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Name: Jessaine Julliane C.


1. How is your life affected by the information age?

Luckily, I am a member of the information age generation, and I believe that the
widespread availability of information is essential for an individual's intellectual growth
and character development. Our generation is fortunate because we have access to
textbooks and printed materials that help us expand our knowledge. With access to
unlimited sources of information, we can form diverse perspectives and develop
awareness and understanding about life and society. Access to information is the key to
intellectual growth and social stability. Therefore, we should continue to use this access
to information for good and meaningful purposes, and avoid using it for personal gain
such as spreading fake news or using it for clout. Technology is extremely beneficial,
both historically and currently, and it will continue to be so in the future. However, if we
misuse it, it can lead to destruction. I am grateful to be living in the information age
because we need information to keep us informed, alert, knowledgeable, and wise.
Information is always available, in books, newspapers, and other sources, and we must
use it responsibly because without Gutenberg's invention, we would barely be surviving

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