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ote. 1. Elechonies Components _ambredadhion i } ‘The possive components are Ahese which connet inhar ~——-ce.o. signal themselves butare useful to Limite parame ters ke valloge.» current ele The elechonic System driven by dcesource , where | _measure funchion is done by active components: a fey | catia a5 the action reconsidered like reckiive , __,amplifixe. cacitiater_, power-supply, modulator, Soeditaie ee — Te funchion hese elechonic_cieuils some passive components are also neccessary 40 work = which |___make the elechonic circuit perféttly. work as. per specifications the _passne componen\s resislor ,capa. Sei ryerE oz in. combinatior design the elechonic. circu —_* Resister i The opposition thot a conductor offers 4o the flav of carent.,is called a resister, Tis _indicaled_by | R* ond measured in unit chm The apphication of on resister in elechronic cht) used.as_a toad ___ photo conductor offers 4o the flow 9 103i5t0x —The resistance. offered by resister —_=the curren} lauding ina conduser. depends on < the clechic field and Tesisliviy of the conductor the tesistivily Sis defined as , “the rabia _of elechic Field LE) to the current cD ai anit. |.cr9s4\ Sechon ered. cA) te. _ 2° in = es The resistance. offers by ony_conductar also —_-depend.on the leng!h of the. conductor and. cross sectional ores Re 8A 6 resis of 4 volt Lamps called 1 chm eat xesistor = jee YOR ‘pt om Pheostat WN Onan, _fesistors_are_mainly dassified in twa cotegenies— Je. fixed_resiistoy_ ond _voridble xesigtoy ~_ an Fixed xesistor there ave 4uo denninals coho eledical resistances constant. A yoridble resistor noy_have +mee terminals. whose resistance con be scl in tekween a4 nas value. Variable resistance + _ —— |G potentiometer + Fig Ca)_shows fixed dength of specific value of _vesistors and voridble contack meving_on_it +o terminal is veqiable contacl_ond p serminal sed a_yorictble shalt for-moving wiper select a particular value a ——Fig, Cb) shows circular potentiometer in_uwhich 8,8 termindls_are_fixed resister terminals <_ Zt is similor 4o_potentiomeler.Differme is _| that inside of shaft screw is provided +0 presch —the value of resistor. @ Rheostal + aor Te vheastol esisier_is mode up at nichame| uwirt Wound on a ceramic core and. covered j—~Yoting from a 40 290 Watt ynsiabing —withimsostting_couling the slider temissal_m: —-eleclaical_contact with the wire the_ft_o.b represents the end points and c indicates the adjpstable_ paint : The sheostal resistov is us pr low frequency Ac_cirwu: riche and cle a suitable for high frequencies . = The thenslat resistor available in the vonge of iba te 180 Kk with 15% toleance_and paiuex #hetheostal sn @ Timmer: €a.bsx and yoriable Cf multilum screw Length wire wound ( contock js Used with 4 ON. Chavenn: -_ Fixed yesistors + @ IDR + C Light Dependant Resistar_). ight SS+_—twindows = ee, OThemnister oe Gan} —$§$e = F a — ‘e ___“Ire_vesistonce of the material decreases when — __Tesister_exposed in_o \ight, hense it is called as __ ight dependant resister. Qgdmiuwy——__+ _ = deviuls ure used) eacrrigm sulphile ond —cagnfiam selenite. Celeniae “change of resistance of a. semiconductor “material” causes_temperature. - “The thennisiceoxe ols--made_by composion of semiconductor materials and mixture of oxides nickle, copper ele. z “There dre_kuo types of Shermisters ie pre and_Nre - AS temperature increases a resistance is_also increases then_thot then is called_0s positie temp. efficient Cpre. ——= j a ra, 4 ___hile_temperature_increases_resistance decreases a spina) warned —@ wire_wWound_vesister | “then it i called as negahive emp. coefficient “sesislve clement ge, Dependant Resister > z EE A Jonge inde wire is wound on a cerarnic wr The _octugl resistance is_adjysted during winding Tre resistance. required fs derived from the Jeng? of the wize ond. diometer_of the wire __~_ ‘he wattage range available is 1-400 watt. _— Resistance value changes if ¥ with the of @ + te 180 kt. The maximum operating +em _mggnitude cf the applied voltoge.