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= 1@) Fas oy 146] Insect Pest Management harlequin cabbage bug can not survive in northern region during winters, ‘Thus, high am very low range of temperature affects the population growth of the insects. "A warm, moderately humid climate and fertile soil are favourable for the development of insects. A warm wet climate is unfavourable for: the development cof some insects. Such climate creates favourable condition for flourishing insect disgases. Hot and too dry climate is also unfavourable condition for flourishing jnexct diseases, Hot and too dry climate is also unfavourable for population build up of the majority of insects. Unfavourable condition due to humidity in atmosphere checks the distribution and multiplication of insects. ‘The intensity of sunshine also plays significant role in the development of insects in a given region. Some insect species fly only during the period when sun is shining. Thus, sunshine influences the general abundance of insects. The chinch bug is one of the best examples of this type. "The wind velocity is also an important factor for the distribution of insects. ‘The smaller and frailer species of insects can fly for a short distatce and are unable to leave the ground surface due to strong wind. But if they fly in strong ‘wind they are beaten by the wind and soon die. Certain species of mosquitoes fly against the wind, whereas, a few insects habitually fly with the wind hence are well dispersed. P phic factors “under this category. The natural spread of nearly all the ‘affected due (0 the large water bodies as ocean, But ‘are unable to cross even smaller water reservoirs like, they depend upon man or other animals for crossing ‘weevil can not fly but has been carried by man jin ranges also play major role in the distributio potato beetle started spreading from Colbraé took 15 years to reach the Atlantic Coast, | to cross the Rocky Mountains) The st ibution of some insects in a country. So in slow running stream caddish flies inhabit the s ntestlaaly 72 Al camera * regurgitation, dullness and quiescence. or Insect P Pest Management respiratory enzymes. The fumigants like HCN, H,$ and Co k HEN, HS and CO are known t as respiratory poisons. act id) Nerve poison.1 ~ @) poison The ngrve_polson is associated with acetylcholinesterase enzyme. Duri With the inhibition of ing the normal course chemical s is forme of nerve conduction dd which mediates the conduction of Acetylcholine, after conducting th and acetate enzyme by the sues. Thus, stance, acetylcholine nervous impulses at neuro. ‘Synaptic junction. nervous impulses is hydrolysed into choline of acetylcholinesterase present in the muscles .and glands are retumed to th functioning. If due to any acetylcholinesterase, it will action the end organs ie., nerves, eir resting state, preparatory to further Feason acetylcholine \is not hydrolysed by It continue to conduct impulses resulting in the ive substance by the central ies central nervous system which = toxic and hampers the-normal nerve conduction resulting into tremors convulsions, muscle y iabieae er tie The organic insecticides are sects and mammals. The nerve poisons are many as botanical insecticides like organochlorine—tindane, carbon tetrachloride, DDT parathion etc. Classification based on the chemical nature. According to their chemical nature, the insecticides can be grouped into two major classes (1) Inorganic insecticides, (2) Organic insecticides. 1. Inorganic insecticides. Inorganic insecticides are compounds of antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, copper, fluorine, mercury, thallium and zinc which are of mineral origin, elemental phosphorus and sulphur. () Arsenicals. These are stomach poison formed of toxic compounds of the apparently non-toxic element arsenic. Though they possess.the prerequisites cof an ideal insecticide but leave residual effect harmful to animals and men The arsenicals’ with high arsenic content which are insoluble in water while soluble in digestive system of insects are known to be an ideal insestvide, Bat the water soluble arsenicals are phyiotoxic as they are absorbed by she flan ‘The arsenates are more soluble and safer to plants but arsenites ar piyiions tn Bn la nn am the disintergration of the midgut epithelial cells a! jumped chrom: fon by arsenicals are i lei. The symptoms of toxication by « es a ‘Some important arsenical nie oxide, njous oxide and arse pyrethrum, nicotine ‘organic phosphates Js are lead ‘arsenate, calcium arseriate, Paris green, arse’ ficiently (b) Fluorine compounds. These = see ed et e than are least toxic to a a fs pon fer to plants in certain cases and 24 Ort baits. These compounds are sa = stomach, poisons and to some extent aS es pee insecticide is judged with the fluorin: insects more nly used as poison 4 act basically ons. tubility in the d Insect Pest juices of in regurgitatio compound fluoalminat (©) Om as thallium mercuric ch sulphate 2. Org: maximum fe (0) Hyd an emulsion, by its viscoci are grouped : ) Summ for the contre Do hhaving no fol the control iv) Spray death due to (0) Organ organic compé Ni world. Ken) Vive Al camera 2025.09.50 15:09 Insect Pest Management 16. t juices of insects, The symptoms of fluoride poisoning are muscular contract regurgitation, flaccid paralysis and ultimately death. The important