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Submitted to Fulfill The Assignment

Subject : Innovation Learning on ELT

Lecturer : Khairunnisa Dwinalida, M. Pd.

Umi Sarifah Maysaroh









Praise be to Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and gifts, so that the
implementation of Class Observation activities can run smoothly. Shalawat and
greetings are always poured out to our lord the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW who
has brought us from darkness into lightness of Islam. May we be among those who
will receive his intercession on the last day. Ameen.

The preparation of this Class Observation activity report is a form of written

responsibility for the implementation of the observation activities. In the
implementation of Class Observations up to the preparation of this report, it would not
have been possible without the cooperation of the 8th grade group, and also Mrs.
Khairunnisa Dwinalida, M.Pd. as a Lecturer of Innovation Learning on ELT Course,
as well as various parties who have supported this Observation activity, so that the
authors say thanks a lot for all.

The author realizes that this Observation report still has many shortcomings
and limitations in ability, both in carrying out and in writing this observation report.
Therefore, the authors really expect criticism and suggestions that are constructive and
add insight and experience to the writer in the future. If in the preparation of this report
there are still words that are not pleasing, then the author apologizes profusely

Purwokerto, 12 September 2022


Umi Sarifah Maysaroh


TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... i

PROLOGUE ...................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

A. Background ............................................................................................... 1

B. The Meaning of Observation .................................................................... 1

C. The Aims of Observation ......................................................................... 2

D. The Benefits of Observation ..................................................................... 2


A. Preparation and Planning of Observation ................................................. 3

B. Implementation of Observation ................................................................ 4

CHAPTER III CLOSING .................................................................................. 9

A. Conclusion of Class Observation Analysis Results .................................. 9

B. Suggestion .............................................................................................. 10

ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................ 11



A. Background
Implementation of Classroom Observation is to make observations
on all things related to the teaching and learning process that occurs in the
classroom. It is intended that prospective teachers (college students) can
learn the teaching practices of each teacher being observed, to be further
considered and used as a basis for carrying out teaching exercises in class.
This observation is carried out to create a new thing or innovation in
the teaching and learning process in the classroom in order to always create
a new atmosphere that is comfortable and liked by students. This
observation activity is a take and give process between the teacher in the
field of study concerned and the prospective teacher (college student). From
this activity, both subject teachers and prospective teachers gain additional
knowledge in classroom management.

B. The Meaning of Observation

Observation is one method of collecting data by observing or
reviewing carefully and directly at the research location to find out the
conditions that occur or prove the truth of a research design that is being
carried out. Observation activities are carried out to process objects with the
intention of feeling and then understanding the knowledge of a phenomenon
based on previously known knowledge and ideas, to obtain the necessary
information. The information obtained must be objective, real, and
In addition to the general definition, experts also have opinions
regarding observation activities. One of them is the opinion of Nawawi and
Martini, that "Observation is an observing activity, which is followed by
sequential recording. It consists of several elements that appear in the

phenomenon in the object under study. The results of the process are
reported with a systematic report and in accordance with applicable rules.”

C. The Aims of Observation Activity

a. To find out everything related to the teaching and learning process that
takes place in the classroom, which includes:

- Teacher's Parties

- Student Parties

- Physical Factors In Class

b. As an additional experience for prospective teachers or students in order
to develop themselves as prospective teachers.

D. The Benefits of Observation Activity

1. The prospective teachers can see or be aware of everything that he

should know during the teaching process in class.
2. The prospective teachers can develop skilss in using various teaching
3. The students gets more experience from the observations that she makes,
such as:
- How to open and close the lessons skills.
- How to give reinforcement.
- How to select learning media.
- How to select teaching materials.



A. Observation Preparation and Planning

Observation preparation and planning are things that need to be
prepared before class observation, while the form of the design is as follows:

Stage I – Stage II – Stage III – Stage IV

The information:

1. Stage I : Prepare The Observation Format

2. Stage II : Determining Observation Objects and Subjects

3. Stage III : Collecting Observation Data

4. Stage IV : Analyzing Observation Data

The following is a description of the Observation plan above including:

1. Preapre The Observation Format

The format used by the observer is as follows:
a. Factual Record is a record of an existing fact.
b. Checklist observation is an observation effort in the form of a list of
statements by inserting an answer mark in the form of a checklist (√)

on each item.
2. Determining The Object and Subject of Observation
In determining the object and subject of observation, the observer
previously visited the intended school to deliver a class observation
permit. I contacted the staff (administrative side), and submitted a
request for observation activities at the VIII grade level.
In addition, I also met the teacher directly, who planned to be
observed during his class. I explain the purpose of this observation
activity with the intention of being an observation activity for students
English Education Departement in Teaching and Learning Activities

