenotype [120]. In ad- cose was also disturbed in these mice [56]. Likewise, Bmal1
dition, Clock and Bmal1 mutant mice were found to have gene in mice adipose tissue was shown to be involved in lipid
impaired insulin secretion leading to the development of dia- metabolism and regulation of body temperature, fatty acid
betes [85]. Similarly, Per2 knockout mice have been observed oxidation, and energy homeostasis [19]. These pieces of evi-
to have aberrant blood insulin levels due to its reduced clear- dence suggest that peripheral clocks play a significant role in
ance as compared with wild-type mice [146]. In addition, Cry the regulation of glucose. Furthermore, both Clock mutant and
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Table 1 Metabolic implications reported for circadian clock genes’ knockout/mutant organisms

Knockout/mutation Tissue-specific/whole body Phenotype Ref.

Bmal1−/− Liver-specific Elevated serum triglycerides (TGs), increased hepatic lipid, [21, 75]
and impaired clearance of circulating glucose
Bmal1−/− Whole-body Increased levels of free fatty acids, TGs, and [118]
cholesterol. Deposition of fat in adipose tissues,
liver, and muscles
Bmal1−/− Whole-body Glucose intolerance and reduced insulin secretion [120]
leading to insulin resistance and obesity
Bmal1−/− Whole-body Glucose intolerance, reduced insulin secretion, [85]
defective size, and multiplication of pancreatic islets
Bmal1−/− Smooth muscle-specific Disturbed rhythms of blood pressure [139]
Bmal1−/− Whole-body Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, impaired [2]
vascular remodeling, vascular injury, and
endothelial dysfunction
Bmal1−/− Whole-body Disturbed rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate [31]
Bmal1−/− Adipose tissue-specific Altered feeding behavior and obese phenotype [104]
Bmal1−/− Pancreas specific Altered secretion of insulin [111]
Bmal1−/− Skeletal muscle-specific Impaired glucose metabolism in muscles and disturbed [56]
homeostasis of glucose in the whole body
Clock−/− Whole-body Slight weight gain [35]
Clock mutant Whole-body Glucose intolerance, delayed insulin signaling, defective [85]
size, and multiplication of pancreatic islets
Clock mutant Whole-body Vascular injury, thrombosis, and endothelial dysfunction [2]
Clock mutant Whole-body Disturbed circadian rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate [31]
Cry1−/−, Cry2−/− Whole-body Circadian variation in heart rate [89]
Cry1−/−, Cry2−/− Whole-body Weight gain and impaired glucose metabolism [21]
Cry1−/−, Cry2−/− Whole-body High-fat diet-induced obesity and hyperinsulinemia. [11]
Increased fatty acids storage in adipose tissues
Cry1 mutant Whole-body Diabetes [99]
Per2−/−/, Cry1−/− Whole-body Decreased energy metabolism [58]
Per2−/− Whole-body Circadian variation in feeding behaviorProne to obesity [141]
Per2−/− Whole-body Altered lipid profile, reduced levels of triacylglycerol, [51]
and increased adipocyte differentiation
Per2−/− Whole-body Reduced clearance of insulin [146]
Per1,2,3−/− Whole-body Prone to obesity [32]
PPARγ−/− Whole-body Circadian variation in food intake, blood pressure, heart [142]
rate, and heat production
Rev-erbα/β−/− Liver-specific Hepatic steatosis and dyslipidemia [21]

Bmal1 knockout mice were found to develop pathological were seen to be more susceptible to diet-induced obesity as
vascular remodeling and endothelial dysfunction in response compared with wild-type mice. Additionally, increased secre-
to vascular injury [2]. Also, smooth muscle Bmal1 deletion in tion of insulin and increased fatty acid storage in adipose
mice dampened the amplitude of blood pressure circadian tissues were also observed in these mice [11]. Likewise,
rhythm and decreased blood pressure. Similarly, altered circa- Clock deficient mice showed slight weight gain as compared
dian rhythms for blood pressure and heart rate were also seen with wild-type mice, but results were not statistically signifi-
in Bmal1 knockout, Cry1 and Cry2 knockout, and Clock mu- cant [35]. PER2 controls lipid metabolism and adipogenesis
tant mice [31, 89]. However, further mechanistic studies are by regulating the expression of PPARγ and PPARγ-target
needed to better comprehend the clock genes’ role in periph- genes. Mice lacking Per2 gene had variation in feeding be-
eral organs along with the molecular pathways and pathogenic havior and developed obesity. Altered lipid profile and severe
mechanism of cardiovascular disorders related to circadian reduction of triacylglycerol levels were observed in Per2