fluorine compounds are sodium fluoride, sodium fluosilicate, barium fluosilical odium $ fluoalminate etc (c) Other compounds. These are the minor stomach poisons of limited v as thallium sulphate, borax, potassium antimony! tartrate, zinc phosphide sulphate ete are grouped as under /2, Organic insecticides. ‘The organic insecticide maximum for the control of insect pests. They ma (a) Hydrocarbon oils. The mineral oils are petroleum oils derived from sedimentary rocks. In natural state, oils are highly phytotoxic but if app an emulsion, it is safer to use them on plants. Quality of an by its viscocity, boiling range and purity. The oils having insecticidal properties mercuric chloride, sodium selenate, boric acid, bordeaux mixture 4 on tree be grouped as under sulphur, lime are being used to the d with determined (i) Summer oils. These are least phytotoxic, used in water emulsion spray and shrubs ccids, aphids and ect control. Si viz, Nicotiana tabacum fo m urless liquid solubl gested. ne insecticidal propert for the control of coccids and cleyrodids. y ical (ii) Dormant oils. These are heavy and less refined, having no foliage during dormant season, for the control of c 3 mites. of (ii) Supreme spray oils. These are also dormant oils used on apple tree for zinc’ the control of aphids, scales and mites. (iv) Spray oils. These are diluted with water and applied as emulsion causing poe death due to asphyxiation. The spray oils are of three type ie emulsion, emulsible oil and tank mix oil es (b) Organic compounds of botanical origin. Some of the plant origi mile sean reads ee oxic ses and se wd or in vail But important ones are as under jants. (i) Nicotine. tis obtained from 2 species of plants * Iphate is least toxic to warm bloc ; and N rustica. Nicotine sulp! , Bi quite stable, The ‘alkatoid nicotine in its pure form is : c vents. As a nerve poison it is hi i ¢ and organic solvents. ih oe bees in oe It is toxic when absorbed through body wall, trach Ay pe ‘At the end of cighteenth century th lead (ii) Pyrethrum. of pyrethrum was known in I si ince 100 years it is und pyrethrum. The ¢ jentist and is quantity of e. ently Of Pyieyd, Kenya produces maximum D1 American si poison of pyrethrum was discover 1 Sesised since 1949. Five © ingens fe wore Tnown to be toxic which ae pre gestive faemolin II. It is 2 nerve PON, and ring ‘poison also. Pyrethrum 5 formulated 2 AM NNR tao) if pyrethrum 3 jer use throug {,cinerin I and © regurgitation, dullness “an ey Insect Pest’ Management respiratory enzymes. The fumigants like HCN, H as respiratory poisons. (@) Nerve poison. The nerve cholinesterase enzyme. Duri chemical subst 28 and CO are known to act Poison is associated with the ng the normal course of nerve ance, acetylcholine, is formed which mediate nervous impulses at neuro-synaptic j junction. Acetylc nervous impulses is hydrolysed into choline and of acetylcholinesterase present in the tissues muscles .and glands are retum: further functioning, If due to any acetylcholine sis not hydrolysed. by acetylcholinesterase, it will continue to conduct impulses resulting in the Production of a new coactive substance by the centrat ervous system which mal nerve conduction resulting into tremors, muscle paralysis and firially death. The organic insecticides are inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase in insects and mammals. The nerve poisons are many as botanical insecticides like pyrethrum, nicotine: organochlorine—lindane, carbon tetrachloride, DDT; organis phosphates parathion etc Classification based on the chemical nature. According to their chemical nature, the insecticides can be grouped into two major classes inhibition of ace conduction a the conduction of holine, after conducting the acetate enzyme by the Thus, che end organs iv. red to their resting state, preparatory to reason action nerves, (1) Inorganic insecticides, (2) Organic ee = ic insectici 01 secticides are compounds of 1. Inorganic insecticides. Inorganic insecticides ar : antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, copper, fluorine, Sar thallium and in which are of mineral origin, elemental phosphorus and sulphur. h poison formed of toxic compounds of (a) Arsenicals. These are stomach poi ee cee ily non-toxic element arsenic. Though they posse: i eae ffect harmful to animals and mea. of an ideal insecticide but leave residual ef wt ee wae ‘The arsenicals’ with high arsenic content which are in aaa i - ES are known to be an ideal insecticide. But Sc ais ayes eet ae Enon © en the water soluble arsenicals are phyto Be er sects ae phypescxt arse! are more soluble and safer to pl Seria make Senos yim poison baits. I insects, arsenic tov esl ee ee det epithelial cells with vacuolized Cs Shaped hematin of Ge nse Te sagas san ent dullness ‘and quiescence. Some ee Fale ont : ie, Paris green, arsenious oxide esl arsenate, calcium arsenate, Fe cheaper and Kil nse no eae eee and are mainly U ve (et The eae Teast toxic to animals ote i than arsenicals. The: ct its. These compounds are safer to planis tt ecm poisons and to ome exit as com ee fluorine cont insecticide is judged with the ‘and act basical ants in certai 3 he ideal fluorine Be et pouoe he digestive ity in tl .d_solubil Insect Pest juices of in (©) Othe as thallium sulph 2 Orga maximum fo (0) Hyd sedimentary an emulsion, by its viseoci are grouped a (i) Surnm for