Introduction To Health and Health System 1

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Introduction to Health and Health system


1. ASHA stands for

A. Allied Social Health Activist
B. Accredited Social Health Activist
C. Auxillary Society Health Activist
D. None

2. Multi drug Therapy is given for

A. Malaria
B. Goitre
C. Blindness
D. Leprosy

3. NRHM is launched by Govt. of India on –

A. 7th April,2005
B. 8th April, 2005
C. 12th April,2005
D. 4th April, 2005

4. HALE stands for –

A. Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy
B. Hospital –Adjusted Life Expectancy
C. Both
D. None of the Above

5. Proportional Mortality is measured as

A. No. of people died to total population
B. No. of people died because of specific disease to no. of people died
C. No. of people died to no. of people died because of specific disease
D. No. of people suffering from disease specific disease to no. of people died because of
that disease

6. Sullivan’s Index is used to calculate

A. Life Expectancy free of disability
C. Mortality Rate
D. None of the above

7. Biological agents have a property of

A. Infectivity
B. Pathogenicity
C. Virulence
D. All of the above

8. Which of the following disease is eradicated from India?

A. Small Pox
C. Tuberculosis
D. Chikungunya

9. Primodial prevention can be provided through

A. High Risk Strategy
B. Mass Strategy
C. Both A. and B.
D. None of the above

10. What does ANM and MPW stands for

A. Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and Male person Worker
B. Auxiliary Nurse male and Multi Purpose worker
C. Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and Multi Purpose Worker
D. Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and Male Programme Worker

11. How many Anti- natal checkups’ are necessary for pregnant woman?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

12. Indian Red Cross society is formed in

A. 1930
B. 1920
C. 1922
D. 1927

13. Swajal Dhara was started in

A. 25th December 2002
B. 25th November 2002
C. 25th November 2004
D. 25th December 2004
14. Vande Matram Scheme is covered under which programme
D. None of the above

15. How many doses of Tetanus are given to pregnant woman

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

16. What is the method of identification of Quality of Living

B. Persons living above poverty line
C. Per Capita income
D. All of Above

17. Prevention of how many diseases is covered under UIP

A. 3
B. 4
C. 9
D. 8

18. Why surveillance is done?

A. To Determine geographic distribution of illness
B. To detect Epidemics
C. To evaluate programs and monitor outcomes
D. All of the above

19. Epidemiological Triad includes except

A. Agent
B. Host
C. Environment
D. Time

20. Immunization, as a mode of intervention comes under

A. Specific Protection
B. Early Diagnosis and treatment
C. Health Promotion
D. Disability Limitation
Answer Key

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. C
18. D
19. D
20. A

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