disruption of blood pressure. [30, 130, 139]. The products of knockout mice. Furthermore, fibroblasts of Per2 knockout
core clock genes Per2 and Cry1 were reported to control the mice were found to have enhanced adipocyte differentiation
expression of genes involved in the regulation of energy me- [51, 141]. Adipose tissue-specific Bmal1 knockout mice were
tabolism in zebrafish [58]. Also, the Cry gene knockout mice found to have altered feeding behavior and obesity [104]. In
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the same way, Per1,2,3 knockout mice were found more importance of rodent models for future mechanistic studies
prone to obesity as compared with wild-type mice suggesting on shift work-related metabolic disorders. On the other hand,
a significant role of Per genes in the regulation of body weight conditions of shift work in humans are variable and not well-
[32]. In a similar manner, the Clock gene polymorphisms in defined. Therefore, it is difficult to design ideal animal
humans were found to be associated with metabolic syndrome models; thus, there is a need for developing a standard animal
[115]. Additionally, expression levels of circadian clock genes model having appropriate characteristics of shift work for fu-
in humans were also observed to be negatively associated with ture research [52, 100].
parameters of metabolic syndrome. For instance, expression
of Per2 in visceral adipose tissues was inversely associated
with waist circumference. Likewise, significant inverse asso- Impact of shift work on human metabolic
ciation of Bmal1, Cry, and Per2 gene expression levels with health
total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol was observed
[49]. However, more studies are warranted to investigate the Disruption of circadian rhythms due to shift work is associated
tissue-specific role of circadian clock genes in lipid and glu- with obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascu-
cose metabolism. lar illnesses [3, 4, 34]. The circadian clock is disrupted by
insufficient sleep and leads to arrhythmic physiological pro-
cesses, altered glucose metabolism, and overweight/obesity in
Metabolic status of rodent models of night humans [12, 92]. Altered sleep-wake cycle as a consequence
shift work of night shift work is associated with disruption of the internal
clock that leads to altered metabolic homeostasis [121].
Rodent models that mimic the night shift work schedule in Synthesis of melatonin occurs during the darkness that results
humans are being used to better understand the system behind in increased sleep tendency in humans [105]. Shift work and
the synchronization of circadian clock with the geophysical exposure to artificial lights at night resulted in an altered syn-
time [38]. Rodent model of shift work (male Wistar rats) were thesis of melatonin [16, 50]. Reduced levels of melatonin in
subjected to feeding and forced activity during their normal humans give rise to disturbed sleep-wake cycle, decreased
sleep period. These rats exhibited a loss of synchronization insulin sensitivity, and glucose intolerance, eventually leading
between SCN and liver. Moreover, expression levels of core to obesity [28]. Shift workers working at night and sleeping at
clock genes (Per1, Clock, and Bmal1) were altered, and the day time were found to have reduced energy expenditure
expression of Per2 lost rhythmicity in the liver. Furthermore, resulting in weight gain and obesity [93]. Glucose intolerance
clock-controlled genes involved in the regulation of metabolic in shift workers as a consequence of disrupted circadian
processes lost synchronization with circadian clock genes in rhythms increases the risk of diabetes [95]. Night shift work
rat liver [113]. Mice exposed to a 20-h light-dark cycle, which has also been found to be associated with increased levels of
was incompatible with their internal circadian clock, were cholesterol and triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol,
found to have disrupted circadian clock. These conditions increased BMI (body mass index; a measure of obesity), and
resulted in negative effects on physiology including increased increased blood pressure ultimately leading to cardiovascular
levels of insulin and leptin, altered body temperature, weight diseases [14, 34, 54, 71]. Shift workers have been observed to
gain, and obesity [70]. In another mouse model of shift work, be more prone to the development of abdominal obesity [123].