the control ii) Dorm having no foli death due to a emulsion, emul (b) Organi .50 15:09 w) Vivo Al camera 2025.09.35: 148 } Insect Pest Management control measures. The other aspect of pest coi prevent the introduction of exotic pests. The ive so the cost of kill rol is legislative in order to applied control of insect population lling or checking the insects, ¢: must be considered and the most economical and suitable control meant should be employed. Some recent advances in the pest mana ae being considered now-a-days viz,pheromones, hormones chemosterilams, The latest concept with regard to. minimise the Population is “Integrated Pest Management’ more _importance. is expen ausing damage gement programmes and pest which is now gaining more and 1] Mechanical control Operations which are involved in the killing of pests by mechanical actions b with or without the aid of specially designed equipment are termed as _ mechanical methods of insect control The disadvantage of this method is that p they are costly due to manual labour and“generally ineffective on a large : sgale_hence can not be applied commercially. This method includes hand-picking, use of hand-nets and bggenets, jarring, beating and hooking, ¢ Sieving and winnowing, mechanical exclusions and mechanical raps etc. These P methods are adopted according to the type of pest infestation " 1. Hand-picking, It is the oldest method being used from ancient times 4 where the cost of labour is cheaper. It involves the destruction of eggs or any of the developmental stages. In the field Pests can be hand-picked if they are fi easily accessible, large sized, conspicuous, sluggish, present in large number and are found in restricted area. This method is highly recommended vy deal a with the egg clusters and adults of lemon butterfly, grubs of the rue ard sawfly (Athalia lugens proxima) and all the developmental stages of Epilachna sp. 2. Hand-nets and bag-nets. Netting and bagging is an important method which can be effectively employed during infestation of Pyrilla, migrating from maize -to sugarcane. This method can also be used against rice bug, grasshoppers andted pumpkin beetles. The field-bag is made up of strong cloth bag, 2 metres Prepared for operation in the field. ? _3. Jarring. To control the locust and defoliating beetles, small trees are . shaked early in the morning in the cold Season and the pests are collected in ‘ Sinn 2 Mie cold season i sass containing kerosenized water. é ; 1 Beating and in the heaps of manu th soil. In this wa ation and trap crops. Crop rotation plays s ican e insect pests. If a field is occupied ovide most favourable conditions for st those established sts. In case of fe main idea by discontinuity in the n d recata SME ETOP such as Wheay, cor thong find regularly for a number of years will give £ those insect pests which attack the ass crops. The Fecommended for the control of On the favourable conditions OP rclation is general those insects Of which the life hist S are not applied successfully © preferred on 20m in strips which is termed a¢ SGP TOP. The pests are attracted towards 2 and then can easily Be killed by Cutting and de: is bhindi or okra oying cultivating the soil. The insect Population is affected by the es ti: the Soil, its chemical Somposition, moisture content, temperature and other soi i ir Pests: To obtain good results it is ideal to have an idea about the ig nblete life history and habits of the species to be Controlled. In some Species if We know ‘which phases of their Pat Al) Uy ay white fly (1 different vai the attractic [147 Insect Pest Management ment nats [111] Natural enemies the number of predatory and parasitic Z and parasitic insects.The ™ aiiae sue LE Se important as the climatic fact insects in a locality sometimes becomes as i Ma very difficult (0 the insect pest population. It would probably ry on te ee edators were not present pment get crops in particular region. If the pee or pr ts in that region ringect to check the population of insect pes! aE Fishing ‘Cannibalism is sometimes also an important factor for the natural ulation which reduces the number of insect pests. idity in 2. Birds. Most of the birds feed on insects. ‘The number of insects eaten by single bird is surprising in some cases being almost equal to the weight of nent of the bird itself. Some common species like robins and catbirds eat insects mainly d when in summers. Some of the wood peckers and creepers generally use to take insects +s. The as diet throughout the year, 3, Mammals, A number ot mammals feed to a great extent on insects. a insects. Squirrels take white grubs and other soil inhabiting insects as food. Shrews, and are moles and skunks eat a large number of soil infesting insects. n strong 4, Other animals. Some snakes, salamanders and newts include insects in nea ee = te food of toad consists almost of insects of which more than 60% are harmful ones, Practical application of natural control ‘The effect of different factors in the natural control of insect pests can not See by man in the nature but the knowledge about natural agencies of insect control can be helpful in predicting the relative abundance of particular specs aie eats Getten eg = winist pciod of very low temperature - will Kill most of the eggs of the gypsy moth. Thus, we can ee eee the suitable control measures in certain species of insects pests. The importance of the effect of these natural factors, investigative study must insect population in check through natural agencies mn any environmental stress. 