- The moterfils __is_920%e a used for _voR are silicon carbite and metal a sent a onides . — +—+ _ Pt | _ = | ¢ # Advantages of wire wound resister 1 + Advantages igh power_hondling copacity. | smalter size. beter alobilty and dolerangte 2 Better stabiliy ae | 3: “This_resistors-aan be manufocuye) with beller |: change in resistance value under nermal working z f eee iio See : F aa is vey cheap = ry e_cost. att 4 | slat Somat bones aiboye 60 Hz. frequency +. Generated Telfson noise \ & So sea : 5. When_soldex into an equipment there is change |e . as uresisionce Vollue . : is | “1's Used for high frequencies. in the order of LCL = + Physical properties of Resisken + _______cavbon resister can be ef corbon compasitcn =e — -corban film or cerment film. carbon composition _@. Purchase Resistance = —-resistey_{s a_simple rod of pressed carbon This the mork of coded value of the resishe granules endosed ino plastic case for insqulati| = = emd_mechonical_streng! © Resisknce value with tolerance .- The waliage varige Gyailabe in carbon His. not possible +0 manufacture tract val composition resister (3-1 umtt dod uutt |___ of wesistox.the values of resisters cre dase to fp {solve within some” enor limits. This is known =the vesishance value available inthe vangeof___as tolerance of the resisters. te tom [ “The maxi mum_operathg emp is tae’ | -temperaine coefficient i= a } ___“The. resistivity of all conducting materials E pre onde. ceekanee is affected by temperature. Tris tule typs= | BN Chanter | stability = — _stobility_is_change in resistance value —_ under working_comdi tion. = ©. msximam operating tempera. cas ___ The maximum operating temp. of a. —“yesistor depends upon the resister type. : on epasln oiler balan pla | 2 00°C. - + Colour. Coding_of_o Resistex ; resister values but the colour band technique. is most dseful. smn this 4echque colow bands | are painked on the body of the resister “Thefe_moy be 3. .4,5-or-€ cclourbands _| cove present. ——t 1 “There ave, amdnods 40 indicate the | "Different number corres ponding 40 different __qxlowrs 93 shawn. able Eis ensy to *this_colours_by using the slakmentBaBy ROT of @ z Yery 9 Good wite + si E five bands i= am five bonds first 4 color bands gives the Yesislance value with tolerance. rt while trie_s™ band gives velability eve). ——ahere a= charge Sees = applied wellage 3 As an plale arta ond-d_is she disanee bel” Wo plates ‘then the capacitane is given by ic maf sea er — = aledric © dE aC ss = | __ uihere eo. er = absolute. ond, alah pemitiviy a ia of a material yesp. The unit for enpacdtace are micro forad , Pico farad nani fred, = Classification ot capacitors. + sid. oe sige —_ a + + hosili¢_ eth i_gamg_grsion ear — a low “dss, eran cereale eit fitter poled “aie fitter — ad 0 Paper Capacitor i ait a aS rs oie mel “the foil_and the paper 1's rallecl_in._ripben form. the leads are connected 10 ‘4ie aluminism foil __and_ taken out at end. “She capacitor Moy be. sealecl ina plastic tase. \. Chavon amne paper capacitors axe cuailable with capacitance sanging fom_o00l uf 40 UF, this capacitor have excellent _high voltage chanacherstics The working vellage. mye high. as. 2000 Capacitors have excellent stabilit “are vebabity . __ “The mica sheets has significant advantages whe _usecl as dielectric ino. capatitor Thin strips of mice _ Sheets with thin_metol_foll_altemetly placed togeth 40 form mi itor They have “geod temp. stability and high frequency rémge of operabion 1 scnita_capa.citor availa =this capacitors ave exp “stable capacitance value < frequency above | 200mH2 The mica capacitor are tidely usec in | -rochio-cnd tclecommunicatian cxpphications e vange of but pr it 088) les | ) é omits tae hoving a icleclric. constant. The snoteials. used Ban te, cololum titanate BB Care_most- EE copatiter: widely used due to. smal, eee ae ; high Frequency stability, relioblithy eles © Oiled titted capaciter= = Thy pe of capaciters have an oil bonded. iy, oma on ae eee = “he are expensive Capacitors bemuse very thin ——gjass- ond metal foil are used! io foxm o. capacor.