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Name : Lavenia Puspa Anggreiny (4213121007)

Nabila Azhara (4211121018)

Shofia Debora Pasaribu (4213121037)

Subject : Wave and Optics

Lecturer : Prof. Drs. Motlan, Msc., Ph.D

CLASS : PESP - 2021



Praise and gratitude to our God that gives us knowledge to do Critical Book report
assignment from Wave and Optics.
In completing this critical book review, there were many challenges and obstacles but with
the help of various parties these challenges could be overcome. Therefore, I would like to thank
Prof. Drs. Motlan, Msc., Ph.D as the supporting lecturer for the guidance, direction, and facilities
that have been given to me in working on this critical book review.
I realize that there may still be many shortcomings in the writing and preparation of this
critical book review. Therefore, suggestions and criticisms are expected from all readers. I hope
that this critical book review can be useful for those who are successful.

Medan, February 20th 2023

Group 6

CHAPTER I...............................................................................................................................4
1.1. Rationalization of the importance CBR.....................................................................4
1.2. Purpose of Writing CBR..............................................................................................4
1.3. Benefit of CBR..............................................................................................................4
1.4. Identity of Book............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................6
2.1. Critical Angle................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER III.............................................................................................................................7
3.1. Discussion of Book........................................................................................................7
3.2. Advantage and Weakness of Books..........................................................................12
CHAPTER IV..........................................................................................................................13
A. Conslusion...................................................................................................................13
B. Suggestion....................................................................................................................13

1.1. Rationalization of the importance CBR

Nowadays, we as students already know that there are many books circulating, both
in the market and in bookstores. However, among all the books, not all of them meet the
applicable rules. In the sense that not everything sold in the market is good and suitable as a
guide for us, especially students. We still find many books circulating in the market that are
not as desired, both in terms of content, language and benefits. Moreover, the book is a
guide for us to learn if it is not in accordance with our lessons or contrary to our lessons, it
will be difficult later. For example, the selection of books for CBR assignments, if the books
we choose are arbitrary, the results of the CBR we are doing will be random. So on this
occasion the author will make a paper that contains criticism of a book and in this case the
author will criticize the education management book.
The author chose this book as a book report is that this book provides a central issue
in wave and optics, in which this book contains everything related about wave and optics.
Another reason is because this book is complete and fulfills the requirements as material
used in lectures.
The author's CBR making skills can test the ability to summarize, understand and
analyze a book and compare the analyzed book with other books. By making CBR writers
can recognize, rate and criticize a written work that is analyzed. Comparing two or more
books, the author will be able to find the strengths and weaknesses of a book and get more
competent information.

1.2. Purpose of Writing CBR

1) For the completion of assignments for wave and optics course.
2) Increase the knowledge of the information contained in the wave and optics book.
3) Strengthen the reader's understanding of the importance of understanding wave and

1.3. Benefit of CBR

1) As a reference how to perfect a book and find relevant reading sources.
2) It makes me as a writer and student more honed in critiquing a book.
3) To increase knowledge about wave and optics.
1.4. Identity of Book
1. Main Book

Title Fundamentals Of Physics

Edition 10
Author Jearl Walker
Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc

City United States of America

Year 2014
ISBN 978-1-118-23072-5

Pages 1368

2. Comparison Book

Title The Free High School Science Texts: A

Textbook for High School Students Studying
Edition 1
Author FHSST Authors
Publisher Free Software Foundation, Inc.
City Boston
Year 2005
Pages 524