1 insect pests is not being controlled by natural are applied Ne re tinea Soon Ce e ee a eeeeenent The preventive ‘measures include removal of weeds, grasses and dead branch from tanging of he owing ad haveing ines enoal of cop and stubbles; usage of ge of Bon seeds proper eultie cultivation; manuring and 1; growing of ‘Varieties; treatment of seeds with chemicals; nd mie cep. ning of field buds etc. phiysica, biological and chemical n IS Vive Al camera Insect Pest Management f 150 © are varieties of heat treating machines in the market which raise the Awe erature while passing through machine. It should also be Kebt fn ind Wak Oe beat Gagieat Fay las shrinkage in grains due to o peepee ie ak application of heat to bins of grains, bales of goods ¢ or piles of clothing requires a long time to penetrate inside so that the temperature a) on the surface reach the killing point of insect pests. 2. Cold. Artificial cooling of stored products or mills where such products a are processed, is employed for reducing the damage caused by the insect pests This method is not as effective as super heating to kill the insect pests but ei Storage of food products or clothings near or below freezing point is found Tr suitable {0 prevent the damage caused by insects. Most of the insects become active at a temperature range of 40.60° F and practically below 40 F insect (i Pests are unable to ca y (ype of damage. The sudden change in the Th ethene from higher to lower and lower to higher is found tobe more Pe effective in killing the insect pests as 3. Moisture. The tise and fall in moisture content of food and other products bei affects the survival of insects. By reducing the moisture content of grains below hor maine insect pest infestation can be avoided easily. The infestation of boring var weevils can be checked by soaking the wood in water for about 15 days. Draining by f the unnecessary stagnant water is most effective for the control of mosquitoes ma because all the immature stages of mosquitoes are found inhabiting the stagnant of water cor “ Light. Among the various extrinsic factors light plays a vital role in hat destroying the insect pests, as insects are attracted towards light. Various inca ive Studies are being made to study the distribution and attraction of adj eas towards different frequencies of light. It has been investigated that a dor number of insects are attracted towards blue and ultra-violet portions of spectrum are than the yellow and red light. In this method Pests are attracted at one place sp and killed easily. the S. Electricity. In this method insect Pests are exposed to a higher voltage of electro-static fields due t0 which much heat is produced inside the body of sig jnsect leading to death. Now-a-days different types of machines are available mz for the treatment of insect infested cereal Products and grains. In this machine oar when such material 18 passed through the high frequency of electro-static field att between the electrodes, the insect pests are killed easily, ae Be energy. pea advances in the field of nuclear physics have xc cradicaitgn cae the management of insect Pests. The successful | of pest of sent ae of Screw-worm, Callitorga hominivorax Egre, a serious ™ sremionth Curaco Island, has been Operated by sterilising the male she Particles or bet ive isotopes. Such type of ionizin g radiations are-alpha- fro Hum nuclei, beta-particles of high speed electrons, neutrons and lea 7~ Shot on Y15 Wa Vivo Al camera = 1@) 7 Insect Pest Management Of all demands of man, food is of prime importance and because of population pressure the task of increased food production is our nation's priority. In the 1970's Green Revolution’ made rem ribution in increasing the eld of land because of high yi varieties of wheat, rice, maize and other grains and cereals. One of the limitations in this direction is the fact that one-third of the food produce is lost to pests and Jiscases world over. In 1994-95 out of 210 million tones of agriculture produce about 15-20 million tones losses were due to insect Lone In order to achieve increased food production, and to achieve our target of million tones of food grains by 2000 AD., insect pe ‘al has become imperative. Probably man’s struggle against pes itself. The number of known insect species causin, 1,000 out of which 70 species are responsible for maxim: estimated that the losses of field crops in India are up to the tune of Rs. 1500 crores per year. So, the entomologists and farmers must evolve methods to develop and apply the effective control measures against insect pests in order to save the crops in the field as well as under the storage condition Insect control programme in its broadest sense includes everything w makes their survival difficult and at the same time checks their multiplication. For the efficient programming of insect control, a thorough knowledge of their distribution, pest status, life cycle, host complex, periodicity, mode of feeding. breeding and living, their parasites and predators, should be available (Z-18) ts of crops i das agriculture to crops are about 1 Hoss. It has been NAN tla tn) 2025.09.50 1: Natu Insect Pest Management Insect Pest