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Pod punom materijalnom odgovornošću Under full material liability we state that we are
izjavljujemo da smo upoznati s potraživanjem aware of the claims of the company XXX d.o.o.
društva XXXX d.o.o. (u daljnjem tekstu: (hereinafter: “Creditor”) towards the company
„Povjerilac“) prema društvu _____________________ (hereinafter:
______________________________ (u “Debtor”) in the amount of ____________
daljnjem tekstu: „Dužnik“) u iznosu od BAM (in words: ____________
____________ KM (slovima: ____________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ convertible marks) in accordance with the
konvertibilnih maraka) prema Ugovoru o Contract on lease of business premises dated
zakupu poslovnog prostora od dana ____________, concluded between the Creditor
____________, zaključenog između Povjerioca i and the Debtor (hereinafter: “Contract“).
Dužnika (u daljnjem tekstu: „Ugovor“).

Ovim ovlašćujemo Povjerioca da primljene We hereby authorize the Creditor to use the
_________ (slovima: ____________________ received _________ (in words: _____________
______________________________________) ______________________________________)
bjanko mjenice Serija __________________ blank promissory notes Series _____________
______________________________________, ______________________________________,
koje čine instrument obezbjeđenja plaćanja po which constitute a security instrument for
Ugovoru, može koristiti za naplatu svog payment under the Contract, for the payment of
dospjelog potraživanja i da u primljene bjanko its due claims and the Creditor may enter into
mjenice Povjerilac može upisati klauzulu bez the received blank promissory notes a without
protesta, iznos svog dospjelog potraživanja, protest clause, the amount of its claim, the due
datum dospijeća, domicilirati po svojoj volji, date, domicile it freely, enter all other missing
upisati sve druge nedostajuće sastojke a po contents according to the accounting status for
knjigovodstvenom stanju za dospjele i neplaćene the due and unpaid debts of the Debtor to the
obaveze Dužnika prema Povjeriocu po Ugovoru, Creditor under the Contract, submit the
te podnijeti mjenice na isplatu, odnosno da promissory notes for payment and perform all
mjenicama može provesti sve druge propisane other prescribed actions for the payment of the
radnje radi naplate mjeničnog potraživanja. promissory claim.

U (mesto), dana ______________ In (city), date ______________

Za Dužnika: For the Debtor:

_______________________ _______________________

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