early pathophysiological effects of shift work on molecular Years of shift work exposure and age of workers were found to
circadian machinery were observed. Circadian expression of be positively associated with an increase in BMI in individuals
core clock genes and clock-controlled genes was found to be working at night-shift. However, in individuals working dur-
severely disrupted in the liver, while Bmal1, Per1, Dbp, and ing the day-shift, the age of workers was found to be positive-
Rev-erbα genes’ expression was disrupted moderately in ly associated with the increase in BMI, but years of work
SCN. These early pathophysiological effects of shift work exposure were not associated with an increase in BMI [102].
may precede metabolic disorders. When these mice were sub- Shift workers were reported to have higher risk of having
jected to time-restricted feeding, improvement in disrupted obese phenotype and poor health [8, 65, 72, 83, 138].
glucose and lipid metabolism was observed suggesting that According to a study, energy intake between night and day
minimizing food intake during the night in shift workers can workers were similar suggesting that increasing rates of obe-
reduce the risk of metabolic disorders [10]. Poor sleep quality sity in shift workers were associated with circadian misalign-
along with having a high-fat diet led to impaired glucose tol- ment caused by the timing of food intake and variation in
erance in mice, while sleep recovery reversed the altered glu- metabolism at night. However, it remained uncertain whether
cose metabolism in mice exposed to a high-fat diet [59]. this redistribution of food and alteration in food preference at
Studies exploring metabolic disorders in shift workers using night is associated with the higher risk of obesity seen in the
rodents as a model of shift work have highlighted great shift workers [13]. A study reports that shift workers have
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17% and 27% higher risk of developing obese phenotype and recent studies, light can also synchronize the peripheral clocks
diabetes, respectively. Additionally, association of shift work in SCN-independent manner [63]. Zebrafish cell lines and
with an increased risk of having cardiovascular diseases has embryos have also been reported as light-responsive, and light
also been reported [125]. Another study reports the impact of can directly entrain the circadian clock in these cell lines. [58,
disturbed sleep-wake cycle and fasting-feeding cycle on cir- 127, 128]. Nevertheless, further research is still required to
culating metabolites in human subjects under controlled con- fully elucidate the underlying mechanism by which the central
ditions. In this study, many metabolites lost or reversed their circadian clock synchronizes the peripheral clocks in light-
rhythmicity during simulated shift work. In addition, a great dependent manner.
majority of metabolites linked to nutrient metabolism
uncoupled their rhythmicity with SCN and were synchronized
with sleep-wake and eating schedule during shift work. [119]. Implications of irregular food timings
However, the mechanism underlying circadian misalignment on metabolism
with the external environment and to which extent dysregula-
tion of peripheral clocks is related to irregular working sched- The role of eating habits in regulation of circadian rhythm’s
ule is still unknown. Prospective cohort studies on large scale period has been indicated in several studies [5, 84]. Food is
are still needed to know the consequences of shift work and its one of the important zeitgebers that synchronizes the circadian
association with obesity and other metabolic disorders. clock [44]. Irregular timings of food intake in humans may
lead to disruption of metabolic homeostasis [90]. Feeding pat-
terns in mice were found to be coordinated mainly by SCN
Effect of exposure to light at night that regulate secretion of feeding-related hormones in a circa-
on metabolic well-being dian manner including ghrelin and leptin [69]. Leptin levels
were found low in individuals eating at night time that might
It is well-established fact that light can regulate circadian contribute to increased intake of food at night [94]. However,
clock that is involved in the regulation of metabolic pathways. some studies showed that leptin levels were similar between