Managem / s#] &. Pruning and thining, in case of perennial plants like fruits the pests borer of sugarcane (C roning hate at om tt. to new one. Tr such cases prunigg therefore, in the in fining have been found to be most effective in keeping away nt Pests from 9, Variation in s the new crops. The pruning of dead branches seraping of diseased stem, patching sowing patind of coy | places in cay Clty and tar may Keep some insecis away which lun net rlces in any of the stages of their life cycle. But if not checked pro ther healthy portions in due The proper pruning of aperly they course e.g.,bark caterpillars may cause damage to th are available. By a phase of a particular ir and stem boring bectles fur citrus plants can check the the dafective stage Of iivestation of citrus leaf miner (Phyllocnistis circlh, stainton), cites red managed to attain the In the smonidiella aurantt Mask) and cits peylis Diaphorina citri Kuway), imininitim possible tim in tie same way the praning ie aléy usc other cases like woolly apple at the time of matur chs ma lnigeram Haus) and the pea ar helichrysi Kaltenback) of | aphid (Brachy-caudus rather late in season, t tone fruits, of harvesting. ‘The ear irrigation or 6. Fertilizing and stim thy ating Vigorous growth, It ha highly resistant to the at which are weak Therefore, Vigorous plants ay Parison to those plant Nourishment or any disease been noticed that k of insect pesis in is no better due to deficie of proper control than the effect hi the use of fertilizers and manures in the seeding of wheat. The Freeh itivated field vill provide ampte nourishment for development and too heavily infested, v Howth of healthy plants having highly resistam Potential to the pest infestation, infested tris advised t The growth of sugarcane can be stimulates by the use of BHC and telodrin in the crop and that will be free hile from the auack of ste talocera dep of February or the t 'm borer (Chilo infuscate Snell.) and root borer (Emm ella Swinh) recommendations for 3 out properly, keeping i co Leg DOTeAUS mixture simulates the grown of Potato crop which the suitability for the reese: les Suscepible othe atack of juss, biehe ey other fungal diseases pest The Cucurbits sown early in the properly manured fields have very fast 10. Mixed croppi srowth rate in the early spring so that ines develop the power of resistance » one can reduce the in the attack of ted pumpkin beetle (Raphidepalpa foveicallis Lucas) otmercie normal spread of the the beetle Completely destroys the tate and weak cucurbits, 7. Use of clean Seed. Seeds al: insect pest associate 9 play important role in carrying the insect the other host plant, d ‘9, only tested and centfied it the Sittance aoe, ot SF, the hibernating pests are less depende separate fields. Mixed ests from one crop to the next s effect of certain comt ursery plants should ieee TIV} Legal control i ' he spread of rine levigation. A large number of insect Pest are drowned if Due othe sna of eld by flooding. After lucerne is harvested, a : ir ter st pests spread cts pests by controlling t | control of pests. The eee em (1) To prevent the 1 Peal) ol Al) Naor) poe a Nes which # untolerabl ate in th “Complsory)cfoan, Up MARPAT eastern StONes ; yn country | If the property own unable to take st for the control of the pest al plete address of the manufac ‘The trade matk ge of active and inert ingredients inclo rantine of 4 | roplanes, 5) Directions f nd precaution Fzs mensionnd isthe act that COPE ity. important poison which ar of any | aso woxicto man wil cay label with all and cross bones, a warning statement Tif the label is with f mi g inform and antidote informatio! artcerning the effectiveness of the BX duct (ils ingredients, uses our than €°9nO poison, vt ce misbranded. In case of violations, the and other afety to jangerous y ir jeonomic poison will be teal ry stocks | manufactures, dealer of imporer may be fined ot imprisons ae | araconding wo the various amendments OF Government of India Act 1914 = | control devices against local ‘and exotic pests in states and Union territories may a | be adopted after taking permission from the Governor or the President of Indi y reopectvely. Before che implereniaue” ‘of the above act the following point pus states | may be taken into ‘considerations | {Q)__ Declaration of organism 10 We harmful | {@) The placement of infested Tonder the jurisdiction of a involving Ensure thatthe prevensve a0 snwrel measures are availahl Shot on Y15 ioe aoe) Insect Pest Management 7: Insecticide aerosols. Aerosols consist of minute particles of insecticides suspended in ait ‘as smoke, fog or mist. The aerosol ‘bombs non-explosive) are “sed in houses or stores for killing the flying type of insects like housefly. The particle size of aerosol may vary from 0.1 to 50 microns, The dispersion of the ervctcide is achieved by burning, automizing, mechanically vapourising.