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Team 1:

Nghi: Hello everyone, welcome to our Last week Talkshow. My name is Nghi and his name
is Trong. Today we invited five guests here. This is Tuyen, Nhi, Ngoc Thao, Nhu Thao and
Dung. They will take turns sharing with us about the people they admire. It could be a singer,
actor, writer or anyone who inspired them.

Nghi: Talking about famous people I am sure that all of you guys here have at least one idol,
right?Can you tell me who they are?
Nhi: Nowadays, social networks are developing very rapidly. Such as tiktok, fb, ig, v.v..
The media is getting stronger,so becoming famous is also quite faster and easier.
Honestly, I don’t follow too much about showbiz, so I'm not a big fan of anyone.
But if I were to talk about famous people I admire, I would like to talk about “Francoise
Bettencourt Meyers”, the richest women in the word.
Sorry if I read her name wrong.
Nghi: Oh don't worry about that. Actually I heard her name in a lot of news.Why do you like
her ?
Nhi: I knew her through learning about a global cosmetics company.
Do you know L’oreal ? Yahh, she is the granddaughter of the founder of L’oreal.
She is also one of the company administrators and successfully became the richest woman
in the world.
It also influenced me and everyone else that “Women can be as successful as men”.
Reject some VietNam’s preconceptions about women.
Nghi: She is so talented,right? And how about you , Tuyen? Are there any people you
Tuyền: For singing ability, consider Mỹ Tâm.
My Tam is my biggest idol because she is a great singer with a beautiful voice.
I always fall in love with every single song of hers.
She is in her late 30s now, but still looks quite charming and attractive
I won’t say she has a unique performance style , but her voice is one and only.
Nghi: I know her. My mom is a big fan of hers so I listened to her music a lot. I know that
she really likes to do charity work. So could you tell me how she uses her fame to do good?
Tuyền: she has also devoted her time to organizing free concerts for university students.
Together with her fans and friends, she has been doing a lot of charity activities to help the
poor, the sick, and the homeless people.

Team 2:
Trọng: Besides business and singing, there are many other famous people in different field,
do you admire anyone ?
Dung: Certainly! There are numerous individuals in various fields whom I admire for their
remarkable contributions and achievements. In science, figures like Marie Curie, for her
groundbreaking work
Trọng: Excellent choice, Dung! Now, Nhu Thao, who is your favorite famous person and why
are they famous?
Như Thảo: My favorite celebrity Angelina Jolie is known for her acting in movies like
“Maleficent”. She is also known for her humanitarian efforts, serving as a Goodwill
Ambassador for the United Nations and co-founding the Jolie-Pitt Foundation to support
humanitarian causes around the world.
Trọng: Wonderful! And finally, Ngoc Thao, who is your favorite famous person, and where
did you see them?
Ngọc Thảo:The celebrity I like is Cardi B. She is a talented and sexy rapper and very funny.
I often see her through music videos on YouTube.
Trọng: Those are excellent reasons everyone. Now, let's move on to our discussion
questions. Do you think there are differences between famous people now and in the past ?
Dung: Certainly, the advent of technology and social media has significantly changed the
dynamics of fame. Today, famous people have direct access to their fans through platforms
like Instagram and Twitter. This immediate connection allows for greater engagement and
transparency. Additionally, the speed at which information spreads has increased
exponentially, making fame more accessible to a wider audience.
Trọng: Oh I think that is quite exactly, and I often hear that many famous people use their
fame to do charity and many good things, so how do they do it? Can you help me clarify this
issue, Như Thảo?
Như Thảo:Angelina Jolie uses her fame to advocate for humanitarian causes, fund projects,
support refugees, and promote education and healthcare.
Trọng: Do you agree with that, Ngọc Thảo? Can you tell me some more about this problem?
Ngoc Thao:
I completely agree that doing good deeds but just to promote yourself is condemnable
Trọng: Thank you, Nhu Thao, Ngoc Thao, for summarizing the way using fame for doing
good. That concludes our discussion for today. Thank you, everyone, for joining us and
sharing your insights on famous people. Goodbye and see you next time!

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