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| Are you cut out for space? Want to be an astronaut? Of course you do. Who wouldn't want to float around in space, gazing back at our gorgeous blue planet in the distance and zooming to work on a speeding rocket? But it can be tough out there. Have you got what it takes to fly in space? What is an astronaut? It sounds a ridiculously easy question. An astronaut is someone who flies in space, right? Well, yes — but it's pretty difficult to say where space actually starts. If you fly straight up from Earth, you'll get to space eventually. But before you do, there's a blanket of gases (the Earth’s atmosphere) which gets thinner until it | fades into nothing. After that, you're in space. But because the gases fade out | gradually, it's hard to say where the Earth's atmosphere ends. So, scientists have invented an imaginary line ~ the Karman line — 160 kilometres above the Earth. That's where space officially starts. Get past that line and you can think of | yourself as an astronaut. | Into space But getting to the Karman line is a problem. Not many people have spaceships, as they're the most expensive form of transport there is. Luxury cars like Rolls Royces? Private jets? They're dirt cheap compared to your average spacecraft. Who's paying? To get a ride into space, you'll have to do one of these things: * work for a government space agency Government space agencies are the number one employers of astronauts. * become a billionaire... With eye-watering sums of money, you can go into space as a tourist. + ...orjust work for one Be a pilot for one of the few billionaires with their own space travel company and you could fly the rich to space! + win a competition ‘Some people have won tickets into space. But none of them have flown 10 15 20 25 yet, 50 don't hold your breath eunes zm ceeacrmescrtinance c Alan Shepard Who was Alan Shepard? ‘alan Shepard was the second person, and the fi 1940s, he became a test pilot ‘Then . he was one of the first seven astenauls chosen by NASA" to train to go into space Going into space Cries Preageet, Alan Shepard went into space for the first time, on a spaceship Fan sree com There was just enough room for ore Person on board. On this) § {fan Shepard did not citcle the Earth, He flew 185 kilometres high and came back down. The flight lasted about 15 minutes: it wes a Great success! 10 hip orbiting around the moon. Shepard ang ‘on the moon, did science experi So, in away, that | 15 was science, too! Atte ard flew on two space missions, he then worked as the head of the Adora one He left NASA in 1974, but continued to be involved in exploration by ‘aising money to train new astronauts Glossary NASA: the North American Space Agency, which is the space organisation of the Usa LS A inst Se a ae ee i} DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE oeovseRriAawe2 Svctes 2022 2 Section A: Reading ‘spend 30 minutes on this section. Read Text A, an informal report in the insert, and answer ‘Questions 1-11. 4 Find an example of onomatopoeia in the first paragraph (lines 1-4). 2 Give a short quotation from the first paragraph to show that an astronaut’s job is not easy. 1) get to space 3 Look at this sentence: ‘If you fly straight up from Earth, you'll eventually. (Line 7) What is the sentence above an example of? Tick (~) one box. ‘ | an imperative a past verb form a conditional a passive verb form a eucues 2022 an r {took at ese tw Phrases: «there's a blanket of gases (the Earth’ {fades into nothing.” (Lines 8-9) 's atmosphere) which gets thinner until + scientists have invented an imaginar - kilometres above the arth’ (Lines 10-12), ee (2) Why have brackets and dashes been used in these phrases? (b) What effect does the writer achieve by using dashes instead of brackets? 1 § What is the main reason most people cannot go into space? 6 Give a phrase from Text A that means the same as ‘very low-priced’. 7 What Is the most common way f© get a ride into space? 8 Find a phrase from ‘Text A th enema 9 Look at the lines below from Text A. Which one of them is an example of an opinion? Tick (7) one box. ‘our gorgeous blue planet in the distance.’ *... which gets thinner until it fades into nothing.” "Some people have won tickets into space.” you can go into space as a tourist. 10 (a) Text A is written in an informal style. L] ‘Complete this table of the features of informal writing with examples from Text A, Feature Example from the text Shortened clauses “Get past that..." Use of the second person (i) who's, wouldn't, don't Use of questions (iit) 8) (b) Why has the writer chosen to write in an informal style? © ucies 2022 (] oeovanna 5 11 What kind of book would you find Text A in? Tick (Y) one box. a school dictionary an instruction manual for pilots a biography about an astronaut =I an information book about astronauts a Read Text B, in the insert, and answer Questions 12-20, ‘12 Where is Alan Shepard from? (1) 13 Which one of the sentences below about Alan Shepard's first space flight is true? Tick (7) one box. He flew with six other astronauts. He flew to the moon. He flew around the Earth. fal He flew for less than an hour. 1) flew in? 14 What are the names of the two spaceships Alan Shepard 1] [Tum over couanna Succes 2022 ed 45 Which of the astronauts in Text B did not walk on the moon? 16 Look at lines 13-15. ‘What do we learn about Alan’s character? secon) 18 What genre is Text B? Tick (v) one box. a recount a biography an information text a diary entry 1 19 Explain why Alan Shepard has the reputation of bein astronaut. Give two reasons. 