° releasing the insecticide dissolved in a liquefied gas through a small hole. The gas is evaporated rapidly and leaves small particles of toxicant floating = aerosol is released for 6 seconds, in a 30 cubic metre area the mosquitoes, moths, sand-fles etc. are killed and the fleas, hornets. wasps ete. are Killed by releasing the aerosol for 15 second in the same area The effectiveness increases with decrease in the size of mist particles. §. Fumigants, Toxicants are used in gaseous form to keep the insect ‘population under check in buildings, storage, ship hol sometimes in the IL Fumigants are commonly mixture of two or more gases formulated in form of liquid under pressure. Phosphene or hydrogen phosphide gas is relessed from the mblets containing aluminium phosphide and ammonium carbonate in the presence of moisture. This is most advantageous because it penetrates co all the Places where other toxicants may not be used very successfully At the ime of pplication care should be taken as the fumigants are highly toxic ro human beings and other animals. ‘0 Insecticide-fertilizer mixture. This is being practiced to control the soil pests along with providing nutrients tothe plans. The ‘granular insecticides are Pes ste the chemical fertilizers ot insecticides are directly spread on (0 ‘he chemical fertilizer before use. 10, Mixed formulations. When two of more tyPes of active ingredients of toxicants are mixed before application; their response 1 termed as joint action. Four types of joint ‘actions may be taken. (a) Independent joint action. The physiological mode of toxic actions of two active ingredients are of quite different PE ‘eg in a mixture of methy! parathion and 1% sesamex. The esamex is 4 pyfehrum synergst against t — housefly. c a3 (b) Similar joint action. The different active nts, baving eva Pe i ied separately or jointly <8. in & ‘combination of BHC an Sr Gale tects ‘the pest quickly, whereas, later has residual toxicity. istic action. In the mixture active ingredients of different i jeity of other components end the total toxic F the components of mixture if used Toxic response of the components The stain of ot of the toxicant generally gives PONT’ erg 0 Oye have ben zed WY RENT of the separately of th 5-20 parts of 59! toxic response (Z Insect Pest Management - ‘The introduction of insecticides has revolutionised the protection technolo} and with the help of insecticides most of the pest population is being managed effectively in very short period. The stored grain pests are being successfully controlled with the help of fumigants and other methods. But these insecticides have not been found to be much effective against fruit flies, borers, army worms and polyphagous pests. Comprehensive researches are being carried out on the systemic insecticides with the object to control the borers and insects having sucking type of mouth-parts. In addition to these the use of antifeedants, hormones and pheromones will definitely prove useful for the-control of insect pests. ‘The latest concept of integrated pest management js, indeed, very useful in the hands of protection technologists for managing the pest population. This system of pest management includes the use of mechanical, physical, biological, legal and chemical agencies alongwith the application of pheromones, hormones, antifeedants and chemosterilants. = ‘The control of insect pests can broadly be divided into natural control and ‘applied control measures. The natural control agencies do not depend upon the gs and can not be influenced much by man. The success depends completely upon human beings for their application» in the nature is maintained by significant role in to the variations Shot on Y15 fo Al camera ultivating ye easily killed by . ‘il hould also be 5 ometiines varied ‘according t© the ee em ns ble rl al a sn he pric! He SHE plein 2 es eos the destruction of soll infesting ° A ieee : nce. So, the depth of cu iva y eae n insects above | will depend on the P e water level which may 4 they are attacked by bir and timing the soil raises th Jrive some subterra etc. A numb picking up a numbé fer of birds like | r of insect: the soil surface wher : : myna are fi ound conditions for the king-crow, starlin and the md i ay spring a number ». The rotation exposed in the field. So, if ploughing is perform’ es = birds ed up by these bird st those pests hibernating life " ingecis will be exposed and picked up PY i rags te ete wil 3 in the soil are Bihar hairy caterpillar ies fe The hibernating insect spe* risia obliqua), the cuoworms etc, The larvae of pink bo yp) of cotton, found in the so per (Tarac having longer a) and gration and ¢ y first year of notabili be helpful in spotted bollworms (Eari jon of potato seed, if buried in deep soil by ploughing the farm, are 9 discontinue adult moth in the coming op is infested 4, Use of resistant varieties. The sect control is comparative! (Agrotis spp), cotton semiloc sctinophora gossypie worm (Pe sil in damaged co snable to emerge a use of resistant varieties of crops aS & inthe field of Applied crop rotation preventive measure | Entomology. Certain resistant varieties of crops are least infested by part ular pest in comparison to other varieties of erops by the same pest. The factors aplex and | Fesponsible for the plant resistance to insect attack are commonly € rown on the interrelated with the physic onditions to acidity distastefulness of cell-sap, early maturity, vi is generally ar tause tolerance to the insect aiack. Now-a days insestresistant plant varieties ries are not are being produced by hybridization, grafting and pureline selection and is being cessfully used widely by progressive farmers of the world. is found that cattle having thick and tough skin are less attacked by cattle ticks and horn flies. Similarly, cattle having very oily skin with