| —Hitentege of this capacitor is that it-com be | used for high veltages upto 16 kvDye ——6. Coromic_capadion= Glass capacitor = “tnse_woith paperor palyser in it. The working weltage ond current aking ns sey high. Alix_cpaciter - Dh polarized pacitors polarity is 4o be. N fallowed sm sonpisic toh be operated for smaller reverse voltage while non-paarizedt can bs uused_in either 04 - : Xe B&e conshotl ta Inia capacitors ually sulphuric cid or \ithium chioide is used _ ch pete racitor isi has more_leakage current. = ny elechollic tonkalim capacitors axe develop _. | “using, golide elechalyte. “The danialam dieledyic 3 \ - Oe Ne On fe, Ves induced veltage : i. omnphere | tc. effective induckance is = as Peau see —ighile__ when Lh 4 1o.o7¢.in_pavalkel the effective ———Tipdhuctamre jg i ais Ls bie a tc —_s-dlassitialion ot rndh = \evehrre , we comm Ols0_say that the properly af the coil to oppose any — sharpen the. cindat ia fled on. treuchance value | B's i = . AL ____}_fenite core inductor : = = ten vfs apply a the input oF Ls he cn men wil to Ls die to, carent chonges ath wsped = me the mognelie fas_ine sare generated inti This _v¢ fe amagnetic. field. is intercepted. by coil Le, Se lhe cep cies ik == at cease the inci mce.value fenite ave + DefP : cosfFicient of coupling Ce) f= — from above. detinakion of mull induchance the a lux develop cctoss. cne.coil, is tim usith ob = _ —tepare oe Seop amss ic Flax tink bet? 4ujo_coils expresstby the coefficient of coupling oma it is denoted ree For va) Sie eee — technique _or_seclion 0} f the coil SST ig er tt = the maxim The Mutual Inductance srelation bet eq! eee cared coetficient of coupling j , | t 2 Kini = | | aI = 4 38 pe ie at ane ote /— ae The efficiency of transformer ‘a delined as tre | roi of Ho.of_ cult power 40 the ye ompul pewter | = ____The_commanly, caaiemi a fower fry so a —hansformer... Aue {iaRisfoxmer_, yom a ore] — fe Season gt te tho gestae isola ‘ransfoxmner se tronsforer leper — enero ue —@ intermechiate trams former © vac 2¢ 4rarsfome me — Chap-1 Passive Components 1) Switeh:- A switch is a device whichis designed to interrupt the circuit eurent flow. A switch either opens or closes aciruit for electrical signal The switches are used in many applications such as light, mixer, T.V. Rao, fan, tube, water heater, ignition switch of motorbike, door bel, telephone mobile etc. The following terms are use in switches: 1). Pote:- Pole is use to indicate the number of conductors that can be controlled by the switeh 2) Throw:- The term throw is used to indieate switching action, with moving ‘contact 1 complete the circuit, 3) Break:- The tem break is used to indicate number of breaking or opening of ackt ‘+ Basie CKT symbol used to indicate switches: 1) Single Pole Single Throw (SPS' 7, o—— 2) Single Pole Double Throw on — ~_f pA. 3) Double Pole Single Throw(DPST): eae “Ae 4) Double Pole Double Throw(DPDT): — ‘© Different types of Mechanical switehes: 1) Toggle S ‘coupled mechanically to spring loaded moving contact in order to make and break. It itch:- It is the most common used switch in any instrument, A lever is changes over ON and OFF snap action Le Touses. 2) Slide Switel in the slide switch, the poles are connected by sliding the metal ‘contact like as shown in figure 4 O. Ve Chaverny 3) Push Button switch:- It indicates the change over contact is by pushing the poles instead of throwing. 4) Rotary Switel selector switch in CRO, digital multimeter range selector switch. “These are multiple pole switches, It fs used in voltage and time 5) Proximity Switch:- The working ofthese type of switches is optically operated or leetcomagnetically operated. The proximity switch is compact and has long life (6) Keyboard Switches:- These are SPST type, snap action miniature switch. 