9 an exceptional ‘©UCLES 2022 —— 7 39 Choose the best heading for the last Paragraph of Text B. Tick (%) one box. Aquiet life ‘The last flight Life on Earth Amissed opportunity a [urn over a Section B: Writing ‘Spend 30 minutes on this section. from your school has recently returned 21 Im team of young explorers eo ecoeeata viplove a temote place somewhere in the world. from a successful trip to explore a remote The place the team explored could be: ‘a mountainous region the bottom of a lake or sea acave system jungle area. Write a report about the trp. [Space for your plan: URN a8, Write your report on the next page oe UctES 2022 ouaonamze oucies 2022 Tum ove 10 euctes 2002 cessor 2 Text for Section A, an extract from ‘Cowboy showdown’ by Chris Blake , t up an exhibition about At the museum where his dad works, Tom is helping to se! the Aztecs. The Aztecs were an ancient people who lived in Central America during the 14th and 15th centuries. Tom and his dad are just arriving in the Aztec room. | Tom gasped. He felt as though he had just stepped back in time to Ancient Mexico. There were still several unpacked crates and boxes, but the things that had been unloaded were amazing, He pointed to a model of a twin pyramid with a squared-off top. ‘What's this?” Before Dad could reply, a woman appeared in the doorway. ‘Dr Sullivan, there's | 5 a call for you,’ she said, “rll be right back,’ said Dad, heading to the office. ‘Take a look round, but be careful and don't touch anything.” Tom studied the displays. He saw clay statues with wide mouths and big ears, sword-like weapons and documents written in a strange language. There was | 10 ‘even a carved wooden box that looked like a treasure chest. In a comer, he found a wooden cylinder carved with strange symbols. The label explained it was a drum that belonged to the rain god, Tlaloc, who would bang it to create thunder! Beside it lay two mallets”. ‘This I've got to hear!’ thought Tom. He reached for one of the mallets, then| 15 quickly drew back his hand. Tom knew the rules but his fingers were itching. It was as if the drum were begging him to play it. He knew he shouldn't but he was. just too curious. ‘Tom glanced around the room to be sure there was nobody else in the room. Then he picked up a mallet and gently swung it down. 20 To his shock, an enormous roll of thunder exploded from the drum. Suddenly, Tom wasn't alone any more. ‘Standing in front of him was a blue girl wearing a feathered headdress. "You freed me from that drum! the girl exclaimed, throwing her arms around Tom. ‘Thank you!’ 25 ‘Tom stepped back. ‘I didn't mean to do anything,’ said Tom. eucies 2022 cedavozmiserTianae hee . a (once again, the museum wag rocked by an ©ar-spliting thunderclap. Heavy rain pean to fall...inside the Museum another rumble of thunder shook the room. A second stran Jer appeared. This 30 orehad blue skin and fancy feat Only he was enormous! Zuma looked nervous. Tom couig only stare, | | He's Tlaloc, the rain god," she Whispered. |Taloc picked up the ‘Wooden drum and the rain stopped, Zumal You have escaped your Prison after five hundred years!" Tlaloc roared. | 35 | Bulyou are not free yet | ‘You must find these six coi : . 40 He waved his hand and a sseeg Tul wind gusted through the foom, bringing with it Y hand.’ he} 45 tm not sure where... or When... we'll land,” ,70M shouted above the how! of the “relone*. “But ~ it's going to be an adventure! ‘Mallets ~ wooden hammers "Velone — windstorm DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Suctes aoe2 Text A Colourful cave art mber, 1940, some teenagers made an amazing discovery near their rl Bee France. Eighteen year-old Marcel Ravidat and three friends | discovered a deep hole, and decided to explore. They were led into a cavern, now known as Lascaux Cave. The young men were stunned to find its walls covered in colourful prehistoric paintings. This artwork showed more than 2000 different figures, mostly animals such as horses and bulls. There was even a thinoceros! Later, the boys returned to the cave with their teacher and the head of a nearby museum. Soon after that, official investigations began, which concluded that the paintings were 15-20 000 years old. In 1948, the cave was opened to the public. The paintings mostly featured black charcoal and yellow and red ochre. Yellow | ochre is made from a common clay containing iron oxide. Prehistoric people ground the clay down into powder and mixed it with plant sap or water to make paint. The