thin coated hair are unfavourable for the attack of lice, The ‘sugarcane varieties having hard rind more resistant to the attack of sugarcane borer chemical and physiological status of plants. The gour and thickness of husk er preferred ted towards | destroying iy’s finger) and hard fibrous pith are Generally, the indigenous varieties like ‘Katha’ etc. are highly resistant to pest infestation than ‘Coimbatore’ varieties. Of the three Coimbatore varieties of sugarcane Coa. 2 hard rind variety is more resistant to the attack of bor cted by the than the soft rinded varieties like Cogj2 and Col. The sugarc leaves are more susceptible to pyrilla, (Pyrilla) and I bollworm caterpillar ne varieties erature and | having broad and drooping I vth of host | white fly (Bemisia tabaci). The degree of susceptibility or resistance Sanonk ound effect different varieties also depends upon the presence of chemicals responsible for it is ideal | the attraction of insect pests ecies to be s of their (va) aa alot ola ala} NR Lao) 2025.09.50 1 | 151 sect Pest Management c. euccessful application sor short wave X- rays: For the ed tromagnetic gome-ray5 of pon oe rl x control following the atomic energy for PE n rn grea of operation should be ioalze itabe nee Good method of mass rearing Of PFS ios be va aie The release ee ales must be dispersed adequal, > ee ‘The released sterile y ae ae e: ot ot affect the mating 5 The sterilization by nuclear ies should not - of males. — pee e of female should be to mate 01 once ; Lea © odies on ae i z hee rmvtive isotopes against house-AY and | The nat Ne application of radio active SO1PES ABO bi dument | as stored product pests are being carried out 2! ‘Atomic Energy Establish | z Trombay, Mumbai. ecome Lee {111} Cultural control a The regular farm operations performed by cultivators order to reduce the me population of insect pests to minimize the level Sf economic injury is called fs cultural control. It differs from the ‘mechanical and physical control in ee being usually preventive and indirect so that farmers are unable to know that ari Pring Mich cuecessful farming operations ase. During the general course of are being destroyed nber of insect pests ve farming practices can be during the specific stage for an effective cultural various farming operations a large num ining by farmers unknowingly. Therefore, much effect Hoes made by adopting the improved agricultural practices which can easily be destroyed. Thus, ring nant f life eye! aa aL iis essential to have aclear cut idea about the life history, behaviour, le in habit and ecological status of the pest concerned. a = as it requires only the st of all the control measures, “This is the cheapes esting time which is being ious a of adjustment of ploughing, sowing, irrigation and hary at a done in the normal course ming, The cultural control parameters which rum fare effective for one pest may be useless against Similar type of other pest Jace species belonging tothe same family having different habits and variation in the biology. age “The crop rotation and improved practices of farm management are of great of significance The proper timing of cultural practicesis the key point for successful ble management of pest population. The farming operations are very useful for the ine | contre of tissue borers which are neither damaged by the insecticides mor easily eld attacked by the predators or parasites. 1L Clean cultivation. The regular removal of all weeds and residues of ve crops is an important factor in reducing the pest population, since insect pests ful of crops feed on weeds in the absence of host plants. The decaying fruits of us | gauava, tomato and melon, harbouring maggots of fruit flies and tissue-borers le arpuld be cemoved from the farm. If they remain inthe field, the adults emerging standing crops. The dead grasses and | from these infested fruits will reinfest the a ad | leaves should be buspt ne si ince they are protected under them. eo —)plolol am al) NR Lao) g the insect should b = separated nts should red citrus Id. rowned if harvested, vesting is e ants can sito aurieitia Dudgeon) #5 i wea crop should be i 1 harvesting time period of MTeences the attack of INSEE pests Tay maximum NuMber of eggs durin nee ats : By asing te OWS gn Hel be ie as or allow | 4 atiacked crops Which are auiack i anaged to attain the matut ation age ‘ wntrot than the effect on the infestat nt as been reported to be MOK fing of wheat. The early sown whe seeding wry infested, whereas, medium late sown wheat found to be leas! infested. Iti advised that sugarcane should be cite 1 ted before the middl Ee anny or the terminal part be cut and fed 10 oie However, the ig time must be worke adjusting the sowing and in ns with regard ( fecommendation properly, keep the suitability for the gro ical conditic tablishing capabili ing in view the effect ah of host plants anc 4 cropping scheme in the field, 10, Mixed cropping. By applying the mix ne cag vaduce the inicasity of pest infestation by creating Ringrant® © the One tal spread of the pest. If certain crops are sown mised with others, th reset post associated with the host crop takes comparatively 8 ht reach ‘eof the non-host plants in . the other host plant, due pf the distance ¢.g.,wheat and gram in the sam pests are Tess dependent on their capacity for migrate ‘where the hosts are in separate