7) DIP Switch: It san dual line package i, elke IC package having the contact pins in two ros, The DIP switches are PCB mountable, containing numberof switches. ca | —*%— 8) Thumb Wheet Switel is on PCB circuit and operated by finger or thumbs through the wheel changing the poles in diferent way's, hence the name thumb wheel switch. The advantage of TWS, ‘Thumb wheel switches are rotary switches. The construction is it is coded to numerical number 0 to 9 on rotating drum wheel of which the output is selected as binary and BCD fognat Physical Properties and specifications: There are two conditions for selecting a proper type of swite, 1) The environment where switch to be operated, 2) Electrical specification of switch ‘Specification:- The electrical specification ofa switch are~ 2) Curent rating 3) Insulation resistance 4) Switehing Time 3) Life of switch Sv) Chater) 2)Fuses:- The fuse is used to protect the circuit and avoid damage due to over current. Kis essential in every equipments and electronic systems. The fuse are generally designed to fuse at about twice ther rated current earrying capacity Circuit Symbol- * fuse —1¥— [A fase is alow meking point conductor which is placed in series witha mains suppl. It is designed to break the circuit by melting away when specified eurent exceeded. The different materials are used for making a fuse such as copper, aluminum, silver, germanium, lead with proper diameter for diff ent current ratings. Types of fuses: 1) Cartridge fase 2) Semi-enclosed fuses 3) Liquid and expulsion fuses. 1) Carte se nase, wk ink present yee \ pet sl ‘ weak (i Inside the fuse a metal strip that is connected to both metal ends ofthe fuse body. Hf there is short of fault in anywhere inthe circuit, the metal strip or link heals-up and quickly mets, ‘opening the circuit and shutting off he power. 2)Semi-Enclosed Fuse:- The semi-enclosed fuse are partially enclosed within the fuse carer. This isthe oldest fase, In the fuse cariera fuse ink or wire element is connected between the plates with serew. The fuse cartier is fitted into the base which isin series with AC mains. Thus, fuse link is directly replaceable in semi-enclosed fuse. fa i” few 3)Liquid and Expulsion Fuses:- The liquid fuse contains liquid fille glass tubular body. Inside this element of wire or notched strip is held by spring. When the element melts a rapid separation is produced, resulting an are which blows out in the liquid filling. This fuse is used for high voltages + Physical properties and specifications: The physical properties ofthe fuses are- 1) Speed of operation 2) Thermal properties 3) Constructional design. + Specifiations:~ 1) Voltage and current ratings 2) Operating time 3) Breaking capacity 4) Power dissipation 1) Voltage and current ratings:- The current rating is very important specification, because of melting of fuse link at overhead is directly related to i. The voltage rating is not important if device working normally 2)The operating time:- The operating time is decided by the sum of the pre-arcing time and the time for which the are is maintained until it blows. The energy required to blow and the duration depends on Pat estimated value ° 20 3) The breaking capacity:-The breaking capacity at particular voltage is calculated by knowing. ‘the maximum perspective fault current in the ckt tobe protected. 4)Power Dissipiation;- The power dissipation depends upon on physical sizeof fuse holder as well as on current rating of fuse link from time current characteristics, the heat dissipation an be estimated for se. + Applicationa of Fuse:- 1) Iris used to protect the ckt and avoid damage due fo over eurent 2) The semi-enclosed fuse used with powerline in house mains supply 3)Cables: The cable is an assembly of one or more wires which may be insulated, used for transmission of electrical power or signals. The group of wires used for interconnection. The cable or other media used to send electric and magnetic signals and its also called transmission channel 1) Twisted Pair eable(TWP):- The twisted pair cabling i type of ing in which two conductors of a single circuit are twisted together for the purpose of canceling out ‘electromagnetic interference(EMD). Ifthe the two wires run parallel to exch other, they produce inductance in each other on flow of eurent. This may corrupt the data. This is known as crosstalk. To avoid thissinduced current the wires are twisted around each other, Twisting of wires produces the inductance in opposite direction. There are two types of twisted pair cables, 8) Unshielded Twisted Pair(UTP): The UTP supports bandwidth of few MHz and used at 64hps to 9600 