(KBM) as a way on the spot (plunging in the field) without any element
of judging or assessing how to teach of the teacher. Therefore, we made
this meeting an agreement for the existence of observation activities in
class VIII, so that in carrying out observations it is hoped thatn tidak
mengganggu dalam proses belajar mengajar yang berlangsung.
3. Observation Data Collection
In collecting observational data, there are several techniques,
a. Checklist Observation
That is an observation effort in the form of a list of statements by
inserting an answer mark in the form of a checklist (√) on each item.

b. Factual Record
That is recording the entire learning process in a valid and objective

B. Implementation of Observation
This observation was carried out at SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 1
PURWOKERTO. The data are as follows:
1. Observation from the Teacher
Name of the Teacher : R. Sigit Haryo Kusumo, S.Pd.
Subject : English Study
Grade : VIII (eight)
Date : Thursday, 08 September 2022
Time : 08.50–10.20 a.m
Curriculum : K13

Narration of Observation

Based on the observations in the eighth grade that I did, the teacher was very
disciplined because he entered the class on time at 08.50 a.m. The teacher greeted
and asked how the students were doing and introduced us (observers) to all of the
younger siblings. After that, the teacher checked the students' readiness by asking
them to keep their cellphones. At that time, not all of the students were present in
class because there were some who participated in ANBK (Assessment National
Berbasis Komputer) activities. Before entering the learning session, the teacher
gave ice breaking in the form of singing and dancing.

The goal is that students can be refreshed and enthusiastic again after
following the previous lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, students were
enthusiastic about listening to the teacher's explanation carefully. And one form of
discipline for the eighth graders is that they all wear masks during class learning.
When the teacher asked, there were students who were active and continued to
answer and could follow orders well. Furthermore, the media used by the teacher is
a blackboard. The attitude of students depends on the teacher determining order in
the classroom. I observed, there was one student who turned off the light but did
not ask permission from the teacher first, so I judged him to be lacking in ethics.

When the teacher gave an explanation, he also gave a little humor so that
the atmosphere was not too flat. However, the teacher also pays less attention to all
students in the class. So, students are also busy themselves, and secretly play their
cellphones. Should the communication tools not be used for learning, cell phones
can be collected at the teacher's desk only. The teacher also admonishes his students
to focus on the material given and he gives orders to them to make sentences
according to the format that has been taught. The plus point of the teacher is that he
has mastered the material well. this can be seen because when he explained he did
not bring any books or modules at all.

When the teacher has finished giving the material by writing it on the
blackboard, the teacher invites students to record the material on the blackboard,

and students obey. When students are taking notes, the teacher goes around
checking each student whether they really took notes or not. The class was cut short
recess, and students left the class in an orderly manner.

After a 15 minute break, the teacher was 7 minutes late in entering the class.
The teacher gives another 10 minutes for students who have not finished taking
notes. After completing notes, the teacher instructs students to form groups of 5 to
6 children in each group. In this session, it takes 5 minutes to condition the class in
forming groups. The teacher gives examples or instructions in filling out the
answers on the worksheets that have been divided by each group, the rest of the
students work together with their group friends. When discussing, the class is not
conditioned because the atmosphere is boisterous. Because the time has shown at
the end of the lesson, the teacher diverts the discussion session to be continued at
home. At the end of the lesson, the teacher concludes the material for that day. The
teacher also disciplines the class before the lesson ends. The teacher gave a closing
greeting, and invited us (the observers) to say goodbye to the students. After that,
it was followed by a group photo session outside the classroom.

• Disciplined teachers, come in on time.
• The teacher asks how the students are.
• The teacher is welcoming and smiling to every student.
• The teacher instructs students to store electronic goods.
• The teacher gives ice breaking by singing and dancing together.
• All students comply with health protocols, that is wearing masks.
• Students are active, disciplined, and enthusiastic.
• The teacher admonishes students to focus by instructing them to make example
sentences according to the format (pattern) that has been taught.
• The teacher has mastered the material so he does not bring books or modules
when explaining.
• The teacher gives time for students to write the material on the blackboard.
• The teacher goes around to check when the students are writing the material.
• Teachers and students behave in an orderly manner when the recess bell rings.
• The teacher regulates the class atmosphere before entering the conclusion
• The teacher gives a conclusion in the form of a material review.
• Teacher corruption time 5 minutes.