fields. Mixed ubject of study in relation to effect of certain com! con the population growth of P* insects In this system of croppin 4 cropping has been the binations of host plants [IV] Legal control Due to the spread of insect realized to make united efforts pests and the spread of pests pests by controlling the humap-aetivities th Control of pests. The legislations constituted ars (1). To prevent the introduction of mew pests in 4 and other animal pests, in epidemic form it was in order to prevent the introduction of foreign already present in the country. Th rough legislation is called a5 legal giveth here as form foreign country he control 7 tee als} NNN tata) (f) Toensure that the pesticides being used for controlling the pests ar ; phylloxera from America to the vineyards of France in 1960, which caused hould Quarantine and pection law. Quarantine is prohibition to the introduction or spread of any pest or plant disease in the country. According tc the Plant Quarantine Act 191 overnment has power to prohibit the import or shipment, interst ss of plant products from any foreign country ny State oF prohibition of a lity and frot The Federal Horticultural Board, having representative of Federal Bureaus | f Plant Industry and Entomology, and the Forest Se as established | United States by Plant Quarantine Act of 1912 which deals with the charge of | Fegulatory measures concerned with insects and plant disease. Further, this | function was being performed by Plant Quarantine and Control Administration Act 1928, the Bureau of Plant Quarantine1932, and in 1934 was merged with | Bureau of Entomology and r Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine which is responsible f 1) The regulation by treatment, or inspection or prohibition by quarantine of | movement of nursery from abroad 2) Testing the pests at the entrance point of | foreign packets and plant ma aeroplanes, ils. port of any commodity responsible for carrying the pests. (4) Inspection of domestic nursery stocks, fresh fruits, v plant products exported for propagation, that they are free from dan pests and diseases viz, pink bollworm and Mediteranean fruit fly In United States of America it is not permissible to ship nursery stocks from one part to the other inside the country without accompanying a certificate stating ‘the nursery has becn tested and found free form insect pests and other diseases’. Fundamental pre-requisites of quarantine. For uniformity and efficiency uring the establishment and enforcement of plant quarantine in various states the National Plant Board has suggested following prerequisites (1) The pest concerned must be a threat of substancial nature (2) The pest should not be susceptible to control by other devices involving less interference with normal activities. getables and other | (3) Administration of domestic quarantine during the t @ oe Shot on Y15 pe Aba leslie l wide) l= Insect Pest Management 90 AD respectively. Pyrethrum is being used widely for insect control since even before 1800 in Persia. Neem leaf is being utilized as an insecticide since ancient times. The history of modern insecticides starts from 1867 with the use of Paris Green for reducing the population of Colorado beetle. With the discovery of insecticidal spectrum of DDT in 1939, insecticidal property of BHC and Potentialities of phosphorus chemicals in 1941-42, the real concept of insecticide and insect control was revolutionised, as a result insecticide is being considered as the boon of applied entomology. Qualities of insecticide. (1) Should be very potent against insect pests even at lower doses. (2) Should not endanger human health, domestic animals and plants. (3) Should break-down into harmless compounds after some time when used. (4) Should not leave objectionable residues where they are applied. (5) Should be spread uniformly having better adhesiveness, (6) Should be easy in operation (7) Should be cheap to manufacture. (8) Should be easily available in market, (9) Should have better compatability with other materials. Formulations of insecticides. For easy application, insecticides are formulated in various ways like dusts, granules, solutions, wettable powders, emulsifiable concentrates, concentrate liquid, fumigants, aerosols, mists and mixed formulations. The insecticides available for common use are rarely in pure form so, they are always marketed in a lower concentration which may be further diluted at the time of applications as per need. 1. Dusts. These are fine powders mixed with different types of spreaders like walnut-shell-flour, pulverized minerals (talc, pyrophyllite bentonite diatomite, lime, gypsum, sulphur) or clay such as kaolins, bentonite and volcanic ‘ash, The actual concentrations of insecticide in the dust, ready for application vary from 0.11625 per centof active ingredient As the sizeof particle decrees the toxic, effect of insecticide | 1 dusts are easy to handle er Fesullts, du sting; SHUI De performed in slow wind early in the moming shen the plants are wet with dew. 2. Granules. The granular ch spread gradually. Thus, e ee tegic sites €.g., in the soil Just particles formulations are the aggregation of dust particle they are long lasting and highly effective when near the root zone or in the whor! of reach the 8 “The size of granules may

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