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Answer the following questions:
1. Is problem 1 a routine or a non-routine problem for you? Why?
- Yes, because there are many ways to solve the problem.
2. Restate problem 1 in a such a way that the characteristics of a good problem are satisfied.
- Last week, I went to the doctor, dropped off my dirty clothes, watched a movie, got
fruits from the farmer’s market, and had brunch at Good Taste Restaurant. Now, my
cleaned clothes will be ready in exactly one week from when I left them.
Here's the catch:
o The doctor’s office is open on weekdays but closed on weekends.
o Good Taste Restaurant doesn't open on Mondays.
o The farmer’s market only opens on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
o The movie house shows movies on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.
I need to figure out the best day to pick up my clothes. Taking into account when the doctor's
office is open, Good Taste's closed day, and when the farmer’s market and movie house are open,
I need to find the day that's one week after I dropped off my laundry. What day should I go get
my clothes?
3. If you are going to create a dialogue between you as a teacher and your students so they
will understand the problem, how will the flow be? Check the given example and use one
of the strategies presented to help them understand the problem.
Teacher (T): Hey, everyone! Today, I've got a bit of a puzzle for us, and it's all about my past
week. So, I had a doctor appointment, dropped off my laundry, caught a movie, grabbed fresh
veggies from the farmer’s market, and had a tasty brunch at Good Taste Restaurant. Now, here's
the fun part – I need your brilliant minds to help me figure out when I can pick up my cleaned
Student 1 (S1): Alright, sounds interesting. What's the catch?
T: Great question, S1! Here's the twist - the doctor’s office only does business on weekdays
and shuts down shop on weekends. Good Taste Restaurant takes a breather every Monday. The
farmer’s market is buzzing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and the movie house rolls out
films on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Oh, and my laundry will be all set exactly one week
from when I dropped it off.
Student 2 (S2): Got it. So, what's our mission?
T: Fantastic, S2! Our mission is to figure out the day when I can scoop up my laundry,
considering all these schedules. Now, let's put our heads together and think it through.
S3: Can we jot down the important details?
T: Absolutely, S3! Let's make a list - the doctor's office, Good Taste’s Day off, the farmer’s
market schedule, and the movie house screening days. Now, how do we unravel the mystery of
the best day for me to reclaim my freshly cleaned clothes?
S4: Maybe we can start by ruling out the days when places are closed?
T: Brilliant deduction, S4! By eliminating the closed days, we can narrow down the
possibilities. Then, we just need to consider the one-week factor. What day would that be?
S1: So, we're like detectives cracking a schedule mystery!
You got it, S1! We're schedule detectives on a mission to unravel the perfect laundry pickup
day. Ready to put on your detective hats and solve it together?

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