2.1. Critical Angle

In optics, the greatest angle at which a ray of light, travelling in one transparent
medium, can strike the boundary between that medium and a second of lower refractive
index without being totally reflected within the first medium. (The refractive index of a
transparent substance is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in that
substance.) For any angle of incidence smaller than the critical angle, and for any angle at
all if the ray strikes the boundary from the other side, part of the beam will penetrate the
boundary, being refracted in the process.
Total internal reflection, in physics, complete reflection of a ray of light within a
medium such as water or glass from the surrounding surfaces back into the medium. The
phenomenon occurs if the angle of incidence is greater than a certain limiting angle, called
the critical angle. In general, total internal reflection takes place at the boundary between
two transparent media when a ray of light in a medium of higher index of refraction
approaches the other medium at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle. For a
water-air surface the critical angle is 48.5°. Because indices of refraction depend on
wavelength, the critical angle (and hence the angle of total internal reflection) will vary
slightly with wavelength and, therefore, with colour. At all angles less than the critical
angle, both refraction and reflection occur in varying proportions.
Reflection, abrupt change in the direction of propagation of a wave that strikes the
boundary between different mediums. At least part of the oncoming wave disturbance
remains in the same medium. Regular reflection, which follows a simple law, occurs at
plane boundaries. The angle between the direction of motion of the oncoming wave and a
perpendicular to the reflecting surface (angle of incidence) is equal to the angle between the
direction of motion of the reflected wave and a perpendicular (angle of reflection).
Reflection at rough, or irregular, boundaries is diffuse. The reflectivity of a surface material
is the fraction of energy of the oncoming wave that is reflected by it. See also total internal
Waves are vibrations that propagate, either through the medium or not through the
medium. Some wave propagation requires a medium, such as rope waves through a rope
and some do not require a medium, which means that these waves can travel through a
vacuum (vacuum), such as electric-magnetic waves that can propagate in a vacuum. Wave
propagation in the medium is not followed by the propagation of the medium, but the
medium particles will vibrate.
A wave motion, in which the particles of the medium oscillate around their average
position at right angles to the direction of propagation of the wave, is called a transverse
wave. In a transverse wave, the medium has particles that vibrate in a direction
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. peaks and valleys. Polarization of
transverse waves is possible. These waves can propagate through solids and liquids but not
through gases, because gases do not have elastic properties. Examples of these waves are:
vibrations in dali, ripples on the surface of the water and electromagnetic waves.

3.1. Discussion of Book

a. Main Book
Waves are of three main types
1. Mechanical waves .These waves are most familiar because we encounter them almost
constantly; common examples include water waves, sound waves, and seismic
waves. All these waves have two central features: They are governed by Newton’s
laws, and they can exist only within a material medium, such as water, air, and rock.
2. Electromagnetic waves. These waves are less familiar, but you use them constantly;
common examples include visible and ultraviolet light, radio and television waves,
microwaves, x rays, and radar waves. These waves require no material medium to
exist. Light waves from stars, for example, travel through the vacuum of space to
reach us. All electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum at the same speed c =
299792458 m/s.
3. Matter waves. Although these waves are commonly used in modern technology, they
are probably very unfamiliar to you. These waves are associated with electrons,
protons, and other fundamental particles, and even atoms and molecules. Because we
commonly think of these particles as constituting matter, such waves are called
matter waves. Much of what we discuss in this chapter applies to waves of all kinds.
However, for specific examples we shall refer to mechanical waves.

Transverse and Longitudinal Waves

A wave sent along a stretched, taut string is the simplest mechanical wave. If you
give one end of a stretched string a single up-and-down jerk, a wave in the form of a
single pulse travels along the string. This pulse and its motion can occur because the
string is under tension.When you pull your end of the string upward, it begins to pull
upward on the adjacent section of the string via tension between the two sections. As the
adjacent section moves upward, it begins to pull the next section upward, and so on.
Meanwhile, you have pulled down on your end of the string. As each section moves
upward in turn, it begins to be pulled back downward by neighboring sections that are
already on the way down. The net result is that a distortion in the string’s shape (a pulse,
as in Fig. 16-1a) moves along the string at some velocity .
One way to study the waves is to monitor the wave forms (shapes of the waves)
as they move to the right. Alternatively, we could monitor the motion of an element of
the string as the element oscillates up and down while a wave passes through it. We
would find that the displacement of every such oscillating string element is perpendicular
to the direction of travel of the wave. This motion is said to be transverse, and the wave
is said to be a transverse wave. Longitudinal Waves. If you suddenly move the piston
rightward and then leftward, you can send a pulse of sound along the pipe. The rightward
motion of the piston moves the elements of air next to it rightward, changing the air
pressure there. The increased air pressure then pushes rightward on the elements of air
somewhat farther along the pipe. Moving the piston leftward reduces the air pressure
next to it. As a result, first the elements nearest the piston and then farther elements move
leftward. Thus, the motion of the air and the change in air pressure travel rightward along
the pipe as a pulse. If you push and pull on the piston in simple harmonic motion,a
sinusoidal wave travels along the pipe. Because the motion of the elements of air is
parallel to the direction of the wave’s travel, the motion is said to be longitudinal, and the
wave is said to be a longitudinal wave.

