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Commission on Higher Education

University of Southern Mindanao

College of Education
Elementary Department

Demonstration Lesson Plan in Science

June, 2022

At the end of this 45 minutes lesson with 75% proficiency level, the pupils
should be able to;
A. discuss the different source of electricity;
B. illustrate the different uses of source of electricity; and
C. Show cooperation in all class activity about source of electricity.

A. TOPIC: Source of Electricity
B. REFERENCE: Science Teachers Guide pp. 160-161
Learner’s Material pp. 143-144
C. MATERIALS: Printed pictures, manila papers
D. METHOD: Deductive Method



A. Preliminary Activity
a. Prayer
 May I request everyone to please (The pupils will pray)
stand up and let us pray?
b. Greetings
 Good Morning class?  Good Morning teacher
 How are you today?  We’re good
c. Checking of Attendance
 Are all present today?  Yes teacher
d. Setting of Classroom Standard
 When the class started, what are the  Listen, cooperate, raise your
things do we need to do? right hand if you want to
 Am I expecting it from you? answer.
e. Checking of Assignment/ Review
 Exchange paper with your
 What are the 3 layers of  Core
Earth?  Mantle
 Crust
 What is the two type of core?  Inner and outer core
 Please pass your paper forward.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
 Count 1-3 for your groupings.
 Did you all know the game ‘4 pics 1  Yes teacher
 So instead of 4 pics, we have 2 pics.
And give the word what the pictures
 The first group who can complete
the word first will be the winner.

 What are the words that you form?  Electric Oven
 Computer
 Flashlight
 Electric Fan
 Mobile Phone
 Television

 Do you have those things in your  Yes teacher

 I have here a flashlight, what will  Battery
you use to make it on?
 Aside from battery, how does this  Plugged- in to the outlet
flashlight can on?
 Very Good. How about the electric  Plugged- in to the outlet
fan, what do you use to make it on?
 How about the television?  Plugged- in to the outlet
 How about the cellphone?  Battery and plugged- in to
 That’s right. We use both battery the outlet
and electricity to turn on our

2. Presentation
 What can you see in the first  Batteries
Batteries  Battery- a container consisting of one or
more cells, in which chemical energy is
 What comes first in your mind when converted to electricity and used as
you hear the word battery? source of power.

 How about in the next picture?

Electric Power Station

 When do we use Electric Power Station? Electric Power Station- is an industrial

facility used to generate electric power with
the help of one or more generators which
converts different energy sources into electric

 How about this picture?

Generator- a dynamo or similar machine for
 When do we use the generator? converting mechanical energy into electricity.

 Take a look at the last picture, what do you  Solar Power


Solar Power

 When do we use solar power? Solar Power- power obtained by harnessing

the energy of the sun’s rays.
3. Activity Proper
 For now, we will have a group activity.
Each group must have their leader. Your
group earlier will be remaining as your
 I’m going to distribute an activity chart and
envelope. Each envelope contains different
pictures of appliances or objects that we
use at home. You are going to place the
picture according to their group.

Lesson 1. Source of Electricity

Activity 1. Our Appliances at Home

Look at the pictures, classify the objects that

operate using battery, plugged- in outlet or
operate using both battery and plugged- in outlet.

Using Both
Battery Plugged- in Sources
Outletl (battery and
4. Post Activity
a. Presentation of Output/ Deepening
 Each group will have 1 representative to
report your output.
(pupils will present their activity)

C. Generalization
 Where does electricity come from?  Electricity comes from batteries,
generators, solar power and electric
power station.
 What do we use to operate some electrical  It operates using batteries or electricity
devices or equipment at home? from power station. Some electrical
equipment operates using both sources.

D. Application
 Write B if the appliances is operated
by battery, E if plugged in outlets
and BE if using both sources

1. B

2. EB

3. E
4. B

5. E

E. Valuing
 Is electricity important to us?  Yes, teacher
 What is the importance of electricity  It helps us to operate our
in our daily life? appliances at home.
 Alright! Electricity is important in our
daily life but improper use of it may
harm us.
 Will you give some safety measures  Avoid touching the switch with a
in using electricity? wet hand.
 Removing plug of electrical
IV. Evaluation devices when not in use.
 Instruction: Write B if the  Avoid inserting other objects in an
appliances is operated by battery, E electrical socket.
if plugged in outlets and BE if using
both sources.

______1. Cellphone - BE

______2. Iron - E

______3. Air Conditioner - E

______4. Watch - B

______5. Toy Car - B

V. Assignment
Instruction: Draw or cut pictures of different
appliances at home. Classify the pictures if it
is battery operated, plugged-in outlets or using
both sources. Complete the table below.

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