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Task 2

Project Overview:
This task entails conducting a comprehensive market analysis and
developing a thorough business model for the selected Indian
startup. Through this task, you will delve deeper into understanding
the market landscape, potential customer segments, and the
fundamental structure of the chosen startup's business operations.

Project Objectives:

Calculate the Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable

Addressable Market (SAM), and Serviceable Obtainable Market
(SOM) for the selected Indian startup, providing justifications for
the estimations.

Develop a complete business model canvas for the chosen

startup, outlining key aspects such as Key Partners, Key
Resources, Key Activities, Value Propositions, Customer
Relationships, Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure, and
Revenue Streams.

Market Analysis and Justification:

Total Addressable Market (TAM):
Define the overall market size for the industry in which the
startup operates.

Utilize industry reports, market research data, and expert

insights to estimate the TAM.

Justify the chosen methodology and assumptions used in

calculating the TAM.
Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM):
Narrow down the TAM to identify the specific segments or
geographical regions the startup intends to target.

Consider factors such as demographics, psychographics, and

behavioral patterns to define the SAM.

Provide reasoning behind the selection of the SAM and its

relevance to the startup's offerings.

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM):

Further refine the SAM by accounting for factors such as
competition, market penetration potential, and regulatory

Estimate the percentage of the SAM that the startup can

realistically capture within a specific timeframe.

Justify the SOM estimation by considering the startup's

market positioning, resources, and capabilities.

Business Model Canvas Justification:

Key Partners:
Identify strategic partners, suppliers, collaborators, and other
entities crucial to the startup's operations and growth.

Highlight the nature of partnerships and the value they bring

to the startup.

Key Resources:
List the essential resources required for the startup to deliver
its value proposition and operate effectively.

Include tangible and intangible assets, such as technology,

human capital, intellectual property, and financial resources.
Key Activities:
Outline the primary activities the startup engages in to create,
deliver, and capture value.

Describe key processes, production activities, innovation

efforts, and strategic initiatives.

Value Propositions:
Define the unique value proposition(s) offered by the startup
to address the needs and pain points of its target customers.

Highlight the key benefits, features, and advantages that

differentiate the startup from competitors.

Customer Relationships:
Specify how the startup interacts with and engages its
customers throughout their journey.

Describe the customer relationship management strategies

employed, such as personalization, self-service, or dedicated

Identify the various channels through which the startup
reaches and acquires customers.

Include online and offline channels, distribution networks,

marketing channels, and sales channels.

Customer Segments:
Define the specific customer segments targeted by the
startup based on demographics, behaviors, needs, and

Segment the market and tailor value propositions and

marketing efforts accordingly.
Cost Structure:
Outline the fixed and variable costs associated with operating
the startup's business model.

Categorize costs into key areas such as production,

marketing, sales, distribution, and overhead expenses.

Revenue Streams:
Specify the sources of revenue generation for the startup,
including pricing models, monetization strategies, and revenue

Identify primary and secondary revenue streams and their

respective contributions to overall revenue.

By completing Task 2, learners will gain a holistic

understanding of the market dynamics, customer segments,
and business operations of the selected Indian startup,
setting the stage for strategic decision-making and future
growth initiatives.

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