Wavelength and Frequency

To completely describe a wave on a string (and the motion of any element along
its length), we need a function that gives the shape of the wave. This means that we need
a relation in the form y = h(x, t), in which y is the transverse displacement of any string
element as a function h of the time t and the position x of the element along the string. In
general, a sinusoidal shape like the wave in can be described with h being either a sine or
cosine function; both give the same general shape for the wave.

Amplitude and Phase

The amplitude ym of a wave, is the magnitude of the maximum displacement of
the elements from their equilibrium positions as the wave passes through them. (The
subscript m stands for maximum.) Because ym is a magnitude, it is always a positive
quantity, even if it is measured downward instead of upward. The phase of the wave is
the argument kx - wt of the sine in Eq. 16-2. As the wave sweeps through a string
element at a particular position x, the phase changes linearly with time t. This means that
the sine also changes, oscillating between +1 and -1. Its extreme positive value (+1)
corresponds to a peak of the wave moving through the element; at that instant the value
of y at position x is ym. Its extreme negative value (-1) corresponds to a valley of the
wave moving through the element; at that instant the value of y at position x is -ym.
Thus, the sine function and the time-dependent phase of a wave correspond to the
oscillation of a string element, and the amplitude of the wave determines the extremes of
the element’s displacement.

Wavelength and Angular Wave Number

The wavelength l of a wave is the distance (parallel to the direction of the wave’s
travel) between repetitions of the shape of the wave (or wave shape). A typical
wavelength is marked in Fig. 16-4a, which is a snapshot of the wave at time t = 0. At that
y(x, 0) = ym sin kx.

Period, Angular Frequency, and Frequency

We define the period of oscillation T of a wave to be the time any string element
takes to move through one full oscillation. We call v the angular frequency of the wave;
its SI unit is the radian per second. The time between snapshots is T. Thus, by the fifth
snapshot, every string element has made one full oscillation. The frequency f of a wave is
defined as 1/T and is related to the angular frequency v by (frequency).
Phase Constant
Phase Constant When a sinusoidal traveling wave is given, the wave near x = 0
looks when t # 0. Note that at x = 0, the displacement is y = 0 and the slope is at its
maximum positive value.

The Speed of a Traveling Wave

The wave is traveling in the positive direction of x the entire wave pattern moving
a distance Δx in that direction during the interval Δt. The ratio Δx Δt (or, in the
differential limit, dx/dt) is the wave speed v. How can we find its value? Moves each
point of the moving wave form,such as point A marked on a peak,retains its displacement
y.(Points on the string do not retain their displacement, but points on the wave form do.)

b. Comparison Book
What are waves?
Waves are disturbances which propagate (move) through a medium. Waves can
be viewed as a transfer energy rather than the movement of a particle. Particles form the
medium through which waves propagate but they are not the wave. This will become
clearer later. Lets consider one case of waves: water waves. Waves in water consist of
moving peaks and troughs. A peak is a place where the water rises higher than when the
water is still and a trough is a place where the water sinks lower than when the water is
still. A single peak or trough we call a pulse. A wave consists of a train of pulses. So
waves have peaks and troughs. This could be our first property for waves. The following
diagram shows the peaks and troughs on a wave.