Exposure to artificial lights at night is suggested to cause individuals eating at night (consuming about half of the food
disruption of circadian rhythms in humans, which in turn leads after the evening meal and awoke at night three times per
to deregulation of metabolic homeostasis and eventually met- week for taking food) and healthy controls (consuming less
abolic disorders like overweight and obesity [44, 91]. Mice than a quarter of food after dinner and did not wake at night for
exposed to constant 24-h bright light displayed glucose intol- taking food) [1, 55]. Disrupted circadian rhythms in
erance and weight gain without increasing the calorie intake as Drosophila (fruit fly) were reported to result in muscle dys-
compared with mice exposed to normal light-dark cycle [45]. function and obesity. On the other hand, metabolic glitches
Mice in response to 24-h continuous light exposure were ob- related to obesity were improved when the diet was restricted
served to have increased food intake and decreased energy in both clock mutant and wild type obese flies [134]. In circa-
expenditure. Weight gain was also more rapid in mice exposed dian clock mutant mice (whole-body Cry1, Cry2, and in liver-
to constant light as compared with mice having a high-fat diet. specific Bmal1 and Rev-erbα/β knockout mice), time-
Thus, indicating the role of constant light exposure in circadi- restricted feeding (TRF) prevented obesity and obesity-
an dysregulation of metabolism leading to insulin resistance related metabolic problems such as glucose intolerance, fatty
and obesity [29]. Mice exposed to constant dim light at night liver disease, and dyslipidemia as compared with clock mutant
developed altered food timings, increased white adipose tissue mice that developed obesity and related metabolic disorders as
mass, gained more body weight, and developed glucose intol- a consequence of free-feeding [21]. TRF was found to reduce
erance as compared with mice exposed to normal light-dark metabolic diseases (hepatic steatosis and hypercholesterol-
cycle. However, when these mice were kept back in a normal emia) arising as a result of various high-fat diets in mice.
light-dark cycle, the glucose clearance ability of mice was Also, TRF was observed to reverse the development of met-
recovered, and their food intake timings were also improved abolic disorders in mice with pre-existing obesity and type II
[47]. Similarly, male mice fed a high-fat diet and exposed to diabetes [20]. Moreover, TRF in mice resulted in rapid weight
constant dim light at night exhibited exaggerated weight gain loss, restoration of glucose tolerance, and decreased severity
as compared with mice exposed to normal light-dark cycle of hepatic steatosis. Besides, mice subjected to TRF were
and fed a normal diet. In addition, impaired glucose metabo- physically more active as compared with mice having free-
lism, abnormal insulin secretion, altered feeding timing, and feeding [27]. On the other hand, when juvenile mice having
peripheral inflammation were also observed in mice having a TRF in childhood period were subjected to free feeding in
high-fat diet and exposed to constant dim light at night [46]. In adulthood, they were found to have severe irreparable dam-
mammals, SCN receives light through the retinohypothalamic ages including metabolic disorders, increased body weight,
tract and synchronizes the peripheral clocks, but according to immune system suppression, delayed sexual maturity, and
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increased risk of cardiovascular diseases [60]. Early TRF (eat- abundance of fecal microbiota [81]. Moreover, germ-free
ing early in the day) in humans was observed to increase (GF) mice displayed completely different central and hepatic
insulin sensitivity and improve β cell function, and to decrease circadian clock with altered metabolic pathways. In addition,
blood pressure and oxidative stress [124]. Furthermore, TRF the lack of gut microbiota in GF and antibiotic-induced mice
in humans was witnessed to decrease the body weight, lower deregulated the expression of the clock genes (Bmal1, Per1,
the circulating levels of glucose, triglycerides, and low- Per2, and Cry1) in the liver and intestinal epithelial cells [79].