bps. Today UTP cables are used at 10bps or 1OOmbps data rate b) Shielded Twisted Pair(STP): STP cables ate shielded to reduce the effect of EMI. The banswidth supported is higher than that of UTP. STP is too expensive than ur, 2) Coaxial eabh fyure > a2 fy. Goria) Gbve ‘These cables have better insulation than twisted pair cables. It has central ‘conductor inform of copper wire through which the data flow’s, iis also called as core The insulation material is used to cover and avoid interference, The insulator is encased ina braided mesh that acts as an outer conductor. The protective sheets cover the outer conductor, The couxial cable is used in television. 3) Optical Fiber Cable: pe ces ay (owe, i OFC, = In multimode fiber the diferent rays bounce around at different angles. Each ray has different mode and hence called as multimode. In single mode fiber light doesn't bounce and it propagates in stright line. The single mode fiber is expensive and used for larger distance. The data rate is 10" Hz. 2a ¢ Dy. Uneven “The optical fiber cable is used for high speed applications such as internet, camera signal and communication systems. 4)Connectors:= The connectors is used for connecting the deviees together or joining the electrical circuits together, The connectors are also called as ports, plugs and interface. Gireuit Symbol: ay - #9. cB The connectors are str signal conesting configuration, They have impolance ‘matching, low signal loss, perfect coupling and protection to avoid wrong coupling by its ‘mechanical design, ‘Types of Connectors: 1) RUS Connectors: A Registered Jack(RI) is a standardized physical network interface {or connecting telecommunications or data equipment. An $-pin position plug and jack is commonly used to connect computers to Ethemet based LAN, 2) BNC(Bayonet Neill Concelman}: The BNC is « miniature quick conneet/disconnect radio frequency connector used for coaxial cable, It features two bayonet plugs on the female connector, mating is fully achieved with quarter turn of the coupling unt BNC connectors are made to match the characteristics impedance of cable at ther 50 of 750. They are usually applied for frequencies below 4GItz and voltage below S00Volts 3) FRC (Flat Ribbon Cable): This cable is used to transmit the data from the motherboard to hard disk or floppy disk controller. Iisa mult-wie cable with many condueting wires running parallel to each other on the same flat plane. AS a result cable is wide and flat. '5) Battery: Battery isa group of cells that generate electric energy from their internal chemical reaction, A single cell itself consists of two different electrodes immersered in an electrolyte. The 23 4 3 Ne Chavuyy ‘chemical reaction results in a separation of elect charges in the form of ions and fre electrons. ence the two electrodes have difference of potential that provide voltage output rom the cel Cireuit Symbol: 1) Single battery cell +) = i 2) Multiple battery cell a 3) Variable battery cll — hee + Working Principle of Battery (Primary cell: The basic cell is a main device in consiruction of a battery. oo OF dben Rod LZ ae SY ¢ k_Anve soe\ | andes “aoe pide, Wa “There are two electrodes, one as anode and the other as euthode. These electrodes are immersed in electrolyte solution, One electrode chemically reduces when current flows and becomes positive terminal, while the oxides become the negative tenminal, when electrodes are 4 © connected through load Ry. The process is continued until either circuit is broken or the electrolyte dries to stop chemical ation or when cells continues used A single cell provides the voltage 1.5V and current from S0mA to 10GmA. To increase the voltage, the ell are connected in series. Here, the voltage of individual eel is added to give total effective voltage. ‘On other hand, if the current eapacty i wo be increased, the cells are to be connected in parallel, where voltage provided by it remains 1.Svolt, but current rating increases. The battery provides a steady DC voltage of fixed polarity. This cell is called as on primary cell. In these type of cell, the chemical reaction isnot possible, However, there