Characteristics of Waves
 Amplitude
The characteristic height of a peak and depth of a trough is called the amplitude
of the wave. The vertical distance between the bottom of the trough and the top of the
peak is twice the amplitude. We use symbols agreed upon by convention to label the
characteristic quantities of 1Light is a special case, it exhibits wave-like properties but
does not require a medium through which to propagate the waves. Normally the letter A
is used for the amplitude of a wave. The units of amplitude are metres (m).
 Wavelength
Look a little closer at the peaks and the troughs. The distance between two
adjacent (next to each other) peaks is the same no matter which two adjacent peaks you
choose. So there is a fixed distance between the peaks. Looking closer you’ll notice that
the distance between two adjacent troughs is the same no matter which two troughs you
look at. But, more importantly, its is the same as the distance between the peaks. This
distance which is a characteristic of the wave is called the wavelength. Waves have a
characteristic wavelength. The symbol for the wavelength is λ. The units are metres (m).
 Period
Now imagine you are sitting next to a pond and you watch the waves going past
you. First one peak, then a trough and then another peak. If you measure the time
between two adjacent peaks you’ll find that it is the same. Now if you measure the time
between two adjacent troughs you’ll find that its always the same, no matter which two
adjacent troughs you pick. The time you have been measuring is the time for one
wavelength to pass by. We call this time the period and it is a characteristic of the wave.
Waves have a characteristic time interval which we call the period of the wave and
denote with the symbol T. It is the time it takes for any two adjacent points which are in
phase to pass a fixed point. The units are seconds (s).
 Frequency
There is another way of characteristik the time interval of a wave. We timed how
long it takes for one wavelength to pass a fixed point to get the period. We could also
turn this around and say how many waves go by in 1 second. We can easily determine
this number, which we call the frequency and denote f. To determine the frequency, how
many waves go by in 1s, we work out what fraction of a waves goes by in 1 second by
dividing 1 second by the time it takes T. If a wave takes 1/2 a second to go by then in 1
second two waves must go by. 11/2 = 2. The unit of frequency is the Hz or 8 −1 .
 Speed
Now if you are watching a wave go by you will notice that they move at a
constant velocity. The speed is the distance you travel divided by the time you take to
travel that distance. This is excellent because we know that the waves travel a distance λ
in a time T. This means that we can determine the speed. There are a number of
relationships involving the various characteristic quantities of waves. A simple example
of how this would be useful is how to determine the velocity when you have the
frequency and the wavelength.