artists then dabbed the paint onto rock using leaves, tree bark, thin animal bones or just their hands. At Lascaux, some of the artwork was spray- painted onto the rock walls by blowing paint through a hollow bone or reed. Unlike some other colours, yellow ochre does not fade as long as it is not exposed to sunlight. But, by 1955, about 1200 people were visiting the cave every day, and the heat from their bodies caused humidity, which was damaging the paintings. Consequently, in 1963, Lascaux Cave was shut to visitors. The paintings were restored, air conditioning was installed, and the cave was reopened. However, in 2000, another problem appeared: mould started to grow on the paintings. Since then, the cave has been sprayed every two weeks with a suitable chemical and the walls are carefully cleaned by hand. Today, the original cave is no longer accessible to the public, but since 1983 copies of several paintings have been displayed in another cave nearby. These copies were made with materials which are believed to be the same as the ones used all those years ago. ©ucLES 2022 osaaouinseRTion22 10 15 20 25 Text B Now you see me, now you don’t: how animals use ¢: Camouflage — the use of to stay hidden when they ‘olour colour to blend into the background — enables animals | most need to: while hunting, or being hunted. Light and shade |All. change Many animals can change their camouflage. Som Season. For example, Arctic foxes grow a coat of change accor, ™uch faster: many wi inter white, 9 to the] 45 y frogs can darken or lighten their skin in matier ore change. | Match a range of different backgrounds. a Conds to DUCES 2002 ; 2 Section A: Reading Spend 30 minutes on this section. Read Text A, in the insert, and answer Questions 1-8. 4 Give one word from the first sentence (lines 1-2) that tells us that the boys lived in the countryside. (1) 2. Look at the first paragraph (lines 1-10) Which of the following is an opinion? Tick (~) one box. a deep hole 2000 different figures an amazing discovery colourful prehistoric paintings a} 3 What gives yellow ochre paint its colour? 4 Look at lines 17~20. How were visitors harming the artwork? ouctes 2072 catia 3 5 Why has a colon (: ) been used in the third paragraph (lines 17-24)? Tick (“) one box. to add more detail [33] a 1 boys lived in to give a definition ] to introduce a list of items | to provide an example ] mat 1 6 How are the paintings in Lascaux Cave protected nowadays? Give two ways. 7 Way Jers'the copies of the panings made ising ne same nuatuits £2 fe fay te originals? a 1] [Tum over 4 8 Draw four lines to match each paragraph with its topic. There is one extra topic that you do not need to use. the situation at the present time First | aragraph ; ne the method and materials used in the artwork Second paragraph | the events at the time the site was found Third 7 | paragraph : the reaction of the public to the discovery Fourth paragraph the difficulties which soon began to appear (4] Read Text B, in the insert, and answer Questions 9-15. 9 Give one phrase from the text which explains the meaning of camouflage. 40 Give two features thal make fish difficult to see from underneath. 2 11 Give an example of alliteration in the third paragraph (lines 8-14). ia] 12 Explain how a tiger's camouflage works differently from that of a green insect according to the text 2 euctes 2022 oosanovionze arctic foxes turn white in winter. what does this tell us about the weather in summer in the Arctic? 44 How can some animals change camouflage as they move from place to place, according to the text? _ Oo 15 Text Ais a chronological report. Text B is a non-chronological report Complete this table of the diferent features of these two types of reports, Text A: Example io 12 September, 1940 dates chronological report Feature Later Soon after that | Since then showed returned connectives | was opened is made has been sprayed (5] [Turn over g14ou00n22 6 Section B: Writing ‘Spend 30 minutes on this section. 46 Your teacher has asked you to write a chronological report about a recent event for the school magazine. It could be about: a school or class trip a school sports day a visit to your school from someone important any other interesting school event. Remember to include the features of a chronological report. ‘Space for your plan: 7 Write your report on the next page (25 mart *UCLeS ann gal0vi00N22 {Turn over mate emission orpaduc tems wise thitdpary cared mater = feasoate aon has ean matey ha publnhr wb posed make wpa rd car uta olced by copra is nchided hos been ough lg eter (UCLES) to race cipyiht Nest ny tame rung clearance ave ea net eta he Cunt Keser nea Geos of avert inomaton io candalos, a copyigh chrosldgements ae rem rae ‘Serimer natn Elon Capi hmnmopomens estas eae Sk ere ea nN Sw cantntpesinatenlay hr ee ese ty oho? {cea Crone Syne ct Oto pat of Cantge Assesment. Cambri Asses te trand naa lh US {cal Examraor Sycale(UCLES wich na epanent sl ts Unreaire Cones © ucLES 2022 os4eioriom22

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