• Students behave arbitrarily when the teacher is in the classroom.
• The teacher pays less attention to each student so there are some students who
are busy alone.
• Students play cellphones during the KBM. (supposedly, if you don't use
cellphone media for students, the teacher can ask all students to collect
cellphones in front of / at the teacher's desk)
• The teacher is 7 minutes late when entering the class after the break is over.
• The class starts to get noisy or uncontrollable when it is entered at the end of
the lesson.

2. Observation of Physical Factors in Class
Name of the Teacher : R. Sigit Haryo Kusumo, S.Pd.

Subject : English Study

Grade : VIII (eight)

a. Classroom Settings
Seating is orderly, so that the sitting position is so neat, and
the teaching and learning process runs well and smoothly. Inside
there are equipment such as whiteboards, LCD projectors,
attendance journals, marker holders, cleaning equipment,
organizational structures, picket schedules, class decorations and
b. Use of Time in Study
Time allocation is used as effectively and efficiently as
possible, so that the material being taught can be delivered properly.
The teacher starts the class on time, and closes the class 5 minutes
c. Use of Learning Tools
The whiteboard is widely used to write things that it seems
that not all the material notes in it can be understood by students.



A. Conclusion of Class Observation Analysis Results

After observing how teachers teach at SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 1
PURWOKERTO, the results obtained by the authors can provide new
information or experiences for prospective teachers (college students) as
initial capital in teaching practice, so that in the implementation of teaching
and learning activities, the authors can carry out tasks properly according to
with established procedures.
The implementation of teaching and learning activities at SMP
MUHAMMADIYAH 1 PURWOKERTO has been going well and
smoothly, so SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 1 PURWOKERTO has the quality
and quantity produced that can be used as examples for schools under it.
1. Analysis of The Results of Observations from The Teacher
Every teacher must have a strategy development in the delivery of
different materials. This is adjusted to the physical condition of the class,
the material presented, and the characteristics of the students.
From the teacher's observations on English subjects, the authors
observed that the teachers were quite good and professional. It can be
seen that he really understands the condition of the class, the material to
be delivered, mastery of the material, and the most important
characteristic to pay attention to is student psychology.
Based on the English teacher I have observed, he only uses the
blackboard as an intermediary for the transfer of knowledge. In the
classroom, sometimes teachers let students who are busy alone with
their cellphones so that the class atmosphere is a bit less well controlled.
What should be necessary for teachers to do maybe at any time to be
firm with students who are not disciplined so that these students can
print good character traits.

2. Analyze The Results of Observations from The Students
From the observations of the students, the authors can conclude that
students can follow the lessons that have been given by the teacher. This
was proven when the teacher explained, there were some students who
were quite active whether asking or answering questions or questions
posed by the teacher.
3. Analysis of Observation Results of Physical Factors in Class
From the observation of physical factors in the classroom, teachers
are given an allocation of time in the teaching and learning process that
is quite effective and efficient, so that the objectives of learning can be
achieved properly. The media used is a whiteboard. The arrangement of
the benches is done randomly so that students can be comfortable in
receiving the material so that students can feel a new atmosphere when
paying attention to the lesson. In each class, the arrangement of class
equipment is neat and orderly so that teachers and students can use class
facilities well and maximally.

B. Suggestion
Thus the preparation of the report on the results of class observations,
may be useful and able to provide good lessons. I believe that this report is
still far from perfect, but I have tried my best, although I am aware that there
are still many shortcomings in this report. Therefore, with all humility and
full of hope, if the readers find any discrepancies or mistakes, I ask for
constructive criticism from readers.

Purwokerto, 12 September 2022


Umi Sarifah Maysaroh


I. Documentation of Submission of Class Observation Permit

II. Observation Documentation During KBM

III. Worksheet Documentation

IV. Documentation with Students of SMP Muhammadiyah I Purwokerto

V. Documentation with English Teacher


Teacher Student
Teachers must be more
Students need to be
Uncontrollable class active and creative in
guided properly.
managing the class.
The teacher is more Comply with the
Students play cellphones assertive, for example established
during the learning ordering students to collect regulations, if you do
activity cellphones in front of not comply, you must
them. be punished.
Students must be
Be warned or make an
Lack of student ethics reprimanded and
justified their attitude.
Must know more about the
Teacher pays less Give a strong
personality of each
attention to each student motivation.
Increasing the use of
Students should be
technology in learning
Less interesting learning more enthusiastic in
media to be more
the class.
innovative and creative.
The teacher’s confident More practice before
and his pronunciation teaching.
Focus on paying
Lack of response from Training teacher’s
attention to the teacher
students personality as a teacher.
during learning.
More structured learning
Poor class management -

Lack of students' level of Example-pattern method,
Follow the method
understanding in not pattern-example
taught by the teacher.
capturing the material method


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