Properties of Waves
 Reflection
When waves strike a barrier they are reflected. This means that waves bounce off
things. Sound waves bounce off walls, light waves bounce off mirrors, radar waves
bounce off planes and it can explain how bats can fly at night and avoid things as small
as telephone wires. The property of reflection is a very important and useful one.
 Refraction
Now if we consider a water wave moving at an angle of incidence not 90 degrees
towards a change in medium then we immediately know that not the whole wavefront
will arrive at once. So if a part of the wave arrives and slows down while the rest is still
moving faster before it arrives the angle of the wavefront is going to change. This is
known as refraction. When a wave bends or changes its direction when it goes from one
medium to the next. If it slows down it turns towards the perpendicular.
 Interference
If two waves meet interesting things can happen. Waves are basically collective
motion of particles. So when two waves meet they both try to impose their collective
motion on the particles. This can have quite different results. If two identical (same
wavelength, amplitude and frequency) waves are both trying to form a peak then they are
able to achieve the sum of their efforts. The resulting motion will be a peak which has a
height which is the sum of the heights of the two waves. If two waves are both trying to
form a trough in the same place then a deeper trough is formed, the depth of which is the
sum of the depths of the two waves. Now in this case the two waves have been trying to
do the same thing and so add together constructively. This is called constructive
 Standing Waves
When two waves move in opposite directions, through each other, interference
takes place. If the two waves have the same frequency and wavelength then a specific
type of constructive interference can occur: standing waves can form. Standing waves are
disturbances which don’t appear to move, they look like they stay in the same place even
though the waves that from them are moving. Lets demonstrate exactly how this comes
about. Imagine a long string with waves being sent down it from either end.
 Reflection from a fixed end
If waves are reflected from a fixed end, for example tieing the end of a rope to a
pole and then sending waves down it. The fixed end will always be a node. Remember:
Waves reflected from a fixed end undergo a phase shift. The wavelength, amplitude and
speed of the wave cannot affect this, the fixed end is always a node.
 Reflection from an open end
If waves are reflected from end, which is free to move, it is an anti-node. For
example tieing the end of a rope to a ring, which can move up and down, around the
pole. Remember: The waves sent down the string are reflected but do not suffer a phase
 Wavelengths of standing waves with fixed and open ends
There are many applications which make use of the properties of waves and the
use of fixed and free ends. Most musical instruments rely on the basic picture that we
have presented to create specific sounds, either through standing pressure waves or
standing vibratory waves in strings. The key is to understand that a standing wave must
be created in the medium that is oscillating. There are constraints as to what wavelengths
can form standing waves in a medium. For example, if we consider a tube of gas it can
have • both ends open (Case 1) • one end open and one end closed (Case 2) • both ends
closed (Case 3). Each of these cases is slightly different because the open or closed end
determines whether a node or anti-node will form when a standing wave is created in the
tube. These are the primary constraints when we determine the wavelengths of potential
standing waves. These constraints must be met
 Diffraction
One of the most interesting, and also very useful, properties of waves is
diffraction. When a wave strikes a barrier with a hole only part of the wave can move
through the hole. If the hole is similar in size to the wavelength of the wave diffractions
occurs. The waves that comes through the hole no longer looks like a straight wave front.
It bends around the edges of the hole. If the hole is small enough it acts like a point
source of circular waves. This bending around the edges of the hole is called diffraction.
To illustrate this behaviour we start by with Huygen’s principle.
 Dispersion
Dispersion is a property of waves where the speed of the wave through a medium
depends on the frequency. So if two waves enter the same dispersive medium and have
different frequencies they will have different speeds in that medium even if they both
entered with the same speed. We will come back to this topic in optics.

3.2. Advantage and Weakness of Books

 Advantages Main Book
 This book has an attractive cover that makes readers interested in reading it
 Materials that focus only on waves with illustrative images make readers more able
to master the material
 In this book, each chapter always contains questions and discussions to make it
easier for students to study and there is no need to look up waves and questions for
independent practice, the writing is not too small so it is easy to read, and there is
always a physicist character.

 Weakness of Main Book

 The language used in this book contains many foreign terms , so it is not easy to
understand .

 Advantages of Comparison Book

 The language used is understandable, so it's easy to understand.
 In this book, there are several pictures that match
 the material being studied, so that the existing material is easier to understand
 The pictures used are also easy to learn and the pictures are quite clear

 Weakness of Comparison Book

 There are several placements of punctuation marks that are not quite right.
 There are several languages that are less to understand

A. Conslusion
On this occasion, I can conclude that this book also has its own strengths and
weaknesses, as we can see from the presentation of the practice and the explanation given.
With the task of critically writing this book, we instill in us the curiosity of new knowledge
to find out the contents of the book, the ways in which we find the weaknesses and strengths
of the book. And indirectly we instill curiosity in each of us.

B. Suggestion
Hopefully, with this critical book review, we will understand more about how to
analyze and criticize books. The author realizes that this critical book review is still far from
perfect, so the author expects constructive criticism and suggestions from readers to
improve this assignment in the future.

Walker, Jearl. 2021. Fundamentals Of Physics. United States of America: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc
FHSST Authors. 2005. The Free High School Science Texts: A Textbook for High School
Students Studying Physics. Boston: Free Software Foundation, Inc

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