are eel and batteries, i ‘which chemical reactions that produce electric ‘energy are reversible. These are known as secondary calls or batteries, which are rechargeable. When the load is connected across the secondary cell or battery, the current flowing through it tends to neutralize the separated charges atthe electrodes. Hence, cell is discharging. On the ‘other hand current can be reversed to reform the electrodes. The chemical action is reversed, by supplying an external DC voltage source with the cell serving as just as a load resistance. This ‘action is known as charging of cel. The charging and discharging of the cell i called as eyeling ‘of th cel. The secondary ell i also called as storage cell ‘© Classification of Batteries: Bother) Seeentor] Cen ici) - “ fur pe ae wt’) i. ly BV. Chavery 1) EME standard cell: In this cell em. remains constant. These are designed by using high purity chemicals and constructed using suitable materials 2) Dry Cell: The elctalyte inside it is semi-solid composition. These available in various sizes, shapes and low cost compact structures, 3) Wet Cell: These type of coll contain only soluble salts, having high current carry ing capacity and good life. The wet cel is nearly dey atthe end ofits useful ie 4) Solid electrolyte cel: It is very compact and small in size cells. The olyte used is solid material, having low current carrying capacity 5) Reserve Cell: In this ell the chemical ation is to be activated by adding the gas or by siving heat. (6) Fuel Cell: Fuel is used in this type of cell, where chemical energy is converted directly imo electrical energy. It is too costly. Secondary Cell: 1) Nickel Cadmium Cell (N-C4 ell): i Maire Gye fe antsiney ve. anos ve plate. This lke dy col attery, but can be recharged multiple times. The advantage of Ni-Cd cell are 1) Low maintenance 2) Less emission of corrosive element 3) Short duration time for recharging The active material cadmium is sintered into Ni plates. The electrolyte is used for chemical reaction Le potassium hydroxide in jelly form. The chemical reaction is reversible one, when charging and discharging of the cell takes place. The output voltage js 1.25V to 1.35V when fully charged and used in portable dio, pager, torches et. 2) Lead Acid Battery This is the most commonly used secondary storage cell in automobiles, telephones, UPS etc. The electrolyte is dilute sulphuric acid (H:SO.) and distilled water (1:3) ratio, which is stored in hard rubber vessel. The electrodes are two lead plates, ‘where these are number of plates connected in parallel to form each electrode. One ofthe tend plate is coated with lead perpxide (P,O:) which acts as a positive anode and the cathode plate remains unchanged. For charging the battery again extemal DC source is applied, which reverses the current inside the battery Orel ‘operate itself: Otherwords, relay are electrically controlled switches, CKT Symbols: The relay is a device which controls the switching circuits by reciving energy t0 4 7— NC (ci) 2 Grnrmewr L 4 —No Rerey Snboy ow (en Working Principle: — in yr a oe") seeueeeeeerssete [Soc [As shown in above figure, on a frame a coil is fixed, with an arrangement of moving ‘contact along with armature. The armature is the common contact and with respect to this there tare Normally Open(NO) and Normally Closed(NC) contact. The sping keeps the armature ofthe [NC contact closed. When DC power supply is applied, electromagnet attracts the armature. The ‘auses to open the NC contact and closes the NO contact. Hence, we ean use the relay ether to make switching ON operation or switching OFF ‘operation by emerging the coil. When supply is OFF, no current flows through the coil and armature is released by spring action and again we get switching ON/OFF action. The whole assembly is enclosed with plastic cover, with terminal leadsfor col, common point, NO, NC, ‘contacts are available externally Classification of Relay Working > Tnddive ps red P—> Soid- State Ls (onfacey Rese at ts mdushiay | Commesciesy to» faiiwey Ls Gonmangatin c Neue) > frites

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