density lipoprotein cholesterol, and to increase the circulating Gut microbes can alter host energy balance, metabolic pro-
levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [109]. However, gramming, and microbial metabolites. Expression levels of
the mechanistic link between feeding patterns and metabolism key genes involved in the absorption of nutrients and metab-
are yet to be explored. According to a recent study, eating at olism in germ-free mice and specific pathogen-free mice were
night was found to be associated with metabolic syndrome in altered in peripheral tissues especially in the intestine when
women and dyslipidemia in both men and women [143]. these mice were conventionalized with fecal microbiota [40,
Abnormal food timings can disrupt the circadian clock partic- 76]. Several studies have reported a clear association of met-
ularly high-calorie diet at night that may lead to metabolic abolic syndrome and obesity with disruption of microbiota
disorders like obesity. Individuals having a high-calorie diet rhythm. Metabolites produced by gut microbiota are impor-
in breakfast easily lost their weight and had improved insulin tant mediators that link gut microbiota with the host clock.
sensitivity as compared with individuals having a high-calorie Thus, disturbance of this circadian network may lead to diet-
diet in dinner [48]. Temporal restriction of food intake in mice induced obesity [79, 135]. GF mice were found to have re-
can alter the phase of rhythmic expression of clock genes duced adiposity, improved glucose tolerance, and insulin sen-
(Per1, Per2, Per3, and Cry1) and clock-controlled genes sitivity as compared with specific pathogen-free mice.
(Rev-erbα, Dbp, and Cyp2a5) in peripheral organs without Moreover, GF mice were resistant to diet-induced obesity
affecting the phase of rhythmic expression of clock genes [7]. Impaired absorption and metabolism of lipids in the small
and clock-controlled genes in SCN, thus, uncoupling the pe- intestine of germ-free mice implied that gut microbiota has an
ripheral clocks from SCN. Unexpected large changes in food important role in the metabolism and absorption of lipids and
intake timings can reset the expression of genes that are can influence host circadian clock. Furthermore, GF mice
expressed in a circadian manner especially in the liver [33]. were partially protected from high fat diet-induced obesity
Nevertheless, further studies are warranted to estimate the role due to decreased dietary lipid digestion and absorption [87].
of meal timing in diurnal secretion of hormones. Gut microbes and circadian rhythms are linked via regulation
of metabolism, but the mechanisms underlying these interac-
tions are not well understood. Mechanistic studies are warrant-
Circadian rhythms, gut microbiota, ed to dissect the molecular mechanism underlying the corre-
and metabolism lation of gut microbiota with the metabolism of the host.

Gut microbiota and circadian clock have an interrelated regu-

latory relationship that plays an important role in metabolic Conclusion
health [101]. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that
gut microbiota (the microorganisms inhabiting the intestine) Organisms have evolved and adapted their biological clock to
play a significant role in the development of insulin resistance, synchronize with the cyclic nature of the environment such as
obesity, and metabolic syndrome [23]. Gut microbiota ex- light/dark cycle, availability of food, and changes in tempera-
hibits diurnal oscillations in both microbial community com- ture. Body’s endogenous clock produces 24-h rhythms in the
position and their metabolic activities. These changes in mi- body. The body’s clock is significantly affected by iterative
crobial rhythms are regulated by the time of eating and the alterations of life style that causes misalignment of internal
type of diet of the host. Circadian rhythms of host organism clock with geophysical time. As circadian clock synchronizes
can alter the composition and activity of the gut microbiota, behavioral and physiological processes in the body with envi-
while gut microbiota can affect the host metabolism [135]. ronmental cues, any disturbance in synchronization of the
Many studies have suggested that gut microbiota may affect circadian system with the external environment is found to
the rhythmic expression of the biological clock of the host have negative consequences and adverse effects on physiolo-
[103]. Similarly, mutations in host circadian clock genes also gy and metabolic processes. Disruption of the clock due to
influence the circadian rhythms of gut microbiota. Per1/2 shift work or modern lifestyles such as inappropriate timing
knockout mice exhibited a near-complete loss of diurnal os- of food intake or disturbance in the sleep-wake cycle has
cillations in the composition and function of commensal bac- harmful effects on health and may lead to metabolic syn-
teria in the intestine [129, 136]. Likewise, Bmal1 knockout drome, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. At pres-
mice showed abolished rhythmicity in composition and ent, research on chronobiology (the study of biological
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